ccreg 01-05-1999 REGULAR SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 5, 1999 . '" "', .,' .' '" The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Sas'sion on Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway; Schertz, Texas. ThefoUowing members were "present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilm~mbers, Pia Jarman; Joe Potempa; Norman W. Agee, Sr.;" Timothy Swinney and ''Ken GreenWald. Staff present were' City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary Norma Althouse. ' , ' Mayor Baldwin asked everyone to rise and join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Those citizens wishing to speak on agenda items (other than public hearing items) or items not on the agenda, will be heard at this time. ' , John Kelly of 3625 Marietta Lane spoke regarding the speed limit signs along Schertz Parkway, specifically the odd-numbered speed limits like 26 mph. He feels they are ridiculous. Mr. Sweat explained those are just warning signs and that only the black and white signs are official. Mr. Kelly then mentioned that the black and white signs on Schertz Parkway say 30 mph on one side of the road 35 mph on the other side. Mr. Sweatt promised to check it out. ":':"":':;:':~:\0<:;l(<:~i~i;ff.2'i':::;:'OtmfNANCI:':'::::i~C'dhg:fder (~Wijct$~ke .':acti6h"1>hi::fiff~Ff~~CIlfl~:::6f:':()fdlriahce" rezoning 26.9 acres from Single-Family Residential'Dwelling Distdct (R-1) to Gated Community (R-6) and 23.1 acres from General Business (GB) to Gated Community (R-6). (Continental Homes) Mayor Baldwin introduced an Ordinance and read the caption as follows: OB.DIN~NCE NO. 9,9-5-1 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE NO. 96-5-28 BY REZONING 50 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF 'GUADALUPE COUNTY AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING MAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ UDC ORDINANCE. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the final reading of an Ordinance rezoning 26.9 acres from R-2 to R-6 and 23.1 acres from GB to R-6. Mr. Swinney seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: -59- . . : ';.; :.:'~i~~~$t$~)~S~~~ (: ~~~~~~l~~;~~r::: . l:J ~ C CD ~ C) l:J C CO >. 0> c c .~ (/) CD CD 0) <( CO 0. E CD 15 a.. c co E !... co .. 00 !... 0> .0 E 0> E '0 C :l o () (/) w ~ . aj c o Z (/) ~ Z :l E CO 0 a..e E CO O+-' !... :l -0 +-' OO+-' CD C :l ~ 0'0 ~+-' CO E c:C 00) 2'~ c 0 0>- E CO E:!: g E !... 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CD .c +-' +-' co ~ o 0. 00 00 C 0> N +:: '0 0> C .~ o 0$2 0> .c I- -' 00 >. -' ~ 00 co -'~o>co 00 0> c('t) >. ~ CO T'" -co...J(O C ~ CO .~ ('t) .~ CO co.: I l:JCOoe:!c 'C CD a.. .- CDI"-('t) .c :2:<<iICO() "",,-NCO LO '" 0> LO .- NI+-I('t)~ LOOWI>' ('t)_+-, 00 I 0>~5l:J c15co"55 OCO(/).c w 00 'cou>, 0> <( '- 00 5 zo>~c.c mOOco.c'E a..~I-~<( I o 1.0 I . Brenda and Jesse Moreno - 3616 Blakely St. Jerome Williams - 3609 Blakely St. Lynn Bauer - 3640 Gamble Mark Clancy - 3612 Meade Robert Creasy - 3605 Gamble John Kelly - 3625 Marietta . Their comments consisted of the following statements: They all sympathized with Mr. Drega's situation. However, they moved into Carolina Crossing because it is gated and safe. They also like a tight-knit neighborhood where they know the neighbors. A renter has no vested interest because he/she pays no fees. They are not comfortable with giving the gate code to a renter because the renter might not be there next week. Renting out rooms in the house could turn it into a mini-hotel. If they allow someone to rent out rooms now, there could be other businesses later - you can't stop it once you let the genie out of the bottle. The investment of the homeowners needs to be considered because once security is compromised, there is no trust left. Mark Clancy indicated he was the one who brought it to the attention of the Homeowners Associaiton after he saw the ad in the newspaper. He also stated he appreciates the City's quick response. Mr. Swinney asked him when he first noticed renters in Mr. Drega's house and Mr. Clancy replied shortly after the flood. There were different vehicles there at different times and one person he spoke to told him he just rented there. . Mayor Baldwin inquired if anyone was present from the Board and Lynn Bloom answered she represents Asset Property Management and manages Carolina Crossing. They were asked to hold on and see what City Council does about this request. The Board has not taken a stance. Mr. Drega has not received an additional gate code, he has released his own. Mayor Baldwin then expressed his surprise that there isn't something in the Homeowners Association restrictions that says you can't rent out a room. Ms. Bloom explained it would take a 2/3 vote of all the homeowners to pass an amendment to their restrictions. There was a brief discussion about exactly what is a tenant and City Attorney, Michc;iel Spain, related that at the request of Mr. Sweatt he had reviewed the by- laws of the Carolina Crossing Homeowners Association, but unfortunately found them confusing. In his opinion, Council should assume a court would conclude that the homes in Carolina Crossing can be used only for single-family residences. His suggestion is that Council not approve the request from Mr. Drega. If they are thinking of approval, then it should be subject to approval by the Homeowners Association. Mr. Drega asked if a single-family classification takes precedence over any Homeowners Association restrictions. Mayor Baldwin replied the City doesn't . -61- . have an ordinance prohibiting the renting of a room, but the Carolina Crossing Homeowners Associations has deed restrictions which means there could be ramifications. The perfect solution is to let the Homeowners Association deal with it. Mayor Baldwin advised that the request for a Specific Use Permit can be dealt with by Council, but the City doesn't enforce deed restrictions. Mr. De Leon, Vice-President of the Carolina Crossing Homeowners Association, emphasized they have their rules and the City has theirs. Both entities are part of the same community. The Homeowners Association can handle their own, so he is suggesting Council deny the request. Mayor Baldwin pointed out that if Council denies this request tonight, then the issue is dead. He then asked Mr. Spain if he is saying Council has the legal authority to turn down this request. Mr. Spain replied yes, but the question of enforcement is a different matter. Mr. Nelson mentioned that if it's disapproved, that doesn't prevent the possibility of making another request. His suggestion is to table the request and let the Homeowners Association handle it. There being no further comments or questions, Mayor Baldwin closed the public hearing. . #4 Consider and take action on above request for a Specific Use Permit. Mayor Baldwin reminded Council they either need to continue discussion on the matter or make a motion. Mr. Agee commented, in his opinion, they should go with the advice of the City Attorney and disapprove the request. The decision should have gone to the Homeowners Association first. Mrs. Jarman remarked they cannot enforce an ordinance that is not on the books of the City of Schertz. Her suggestion is to table it until we have either a written consent or protest by the Homeowners Association - they can settle the problem. Mr. Greenwald questioned tabling it and pointed out they can approve it contingent on the Homeowners Association's decision. Mr. Potempa felt it is not a City issue. It should be in the hands of the Homeowners Association. Mr. Drega signed a letter to abide by the Association's rules. Mr. Swinney felt Council should not be in opposition to the Homeowners Association, but should be partners with them in this decision. He asked Mr. Drega if he would consider withdrawing his request and running it by the Homeowners Association. Mr. Drega observed that apparently most people are opposed to his request. He does not wish to cause a problem and therefore, he . will withdraw his request for ,a Specific Use Permit -62- Mr. Swinney moved to accept Mr. Drega's withdraw and remove his request for a Specific Use Permit from the agenda. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion. Mayor Baldwin checked with Mr. Spain to make sure this was legal and upon being told it was, asked for a vote. The motion carried with the following votes: . AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. Mayor Baldwin suggested to Lynn Bloom that the Homeowners Association get its covenants resolved in order to avoid another situation like this. Mr. Swinney thanked everyone for coming. This is democracy in action - talking to each other. #5 APPOINTMENT: Consider and take action appointing a member to the Audit Committee. Mr. Sweatt advised it has been the practice in the past to appoint the Mayor and one other Councilmember to the Audit Committee. The last Councilmember appointed was Charles McDonald and since he is no longer on Council, there is a vacancy. Mayor Baldwin said Mr. Potempa had asked to serve on the . Committee. Mr. Greenwald moved to appoint Joe Potempa as a member of the Audit Committee. Mr. Swinney seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: Councilmember Potempa. #6 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT · Announced there is a meeting of the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation this Thursday at 1 :30 p.m. in Seguin. Let either him or Mr. Greenwald know if you wish to attend. This is a very important milestone in our community. . -63- . #7 ITEMS BY COUNCIL Mrs. Jarman: . Reported this is the year of the rabbit, so technically it should be a calm year. We should work hard, quietly and quickly. The year also favors women and women's interests. It's the kind of year when we should get lots of things done. Mr. Aaee: . Stated his trash is still on the sidewalk and not picked up yet at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Swinney added that's true in Greenshire also. Mr. Greenwald mentioned they haven't seen the recycoing schedule yet and Mr. Sweatt indicated there was a problem with the labels, but he thinks it's solved. Mr. Potempa asked if Waste Management is having trouble with non-compliance to the contract and Mr. Sweatt replied they are not. #8 ITEMS BY MAYOR . . Read a letter from Norman Slocum and asked that Council be given a copy. Mr. Slocum makes some good suggestions, one of which is to list the top five things they've accomplished. #9 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 8:33 p.m. ATTEST: ~~~~ City Secretary, City of Schertz . -64-