ccspecwksp 01-12-2000 . SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 12,2000 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session on Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmembers Pia Jarman; Reginna Agee and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Councilmembers Joe Potempa and Glyn D. Williams. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary Norma Althouse. Before the meeting was called to order, Mayor Baldwin allowed candidates Elizabeth Kolb, Tom Tannehill, and Jim Wolverton to say a few words. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS George Mower of 501 Brooks had signed up to speak about the proposed annexation of some property in Comal County owned by the Comal ISO. Mr. Mower wanted the location of the property pointed out to him, he wanted the physical address of the property and wanted to know why it is being considered for annexation. Mayor Baldwin advised him all that information would be covered under Item #9 on the agenda. . Mr. Mower then noted that the TIF Board has been in existence for over 6 years and as yet, he hasn't seen a shovel of concrete. He volunteered to be on the Board. Mayor Baldwin suggested he submit a letter to the City Manager to put in the hopper. #2 Discuss request from Smith and Sons, Inc. for well permit. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council they have in their packets a copy of a letter from Smith and Sons, Inc. requesting a permit to drill a well at 125 Pecan Drive. They also have a copy of the appropriate sections of the City Code on this matter. Due to the current situation with the Edwards Aquifer, they do not object to such a permit being granted provided the terms of the ordinance and arrangements for an approved back-flow prevention device and annual testing be stipulated. Also, they would suggest a requirement that the permit be reviewed annually in case changes are needed. The purpose for the request is irrigation for their nursery. John Bierschwale, Public Works Director, indicated he had spoken with Mr. Smith about all the concerns and recommends granting a variance to the ordinance allowing him to obtain a well permit. . Mr. Smith stated they use lots of water. Mayor Baldwin asked him about the depth of the well and Mr. Smith replied he had been told approximately 175 feet to 200 feet. Mrs. Smith added they haven't done too much yet because they -74- . knew this was the first step. They are willing to spend the money necessary to do it right. Mr. Greenwald commented his real concern is about it being an Edwards well and where the Smiths would need to go to obtain permits. Mr. Smith noted, if City Council approves the request, they would have experts take care of those kinds of things. Council indicated they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. At this time, Mr. Greenwald suggested moving Item #6 on the agenda up as the next item of discussion since Norris Fletcher has to catch a plane. Council had no objections. #6 Discuss bids on renovation and roofing work for Municipal Buildings. . Mr. Sweatt told Council they had a memo in their packets regarding the recommendation from Mr. Fletcher on this matter. As Council will recall, the 1998 bond issue funds include $150,000 for proposed renovation work to the existing police portion of the Municipal Complex in order to expand administrative offices. Also, the FY 1999/2000 budget include $95,000 to accomplish re-roofing of the Municipal Complex and the Community Center. The low bid is approximately $30,000 greater than available funds. This leaves the City with the following four alternatives: 1) re-bid the entire project; (2 delete the Community Center roof from the project; (3 award the full project and fund the overrun from general fund and water fund contingencies; and (4 fund the overrun from available bond fund contingency account or earned interest. Mr. Sweatt went on to say the Community Center re-roofing work could be deferred, but they do not feel that a future bid for that work by itself could be done at the current bid price. Based on available funds, they are recommending award of the total project with funding of the overrun from the 1998 bond fund contingency account, which has a current balance of $147,000. They had some good bids and Mr. Fletcher is recommending the bid be awarded to V.W. Brooks. . Mr. Fletcher advised that originally they wanted to go above the existing roof, but the contractor would rather remove the existing roof and start over for an extra $500 per building. He recommends doing that. Mr. Sweatt stated the amount for the two roofs and the remodeling of the police portion of the Municipal Complex is $260,693. The letter sent to Mr. Sweatt from Mr. Fletcher suggested that, contingent on level of available funding, the City go with either the full scope of work at $260,693 or minus the re-roofing work on the Community Center for a total of $226,957. -75- . Council's thinking was to go with the full scope of the work and they agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #3 Discuss appointment of Schertz Parkway Zone Board members. Mr. Sweatt explained two City of Schertz appointments to the Schertz Parkway Zone Board expired on December 31, 1999. They are the appointments of Gerald H. Bethke, Chairman and Bill Pitts. Mr. Bethke serves a one-year term and if re-appointed, his new term would expire on December 31, 2000. Mr. Pitts serves a two-year term and if re-appointed, his new term would expire on December 31, 2001.Council indicated their readiness for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #4 Discuss appointment of Library Board members. Included in Council packets was a list of the Library Advisory Board and when their terms expire. Council agreed they were prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #5 Discuss bids for FM 78 Parking Lots. . Mr. Sweatt advised the City received four bids on this project and they were opened on December 30, 1999. After review by both the City and Ford Engineering, it is recommended the bid be awarded to Pronto Sandblasting & Coatings, Inc. in the amount of $60,922.35. Mr. Greenwald asked if Pronto's references had been checked and Mr. Sweatt replied yes they had. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be placed on next Tuesday night's agenda. #7 Discuss recommendation regarding Stop signs at Savannah Drive and Saratoga Place. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council a petition had been received, signed by a number of residents in the Carolina Crossing Subdivision, requesting an all-way Stop at the intersection of Savannah Drive and Saratoga Place and a suggestion of a change to the existing regulations at the Savannah Drivellnglewood Drive intersection. Discussions with the Police Department and Public Works Department indicate an all-way Stop at the intersection of Savannah Drive and Saratoga Place would be appropriate. However, regarding the intersection at Inglewood, they feel the present use and volume of traffic continues to justify the need for the current three-way Stop. Council was prepared to have this item placed on next Tuesday night's agenda. . -76- . .c t= o Z 10 M I :E ..... o 'lilt CO ~ .. C'I ;!:: e CD D- CD t/) ::) U q: 'S CD a. 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