ccreg 12-19-1995 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL December 19, 1995 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, December 19, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Charles McDonald; Earl Sawyer; Timothy Swinney and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Councilmember Joe Potempa. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City secretary Norma Althouse. Mayor Baldwin asked everyone to rise and join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. #! SWEARING IN OF MAYOR PRO TEM City Secretary, Norma Althouse, swore in Councilmember Ken Greenwald as Mayor Pro Tem. it2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. B. C. Special Session 11-15-95 Regular Session 11-21-95 Special Session 11-29-95 A. Special Session 11-15-95 Mr. Swinney Item it9 where stated it was have been Mr. sure. referred to page 7, three paragraphs above it says Mr. Swinney asked Mr. Wood and not him that asked the question. It might McDonald. Mr. McDonald didn't know for Mr. Swinney then moved to page 10, first paragraph, third line, where it says This iust come acros~ and asked that it be changed to This iust comes across. Also on page 10, third paragraph, the last sentence doesn't make sense. Again, on page 10, fourth paragraph, the phrase have to prove should be changed to have to aDorove. Lastly, Mr. Swinney commented under it11 ITEMS BY there is some dialogue missing between him McDonald about who could afford drug payments and like to have it included. COUNCIL, and Mr. he would It was decided to have the City Secretary check out the tape. Approval of the Special Session 11-15-95 minutes was suspended until the next regular meeting. B. Regular Session 11-21-95 C. Special Session 11-29-95 -82- ~~ Mr. Greenwald ~oved to approve the minutes for the Regular Session 11-21-95 and the Special Session 11-29-95. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion, which carried with the followin. votes: AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Greenwald. Sawyer, Swinney and NAYS: None. At this time Mayor Baldwin turned the meeting over to Steve Simonson for presentation of the Christmas Lighting awards. Mayor Baldwin announced the winners and Mr. Simonson presented their awards to them. The awards were a certificate and a Christmas decoration with the year, place won and City theme on the back. Businesses Best Theme: it1 Kountry Kitchen #2 Post Office Best Lighting: #1 Pecan Grove Mobile Home Park Office it2 Riedel's Furniture Store Creativity: itl Metro Ambulance it2 Pecan Grove Mobile Home Park Office Residences Best Creativity: it1 Tommy Hunter - 528 Curtiss it2 Maurice & Tina Kempen - 524 Curtiss Best Theme: #1 Brummett Family - 509 Mitchell it2 Leroy Cinnamon - 1208 Spicewood Best Lighting: #1 James & Cindy Hiebert - 521 Exchange it2 Matt & Mary Alexander - 103 Pentonville Best Combined: itl The Dewinne's and the Wyatt's - 100 and 104 Howard #2 None -83- ~Decial Judae's Award Spirit of Christmas: Maggie Pena - 1037 Live Oak Road All the winners were congratulated and received a nice round of applause from everyone present. A lady in the audience mentioned the idea of giving residents the option to pay an extra dollar on their water bills and six months out of the year it could go toward paying for fireworks and the other six months it could go toward paying for Christmas lighting decorations. Mayor Baldwin told her it was a good idea and Council would talk it over. it3 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: speak on agenda items (other items not on the agenda, will Those citizens wishing than pUblic hearing items) be heard at this time. to or A. Sam Bledsoe of MBC Engineers distributed a map and a letter to the members of Council. Mr. Bledsoe stated he was representing Rita Russell of 528 Main Street who owns property on Nell Deane Drive and had requested the rezoning of a two acre tract from General Business (GB) to Single-Family Dwelling Residential (R-2) and the request was denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission. They denied it based on two factors, the location of the property in the AICUZ (it's in Zone 1) and the noise consideration. MBC Engineers did a little more research and he is here tonight to present more information in the hopes Council will ask Planning and Zoning to reconsider the rezoning request. Mr. Bledsoe mentioned there's a twenty-three acre tract of land that fronts on FM 1518 and backs up to Oak Street. The Randolph Christian Church is already in existence on Nell Deane. The property in question was a piece of this twenty-three acre tract. Mr. Bledsoe suggested the best possible use of the land might be to let the bottom part of it be commercial and let the top part be residential since there's a church there already and the families on Oak Street have been there for years. There's a drain that comes out of commercial development which will pretty much cut the property in half. It drains Commercial Place and comes all the way back down through the park and down to the creek. They feel Nell Deane will never be extended on out and also feel the two-acre tract is conducive to residential zoning. B. Jerry Morgan, who has a contract on one of the two in the two-acre tract, commented he had canvassed all homes on Nell Deane and Oak Street within 200' of property and they all expressed the opinion they would for the property to be zoned residential. lots the this like -84- Mr. Morgan commented, as far as the noise, Mr. Murphy, who also has a contract on one of the two lots, has lived in the Universal City area, in the AICUZ, for the last ei.<3ht yeal:s. Mr. Mor1an s~~d, he\\fs Uvea. i.n \'i.\')Ql~ ~~y*y the planes fly over all Eh~ ~l~~,!so they don't see the noise factor as a problem. Mr. Bledsoe interjected this looks like a situation that could work and he would like to see Planning and Zoning reconsider their decision on the rezoning request. Mr. Swinney asked Mr. Bledsoe what kind of concerns he has about a T-38 crashing in the area. Mr. Bledsoe's answer was that most of Schertz, Cibolo and Universal City have the same problem. Mr. Swinney remarked he has worked air space .management with the Air Force and has a lot of experience dealing with noise complaints and also the safety factor. The Air Force spent a lot of money developing these zones just for public safety, not as a demand to communities but as a suggestion. Mr. Swinney also mentioned his experience as a pilot and said if he's measuring this right, the proposed residential zoning would be in the area where planes are only 600-700 feet above the ground and he doesn't know if that level of noise will be tolerable. Mr. Bledsoe pointed out the property is on the outer limits of the APZ I, not right on the middle of the runway. Mr. Swinney noted it appears to be about one block to the side of the center line. Mr. Greenwald referred briefly to all his years in the Air Force and his years of experience in repairing airplanes and emphasized that APZ 1 is an acronym for Accident Potential Zone I - the most likely crash zone. Mr. Swinney expressed concern about liability and Mr. McDonald noted the potential for bigger airplanes. Mr. Greenwald felt. the City should adhere to the low density recommended by AICUZ and Mr. Swinney also felt it would be prudent to follow those guidelines. Mayor Baldwin explained that Schertz agreed to a policy with Randolph some years ago to protect the base from encroachment and keep these zones as clear as possible. Once a precedent is set which violates that agreement, then it's hard to stop the flow. We need Randolph and don't want to see it on a list like the one Kelly is on. The Mayor then asked what the procedure is for MBC Engineers to go back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for appeal. Mr. Sweatt replied the denial by Planning and Zoning was preparatory to calling a public hearing. They reviewed the request and found there was no way they could favorably consider the rezoning, so no public hearing was -85- recommended. Mr. Sweatt went on to say the request from MBC Engineers is that the Planning and Zoning Commission be asked to review this again. Council has asked Planning and Zoning in the past to reconsider issues and they have done that. In some cases the results have been favorable and in others they have not. This is simply an advisory action on the part of City Council. Mr. Greenwald felt nothing has changed since Planning and Zoning reviewed the request. Mr. McDonald felt the City would be opening up a Pandora's box by allowing the homes to be built. Mr. Swinney reiterated his feelings about following the guidelines of the AICUZ. Mayor Baldwin, acknowledging it doesn't appear Council would be in favor of the rezoning, aske~ what the next step is and Mr. Greenwald answered they can apply again after a year. Mr. Bledsoe thanked the Council for their time and their consideration. Mr. Swinney advised Mr. Bledsoe to call the people at Randolph. it4 reading Chapter Swimming ORDINANCE: Consider and of an ordinance amending 12 1/2, Attachment "B", Pool Facility. take the Code Use and action on final of Ordinances, Regulations of Mayor Baldwin introduced an ordinance and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 95-M-38 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING CHAPTER 12 1/2, ATTACHMENT "8" OF SAID CODE, PROVIDING FOR THE USE AND REGULATIONS OF SWIMMING POOL FACILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. Mr. Swinney moved to approve the final ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, Attachment "B", Use and Regulations of Facility. Mr. Greenwald seconded the carried with the following votes: reading of an Chapter 12 1/2, Swimming Pool motion, which AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Greenwald. Sawyer, Swinney and NAYS: None. it5 AMENDMENT: Consider and take action authorizing budget amendment regarding crossing guard program. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council that in their earlier discussion about child safety fees and those funds that are -86- expected to be derived from fees associated with certain Municipal Court violations, they mentioned the need for a third crossing guard at Randolph and Aero as well as a l:evision to the crossinq qU.,ard~ar; It is recommended we .. , ,. ,I I '" I t 1 b · add that third crossing gu~~d p~sttton when aenOO ~al~~ aga~n ~n January. The overa~1 impact to the budget, a~tex considering a change which would make the daily rate $10.00 for each of the existing crossing guards and the new crossing guard, is $1465. It is believed that is appropriate and can be accomplished in the projected funds for this coming year. Chief Agee is present to answer any additional questions. Mayor Baldwin wondered if a third person can Chief Agee felt the increased compensation will an incentive in finding someone. be found. help and be Mr. Sawyer felt a crossing guard is definitely needed at Randolph and Aero. Mr. McDonald questioned how much time they put in. Chief Agee answered on the average about 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon, so approximately an hour and a half per day. Mr. Swinney asked if they are eligible for any benefits and was told they are not. He then mentioned that Universal City really decks out their crossing guards with all the bells and whistles. Is that effective? Chief Agee, saying there's not a whole lot of statistical data available on that, expressed the opinion he does not wish to get the crossing guards heavily involved in directing traffic. Mr. Swinney asked what kind of authority the crossing guards have. Chief Agee replied that primarily they come to the Court Clerk and file their own personal complaint if the driver or pedestrian can be identified. Fortunately, the incidents have been few. Mr. kind Mr. McDonald felt the crossing guards should have some of apparel for identification. Chief Agee informed McDonald they are provided with reflective vests. Mr. Greenwald observed the City is making a step in the right direction. We need to give it a try for the rest of the school year and see how it goes. Mr. McDonald inquired if the City provides them with rain gear and Mr. Sweatt replied no, but it would not be a problem to do so. Mr. Sawyer moved to approve authorization of a budget amendment regarding the crossing guard program. Mr. Swinney seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: -87- ,.- , } AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Greenwald. Sawyer, Swinney and NAYS: None. After the vote, Mr. Sweatt added that the placement of a 4' x 6' concrete pad at the intersection of Winburn and Randolph should be in place by the first of the year. #6 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on amendment revising Traffic Code regarding speed limits on IH-35 main lanes and declaring an emergency. Mayor Baldwin introduced an ordinance and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 95-D-39 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTION 18-76 OF SAID CODE; PROVIDING FOR SPEED LIMITS ON INTERSTATE 35 MAIN LANES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mr. Sweatt told Council that with the revision to the federal speed limits, the State of Texas, through the Texas Transportation Commission, has authorized and directed changes to certain speed limits in cities throughout the State. Those changes for Schertz involve IH-35 from City limit to City limit. The speed limit for cars will be 70 mph during the day and 65 mph at night. The speed limit for trucks will be 60 mph during the day and 55 mph at night. Mr. Sweatt further The City feels it these speed limits can occur. stated the signing process is appropriate for Council by ordinance so enforcement is underway. to approve activities Mr. Swinney asked if he understands correctly that it's really our option, but by approving this ordinance we agree to follow the policy set by the State. Mr. Sawyer pointed out the City does not have the authority to set the speed limit on a State highway. If we disagree with the 70 mph speed limit, we would have to request that the State lower the speed to a limit which we think is safer. Mr. Sawyer ~oved to approve an amendment revising the Traffic Code regarding speed limits on IH-35 main lanes and declaring an emergency. Mr. Swinney seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Greenwald. Sawyer, Swinney and NAYS: None. -88- #7 RESOLUTION: Consider and take action regarding Resolution supporting TXDoT's. completion of improvements to IH-35. Mayor Baldwin introduced a Resolution and read the captIon as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 95-R-15 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, SUPPORTING THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 35. Mr. Sweatt advised approval of this Resolution requested by the City of New Braunfels and will be with TXDoT. Other cities along the IH-35 Corridor also been asked to support the Resolution. was filed have Mr. Greenwald moveq to approve the Resolution supporting TXDoT's completion of improvements to IH-35. Mr. Swinney seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Greenwald. Sawyer, Swinney and NAYS: None. #8 APPOINTMENTS: Consider and take action regarding reappointment of Commissioners to Housing Authority Board. Mr. Sweatt informed Council they have been asked to consider the reappointment of Commissioners to the Housing Authority Board. It has been the practice in the past for the Mayor to approve the appointments with authority of the Council. Those being considered for reappointment are Jackie Jones, Sharon Fruge and Warren Klebig. Mr. Sawyer moved to approve the reappointment of Jackie Jones, Sharon Fruge and Warren Klebig as Commissioners to the Housing Authority Board. Mr. McDonald seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Greenwald. Sawyer, Swinney and NAYS: None. #9 BID AWARD: Consider and take action regarding award of bid for xeriscape park sidewalk. Mr. Sweatt related the City received two bids, accompanied by two alternates, for this project. The apparent low bid is that of K-D Construction Co., Inc. for $13,869.00. R.L. Jones Co., Inc. submitted a bid of $16,909.00. It is recommended Council favorably consider awarding the bid -89- to K-D funds, accrued Construction Co., Inc. for $13,869.00. by the way, are not budgeted funds. They are through park improvement funds. These funds Mr. Greenwald moved to approve awarding of the bid for the xeriscape park sidewalk to K-D Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $13,869.00. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers McDonald, Greenwald. Sawyer, Swinney and NAYS: None. itlO CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Noted this is the last meeting of 1995 and he does anticipate a regular meeting on January 2nd. Steve Simonson will be serving as acting City Manager because he will be on vacation. Mayor Baldwin announced he thinks he also will be absent for the January 2nd meeting. B. Reported the City received verbal COPS grant application was approved. very pleased about this news. notice today that the The Police Chief is #ll ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Greenwald: Stated there had been some discussion about the Christmas tree used for the Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony. Some people think the City ought to get a 25' blue spruce tree. The cost is approximately $400 to $600 for the tree and then the transportation would run from $800 to $1000. Unless a business or some citizens want to donate a tree, getting one is not a possibility. Mr. Sawyer commented he liked the tree used for the lighting ceremony. Mr. Sweatt commented it is the City's intent to replace the old tree that had to come down, probably with a red oak. However, it will not replace the tree used for the Christmas lighting ceremony. Mr. Sawyer observed the live tree would be a nice memorial to someone. Mr. Swinnev: A. Asked that everyone send thoughts and prayers to Councilmember Potempa for a speedy recovery. B. Declared he enjoyed the Employee Awards and Christmas Party very much. C. Wished everyone enjoyed working with to 1996. a Merry Christmas and said he had them this year and is looking forward Mr. Sawyer: A. Remarked it's a pleasure to have Mr. Swinney on the Council. B. Wished everyone a Merry Christmas. -90- Mr. McDonaldt A. Asked if there's any update on the traffic lights for FM 3009. Mr. Sweatt replied the new District Engineer does not have the benefit of the previous QleCU~~~9nf iY ni'g ~nlormlng nirn about tn@ ai~cu~~ion with the previous District Engineer. He mailed him a map and some statistics about residents in the area. They will probably schedule traffic counts after the first of the year. B. Wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. IH2 ITEMS BY MAYOR: A. Mentioned he received a today from Mark Campos, who's with Moody's, informing the school district has been upgraded to an A rating. call him B. Remarked he has had several complaints about people walking and jogging and riding bicycles along FM 3009 who still think the two outside lanes belong to them. Mr. Swinney told the Mayor Texas should join the rest of the United States in the 21st Century. California, for example, provides lanes for these types of activities. C. Reported that at the Northeast Partnership meeting last month they were finally able to organize and elect officers. The Mayor was elected Chairman and Mr. Sweatt was elected Treasurer. The Partnership voted to join the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation and the San Antonio Austin Corridor Council. A State representative came to the meeting who is looking for a 60 to 100 acre tract of land donation to bring a junior college to the area. #13 ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Mr. Sawyer, seconded Mr. Greenwald and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Mayor~ City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~ IU-h/~ City Secretary, City of Schertz -91-