ccswks 08-27-1997SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1997 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session on Wednesday, August 27, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmembers Charles McDonald; Norman Agee, Sr. and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Councilmembers Joe Potempa and Timothy Swinney. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary Norma Althouse. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS No one had signed up to speak. #3 Discuss final reading of Ordinance authorizing Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Interplastic Distribution Group. Mr. Sweatt, saying this has all been discussed previously, explained the Economic Development Commission recommended approval of a 35.66% tax abatement over the next five years. Interplastic is a distributor of resins used in the plastics industry. This business will be beneficial to the City. Ery Nothnagel was present and told Council they are looking forward to having a business in the City of Schertz. Council indicated their readiness for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #3 Discuss final reading of Ordinance regarding changes to UDC. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council the first reading of this Ordinance had been approved at the last meeting. Council was prepared to have this item included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #4 Discuss final reading of Ordinance regarding traffic control in the Savannah Drive school zone. Mr. Sweatt stated this Ordinance provides for a four -way stop at Savannah Drive and Davenport and a three -way stop at Savannah Drive (north and south) and Inglewood (east). They will continue to monitor the situation to see if any further traffic controls are needed. Mr. McDonald asked if the crosswalk had been painted in and Mr. Sweatt replied not yet. -394- Mayor Baldwin asked if the City received any complaints about traffic during the open house at the school and Mr. Sweatt answered they had not. Mr. Greenwald wondered if they need school speed limit signs and Mr. Sweatt answered he thought all the streets were 20 mph, but he would check it out. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #5 Discuss revisions to parking regulations at Main Street and Corbett Junior High School. Mr. Sweatt noted, that after a review of the situation, they are recommending some changes. No parking on Main Street on the north side from Lindbergh Avenue to Curtiss Avenue as well as no parking on the north side west 65' from Curtiss Avenue, and on the north side in an area 395' east from Oak Street. Also, no parking on the south side of Main Street from Lindbergh Avenue to Aviation Avenue with no parking on the south side from Aviation Avenue 300' west,. and no parking on the south side beginning 300' west of the intersection of Aviation Avenue to Oak Street during school hours. After discussion of all the above changes, Mr. Greenwald suggested the City also look at putting up "No U Turn" signs. Council felt they had enough information to include this item on next Tuesday night's agenda. #6 Consider and take action on plans and specifications for Elbel Road sidewalk project. Mr. Sweatt had a copy of the plans /specifications for Council to review. He commented they meet ADA requirements and there will be passing spots every 200 feet. The base project consisting of 1165 linear feet of sidewalk, including the passing zones and the pedestrian bridge with handrails, is estimated to be #29,870. An alternate additive bid of 495 linear feet of sidewalk to go around the service station and down Borgfeld Road to connect with the existing Dove Meadows sidewalk is estimated to be. an additional $4,076. These estimates include the 200 linear feet of County substation frontage, so based on the City's policy and estimated cost, approximately $1650 could be reduced from those estimates. This is not a budgeted project, so it would be necessary that funds be used from existing reserves. Mr. McDonald asked the status of the school district's plan to put in sidewalks and Mayor Baldwin indicated it should be approved at their meeting tomorrow night. _Inc Mr. McDonald stressed how necessary he thinks these sidewalks are and then asked if there's any economical benefit to the school district and the City going out for bids at the same time. Mr. Sweatt replied he did not know. Mayor Baldwin asked if they could check on it. The City could do it all and the school district would pay the City. He will check with Herb Rehmann in the morning. Mr. Sweatt mentioned the City will not pay to have another set of plans drawn up. Mr. McDonald emphasized the necessity of proceeding quickly and moved to approve the plans and specifications for the Elbel Road sidewalk project and to advertise for bids as soon as possible. (If it works out that it's more economical for the school district and the City to go out for bids at the same time, and the school district is ready to go, that's fine, but if not then the City should proceed.) Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Agee and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #7 Discuss changes to Guidelines for Naming of Streets, Roads and Other Facilities. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council they have in their packets a copy of the original Guidelines approved in 1989 and a copy of the changes being suggested by Planning and Zoning. Planning and Zoning will hold a public hearing on September 22nd regarding a request from Helen Gutierrez to rename Live Oak Road to Guiterrez Lane. City Council's public hearing is scheduled for October 7th. A petition has been received from the property owners along Live Oak Road opposing the name change. Planning and Zoning is also opposed to the name change. At the request of Council, Mr. Sweatt went to his office to get a copy of the petition. After looking over the petition, Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #8 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Announced Alamo Waste is proposing a merger with a company in Connecticut. They will need approval from Council to transfer the franchise. He will be getting more details from Henry Gutierrez and will provide that to Council. B. Mentioned he will be meeting with a gentleman named Jack Rowan who owns the old Alamo Waste site. Mr. Rowan -396- talked with a reporter from the North East Journal and told him Schertz is interested in having a hospital built in the City. Supposedly Mr. Rowan has some interest in that, so if you hear anything, just remember the City is not thumping the tub for a hospital. C. Stated they got some information on money coming to the TIF. At the present time the percentage from the participating entities is 758 of base, but they're considering dropping it this year, on a one -time basis, to 358. There was some discussion about future growth, bond debt service, and what the TIF plans to do with the money. Mr. Sweatt told Council if they wish for the TIF to do something different, they need to let him know or let the TIF know. Mr. McDonald suggested examining it again next year and asking the TIF to come back with a plan. D. Commented they budgeted $15,000 toward a street sweeper this year and with Council's approval, he would like to include on the next agenda an item for awarding a bid for a new street sweeper and approving the financing arrangement for the balance. They would need to finance $68,000 and are getting an interest rate of 58 from Schertz Bank and Trust. They are checking with Lone Star to see if they can beat the 58 and should know by next Tuesday's meeting. Council consented to having this item on next week's agenda. E. Mentioned the City Secretary is considering the purchase of a new Lanier recording system for the Council Chambers. F. Related two Baptist churches would like to rent the pool for what they call 5th Quarter Activity after the first home football game. The time would be from 9:30 p.m. to midnight and they have agreed to employ off -duty police officers for security. This is beyond the time the pool is normally open, so he would like Council's approval to extend the time. The consensus of Council was to extend the time. #10 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Greenwald: A. Reported that Planning and Zoning had a plat come in from Taco Bell. B. Asked if the fact the street sweeper is down is the reason they are getting grass growing up in the cracks of the street. Mr. Sweatt replied no, they just haven't been able to keep up with maintenance. Mr. McDonald: Noticed they're starting to put the fence up around the detention pond in Woodland Oaks and there's a gap between the rail and where the fence ends. -397- Mr. Agee: A. Mentioned weeds behind Robert Stevens that need to be mowed. B. Commented that when you're going eastbound on Exchange and Randolph, there's a bush you can't see around. #11 ITEMS BY MAYOR: A. Told Council they are being invited by Robert Nichols to meet with officials of TXDoT on September 3rd at 2:00 p.m. at the City of Boerne maintenance offices. They want an RSVP by August 29th. B. Commented everyone, no doubt, has read about Cibolo's dilemma regarding Dietz Road. He plans on asking the school district to participate in some way and thinks the City should also participate. He also thinks it would be a good idea to put some pressure on Commissioner Wolverton and Judge Sagebiel to come up with some money from the County. The students need a good road. Chuck McCullough from the North East Sun is waiting on a statement from him in the morning. Before the meeting was adjourned, Mr. McDonald mentioned looking. -at the possibility of sidewalks along FM 3009 and along Schertz Parkway and rescheduling the tour that was cancelled. It was decided to try and set it up for either the 20th or 27th of September. #12 ADJOURBIMENT On a motion by Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mr. Greenwald and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. ATTEST: City Secretary, City of Schertz sm