06-19 LAB MinutesbUNCK�f'Y, j8Tf M6A?,ZKi-N1 DATE: Members Present: I Uy ZIMEMNIE= MEEM I 1 *3 111:4 LI • ;i��I;r;� Il.,j;(1UjX,T,VMaaffl 1. Minutes: Consideration andlor action regarding the approval of the minutes of the May 6,2019 meeting. - Dawn Figueras moved to accept the May 6,2019 minutes as presented. - Laura Wilson seconded the motion. - Motion carried. The May 6, 2019 minutes were accepted as presented. AUdI 2019 Librar4usage statistics. The April 2019 statistics were discussed which were provided prior to the meeting. Melissa Uhlhorn explained that a different analytic reporting was bei used and would be looked at for the next report. The closings for Easter and fo training affected the statistics. Librgly o0eration and other items of interest - The Summer Reading program starts next week. - The Scholastic Book Fair will kick off the Summer Reading Program. - The Fungi in Space program will be Friday, 6/7 from 3-4. - The tech program - Edge - is a benchmark program evaluated quarrtterl�l Beverly Clarke - a long-time volunteer at the Bookstore. Officer abbointments bosW-oned unotAg" - There will be no meeting in July. - Appointments will be addressed at the Schertz City Council meeting 6/4. , = *T# n, 900=4 5. Committee of Committees Advisory Board Update (if CCAB has met): - No meeting was held. - Patti Dilworth will attend 3 pm, 6/19, CCAB meeting as the LAB representative. 6. Budget: Discussion and possible action on FY 19-20 Library Advisory Board budget. - Melissa Uhlhorn presented the FY 2019-2020 LAB budget to the members. 5. Expand the position of part-time program manager to full time. At the current staffing level, programs cannot be expanded. The Library programs are ® 2nd biggest draw to the library after materials. Estimated cost is $26,000 and would be recurring. I. Mini Golf. Discussion on Mini Golf event - Mini golf will be 6/22 from 10-5. - LAB is sponsoring a hole. - Most holes are covered. - Cibolo is sponsoring a hole. - The Library Foundation will be covering the food. - The bookstore will be closed for this event. Item«+»1«- Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on thefollowing items. Correspondence received by the Secretary: - The LAB acting Secretary received a Zan »o letter from the Library staff for the lunches provided during Library Staff Appreciation Week. I » - -- «< 1 < « orary Zoara ryTeMer—M. - None 577 Tne next agena - Scheduling of bookstore sale. - Officers I ^" Laura Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting. Patti Paulson seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40. There is no meeting in July, the next meeting will be August 5. Patti DAworth, Chair Chris Bryan, Acting Secretary