ccspecwksp 03-01-2000 . SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 1, 2000 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session on Wednesday, March 1, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmembers Pia Jarman; Joe Potempa; Reginna Agee and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Councilmember Glyn D. Williams. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary Norma Althouse. Mayor Baldwin was several minutes late, so Mayor Pro-Tern Agee called the meeting to order and announced the first item on the agenda. At that time, Mayor Baldwin arrived. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS George Mower of 501 Brooks Avenue distributed a memo, which he read to Council, concerning all his objections to the annexation of property in the Comal ISO. . #2 Discuss second public hearing (March 7, 2000) on the proposed annexation of 16.616 acres of land out of Comal County (Comal ISO property), Mr. Sweatt reminded Council the first public hearing was held on February 15, 2000. He then pointed out the location on the map and said the purpose of the annexation request is to tie into the City's sewer system. He then mentroned the school would pay capital recovery fees and standard sewer fees. Mayor Baldwin asked if Comal ISO has its own Police Department and was told they do not. He then observed they are in our ET J and annexation seems a reasonable request. . Mrs. Agee, saying if there's a big concern about the emergency services (fire, police, ambulance), asked who provides those services now. Fire Chief Woodward stated the Bracken Fire Department services them now. Mrs. Agee then commented it's likely if there were a big fire, Schertz would respond. Mr. Sweatt confirmed Schertz has a contract with Comal County to respond to ambulance calls. Mrs. Agee mentioned the only concern might be if there were a large number of police services needed. We could check with the Comal County Sheriff's Department to see how many calls they've had from the school. This is a school with grades K through 6. The bomb threats have been in the junior high and the high school. -117 - . Mr. Potempa inquired if this school services Northcliffe students and was told it does. He then asked if there is potential for housing in the area and Mr. Sweatt replied yes. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #3 Discuss CCMA proposed rate increase. Mayor Baldwin introduced David Dennis, Executive Director of CCMA. Mr. Dennis gave some background on CCMA. He said they are asking for a 20 cents per 1,000 gallons rate increase, effective October 1, 2000. This is the first time in 16 years they have asked for a rate increase. In 1993 they restructured bonds in lieu of an increase. . Mr. Dennis explained some of the reasons for the rate increase. They are due to CCMA financial projections, annual budgetary requirements, projected impact fee fund expenditures, Deerhaven outfall/Dietz Creek construction project, land purchase paid from impact fee fund, increase of annual debt service, and revenue projection shortfall. They are proposing a $3,000,000 bond sale this spring. They have been told that moving away from depending on impact fees is prudent. Mayor Baldwin commented he didn't know they relied on impact fees. Mr. Dennis noted the debt goes away in 11 years and when it goes away, they will have a small period of time to build up funds. Mayor Baldwin asked what the balance is in the impact fee fund and Mr. Dennis replied $1,500,000. Mr. Dennis told Council he appreciated their time and Mayor Baldwin thanked Mr. Dennis for his presentation. #4 Discuss BVY A use of property adjacent to Community Center. Mr. Sweatt displayed a map for Council to review. He commented they are aware of the BVYA growth, but they are somewhat restricted. They have placed three practice fields on the map and a parking lot. When asked why the parking lot, Mr. Sweatt answered to accommodate parents and in the long run the City will need extra parking anyway. Mr. Sweatt further stated the price for this project would be $148,125. They have spoken with a couple of contractors and the project would be approximately two months away. Mr. Greenwald related BVY A has picked up a couple of practice fields in Windy Meadow. Windy Meadow leased it to them and provided insurance coverage to the west side free of charge. BVYA has also bought some backstops. . -118- . Mr. Sweatt stated there is $170,000 in the park fund, which they would prefer to use in lieu of funds coming out of the budget. Mrs. Agee wondered if the park area could be kept as a park area and was told by Mr. Sweatt it could. Mr. Potempa inquired how much land is involved and Mr. Sweatt replied five acres. Mr. Potempa then asked if we can put in picnic tables and Mr. Sweatt answered yes. Mr. Potempa voiced the opinion this is a good thing. It's about time we did something for the kids. Mayor Baldwin asked if the fields could be converted to soccer and Mr. Potempa asked if the fields could be converted to football. The answer to both questions was yes. Mr. Potempa questioned if this needs to be on the agenda and Mr. Sweatt answered no, but they will proceed with the bidding process. Mr. Potempa then asked when the fields will be ready and John Bierschwale replied next season, perhaps for fall ball. #5 Discuss Resolution regarding proposed non-radioactive hazardous material route plan. . Mr. Sweatt informed Council he had asked Fire Chief Woodward to be here tonight. The City of San Antonio has been working on this for some time and Chief Woodward has been representing the City on this matter. Co-sponsorship of the public hearings by Schertz with San Antonio allows us to adopt additional local regulations. Council has a proposed resolution and a map showing the route in their packets. Chief Woodward pointed out the designated route on the map and explained that the Governor has designated 1-10 as the official non-radioactive hazardous route. He mentioned there was quite a discussion at the public hearing about the Edwards. There was a brief discussion about the kinds of hazardous material this involves and the kind of general and/or local deliveries we can permit if we pass the Resolution. Michael Spain, City Attorney, asked if the City has control over Randolph AFB and Chief Woodward replied no, but Randolph has a plan. Chief Woodward pointed out the City of Converse was not a player in this plan. Council indicated their readiness for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #6 Discuss appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission. . Mr. Greenwald told Council they had three applicants, but only two showed up. They decided to go with William Sommers for a two-year term to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Commissioner George Maxfield. It is recommended -119- . Council approve the appointment of William Sommers. Council agreed they were prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #7 Discuss setting public hearing date for proposed street name changes in Woodbridge Subdivision. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council they have a letter in their packets explaining why some of the property owners want the street names changed. Planning and Zoning has held their public hearing and the City Secretary finds that the earliest possible date for a Council public hearing is March 21, 2000. Mayor Baldwin observed that the subdivider doesn't want to change the street names and the Post Office doesn't care if the names are changed. The consensus of Council was to set the public hearing date for March 31,2000. #8 Discuss Ordinance regarding Stop intersections in Greenshire Subdivision. . Mr. Sweatt advised there is a copy of the proposed ordinance in the Council packets and both the Police Department and the Public Works Department have recommended it be approved. The agenda should have specified both Greenshire Subdivision and Oak Trails Subdivision. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #9 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Called under Chapter 551 Texas Government Code, Sub-Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney, pending contemplated litigation. An Executive Session was held from 8:24 p.m. until 8:51 p.m. #10 Action, if any, on above Executive Session. No action was required. #11 Discuss revised Ordinance granting a permit and consent to PG&E Gas Transmission, et ai, to maintain, use and operate pipelines in City rig hts-of-way. Mr. Spain explained the only thing Council needs to do is consent to have this item included on next Tuesday night's agenda. Council consented. #12 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT . . Stated he would like to place on the next agenda, if Council has no objection, a Resolution regarding a TXDoT STEP action. Council did not object. Mrs. Agee asked what time of day and was told it is at the City's choosing and it -120- . will run from March through September. She pointed out that spring break is March 10th through 17th. . Noted REL Construction is ready to start seal coating again since the weather seems to be good enough now. Mayor Baldwin asked if the ruts will be filled up and Mr. Sweatt replied they will try to broom up as much as they can. #13 ITEMS BY COUNCIL Mr. Potempa: . Referred to a letter about improvements to Dietz Road and asked when the contract was awarded. Mr. Sweatt thought it was awarded in late 1999 and said the County bailed out Cibolo. Mr. Potempa then mentioned how long it took us to finally get the project going for widening FM 78. Mr. Greenwald indicated that part of the problem was that TXDoT, some years ago, wanted a by pass around part of Schertz and we wouldn't cooperate, so we went to the bottom of their list. . Related that Burch Roofing has been parking some of their vehicles on the FM 78 parking lots. . . Told everyone that former Councilmember Barbara Stanhope has sold her house in Schertz and is moving to California on March 10th. One of her grandchildren has some health problems and she's going out there to help. . Commented the schedule calls for a Schertz Parkway Zone meeting next Monday, but he received a call today notifying him it has been canceled. Mrs. Aaee: . Commented her son asked when the State is going to mow the weeds along the wall on FM 3009. Mr. Sweatt said he could give TXDoT a call. Mrs. Jarman: . . Reported she has very good news. The Humane Society's adoption program at HEB went very well. Five of their dogs were adopted, three dogs from PetsMart were adopted and another group had four dogs adopted. How many more, she doesn't know. The Humane Society had a grooming day before the adoption day and several Samuel Clemens High School Honor Society students came to the animal control facility and helped clean up the animals and did a very good job. They will be getting thank you notes from the Humane Society. One young lady looked at cats and found hers that was missing. While at HEB, the newer citizens, some from the gated communities, were very impressed that the City had such an activity. They -121- . didn't adopt, but they did give donations. None of them have seen the Newsletter. HEB liked the program and wanted them to come back on March 11th and 12th. The Humane Society said no because it s the beginning of spring break and they won't have any help with the grooming. Dog training classes have started. A couple from New Braunfels have joined and the lady is trying to set up a web page. Mr. Sweatt mentioned that a natic;>nal organization is trying to set up a web site to register lost and found animals and approached the City about a trial site. It does, of course, involve money. He doesn't know if the lady's web page is part of that or not. Mrs. Jarman said no - this one is for adoptive purposes, but she will ask about it. . Noted the Library Board meets next Monday. Mr. Greenwald: . . Referred to BVY A using some of Windy Meadow's property for practice fields and said there is no parking allowed on Windy Meadow Drive. Could something be done to allow parking during certain hours and through the BVY A season? Mr. Sweatt pointed out they would have to modify the ordinance and of course, once they allow parking, it would be for everyb9dy. Mr. Potempa asked why an amendment to an ordinance - how about a minute order instead. Mr. Sweatt replied an amendment takes preference over a minute order. Mr. Potempa then asked how soon this could be done. Mr. Sweatt answered they could make the amendment ordinance an emergency, but if there's a penalty involved, then it wouldn't take effect until 15 days after it's passed. Mr. Greenwald asked Mr. Sweatt to see what they could come up with and Mr. Potempa stressed they need to do it as soon as possible. #14 ITEMS BY MAYOR · Mentioned, again, it bothers him that CCMA has spent impact fees which were supposed to be held in escrow. Mr. Potempa wondered if there's a way to find out how much money they are making off golf courses, malls, etc. Mr. Sweatt stated Schertz is approximately one-third of their load, so he can probably find out. · Asked the status of the Savannah Drive/FM 3009 traffic signal. When is it going to be installed? Mr. Sweatt answered probably in July or August. It's in the hands of the Highway Department. Mr. Sweatt then said they did a traffic count at the intersection of FM 3009 and E. Live Oak Road, but it didn't meet the requirements for a traffic signal. . Before adjournment, there was discussion about possible solutions to the traffic problems at the corner of IH-35 and FM 3009 up by HEB. Also discussed was -122- . the progress of the new Bordertown going in along the IH-35 access road next to the Atrium Inn. #15 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to meeting at 9:33 p.m. ATTEST: ~.~ .Ci y Secretary, City of Schertz . . -123-