ccreg 11-01-1994 ~ ~+ REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 1. 1994 The Schertz City Council convened in Reaular Session Tuesday. November 1. 1994. at 7:00 o.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. 1400 Schertz Parkway. Schertz. Texas. The followinq members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin. oresidinq: Charles McDonald: Barbara Stanhope: Mary Marsh and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Joe Potempa. Staff present were City Manaqer Kerry Sweatt and Deputy City Secretary Norma Althouse. Mayor Baldwin welcomed everyone and asked them to stand and join him in the Pledqe of Alleaiance. #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Reaular Meetlnq of 9-20--94. Mrs. Stanhope mov~q to aporove the minutes of the Reaular Meeting of September 20. 1994. Mrs. Marsh seconded the motion. which carried with the followina vote: AYES: Councilmembers Greenwald. NAYS: None McDonald. Stanhope. Marsh and #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There was none. #3 POLICE RESERVE: Consider and take ac~ion on appointinq two members to the Police Reserve Force. Police Lieutenant Steve Starr introduced Darin Scott LaCour and Ray Arthur Wildes sayinq they are replacinq two reserves who have qone full time. Both Mr. LaCour and Mr. Wilde8 received outstanding recommendations from the review board. Mr. Greenwald mQv~q to approve the appointment of Darin Scott LaCour and Ray Arthur Wildes to the Police Reserve Force. Mrs. Stanhope seconded the motion. which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Greenwald. NAYS: None McDonald. Stanhope. Marsh and #4 ORDINANCE: Mayor Baldwin introduced an ordinance and read the caotion as follows: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. CITY OF SCHERTZ. CHAPTER 7 1/2. EXHIBIT 3. BY ADDING SECTION. 8.01. RECYCLING. AND SECTION 17c. BILLING AND COLLECTIONS. AND ADDING ATTACHMENT 1 / / ~ -: 015 Mr. Swea~t advised ~his is a follow-UD to action of orevious wee~s. This is tne enablino ordinan8e to make ~n amendment to the franchise aareement and to tne Code. There is also a clarification to Chacter 7 1/2. Bectlo, 17 of the Code addina Section 17c reaardina billina collection and payment. It states. basicallY. that each residential and commercial entercrise with:n the City limits of the City of Scnertz will be billed for SOlid waste collection services as provided in Exhibit 2 of Chapter 7. Also. eacn residential customer within the Cltv limits of the City of Schertz will be billed at a rate of $1.25 oer month for recyclina service. Mrs. Marsh mQved to aporove the first readinQ of an ordinance amending the franchise aareement with Alamo Waste by extendina the contract period. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion. which carried with the followinG vote: AYES: Councilmembers McDonald. Greenwald. NAYS: None Stanhooe. Marsh ano #5 Discuss Public Facilities needs and Sales Tax Election. Mr. Sweatt acknowledoed this is a continuation of the discussion which beaan several weeks aao abcu~ ~he DubllC safety and public facilities needs and the consideration 0: adoptina an additlonal 1/2 cent sales tax. Informaticn will be provided in the Newsletter. January 21. 199~, is c!ie earliest possible date for a~ election on this and November 15. 1094 is the latest time the Council can make a decision to pass an ordinance to hold an election in January. Other dates when an election on rhe sales tax issue could be held are May, AUGust and November. but Mr. Sweatt indicated he feels it is uraent that the sales tax election be held in January. The bond election. on the other hand. could be held anytime. Other confusing information has to do with how the sales tax. if adopted, would be collected and rebated to the City. For example. if the sales tax were to be approved in Janllarv of 1995. the 1/4 cent for economic development would go intc effect in July of 1995 and we would receive the first proceeds in September of 1995. However. the 1/4 cent for ad valorem would not 00 into effect until October of 1~95 and we would not receive funds until December of 1995. If the dates of the election were in AUGust of 1995. the 1/4 cent ad valorem reduction receipts would be delayed until December of 1996 and the 1/4 cent economic development receipts would be delayed until March of 1996. Mr. terms Sweatt commented they have discussed only in aeneral the oub11c safety and Dublic faCility needs and --'-- -&:- . .r'.l. dfb suggested the issue would be somewhere in the neiqhborhood of two million dollars. This may be subiect to a review by an action committee. A quick look at the debt service that would be required to fund the two million dollars indicates the ad valorem reduction that would be realized would even out so there would be no chanae in the tax rate. Mr. Sweatt went on to say the Economic Development Foundation is holding a meetina November 10th at which time they will discuss and make recommendations on the 1/4 cent sales tax to be used for economic development. They will not recommend specific line items. just qeneralities. unless the Council reauests otherwise. Mrs. Stanhope mentioned that she and Mrs. Marsh attended a luncheon with three people from Denton where a sales tax iust passed. Denton had a Blue Ribbon Panel consistinq of people both pro and con and used six months to educate and inform the citizens. They all felt the six months was really needed and that's what helped their sales tax pass. Mayor Baldwin asked if that was the first time the sales tax had qone to an election and was told yes it was. Mrs. Stanhope pointed out it passed by 86%. Mr. Baldwin commented he knew of cities that had tried it twice and one that had tried four times. Mrs. Marsh remarked this Blue Ribbon Panel had one person who was liaison to the city council. They left the city council and the mayor out of it on purpose to avoid making it a political issue. Also. they mentioned there are people available to corne and talk to the cities who are considering a sales tax election. Mayor Baldwin inquired who it is that sends the people and was informed it is the State Comptroller's office. Mrs. Marsh stated she would like for Mr. Sweatt to contact the State Comptroller's office about havinQ someone corne and speak to the Council. Mrs. Marsh also indicated she would like to see a Blue Ribbon Panel appointed to study the proposed sales tax increase. The panel should consist of members both in favor of and opposed to the increase. Mrs. Marsh stressed that in her opinion we should aim for an election in Auqust because January is too early. Mayor have the it. Baldwin asked Mr. Sweatt if it would be possible to someone from the State Comptrollers's office speak at next workshop and Mr. Sweatt said he would check into Mr. McDonald aqreed we need some kind of commission to study this so it's not political. We need someone who can clearly explain it to the citizens. Mr. McDonald also felt that January is too early even thouah he and Mark Marquez had talked about it and read statistics that show the best I ) ~ .....- 017 month for an election like this to be held is January. Mr. McDonald iust doesn't feel we can aet the word out in time for January and it would take two meetinGs for the Blue Ribbon Panel to aet up to speed. Also. this needs to be talked about at all the local oraanizations. Mr. McDonald suaaested discussinq it further and makinQ the final decision by November 15th Mr. Greenwald pointed out that time has been spent worKinG up an article and suggested waitinq to see wha~ the next week and a half brings. The article isn't even out vet. Mr. Sweatt advised it's at the printer and snould be ready by the end of the week. Mr. Greenwald observed that both newspapers did iustlce to the sales tax proposal and he doesn't know if January is too early or not for the election. Mayor Baldwin admitted he doesn't know either. We nave one more wori:shoo sessior, to discuss it before makina a decision. Mayor Baldwin mentioned that Mr. Sweatt nas a tape approximately an hour lona. on which a representative from the Department of Commerce and someone who has been in city government a long time both speak on the Iss~e. #6 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Baldwin called an executive session at 7:26 p.m. under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. sub-section 551.071IAJ. consultatIon with attorney on pending or contemplated litiaation. The reqular meetinq resumed at 7:45 p.m. #7 ConSider and take action. if any. on the above executive session item. Mayor Baldwin indicated no decisions were made and no action is necessary. #F:, CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Mentioned the awardino of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence In Financial Reportina to the City for fiscal year 1992/~3 and said we should receive ~he plaque later. B. Reported he and Mr. Greenwald attended a meeting with GBRA alternate water sources. and John Bierschwale had and discussed fInding #9 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Greenwald: A. Related that several cities in Texas are attemctina to secure their own water rights and Schertz needs to set UP a discussion on how to obtain water rights. We probably should wait for a few weeks until after the sales tax proDosal is oresented. ---- :z1 B. Referred to an article in the Express News reportinG that for the first time. the demand in Texas for recyclable material has surpassed the supply. M~. StarrhoQ~ reminded everyone of the Arts and Crafts show November 19th and judges. Senior Citizens said they need #10 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Baldwin stated he had received a call from Donna Lackey. Executive Director or the Housing Authority. asking for his help. She was a little concerned because she had received word from the Community Council of South Central Texas that since the nutrition at Good Shepherd Church is not considered a local nutrition center by the State. our senior citizens are not allowed to ride the van unless they pay twenty cents per mil e . Mr. Greenwald asked who carne up with that idea and Mayor Baldwin replied Mr. Garcia. Program Director of the Transportation Department at the Community Council of South Central Texas. He's the one who sent the letter. Mrs. Good into Stanhooe Shepherd the status asked if they're aetting federal fundina at and Mayor Baldwin indica~ed he would check of the Hot Meals program. Mayor Baldwin stressed our Hot Meals program is manned by volunteers and does not cost the federal aovernment or the State qovernment a dime. Just because it's not funded by the State. it's not considered a nutrition center and therefore our senior citizens are not permitted to ride the van. Mayor Baldwin admitted the HousinQ Authority could probably fund a vehicle. but it would only be allowed to be used by their residents. #11 ADJOURNMENT: seconded by Mrs. Marsh meeting adjourned at 7:58 On a and p.m. motion by unanimously Mrs. Stanhope. carried. the /21g~ Mayor. City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST ~~ - Deputy City Secretary, City of Schertz