ccspecwksp 12-15-1999 . . . SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 15, 1999 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmembers Pia Jarman; Reginna Agee and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Councilmembers Joe Potempa and Glyn D. Williams. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary Norma Althouse. Due to the number of citizens attending for the presentation of Christmas Lighting awards, this activity was moved to the Council Chambers by Mayor Baldwin. Steve Simonson, Asst. City Manager, was in charge of making the presentations. The winners each received a plaque, and/or a gift certificate from a Schertz merchant and the placing of a sign on their property announcing they were a winner. The winners were as follows: Creativity - First Place - 400 Brooks - Phyllis McNeal Creativity - Second Place - 2520 Hidden Grove - M.L. & Pamela Williams Subdivision Entrance - First Place - Carolina Crossing Subdivision Entrance - Second Place - Savannah Square Theme - First Place - 120 Patrick Henry - Don Pentacost Theme - Second Place -145 Valley Oak - Ruth Rivett Combined Effort - First Place (2 homes) - 502/503 Windburn - Connie Alvarez and Jenny Frasman Combined Effort - Second Place (2homes) - 1064/1068 Curtiss - Phillip Steinberg and Richard Draper Lighting - First Place - 528 Curtiss - Tommy Hunter Lighting - Second Place - 2528 Bent Tree - Ron & Conchi Youngblood Judges Award - 411 Aviation - Rick & Rita Saenz Judges Award - Honorable Mention - 521 Exchange - James Hiebert Christmas Spirit - 512 Wayward Pass - Raul & Laura Sontoya Business Lighting - Contreras Flower Shop Business Creativity - Sues Stitch "N" Sew -56- . . . After the Christmas Lighting awards presentation, Council moved back to the Conference Room for the workshop. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS William Gignac of 173 Valley Oak had signed up to speak. Mr. Gignac stated he had three issues to bring before Council. First, he announced he was happy to be at the meeting. Second, he inquired about the status of the emergency alert system. It would have been nice if it had been in place when CCMA had their chlorine leak. He referred to a siren alert system and also mentioned that when electric goes off, the phone won't work and this is a problem with a telephone notification system. Third, he wanted to complain about trains on the railroad track. Mr. Sweatt informed Mr. Gignac he could call him anytime, he doesn't necessarily have to come to a Council meeting. He went on to say the City feels the sirens are a drawback, the telephone notification system leaves a message in the area, and the cable emergency crawl system is getting better. Mayor Baldwin asked if the siren will be moved and Mr. Sweatt replied perhaps to the park area. Mr. Gignac requested that Mr. Sweatt put an article in the Newsletter updating the citizens on emergency alert system plans. Mr. Gignac then commented that on December 4th, engine 6012 157 blocked the crossing and pathway to the Dietz Creek bridge from 4:10 p.m. until 4:50 p.m. The State law says you can't block for more than five minutes except in an emergency. The City of Marion has put the railroad on notice that they will cite them for blocking a crossing. Mayor Baldwin asked if there had been a problem and Mr. Sweatt replied yes, they had some kind of problem with fuel. Mayor Baldwin observed a situation like that could be dangerous. Mayor Baldwin then mentioned there was a group represented at one of the TML booths called Railwatch. They do all they can to make railroads comply. He has a sample of a resolution from them and an application. There is no cost to become a member. The Mayor suggested perhaps the City pass a resolution supporting Railwatch. Mr. Gignac stated he would be interested in an application. Mr. Sweatt recommended Mr. Gignac call the dispatcher any time he observes a similar situation such as the one he reported this evening. Mr. Gignac asked if the City has an ordinance prohibiting hazardous material and Mayor Baldwin -57- . answered the City doesn't have a hazardous material route, but they may have something on load limits. Mr. Gignac thanked Council for their time. #2 Discuss public hearing regarding request from Halff Associates to rezone 5.71 acres. Mr. Sweatt pointed out the location of the proposed rezoning on the map. He also noted five (5) letters have been sent to adjoining property owners. The public hearing on this request is scheduled for December 21st. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #3 Discuss public hearing regarding request from Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission to revise the 'Unified Development Code (UDC). Mr. Sweatt advised the public hearing on this is also scheduled for December 21st. In response to growing concern, this deals primarily with bandit signs. Ernie Evans, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, is here this evening to answer questions. Mr. Greenwald stated they are aware of all the inspectors have had to put up with as far as bandit signs. Mr. Sweatt added this ordinance limits the signs to twelve per builder in an approved area. Mayor Baldwin, noting they have to get permits, . asked if the permit is good for one year and Mr. Evans replied that's correct. Mr. Sweatt pointed out like any zoning ordinance change, this requires a public hearing. Council indicated their readiness for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #4 Discuss Ordinance regarding annexation plan. Mr. Sweatt related that after reviewing provisions of Senate Bill 89 with TML and with the City Attorney, they are recommending Council adopt the ordinance included in their packets which states the City's intentions to annex only property or areas which are exempted from the annexation plan requirements (this could be amended any time) and continue to examine areas such as the Municipal Utility Districts as to annexation prior to 2002, and/or develop a three-year plan that would include such populated areas. Mr. Sweatt went on to say the three-year plan requirement includes areas containing less than 100 tracts of land on which one or more residential dwellings are located on each tract. There are other items and Council was provided a chart prepared by TML to try and assist in this explanation . Mayor Baldwin remarked he understands this ordinance has to be adopted before the end of the year and Mr. Sweatt said that's correct. There was a brief discussion on this and the question came up about ET J's. Mr. Greenwald felt -58- . . . that subject would come up again in the Legislature. Mr. Sweatt emphasized he feels the State of Texas returns less to citizens than almost any other State. Council was prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #5 Discuss Comal School annexation request. Mr. Sweatt explained this tract is exempt from what they just discussed because annexation is being requested by the owner. The school district is requesting annexation because they want sewer service. No action on this item is required at this time. An annexation schedule will be worked up by the City Secretary and action will need to be taken at a later date. #6 Discuss Emergency Services Buildings furniture bids. Mr. Sweatt advised that bids were solicited and a total of 7 companies responded. Bids were opened on December 6th. Councilmembers received a memo and tabulations in their packets. The bids and recommended awards were broken down by what items are being purchased. Three awards are being recommended - Texas Wilson Office Furniture in the amount of $31,978.25, BT Office Products in the amount of $25,387.84, and Office Furniture Express in the amount of $2,708.00. The total for all three awards is $60,074.09. Police Chief Jerry Smith had some photos and information available for Council to see. Mayor Baldwin asked if this money was in the bond fund and Mr. Sweatt replied it was not. Mrs. Agee inquired if these figures were about what they expected and Mr. Sweatt answered yes - they were approximately $10,000 over. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #7 Discuss communication console bids. Mr. Sweatt stated that three (3) bids were received. After review, they are recommending the bid be awarded to Sand P Communications in the amount of $6,682.00. Council was prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #8 Discuss appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem. Mr. Sweatt noted that according to the rotation plan policy of the Council, it is time for Reginna Agee to be appointed Mayor Pro-Tern. The Council had no -59- >. >. Q) ~ ~1;)Q)"';Q) ~ CO "0 0 CO C >. Q) CO CO .c. 0 CO CO~.c.~.c. - ~ - o Q) ~ "0 "0 - 0 Q) _1.1=- - C('t) en ~ .c.~ en en .... 0>. (.)Q)- - C CON E 0>_ Q) Q) 0 N I C/)~ C .!: "0 :J :J t r-:~ en.c.5.COQ) ....Q) Q) 0 ..lll:::Q)- l- I- 0 "\..-.c~en.c. O.c Q)"O ~:t:::J 0. ~ Q)ICOCOQ)- en E en Q) 0._ .c X X 0. ~CO - -en ~ C ~ E Q) Q) :J -g ts g' (.) ~ "5 5 ~ .Eco Q) "0 >; C C en CO en co <D.- CO - 0 'en Q) "O<D .cCO= :J'- .c. t:::..lll::: (.) .c -:t::CO C - C c_ C "0 co .- 0 . 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C "O~enco E CO t: .m~ oC/) Q):t::<D W .- .- - co C o.c ,- enO.c. Q) Q)1;) ~ 0 ,- Q) 0.Q) - o..~ t: g.<D<D~Q),g:c co 0.'- 's; ~ e: ~ <D _en <D..2 J9coo <D.c"O -Q)"Os... >4:;: C en C fj s: (.) ~ ..., "OQ)O (,!) o.c.COQ) -- C co C:::co C/)(,,)Q. c:::XC ~.cE .c.c - .- 0 C/) en 0 ~ <D co Z_.c.o. 00> 0 ~ ...; ~ .- 0> ~ ~ ~ ~ o.c ~ . . . ~ . . . . . . . . # 11 ITEMS BY MAYOR . Suggested Council put the Railwatch resolution on a future agenda for adoption. Also suggested the City become a member of Railwatch. . Mentioned they need to do something for the Samuel Clemens High School football team. A parade would be nice and also a Proclamation. Mr. Sweatt commented the park is a great place to accumulate and they could start there for a parade. His suggestion would be to end at the football stadium. Everyone agreed. Mrs. Agee asked what the City's going to do for the band when they win the sweepstakes 9 out of 10 years. . Encouraged everyone to visit the library for the Visions of Santa exhibit. Mr. Greenwald said the San Antonio Express had a nice article on the exhibit today. . Asked if anyone had been to the xeriscape park lately and stated it's looking good. Those who are maintaining it need a pat on the back. #12 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the . meeting at 8:50 p.m. ( ATTEST: ~ tilL~ City Secretary, City of Schertz . -61-