ccspecwksp 01-14-1998 CITY .NCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP SEllON JANUARY 14,1998 . The Schertz City Council convened in special Workshop Session on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Pro Tem Tim Swinney, presiding; Council members Norman Agee, Sr. and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt; Comptroller L.J. Cott, Judge LeRoy Cinnamon; and Deputy City Secretary Dolores Butler. 1. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: No one had signed up to speak. 2. Discuss 1996/97 Audit Report. Mr. Sweatt informed Council the audit committee met Monday, January 12 to review the preliminary audit report. The reserve for the general fund appears to exceed our estimate and will certainly meet our recommendation of four (4) to five (5) month reserve arrangement and permit the establishment of the equipment replacement program discussed at budget time. Mr. Sweatt noted Mr. Fred Timmons was in attendance to make a informal presentation. . Mr. Timmons distributed copies of the preliminary audit report and addressed Council, stating the audit committee had reviewed the report and all agreed the financial status of the City was in good shape, with a surplus in the Water Division. Mr. Sweatt noted Mr. Cott's work with the auditor and systematizing of accounting and finance matters had not only led to a much more efficient and effective organization, but permitted the completion of the audit timely, which has been recognized by the auditor. Following the presentation, the Council agreed a formal presentation be placed on the January 20, 1998 regular session agenda for action. 3. Discuss request from Interplastic Corporation for sidewalk waiver. Mr. Sweatt referred to the November 25, 1997 letter from Interplastic requesting a sidewalk waiver in an industrial subdivision and recommended Council consider and take action at the January 20 meeting. Mr. Sweatt stated that Council might want to consider changing the UDC to exclude a sidewalk requirement in industrial subdivisions in order to preclude future requests for waiver and Council action. 4. Discuss professional service proposal for salary plan study. . Mr. Sweatt stated monies had been budgeted for outside review/consultation and RFP's were sent out. Ray Associates, Inc. was the only firm to respond -84- . and had missed the tet. Mr. Sweatt recommended lh.lty re-advertise for RFP's. It would probably be late March or early April before new proposals could be received and evaluated to have significant information to make recommendation to Council for mid-year adjustment. It could be as much as eight (8) months into this fiscal year before the results of the study is complete. We would have to make a choice - is there money available and if there is, how do we implement the changes or do we wait until next fiscal year. Knowing that is not Council's desire, Mr. Sweatt proposed coming back at mid- year, looking to see if there are funds available to do some sort of across-the- board increase for existing employees with a view that October 1 we will then have the study complete and be implementing it. That is the downside of starting over. The upside is, hopefully we'll get what we want instead of trying to tinker with this one and make them produce what we want. Mr. Greenwald said he didn't mind spending $20,000 for a good plan but this is not going to do what we want it to do. Mr. Swinney said it appears these folks want to take an off-the-shelf package and make it fit us. Mr. Sweatt said we feared that all along and chose not to submit RFP to some of the larger companies such as Ralph Anderson, David Griffin and Associates, etc., for that very reason. We had some other potentials that just did not respond. . Mr. Swinney said there ought to be some national firms out there that could do the job - USAA just had a big firm come in and look at their plan. He asked what would be the feasibility of University of Texas, which has one of the finest MBA programs in the country under some of the leading economic minds, seeing if they would want to do something like this as a project? Mr. Sweatt said we thought about using UTSA or others, and if it were a standard job description and salary, they could do that, being textbook work but this is more than textbook work. Mr. Greenwald recommended the RFP be re-written and resubmitted. 5. Discuss public hearing on request from Lancaster Development Company to rezone approximately 40.66 acres of Kermit Harborth property from R-1 to R-6 and R-2 and discuss first reading of ordinance regarding such rezoning. . Mr. Sweatt called attention to the report from the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z). This public hearing was originally scheduled before the P&Z and under the fast track plan, to City Council back in November and early December. Due to an error in noticing, the P&Z was not able to hold the hearing timely and was rescheduled with proper notices, for the January 13 meeting (last night). The applicant was there and a number of property owners, primarily in the Oak Forest addition were there. The chairman of the -85- CDCDCD~CDCD~o)OCD~OO~CD'CD>'CD~>.(/)x"C ..c: ..c: .... ..c: c: .... ~ 'u .... .... 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It is necesst that City Council give staff some names by next Tuesday if possible. We will begin receiving the sales tax proceeds in March of 1- %% and the Comptroller's office will advise L.J. of the formula for splitting out the % and that will be set up in a total separate account. Down the road, the proceeds will exceed the debt service of these bonds, at that point we have options and it is suggested that the public hearing that is held be held totally on all of the same Propositions that the sales tax was voted on, giving the Corporation more latitude as to projects in the future. Mr. Swinney asked if anyone had been contacted - he thought there were some names suggested. Mr. Sweatt replied he had suggested some names that occurred to staff - some of the people who were active in the bond campaign, former council members, all good candidates. Councilmembers Greenwald, Swinney, and Agee volunteered to serve on the Schertz Economic Development Corporation. Following discussion, it was the pleasure of the members to have Mr. Sweatt contact Mr. Ramon Cook and Mr. Steve White. 7. Discuss trial use of credit card system in Municipal Court. . Mr. Sweatt said we are really excited about this - it has been a long time coming. We began talking about the use of credit cards paying municipal bills a number of months ago. Each time we came to the real stumbling block that it would discriminate against cash customers because we will have to pay a fee to the credit card company for the privilege and we just couldn't get around that. Cities are in the position, not as a business but simply as a municipal corporation, we can add a fee on the merchandise cost for the privilege of using a credit card. That eliminated our concerns for cash paying customers. We have worked with a company that is essentially the handler (the equipment provider) and they handle the flow - the money comes through them. They will sell us the equipment and provide the service and we will have the benefit of using credit cards on the basis of 48 hour delay. There are a couple of kinks to work out with electronic funds transfer but we think we can get that resolved. All companies will have the 1.71 % card charge. We want the choice of end-of-month processing in lieu of them taking out the fee from each card. We think our accounting process is best served if we get the gross payment and they bill us for their charges; however, for that they will charge us five (.05) additional basis points, bringing the credit card charge to 1.76%. We think that is okay - have some equipment to buy. The judge believes this probably represents a way to immediately enhance our collection effort. All of the credit card companies, with the exception of American Express, are at this 1.71 %. American Express is at 3. something %, accounting for all the advertising you see. Part of the anticipated equipment cost is an imprinter. We'll have a machine here but we propose that we will own one (1) imprinter that will actually go with the warrant officer for field collections to keep from arresting the body. Mark and Judge Cinnamon are both here to answer any . -87- .... :a CD "C '5 CD (/) ::J CD ..c: .... ~ CO "C ~ (/) CO "C CO ..c. >. CD c: c: .~ -c (J)m .(/) ~ ::J ~u (/) .13 CD c: > CD .~ ..c:0 .2> c: E"C CO ::J..c: O..c: >'u (/)E c: 3= o ~uf (/)"C CD ~ ::J CO C"U CDC: CD'- -CD CD.o ..c: = .... '- ....3= CO.... ..c:::J 3=.0 3= CO o ~ c:CO ~O .... .- - c: c: 0 "C.... .- c: ~<( "Cc: CD CO "C(J) "CCD CO..c: CD.... ..cc: ~'a; CD- ~.o :=CO "C . a; -> ::J CO S>. CD CD U"C '2: .~ CD.... . (/) CD (/) .... >. m CO.... CD ..c.0....... ....c:~ :-Q .~ '5 CO.... CD (/) .- - N(/)~ CD CO ::J o ::J-U f!CD.... CO.oX o:::::"CCD ..::::-c: . ::J CD ~~= . c:- . '''C''C I COCO>'CDc:,..>. ~ "C CD 'u t .- 0 .... 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BID AWARD: cttider and take action awarding biAr sand regarding Ware-Seguin water line project. . Due to the lack of a quorum, no action was taken on this item. 9. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Stated we have had a great deal of success and been real happy with the Lone Star and the Logic Investment Pools. Since L.J. has been here with the assignment to monitor our investments much closer that we are able to do before, not only have we produced more income but we're making a lot more efficient use of these investment pools by short-term, out-of-cash investments as well as some longer terms. We're planning on some very innovative ways of setting up our bond funds and paying directly out of the investment pool. When Council approved those investment pools, we did not go to Tex Pool. Since that time, we have been approached by a fourth investment pool (Texas Class) and they are beating the socks off the pools we're already in by several basis points. L.J. and I have thought about it and we would like to add MBIA Texas Class Investment Pool to our authorized investment strategies and allow us to use this company. We would probably move some of the odds and ends accounts so that we won't have all our eggs in anyone basket and keep monitoring our best rate. . Mr. Cott commented he felt it would be a smart move, give the City another avenue. All the figures haven't been put together, but it looks like the investment pools we're in have made about $63,000 in interest for this fiscal year. Mr. Swinney said the only place he could see where MBIA could get this spread is they are charging less on management fees and expenses. Mr. Sweatt said there are no management fees. Their only explanation of how they are able to do this is that they have investment counselors exclusively using this whereas Lone Star and Logic are using general investment counselors - this company has their own paid investment counselors on staff. Mr. Swinney commented there has to be a management fee, it is just taken out of the entire pool. Their margin is just a little tighter. Mr. Sweatt stated, if Council has no objection, we would like to place a Resolution on the next agenda, authorizing participation in MBIA Texas Class Investment Pool. B. Announced that on January 23rd, at 7:00 a.m. council members need to be at Randolph Air Force Base for the briefing, base and facility tour and flight simulator. . C. Reminded Council of a tour of the new County facilities scheduled for February 2th. -89- 10. ITEMS BY COU~L: Mr. AQee: A. Mentioned he haAended the Senior Citizens meeting last night and Sharon Fruge, Jackie Jones and Warren Klebig were reelected for new terms. Sharon is now the chairman. . B. Commended Mr. Sweatt's candidacy as a representative to the Texas City Manager's Association Board. C. Asked about the street sweeper making skid marks on the roadway. Mr. Sweatt said it is the brush and some adjustments have been made but it is still leaving that skid mark. Mr. Greenwald: A. Quoted from a letter dated October 27 that Mr. Wolverton, County Commissioner sent to Mr. Long in reference to Freeway Manor Subdivision stating the county accepted final plat in January, 1958. The maintenance on the road stopped in 1990 after the City of Schertz annexed the property. If the city would deannex the area, the County, by law must resume maintenance but it would be a class C gravel road. On 12/12/97 another letter was written apologizing for the 10/27 letter regarding the county's maintenance of the roads in Freeway Manor. Mr. Terpa has no records of ever accepting the roads in the subdivision or ever doing any maintenance on the roads. The reason for this is that the developer never built the roads to County specification; the only records the County has is that the subdivision was approved. If Freeway Manor is deannexed, all roads must be brought up to County standards prior to any acceptance. . B. Announced that Planning and Zoning got another nice looking plat, a 134,400 square foot building in Tri-County Industrial Park for Genuine Parts Company, (office furniture parts) out of Atlanta, Georgia. C. Commented that he and Johnny Bierschwale went to the Canyon Regional Water Authority Monday night and they have selected the route for the water line coming between FM 78 and IH-35 behind Marion and Cibolo, come across country, down FM 3009 and that will be our pickup point. Right now, preliminary estimate is $26.3 million for 26 miles of right of way, line, pumps, tanks, etc. One of the proposals from Guadalupe Blanco River Authority was they build the plant - finance and maintain it then the cost goes to $3.78 per thousand. GBRA was adamant about Schertz being the last of the Guadalupe County cities to be serviced. D. Remarked that one of the things Planning and Zoning asked last night was (in the next newsletter) the possibility of getting some homeowners associations or civic clubs to do some clean-up on FM 3009. 11. ITEMS BY MAYOR: There were none. . -90-