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Mr. Ford stated that among the things they need to do to correct the situation are to pick up the grade about 400 feet in the Bubbling Springs/River Road area, construct a concrete driveway ramp to the cemetery, and connect existing sidewalks and curb and gutter. Mr. Ford commented that looking at the flow, it is about three times what the structure can handle, so the existing outfall needs to be reconstructed. Mr. Potempa asked when all this inadequate drainage was constructed and Mr. Ford replied in the early 1960's. Mr. Potempa suggested the City step up to the issue of dealing with this situation and go ahead and do all that needs to be done to correct it. This suggestion received the consensus of the remaining Councilmembers and the Mayor. Mr. Williams verified how the project would be paid for and the possibility of getting $2000 from CCMA. Mr. Sweatt assured him there is money in the reserve fund and then noted he doesn't know for sure about the money from CCMA. . #4 Discuss Resolution and Agreement regarding traffic signal at Savannah Drive and FM 3009. Mr. Sweatt explained that TXDoT has agreed a traffic signal is needed at the location of Savannah Drive and FM 3009, but have also said they don't have the funds to install it. Walgreen's has their own design engineer and have agreed to pay the $127,000 needed to install it. The transaction, however, has to be done by the City, a private company cannot do it. The City will act as a conduit for the project. Mayor Baldwin asked if $127,000 would cover everything and Mr. Sweatt replied supposedly that would be enough money. Mr. Sweatt went on to say, in response to a question from Mr. Williams, that he thinks the problems with the Arroyo Verde entrance have been worked out. Their big concern was with the giant oak tree. Mr. Sweatt noted this Resolution will, with Council's concurrence, be on next Tuesday night's agenda for action. Council concurred. #5 Discuss naming of new Emergency Services Complex. . Mr. Sweatt advised this item is on the agenda as a result of Charles McDonald's request, at the January 18, 2000 Council meeting, to name the new complex the Earl W. Sawyer Complex. -89-, . Mayor Baldwin asked Council to express their feelings about this request. Mr. Williams remarked it took him aback and he would like to know all the other options. Mrs. Jarman pointed out we have a conference room named in memory of former Planning & Zoning Commissioner Bob Andrews, John E. Peterson Boulevard named in memory of a former City employee, and Roy Richard Drive named in memory of a former Mayor and one of the founding fathers of Schertz. Earl Sawyer was Mayor for a number of years and remains active in other City activities. She knows he was a big proponent of the bond issue for the public safety buildings. Mr. Williams stated he could also throw out the name of Norman Agee. Mr. Potempa commented he had hoped the three buildings would have separate names and that the new Police Department building would be named after Norman Agee. Mayor Baldwin indicated he was sure there are many deceased individuals from the Fire Department, the Police Department and SAFES that the buildings could be named after, and asked if naming the entire complex after someone presents a problem. Mrs. Agee wondered if the City would be setting a precedent by naming a complex after someone who is not deceased. . After a brief discussion by Council, several citizens in the audience offered their comments. Barbara Baldwin said she resents anyone naming the SAFES building after anyone other than her husband, the Mayor, because he was the one who started SAFES. Liz Mueller voiced support for Earl Sawyer. Mrs. Agee noted there will be those who don't know who Earl Sawyer is. Mayor Baldwin emphasized it's a touchy subject - there is lots of emotion involved. Mr. Sweatt offered to try and come up with a general policy and Council thought that was a good idea. Mr. Williams asked if the City could come back with some recommendations and Mr. Sweatt answered the City has no existing policies about this subject. Mayor Baldwin suggested that, perhaps, the City might want to do as the school board does and establish a committee to investigate all the possibilities and come up with some kind of general policy. The consensus of Council was to follow the Mayor's suggestion. #6 Discuss appointments to Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council they have in their packets a memo from the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, Ernie Evans, recommending the reappointment of David Richmond and Gary Wallace for two-year terms. Both have indicated a willingness to continue to serve. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. . #7 Discuss appointment of member to Board of Directors of Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation. -90- . Mr. Sweatt explained the staggered terms of the members of the Local Government Corporation and how there are members on the Board from both the City of Schertz and the City of Seguin, He is asking Council to consider reappointing Sidney Bauer because he believes in the value of continuity on the Board. Mr. Bauer should be replaced by someone in Schertz, but he feels the favor will be returned next year by Seguin when it comes time to appoint another member to the Board. Mr. Potempa asked about Mr. Bauer's background and was told it is in banking. Mr. Greenwald added Mr. Bauer is a long-time resident of the area, he knows lots of people, and he always backs the Corporation in their efforts. Mrs. Jarman asked Mr. Greenwald if he would recommend reappointing Mr. Bauer and Mr. Greenwald replied yes. Mrs. Agee inquired if they could remove Mr. Bauer if they are displeased with his service on the Board and Mr. Sweatt replied they could. Mayor Baldwin commented he has no problem with Mr. Bauer, but does have some concerns about changing the rules for appointing members to the Board. He feels it was unnecessary to establish staggered terms from both cities if they are not going to follow the rules. . Council indicated their readiness for this item to be placed on next Tuesday night's agenda. #8 Discuss Ordinance establishing two-hour parking limit on FM 78 public parking lots. Mr. Sweatt advised, as Council will recall, the contract has been awarded for the improvements to the FM 78 parking lots. There is a big need to have an ordinance to enforce parking regulations on the lots. Mr. Potempa wanted more teeth in the ordinance than what was presented in Council's packets. The one presented in the packets said: THAT, the City Council is hereby authorized to establish parking regulations, including the establishment of two-hour parking zones, relatina to public parking lots on FM 78. Such regulations shall be reflected in appropriate signage, givina reasonable notice to the public. Mr. Potempa would like the inclusion of the words 24 hour before the words two-hour parking zones. . Mr. Williams commented he would like to see the ordinance say something about the fact people who own the buildings and have or work at businesses along there are not allowed to park in the public lots. Mr. Sweatt emphasized that the Police Department will be citing people in violation of the ordinance. Mr. Potempa added if this doesn't work, then the City should install meters. -91- . Council agreed they were prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #9 Discuss Ordinance calling an election for May 6, 2000. Mr. Sweatt advised the City has not developed a contract yet with J. R. Perez to conduct the election, but he expects they will do that if other entities get involved. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #10 Discuss bids for lift station. Mr. Sweatt reported Council gave the go ahead for this project and bids were solicited. Don McCrary & Associates reviewed the qualifications of the lowest bidder, Holloman Construction, and are recommending they be awarded the bid. After describing the location of the lift station, John Bierschwale, Public Works Director, noted this is a reimbursable project which requires payment from all participants. Others players have expressed an interest to get involved. The City has a utility reimbursement contract that he would like to see extended for this project from 5 to 10 years. . Terrell Miller from Don McCrary & Associates was present and Mr. Sweatt asked him if he had the approximate figures for all the participants. Mr. Miller replied he would have those figures available tomorrow. Mayor Baldwin asked what this is about extending the reimbursement contract from 5 to 10 years. Mr. Sweatt explained this is a standard procedure whereby anyone investing in a project such as the lift station will be reimbursed up to five years for anyone who connects onto their particular service line. The City serves as the collector and charges a 15% administrative fee for such services. Council indicated they were prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #11 Discuss bids for animal shelter addition. Mr. Sweatt related bids were solicited and two were submitted. The City received funds from Guadalupe County and has tried several ways to do this with existing money. The project, however, exceeds the funding amount of $100,000. Some of the money will have to be funded internally. . After review, it is recommended the bid be awarded to Holloman Corp. in the amount of $108,501. The project is a reasonable price, but exceeds the project funding. They do not recommend doing the proposed second phase of the project at this time. -92- . Mr. Potempa and Mr. Williams inquired if this is the same company that was awarded the bid for the lift station and were told yes. The one for the animal shelter addition is a different branch. The branch for the lift station is out of Odessa and this one is out of New Braunfels. Mr. Potempa then asked if there aren't any grants available on a national level. Mr. Bierschwale replied Schertz doesn't qualify for a lot of them and one source they used in the past is not available any more. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #12 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT . Noted Council will find in his Information/Activity Report some Hazmat route public hearing information. Fire Chief Johnny Woodward has been attending the meeting as a representative of the City. #13 ITEMS BY COUNCIL Mr. Greenwald: . . Reported attending the BVY A meeting Monday night and they distributed the financial report. He gave the City Secretary a copy for inclusion in Council's packet the next time. There were 134 children on the first day and the question came up about enough bathrooms. They will try to put something between the ballfields. Mr. Sweatt suggested their best bet might be port-a- potties. Mr. Greenwald stressed BVY A needs to look at some extra practice fields. . Related attending a meeting at McQueeny last night where Gloria Rivera is one of the Board members. Their charge is to have alternate water supply plans to the Regional Water Planning Board by January of 2001. There were about 25 people in attendance. The meeting included a question and answer period. Several people want everything to stop and others wonder why they're not buying from GBRA. He said he tried to explain the situation and the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation's plan. Mrs. Jarman: . . Said regarding the fund-raiser for the Humane Society, there were not only baked goods, but also all kinds of other things. As far as the dog training classes, the pavilion fees were waived and they are usually $1200. Instead of funds going to the spay and neuter program, perhaps they could be diverted to the building fund for the animal shelter. -93- . Mr. Potempa: . Asked what's going on at 107 ZuehL He was getting constant calls about an RV in there and now he's getting calls about another RV there. Where are they getting their power? Last week a lady called him about a chop shop. He spoke with the Police Chief about it, but hasn't heard anything back yet. Apparently whoever lives there is back in business and the place looks trashy. Mr. Sweatt acknowledged that's one of the buildings for which they are asking help from FEMA to demolish. It has been a problem for a number of years. Unfortunately you have to give them time for proper notice. The name of the person there is Ruiz. The Inspection Department is dealing with him. Mr. Potempa asked to be provided with information as this situation progresses. Mr. Sweatt promised to check into and get Mr. Potempa a report, but he can't do it ahead of FEMA approval. Mr. Potempa said he received a call today about someone throwing insulation from RV's in the Creek. Mr. Williams: . . Stated he read an article in the Seguin Gazette-Enterprise about the City of Seguin providing an employee for the land acquisition process for the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation. Is the City of Schertz doing the same? Mr. Sweatt replied no. . Inquired when the bandit sign ordinance will be enforced. Mr. Sweatt answered he will check to see when it was approved. #14 ITEMS BV MA VOR There were none. At this time, Council took a short break. #15 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Called under Chapter 551 Texas Government Code, Subsection 551.072, deliberation regarding real property. An Executive Session was held from 8:43 p.m. until 9: 17 p.m. #16 Action, if any required on above Executive Session. Mr. Williams moved to authorize the City Manager to do whatever is necessary to lease 1000 acre feet of water from the prospective client for $82.50 per acre feet. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried with the following vote: . -94- . AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #17 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. ~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: . ~/~~~ City Secretary, City of Schertz . -95-