ccspecwksp 02-10-1999 SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 1999 . The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session on Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmembers Pia Jarman; Joe Potempa; Norman W. Agee, Sr.; Timothy Swinney and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary Norma Althouse. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS No one had signed up to speak. Mayor Baldwin did, however, welcome a couple of students from Samuel Clemens High School to the meeting. #2 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on final reading of Ordinance authorizing Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Schertz VP Partners, Ltd. Mayor Baldwin introduced and ordinance and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 99-T-3 . BY THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, APPROVING A TAX ABATEMENT AND A TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT FOR AND WITH SCHERTZ VP PARTNERS, LTD., A PROPERTY OWNER IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the final reading of an Ordinance authorizing a Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Schertz VP Partners, Ltd. Mrs. Jarman seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #3 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on final reading of Ordinance regarding traffic signals/traffic lights. Mayor Baldwin introduced an ordinance and read the caption as follows: . -91- . ORDINANCE NO. 99-0-4 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE AMENDED BY ADDING SECTION 18-50, TRAFFIC SIGNALSITRAFFIC LIGHTS; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. Mr. Agee moved to approve the final reading of an Ordinance regarding traffic signalsitraffic lights. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #4 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on first reading of Ordinance revising Code of Ordinances regarding unsanitary, unsightly conditions on private premises. Mayor Baldwin introduced an ordinance and read the caption as follows: . AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CHAPTER 10, MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES AND PROVISIONS, ARTICLE II, UNSANITARY, UNSIGHTLY, ETC. CONDITIONS ON PRIVATE PREMISES, BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTION 10-19, NOTICE TO OWNER TO REMOVE OR REMEDY, AND SECTION 10-20, REMOVAL OR CORRECTION BY CITY; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. Mr. Sweatt advised the City has dealt with recurring problems of high weeds and junk on some properties. They have been working on this ordinance with the City Attorney, Michael Spain, to remove the need to readvertise when there are recurring problems on a particular property and also to remove the need for the City to renotify the property owner if said owner cleans up the property, but then lets the weeds grow high and the junk pile up again. The readvertisement and renotification clause is only good for 365 days. At the end of a year, the process starts over again. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the first reading of an Ordinance revising the Code of Ordinances regarding unsanitary, unsightly conditions on private property. Mr. Swinney seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: . -92- , AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. . NAYS: None. #5 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on emergency reading of Ordinance calling an election to be held on May 1, 1999. Mayor Baldwin introduced an ordinance and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 99-E-2 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CALLING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 1, 1999 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) COUNCILMEMBERS FOR SAID CITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mr. Swinney moved to approve the emergency reading of an Ordinance calling an election for May 1, 1999. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #6 Consider and take action setting a public hearing date for changes to the UDC. . Mr. Sweatt related some of the changes are housekeeping items such as correcting an error in the section about a Traffic Impact Analysis. Other items include tree preservation and the floodplain ordinance. Council was informed by the City Secretary that March 2, 1999 would be the first available date to hold a public hearing and meet all the deadlines required for notification and publication. Mr. Greenwald moved to set the public hearing date for changes to the UDC for March 2, 1999. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. . -93- . #7 Consider and take action setting a public hearing date for the rezoning of two tracts of land on FM 3009. Mr. Sweatt advised these two tracts are owned by Barshop/Corridor Properties and the City is recommending the zoning change because of a proposed General Business use which came before Planning and Zoning, but did not materialize. Planning and Zoning feels the best use of the land would be a Neighborhood Services zoning classification. The proposed zoning change is from General Business to Neighborhood Services. Once again the City Secretary stated March 2, 1999 would be the first available date to hold a public hearing and meet all the deadlines required for notification and publication. Mr. Greenwald moved to set the date for a public hearing on two tracts of land owned by Barshop/Corridor Properties for March 2, 1999. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. . #8 JOINT AGREEMENT: Consider and take action regarding a Joint Agreement for General Elections. Mr. Sweatt explained this agreement is for a joint election between the City of Schertz, the City of Cibolo and the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISO for the election on May 1, 1999. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the Joint Agreement for General Elections on May 1, 1999 between the City of Schertz, the City of Cibolo and the SCUC ISO. Mrs. Jarman seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #9 CLEARING PROJECT: Consider and take action regarding participation in Cibolo Creek Clearing Project. Mr. Sweatt stated he is asking Council at this time to set up $27,000 for the City's participation in the Cibolo Creek Clearing Project. This will be for the removal of debris from the Creek. . -94- Mr. Swinney moved to authorize setting an upper limit of $27,000 for the City of . Schertz's participation in the Cibolo Creek Clearing Project. Mr. Agee seconded the motion. Before the vote, Mayor Baldwin mentioned that Mr. Gignac has some volunteers to help acquire the permission of property owners along the Creek. The vote was then taken and the motion carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmmebers Jarman, Potempa, Agee, Swinney and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #10 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT · Noted that sometime back, Entex had merged with Houston Industries and now are changing their name to Reliant Energy Entex. The City Attorney needs to review this in case there's something in the Franchise Agreement with Entex that requires a change. #11 ITEMS BY COUNCIL Mr. Swinnev: . · Reported that some of the residents in Greenshire are having a lot of trouble with trash from Kaufman Broad. · Referred to a letter he read about the bad smell coming from Beck Concrete. Regardless of whether it's true or not, it's bad public relations. Is it possible to invite residents of the area to meet with representatives of Beck Concrete? Mr. Sweatt thought maybe they could take that a step further and Beck could have an open house and conduct tours and discuss what causes the odor. Mr. Swinney asked what Council needs to do and Mr. Sweatt suggested getting the cooperation of Ben Davis. The consensus of Council was that it's worth a shot. · Commented that apparently there will be an exciting school board meeting tomorrow. Some of the area schools will supposedly be bussing to attain socio-economic balance. · Mentioned there are lots of motorcycles and ultra-terrain vehicles in the greenbelt area of Greenshire. If there's no ordinance covering this, he would like to put it on a future agenda for discussion. Mr. Agee said he thought they used the noise ordinance to control this type of thing when it was going on behind CCMA. . -95- . Mr. Potempa: · Informed everyone Merwin Willman has been in the hospital. He had surgery on his back and is recovering. . Commented that two weeks ago, his neighbor complained to him that the garbage company picked up only three out of four cans of trash. Mr. Sweatt told Mr. Potempa the City is accumulating and making records of all complaints. · Remarked they finally fixed the street light in his area. Mayor Baldwin asked who he called and was told it was CPS. Mr. Aaee: · Noted that Ray and Peggy Rouse, members of the Citizens' Police Adademy, took a trip to Minnesota and both were ill and in the hospital there. Mrs. Jarman: . · Stated she went to the Library Board meeting and was told to go home because she was sick, so she has nothing to report. They were going to discuss problems with the computer. Mr. Sweatt added that the Library Board wants to use the Shoe Shop and he is told the City will get a release on the building from the Historical Society. Mr. Swinney asked if the Board Is aware of how much money it will take to renovate it. We need to communicate with them because of the results of the bond election. Mr. Greenwald: · Commented Planning and Zoning will be sending forward new applications for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance and for a Specific Use Permit and would like Council to approve them. · Related the water supply project is looking good and then said that at the Local Government Corporation meeting in Seguin, they found out there has been an Underground Water District in Guadalupe County for two years and they didn't know about it. It passed on May 28, 1997. Mr. Sweatt added an amendment to legislation on the Underground Water District would be on the agenda of the Corporation next week, subject to their final review and action. #12 ITEMS BY MAYOR . · Read a letter from the Metrocom Area Chamber of Commerce regarding an Alamo Community College District in northeast San Antonio. They feel it is important to have a campus in this area and are asking for an endorsement of -96- 3-f :u: z ~ :e "0 s: :u: z ~ S:"O s: :;0)>:;0 s: "O:U: )> (j:U: ~ (I)::r _ ~ :!.o:", _ ~ (I) ~ :'" m-om m (I) _ ::J 0- (I) (I) en 01 ~~ o..W - m (") "0 '"0 m 32: r--oen '< m ::r m- -...., (J) (J) ::r(l) (J) (J) )>:;00 0 0' (I) ::r :;'(1) 00'"0 x (ii' ;;om )> (")~s, -lOr- ...., ::J:;o (I) (J)m COO'" "11 _::JO OJ ~ (1)- 0 m (I) -, - (") m (I) Z (j c: Z (j 00(1) z<e: m -'m r::: r::: >< 3 C/l=r --, c- o 0 3.m 3 ;l 0 0 ::J-3 (;)--1 c:: ::Jen - O"'m (I) o 0 co::J 0 ::J r::: (I)::J"O :J" ::J r::: ~ 8"0 z- 80 <' '0 2"3 ..co c: (I) ::J o..o..m CI) (I) ::J -1(;)0 ~, (I) (J)e: (j - N :;0 g. ~ g, ::r::Jm o Z ::J ::Jr- (1)-1 0 -'(") ~."Q 3 o..e: (J) o -. O1::J II) -. 0.. s:l.- r::: ::J~ "00 Z 3 -00 () 3 (") (I) 3 :;0)>0 ::J (1)-1 (I) -.< ::J _.(1) 3!: ::r30 3- C/l gm (I) ::r@< - (I) o "11 - C/l g, ::J C/l ~ 2' - (I) o' (") ::J < ...., ::JO m 3 ::r(l)o.. 3 mm(l) men-l 0 az o' 01 en C/l -. ::::l. 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