ccreg 05-18-1999 . . . REGULAR SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL MAY 18,1999 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmembers Pia Jarman; Joe Potempa; Glyn D. Williams and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary Norma Althouse. Mayor Baldwin asked everyone to rise and join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and then following the Pledge to remain standing for a moment of silence for Councilmember Norman W. Agee, Sr. who passed away yesterday at 3:30 p.m. #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session 05-04-99 Mrs. Jarman moved to approve the minutes, as written, for the Regular Session of 5-4-99. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Those citizens wishing to speak on agenda items (other than public hearing items) or items not on the agenda, will be heard at this time. No one had signed up to speak. #3 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on final reading of Ordinance regarding smoking in buildings open to the public. Mr. Sweatt briefly reviewed the highlights of the ordinance and mentioned that a section clarifying the penalty had been added since the first reading. Mayor Baldwin asked for a motion. At this time Mrs. Jarman asked to make a few comments regarding parliamentary procedure on seconding a motion. Mrs. Jarman stated anyone who seconds a motion is not necessarily the co-sponsor of the motion. The seconder considers the topic of enough interest and worthy of discussion. The seconder may vote against the topic when it comes to a vote. Mrs. Jarman moved to approve the final reading of an Ordinance regarding smoking in buildings open to the public. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. -189- I I--' ~ o I :f3S: (I) 03 :""" n.2 OO3'C/) ClJaCD mc2: .........,(1) ;:, (I) ~. a. (I) CO ::T ~ ::TO""' 0- - o 3 ~. ...., (I) ;:, .....s(l) oao. :f;:,..... (I)~::T 3 0- (I) (I) CIJ ;:, (I) (I) 0 03 0 ...., ;:, 030. ;:, '<(D ;:, CIJ ~. 0.: co (I) ::T;:, g@ (jJ . ~ .,0 ::T~ (1)0. ~o- o (I) ;:, (1)0' 0"'" m -. (I) ;:, ;1\.L 03 ~~ "'C 03 ~., _. ::T CIJ (I) . ~~Qm~ 0.....03.0. - ~ co ~. C/) (I) 03"'" (I) ::::00 -. (I) S .....~;:,O'dl ...... !e.o.Q) o C/) -. ..... ..... .....CIJ..... ffi~ffi~~ CIJ~....,o< -. ..... (I) (I) -. a. _.0' CIJ (I) C C (I) o;:J.(I)"o. -::TCIJ::T..... .....(I)r+m::T ::T...., 03 (l)ClJI(I)..... ~ fi) (I) 5 ;:, -. CD ..... ~ g. !e. a. ::T 0 -. -. (I) (I) @ c5 s:;:, CIJ CIJ ...., :""" -0 ~ m C/) Q. ~ ~ -. CD;:' (I) ...., g.::TCDCIJ(I) ;:'(I)o.(I)CIJ @ o;a. (I) . ~. co;:' CIJ.....c..... ::T............... 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CIJ.oIl)...., (I) 00 (I)::T Q)Co-(I) (1)0<03 =(1)0 ...., (I)...... ~ ;:, c x(l) C/) Il) 3. ~ .0- oe:;: 0 ..... -0 0 ;:, (I) ~ '< comS030'......;:,CIJ a. :tCIJ(I)ClJo(l)Q) 03 ~ (I) ~ -0 ffi::r co ':S. ;:'(I):f (I) (1)(1);:' a. (I).....o;:,....,......co CIJ :f...., 0 -0 (I) ~ CIJ ;::;.: ::r -<..... (I) ~.o CIJ (I) (I) (I) 03 00 (jJ....,3<:....,;:,........... a. . 0 s. CIJ ~ -. ...., o ;:,;1\:f30~c (l)C/)g.(I)oo;:'(I)(I) ~ 0 - 1l);1\ Il) ..... Il) ~3o:f;:,(I)o-_0- _(I) (1)00.000 (I) co __ (I) -. C ...., C (1)-00-......,;:,.....0....... -Il) Il)::r;:'o:f ...... ...., ...... ~ ...., (I) 0 -. (I) ~(I)OCO(l)....,;:,;:, ...... ;a. (D < - c}, co (I) -. CIJ "0 (I) =t; 3 -. ;:, CIJ ...... ii) (I) -<! _(I) r+ 0' ....,n'ox 0...., -. ..... (I) -0 '< 0- ;1\ 0 cg.~ClJooc~)>(I) r+...... m5......CIJ~3 ffi~o.co ~::r- ~ -. (I) n, CIJ 03 "-. ...... ...., 03..... <C'" o m CIJ;:' (I) S'CIJ 0- ::r O'Xtc......c =.....0.....-0 ....,...... o.::r::r::rOO(l) ....,(I) =(1) CIJIl)o- (I) (I)"'" a. '< (I) ;:, (I) g. ;:, (Do.o.o;a.CIJ ...... -. ;:, -. ...... (I) - 0 OCIJ.o.o:""",<_ ~;:::;:Q)S: o .~;:, ...., ;1\ 'S.. (I) _. cn)>3G) O'm~m ...., (I) CIJ ~ .,;:, 3 ~~ o co ......- c: 0 CIJ- a. c5 ~. s: g .~ (I) ..... ::;. 3 .0""'3 (I) -. ..... ~co (I) CIJ - (I) ;;r ;a. .. (I) co C 030. ~ -0 ;:, ...., :f a. Il) (I)(I)::r;:' Il) (I) '< -0 O'o~o- ~ o' -:. ~ ~ (I) 0- S' o-ll)(I) '< ~ ~ ~:fg < (I) S'3 c co -'" a. .....0 ::r 0-0 (I) ~ c 3 0 ...... 5 ~-6 ;:, 0 Il) S' CIJ- ;:, COco 0 Il) Q.c}, a;:'3 cCOo ;:,......;1\ a. 0 S' ~ a co ;:::;:OCIJ ~. @ <g' . . There being no further questions or comments, Mayor Baldwin closed the public hearing at this time. #5 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT: Consider and take action on above request for Specific use Permit. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the request from Stanley E. Stehle for a Specific Use Permit allowing him to place a manufactured home 300 feet to the side of the existing residence at 21650 FM 2252. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #6 SCHERTZ BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: Consider and take action on the following requests from the Schertz Business Association regarding the 4th of July Jubilee: A. Curfew exception for park usage and possession of alcohol in the park; B. Resolution regarding the restriction of alcoholic beverages in certain places of the park; and C. Contract approval. . A. Mr. Sweatt advised the curfew exception deals with liquor being served from 11 :00 P.M. until midnight. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the curfew exception for the 4th of July Jubilee allowing alcohol to be served from 11 :00 p.m. until midnight. Mr. Williams seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. B. Mr. Sweatt explained that several years ago the City recognized the concern for outside alcoholic beverages being brought in and every year adopts a festival- type resolution which bars that activity for certain places in the park. . -191- Mayor Baldwin introduced a Resolution and read the caption as follows: . RESOLUTION NO. 99-R-6 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS DESIGNATING A PARTICULAR AREA AND PARTICULAR DATES FOR WHICH ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES MAY NOT BE BROUGHT INTO OR REMOVED FROM PICKRELL PARK. Mrs. Jarman moved to approve the Resolution regarding the restriction of alcoholic beverages in certain places of the park for the 4th of July Jubilee. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. C. Mr. Sweatt noted the contract mirrors contracts in the past. The dates change depending where the holiday falls during the week, but the money has stayed the same. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the contract with the Schertz Business Association for the 4th of July Jubilee. Mrs. Jarman seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: . AYES: Council members Jarman, Potempa, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #7 BID AWARD: Consider and take action awarding bid for check-writing and billing system. Mrs. Sweatt reminded Council the tabulations were furnished to them in their packets for the workshop last week. Four proposals were received and after review, it is recommended the bid be awarded to Secure Document Systems in the amount of $21,861.00. Mrs. Jarman moved to award the bid for a check writing and billing system to Secure Document Systems in the amount of $21,861.00. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion. Before the vote, Mr. Sweatt pointed out this came in under budget. . -192- ~ o .E CIJ CO -0 Q) 'C L... CO U c: o +: o E Q) .!: -- -0 c: CO c: Q) .:::t:. CO -- c: Q) .!: -- m ~ Q) -- o > Q) .!: I- . -c ~ c: Q) Q) L... CD -0 c: co CIJ E .~ ~ ro a. E Q) -- o a. C- CO E L... CO ~ ~ Q) .c E Q) E '0 c: ;:, o (.) en w ~ a> c: o z en ~ z c:o> o c: c:-o o c: +: ;:, u'Q; CO L... Q)= .:::t:.Q) CO CIJ -- -0.9 c:__ CO c: L... Q) Q) E :'2Q) CIJ Q) c: L... 00> (.)CO L... ...E N =ltC\l C=It ::::)-0 :i~ 8~ Cco <C ;:, ::::)CD C)-o cC: ZCO <C~ ~-o =It;:, C~ i8 o~ o,.~ C....., <C>. ::::).0 C) 1i) . Q) CIJ ;:,-0 00 0- 5 =It~.c 55 ~~[~~ ~ :a .~ .- __ CO '$ c: 0 .2 c: .!: ;:, - c: Q) m .:::t:.'f-'.co;:'EU m ~ E ~ Q) 'C ~Q)Q)Q)~1i) .!: - c: 0>'- 1i)I-.o 0 coCl .!!! eC:Q)~ a. .!:.- 0.'E 0__:E o Q) g CIJ -0 ::l .!: m E - m Q) ClJQ) L... _ CO .:::t:.L... Q)00. L... a. Q) -- 0 '0 9 Q) m Q) L...._ ~ L... >..!: a. c: ~~C3;~~ -- Q)C: Q) roU~~a5fi CIJ :s ~ .!: m- E .!Q en m 0 -0 -- Cl 0> __ c: c:-Q)O i ~'> . fi .c CIJ := CO c: c: 0> ~ :5 CIJ .Q 0 .~ U -U -0 . CIJ - 0 ;:,::0 c: c: .- co __ "" Q) ;:, 0 -0 a. c: \U _ +: . -;:, -0 Q) ;:, ~uou L..._ ""' '- .- Q) 0 coC:E.c.!:=m .!:;:'co;:,--Q)Q) >. ~ __ a. m m a:: ~fi~rog;.9~ .8li=::Q~Eo -0 .- 0 - Q) - ~o 8,m-ofi ~ .- .- Q) c: 0> 0 ?; ~ ~ .c CO .c: 5- CO> oU~a. -- +: .~ --'i:: 0 co ro.5~ClJ1i)=-o ID c: ;:, -0.- co Q) ~Q)ClJc:Cl=1i) enmQ)o",,-uQ) Q)L....c,cc:.... L... c: ._;:,-' ~o. Q)=oo- ~~~fi:5(.)~ ~ o .E m CO c: o +: ~ Q) .!: -- -0 CO ~ -0 c: co c: o +: .2 o m Q) a:: co -0 ~ ;:, -0 o L... -- .5 c: .~ -0 co aJ L... o >. co ~ ,..., I 0:: I 0) 0) d Z Z o i= ::::) -I o t/) W 0:: ow> I-J:OO C)I-C ZC)W i=Z::::) Z-t/) WCt/) o::~ t/)<ccn ZC)C OWZ 00::0 ~Nm Q:CC) I Z "'Z- ""'<cO Z Q~::) Z LL <C . W N~O:: ~Zo:: Q: 0 .bCLL ""'::::)t/) . :i C ~oDi ZOO zC::::i. O<Cm -::::)::::) I-C)o.. ::::) -ILLO:: 000 t/) LL WZI-u) O::QZI- C)l-wO Z<C:iD:: -WWI- >O::o::t/) LLO - - -C 0:: ::::) <twOw .JJ:WJ: 01-0::1- . T""Q) ~fi -0 ~-o ":::Q) 0-0 U c: -08 CO Q) 0CIJ 0> co c:o. .~ ~ 0-- -0 ma. c: . o L... +:~ ;:, o . CIJ m Q)-O O::5~ Q).co fio>> .!:.~ ~ ~ -g.~ L....2 0 ;:,Q)= uL....E C:=Q) Ou Q) .!: m__ Oo.!: :;--~ Q)~-o ~ .~ E -0 l:: -o~~ - .!: ~ 8.2 55~j Q) ;:, (5 CD 5 . -0 :g ~ffiE -c ~ c: Q) ~ CD -0 c: CO CIJ E .~ ~ co- o. E Q) -- o a. c:- CO E L... CO ~ ~ Q) .c E Q) E '0 c: ;:, o (.) C/) W ~ o -- -- c: Q) E -- c: '0 a. a. CO 0> c: ~ <U ~ a> c: o Z i.tj ~ Z c: o ts CO Q) . ~c: co.Q -- -- ~ -00 c:o. co (; L...(.) Q)-- :'2c: m Q) C:o E a. (.)0 Q) .. > I-Q) ZCl Wu :i .- I-E ZO _C: 08 o..w ~~ Q) 0)"5 =It en Q)L... 0> c: Q) Q) E c: >..!: .!: L... 0>.- - __ __ Q) C:55CD=Q)-- o a. -0 li= 2: _CIJ 00500>0> c:c:w--mO> CIJ CO ffi 0> = <(0) .- _ ..0 C:'O;;: .- 0::> E-o-~~E~ -15Eoco . -0 U = CIJ._ ..... L... U - -.n CO c:"E=m o ~ ;:, .- ~ 0 aJ -'- 0 0 (1) ,., a. . I CIJ .....:.""" a. L... ()') '- .- L... co ~ fig~o .5 c:;:,----O> oRoc:-oo>~ ....., Q) 0>'- -0 0> CO 0> <( a. Q).!:--c: ~ 2: --.~ ID c: Q)_ 0 co- CIJ 0 a. ~ E .~ Q) a. _ L... -o>coc:o.!: ~+:oozu ..... co .- >."E;2 >.j Q)Q)O>CO.c c: m 0> ...J "E E- .c: 0> c: co L... 0;;: L... . 0> ::> a. ~ 0> 0 __ c;j en~>2:aJmo 0>0>- I E co . CIJ E 0>:>' 0 .- c: (1) I-~Q)OCOC:"'!" -0 w N -- m .c: _.n Q)~:e-Om~C: c: c: U 0>.- C/) 0 'ffi 0 CO ~ fi . Q) - 0> L... L... a. Q) CIJ c: 00:::: .- X2:coCOo":::~ 0> 0>0> ClJq:o Q) -- CIJ :> CO 0> 0 rnOL.!:_L...__ ID__O>m>'O>Q) ~ 0> CIJ., E U -g ::J en.c Q) CO c: .- -0 .- m = ~ co CIJ ~ .2> e '5 CO E 19 ~O>CO>>~'$ I ("I') O"'l r-f I . Mr. Greenwald moved to appoint Glyn Williams to replace Tim Swinney on the . Schertz Economic Development Corporation Board and serve the remainder of Mr. Swinney's term due to expire on 9-30-99. Mrs. Jarman seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Jarman, Potempa and Greenwald. NAYS: None. ABSTENTIONS: Councilmember Williams. Mayor Baldwin congratulated Mr. Williams on his appointment. #10 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT · Reported that the viewing for Norman Agee's body is from noon until 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 20th at the Colonial Funeral Home in Universal City. The funeral is scheduled for May 21st at 1 :00 p.m. at the Schertz Church of Christ. A brief respite after the services will be held at the Schertz Community Center. Graveside services will be held Saturday near Albany, Texas. The Norman Agee, Sr, Building Memorial Fund has been set up at the Schertz Bank for landscaping and other things for the new police building. #11 ITEMS BY COUNCIL . Mrs. Jarman: · Thanked, on behalf of the Schertz Humane Society, all those who participated and helped by giving encouragement, raffling off of prizes and judging at the First Annual Pet Fair. She thanked specifically, Mayor Baldwin and his wife Barbara, Mr. Sweatt, John Bierschwale and Doctor Harborth. Commented they are finally getting good volunteers not only for the Schertz Humane Society, but for other services at the Animal Control facility as well. Mayor Baldwin congratulated Mrs. Jarman on a job well done. · Referred to garbage and recycling collection and said in her subdivision, the service has been excellent - they really hustle. She asked that this please be mentioned to Waste Management. · Noted that today three (3) people were passing around brochures in her neighborhood about recovering from the aftermath of a disaster. · Related that her husband saw on the news where the wrong dog was euthanized in San Antonio. . -194- . Mr. Potempa: · Stated Waste Management is not backing their truck down the street anymore. Mr. Greenwald: · Also referred to garbage and recycling collection and said they haven't had to sweep the street after the last two pickups. · Mentioned receiving a letter from John Reidy saying BVY A is having lots of tournaments and needs lots of support. #12 ITEMS BY MAYOR: · Announced Quantum Medical Group off FM 3009 will have their grand opening this Friday at 11 :00 a.m. · Reminded everyone GVEC has an open house for their new building on May 25th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. . · Advised that tomorrow night (Wednesday) the Red Baron flyers will be at the K of C Hall in Schertz and free pizza will be served. Donations will be taken, with the profits going to flood victims. He will be presenting a key to the City to the pilots. A golf tournament will be held Thursday morning at Randolph also for the benefit of the flood victims. Anyone wanting further information should contact Regis Lynch. The pilots will also be participating in the Armed Forces Air Show on Saturday at Randolph. Before adjournment, Mr. Sweatt said he forgot to mention the VFW will have rededication of a Memorial to be held in the park at 10:00 a.m. on Memorial Day. #13 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m. . -195- ATTEST: ~~ City Secretary, City of Schertz . . . -196-