ccspecwksp 09-27-2000 ~. . . . . SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmembers Norma Head; Joe Potempa; Reginna Agee and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Councilmember Glyn D. Williams. Staff present were Interim City Manager Steve Simonson and City Secretary Norma Althouse. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS No one had signed up to speak. #2 Discuss final reading of Ordinance regarding Stop Sign at Prairie Lane and Schertz Parkway and Stop Signs at Doerr Lane and Union Pacific Railroad Crossing. Noting this had been discussed at a previous workshop and approved on first reading, Council agreed they were ready for it to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #3 Discuss first reading of Ordinance regarding Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Block Distributing. Mr. Simonson advised that Block Distributing is building a 377,000 square foot building at Associates Drive and Tri-County Parkway. The plats have been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mark Marquez, Economic Development Director, stated their building would cost approximately $16,000,000, the biggest in Schertz history. Block is the largest distributor of spirits in South Texas. He first made contact with them in 1993. Steve Hughes and Joel Kline are here to represent Block. They have been approved for a 90% tax abatement over a period of 10 years. Mr. Hughes commented they are a private company and he is excited about coming to Schertz. They are currently located off Coliseum Road, where they have been for 30 years, and they are landlocked. The company is doing well and he is looking forward to relocating. Their new building will be a state of the art facility. Mr. Kline added there is lots of cold storage inside the new facility. Mrs. Agee remarked their information says they will be creating 250 new jobs and Mr. Marquez clarified that will be new jobs in Schertz. Mr. Hughes speculated that the number of white-collar workers would stay the same. Some workers live out in this area and are ecstatic about the move. 316 . Mr. Potempa asked if they will be vacating the Coliseum Road location and Mr. Hughes replied yes. Mr. Potempa then mentioned he has noticed they have a large fleet. Mr. Hughes explained they normally have 41 trucks and during the holidays that usually increases to 55. Mr. Simonson mentioned they would have beautiful landscaping. Mr. Hughes noted it is important to them to be good neighbors. Mayor Baldwin welcomed them to Schertz and said we are proud to have them here. Council indicated they were ready for this item to be placed on next Tuesday night's agenda. Mayor Baldwin, with Council's permission, moved next to Item #6 on the agenda. #6 JOHNSON & ASSOCIATES: A. Remove from table, action on proposal by Johnson & Associates regarding Executive Search for City Manager; and B. Consider and take action on proposal by Johnson & Associates regarding Executive Search for City Manager; and C. Discussion of City Manager qualifications. . Chloe Johnson and Kaye Wilson were present at the meeting to represent Johnson & Associates. Mr. Potempa moved to remove from the table, action on a proposal by Johnson & Associates regarding Executive Search for a City Manager. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Head, Potempa, Agee and Greenwald. NAYS: None. Ms. Johnson thanked the Council for asking them back. Then the Mayor and Councilmembers gave some input as to what they expect in a City Manager. Mrs. Head gave Ms. Johnson a paper she had worked up with her expectations and then commented she would like to see an organizer who can delegate and also someone who can set goals. Mr. Potempa wants someone who can give the whole picture and someone who can work with the citizens. Mrs. Agee wants someone who allows input from department heads. Mayor Baldwin wants someone who allows input from City Council. Ms. Johnson remarked that some communities like citizen input and invite the citizens to the reception for the candidates. She gave Mayor Baldwin an example of a letter that could be sent to citizens. It could also be advertised in the newspaper. . 317 . Ms. Johnson asked if the City has a jo b description for a City Manager or does Council want their firm to write one. Mayor Baldwin answered they don't have ajob description, so they need one. Mr. Potempa asked if they have examples of contracts and Ms. Johnson answered yes, but advised they call them letters of agreement. Mayor Baldwin mentioned they need to review the current contract because it definitely needs some changes. It is a model worked up by TML. Ms. Johnson then mentioned they would do a personality profile, which will be comprised of 24 questions on most liked and most disliked traits. Also, there will be input from Council regarding years of experience, salary range, benefits such as car or car allowance, retirement, medical, relocation assistance, spousal employment assistance, outside activities and requirement to live in City of Schertz. Mayor Baldwin commented he thinks the next City Manager should have a Master's Degree in public communications and should be someone who has worked in a City the size of Schertz, and is not on the last years of a public career. He also felt the next City Manager should have a budgeting and financial background. It was decided that Mayor Baldwin should be the number one point of contact and Councilmember Head should be number two. . Ms. Johnson informed Council the deadline for resumes is November 10th and they will determine the finalists by November 30th. If there's a reception, it will be on Friday, December 15th and interviews will be conducted on Saturday, December 16th. The fmalists will receive an information packet and the City will pick up the air fare and hotel bills. Mayor Baldwin thanked the representatives from Johnson & Associates for their time. Mr. Greenwald moved to hire Johnson & Associates to do the Executive Search for a City Manager. Mrs. Head seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Head, Potempa, Agee and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #4 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: Consider and take action on year-end budget adjustments for FY 2000. . Mr. Simonson reminded Council they have a memo from him in their packets outlining the year-end budget adjustments. One of the highlights is that the severance package for the former City Manager will be paid from the adjusted Operating Budget rather than being charged against the Fund Balance. Another is that the Hotel/Motel Fund expenditures have been increased to reflect the additional cost of a special audit requested by Council. Also, an element that was not identified, but pertains to the Y2K issue, is 318 . the SCADA system for the Water & Sewer System. It is requested Council approve a transfer of $11,893 from Operating Expenditures to the Fund Balance in 02 --the Water & Sewer Account. Mr. Simonson noted Council had been provided with the adopted budget, the mid-year approved amendments, the year-end adjustments and the final 2000 budget. After a brief discussion about the Non-Departmental budget, Mrs. Agee moved to approve the year-end budget adjustments for FY 2000. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Head, Potempa, Agee and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #5 Discuss appointments to Planning & Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission sent a letter to Council requesting the reappointment to two-year terms of Commissioners Joyce Briscoe, Tony Moreno, Ernie Evans and Keith VanDine. . Mr. Potempa recommended they be reappointed and Council agreed this item should be placed on next Tuesday night's agenda. #7 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Reported receiving a call from FEMA and he thinks their grant for drainage is in the bag. Related they requested money for software for the Police Department for an emergency notification system and it looks like they should get a $16,000 reimbursement. #8 ITEMS BY COUNCIL Mr. Greenwald: Stated the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation met last Thursday. They are down to getting one right-of-entry permit. Overall, regarding the surveying, and the geotechnical, archaeological and environmental assessments, they are 60-65% completed. They have applied for permits for the other five wells. Noted he spoke at the Caroline Crossing Homeowners's Association meeting last week. They had some water issues. Mrs. Head: . Mentioned that the Planning and Zoning and Board of Adjustment Commissioners need to give their input for selecting a new City manager. 319 . Stated she read in the Keep Texas Beautiful magazine that the City of Berlin, Texas has an excellent hazardous waste disposal (paints, etc.) program and she would like to approach Coronado Paint about that same program if Council has no objection. No one objected. Mr. Potempa: Inquired about the status of the garbage contract. Mr. Simonson answered it runs out in December. Mr. Marquez is working on the RFP. How many hazardous waste pick-ups does Council want per year? Mrs. Head wanted as many as the City can afford, Mrs. Agee wanted no less than two. Mr. Greenwald suggested four - if the bidder doesn't like four, they can submit an alternate bid. Questioned the status of the Schertz Bank & Trust depository contract. Mr. Vijay Jain, Comptroller, answered Michael Spain sent it to him and Mr. Simonson about a week ago. Mr. Spain made major changes and it should be formally signed next week. There will be a copy in this Friday's packet. #9 ITEMS BY MAYOR . Referred to the sample letter Ms. Johnson of Johnson & Associates had given to him that would allow the public to have a say in the process of selecting a City Manager. He asked for some names from Council. Among those mentioned were Roy Richard, Billy Keen, Oscar Anderson, Bob Pond, Earl Sawyer, Adolph Aguilar, Charles McDonald, David Richmond, Margaret Riley, Harry Richburg, D.C. Morgan, Chuck Sharpe, Steve White, Ramon Cook, Johnie McDow, Joyce Briscoe and members of other Boards and Commissions of the City. Mrs. Agee also suggested the City Department Heads. There was a brief discussion about where the reception would be held and Council thought it would be nice to have it in one of the new buildings. The Community Center was also suggested and Mr. Simonson promised to check into the availability of facilities. #10 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.rn. ~ ~a/~n.:' Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: . ~~~ City Secretary, City of Schertz 320