ccswks 12-28-1994 ( ~ -J l fTlt ~f spse.. 'I lTlKG i~L2I.L~..J ,aJdIIClh, D1KilIll_. .24. tm The Sot.ertz City Counoil convened in Special WOrkshoP Se..,tonWed.hi "]."',1,. December 18. 1.,.4. at "I.,GO' p.m. in the cPntere,ce, RoaIr ofth.. th4J:llun1:o1lJ&1 CDIIpl... ~UOO Sohertz Parkway, Soherts.-'. %ezas. The follow1nq"a...ra were present I Mayor-Hal'Baldwin.. lJres1.d.1:n~u Char:les McDonald; Joe P01 :Ii,.....; Barbara Stanhope and Ken GreelnlNl.l4. Members absent, Mary Marsh. Staff present were City Manager Kerry 8weattndC1'ty'8'ecr..;........ .lktuia. MtiUnur.. :t!' ,~-I> ~) u. . i-., ~.,... HDRJIIG Of' RB8~... Mr'.GIO~ ,'iMDviir. Rated he had n try1nq to find but aboutU18 'tetter NfeFnd to by Mrs. ' Marsh at' tbe' DeuJlb8r, 14thlllet11lO" ..'. ~ar as he can teI'1l1ne T.bere 1'8" no ,known author:. The letter was signed by a Mr. Larry Addl-. ..r""lrefet:red ..tl)'" 'Q1\81(Jhtl y oondi tlons along IH-35 . Mr. Mowercannotflnda-ny record of th exlstence of Larry ACbils. Al80. Mr. Mower expre. ed h1.sdesire toobtalna 'certifi-ed. ,"':..."..l:bot the tape of th DeceJlbe.r. ath meeUnO' slnce -it l\atJ',not .been fortho mlng. He has written a letter' to "the Attorney Genera regardinO' the tape and Is awaiting instruotions trom hm. / ~ ~. Mr. MU_,r the~ ,marA .' I)aJJltr. h.,.had;~~...."'~lt nvoested that j f we are 8111 to,bUre a.h.'"',',I. new'pu':. .'tM 'Beat way to do it is to get our house in order by savinO' .no. to new taxes. bonds' and spendi1M;J. It....... a rOTa7ft propoSition , ' that "e are' bei RV aslted to f1inanoe an 'eocmoa1.' ..elopaent ,prOGr whlch ..an.. ;the elt1z8ns an' .qol'ftQ'- to'pe.y for any of th busb.ssesthat are given tas." - rel:1.f so the busln. ses, don' t have. to. pay . The City wants' this to partial ly oome from an increased .sal.. tax.wh.:!eIl:..t. counter produc ive to,a Q'OOd 'business cH_te. Ava;Lt\,thaCity of Sohert is insisting on growth at anyprio.. wlu:le at the same ime annexing land containing businesses. Then. when they on't lik..the,looks of a,budn..s. the, ...nd,out the insl)8e ors to olte the business so..how->>ecaUse they feel "it's a nu1sance. - Mr. egoan sl)end! re.ult Vote someo sl)8nd feel a term teal will they a wer finished ,by sap nO'. let '.not ,hJ,...'....t"....b1lnohof acs whe are attempting t~ force qJ.towthlnS.hertz by 0' . our .money in the.. form of tax., tu.. J tax whlch in .peRd.. spend. spend. Allthi. 18. i'rrational. o to new taxe.,. bonds and; 8peodiA4iJ".*t.:i'}:we 'oan get elected In )lay who is ,rational .about'tli\e.., the, the oi tizens' money. Mr. Mower stated those who he does are dedicated to a balanceci"budget, are for iaits, and are for single...mber' db.trtct.. The, ere are Q01llJ)8teot. . caring ,cltizens,,;ollt, 'there who erv.e .a term or two',tosttal.ghte'hout this ..... and e prepared to tinancetheir 0..pa19n -fOr .offioe. -M' ~ 1~ IQr...:.t: .... rJ ~ ;P~1der' nd take action OR aD ....~""" ----- A4J~_Rt vU:h MOOG for .0lld wa.te .tudr. ~- .>3...._ S~. Mr.~ ') "'tt:.: ~ .,ta.:: ; -.Cbu1Mt1d I l~.tIl .'",....... - .I>.,..ndaa :11[, M'~.-~.,.,...t.~.1 ~.~::_, ~ ,. .11'*~ weal :~ct.o,.: i A ......... I'" .t_Il~;;'" AJlIIOe;;.,;:;.....s. . .,za..........: 1. be~_, ..,.."J.deo :ilIIfoilMtUJa-*boa;.....,_opo..cl ;..!fi.~;.~.ut":''I'nft..y;..1:l ,"ii:.+" :: ~ '-, ~- .,~':t~ _'i ,'"11.:.:$ ,;' ~,"l~.y. 111"' '~C4'~ ",t'. ",-,..1 .,'.,," t;: sa.ioally ....r~ Cl6.........,...t.,.~: ~.3e.r lIie, for t;1w. luna to... OHtaiR _....AU ......,.. ,Jri4.N t:o. .-. '" a.t.~,)ftbR-.; ,_ t"~I."'.M._.fl~ 11 ...,..L{ ~&.JI_',""""-l - -----"... .,' I, ~, ~,. L 1.I L~f~ __~1 ,,~';; w. '~". J ,.ti._ ~f:tk.-, II - flOC "'A~;.~ _.1 .,~be,,"'Ilft9.:Uw . QDJIC GfI' tbe.!~~"""MOC>>"" .....-u.t.u. C1ty of , . fkJhfttz _11111/-_ ,dJ. .At,__~. ,; . ," i'" r.; ~ 'c' "5 ~ ",' . A :;,.'. . j . ..... J? ...es ....,~"qrj:a..zamaraa: _j.~I, c"'lY'~'.a" .the .:O~ ff...1bfUq. ;;.....,.;:.;.0:....--.... ~HH:~,~. be ;fi.GMl. ..t.~_.i~.n ..tM>. ... u fill '1....... .", 'hMing .. ',. wctlaalw"fop;tt.:. ......:. '" - ,... 'c' \'1 ,t ..t fi:''f;)':,".t ,- ".~~ ~rl.. MoDo_lei aked, ..u;ct~ .wbat.u..., ft\ c'............. ...~itlfot:_Jllia 11: _ . atuclyof -...101._--..l,.4"_-\:. . - '...,., ,,,,,aiIMlt 1;he, if.~_"i~! G [ J t14_~C1Ml:.i ...1..N.......~1OA. . <<f.. f ~bti.tt1tot.1bUl~AtIIr.."_...,.. .....;.. " . ..~: q 0'1!Y'.c~ ~.' i :.;..> -'.~ -.:'\. -..:'"1.i.... _,4""-: '~'-', .- ,:': ',.:IIn'{~ <<.Jh...4, it tMtl'..4:Iaa:_ .......:.......1....., et. ......Nljj;~-* ~ .~ ....-4.. ...d.~ta. ",""lIrl" -I "lIaIlll'l'z . . . t.t_.J'tIIe,;: ..... ....~..U~"OOIria..U pi"', ~ UI ~~.. '-0-;" . . " ot't~tJCIR1.. .a.tnal-:.t..'lL t_"...,tei*ret..... ft......,..1 . .,....:ilJHUr~ -~.4. It:~&o ....~':-.-.:4'......, hC....,. ';. '.''''' .~I.j, iot;t1_: t.~.... UIIIt>f~OCn..~~._ , ' -...: -;..~ t.'''i fora..~"'yf.t.o; a-.~ 1w'...., ,r.wt.ew ,."_' _....._'""--'.. --.a. _. .__ .~. .... '. ,'.' '.' " ......... : ...,..,..; .......................,.,. ...-..~. .' ~ '--; i"T' . ,; . i " ^ ~ ~L . t . ~ .~ t .. .j {', - ~..,...... ' ^' , ....: ,.15K.6" 1IIlIOl";-.lIaldld<<IfhaC.,. tMi....'-'-A.-I*.."CltU _. ....i ~;.,,,,,,,,'.(i4Idica't"U _lls...-.,."flM1.,.....t" on'ttie te..lb1l1ty of .. _terial. r._.._."."'~l...'t,vlu.,. ci_oa:t1ft9 t.otl1tyattU 'bavtencl of tt.Mayo" Ml_h ,. ......! :lUlJ *hUnt.oU 1~"....ct;r'" ta:;; .rll.......-:t .....l ~ill t "",-'W'll" rbtt~""f_. ",.)-.et 1IIRedm61t ~__-::_...~..>,~ beiog , l~t.., liD ,..rtav,,"~.tM "'f'''.,,';_ ,..ft....'l-y. '. 'the . :t....ibUUyflUNiIt otqit..Caaqat.be;,;_Utl? .*;;",.,...Iora ?oo.~"'l",. ....'_.thIt.,I'.1Mt&8tI<'; ~.'1. ....,...y ;1lt."s dek .-..~t-c,,;It:...ld"''''':in,,'''.b:;ctr::.... ~Jre'V'" " . '.-~C~-: b:;,je;-I,;. :,....,,'-!.' '!I..~ :. ::.< '. . . . _7Of1!'l!"'W.i.. ;.tMnl_n:l__stbft;-..~_ "'lll~'G.abou. . Rn.l ~8JI01IU'li ..'''.j ,,-i*tl'~"',' ..".... :..~....~.;1t lS a ,....n.t. ~,'__.." .;'l'lfatdUur..-OIl11a-J..te-;aA.............l . .: 'late: h....re1>a'!;.J&i.,1dw di't""_j;"'l!".ttd.~\il&'''' '.1~. ....tor -r..l_t.q....... :aJ ..M')""'tt\.~.nld..~"'.... . all ~ ~;..... W01l1dbanclletor .. .Rcl 1Ir. 1Iu,,-.... '.,uwN4 . it". . .'.', lvable. 'lM-y would bring ....tert.a tMN- tor ProoeSS1Dg. .. woll1dr"GOYer the.recwc-l&bl. _wtl.1. .nd oo....t the balanCM. ',\' ~ I I I ( --. ~ ~ " Mr. McDonald ask.d ~f this would eltmtnatethe landfill usaoe .~d ~r.M&rqu&~ an.w&r.dit "i8 .st~mated to .Umina,t.'tt by about 15 to 80 ~rcent. ' , Mr. 1'C)\:eJtPai:inq'\11:r:ed 1tth~s'would ~ Q~rat8dbY ; City of SC}1.rtz ,eiDt9ye.. 'and Mt'; , Marquez replied.' th4tY' dl~n' t 0'0 1 n~oi:h!lt \ kl: n~ofd~h. ,~r. ,S~eatt point.ed out, aoaln. ~at the funds will oome 't-fom'TJI~ee'irld'AACQGand'th&r.w1l1 be nO"'OOSt to tM City. , >1 > . ,., , . Mrll'." Stanho~pw.4" to . approve'cORb.nuation of the f\nt.ero-o17jrnmental .'. ~9"ement;wl~ ~COG for tIi.,...t1d waste ,t:(i(!y. ir. , . Potempa..condld the 119Uon. which' oarri.d ll1th the followlnv votel AYES I Counqllmellber8 Moo.oald, PotemJ)a, Stanb9J)8 and "Oreenwal'd. ", . . r- f (' . .., ~ , eRAYS IROnS: . ,I ':J ,/ , ~ D~~~,. J: tJ-~~'~llltl~ ~":'" .1":~,~'i,,,C':I;A.. r...... Mayor Baldwin~;ril.rri1'l{r)ed'-\~'~e.6hfibn;t1\'~ J.D6cket., ,asked if this is the one J,......lded; by to.,. PITst _})ti.t , Church. ,.Mrf~:' sHatt'a..c.~nowledgedlt U,'but w1th 80M . moditto,at1:on '~ror lIaldw!n.ta,.teci h. hall,astte4t,bat it be put 'on ~~_~Q,ndaln the .vent the Oo~nciln.edsto discuss it and tb~n e:'k.dLfor ~nQP 's f.eUn~ .bout,tt.' , Mr. 'MoDona.1d 'r.o~tTci~ mpv1,nqtorwcnt.lt'th lti~ It's not .arel1Qicitts:~.sd:ont it"s a qUal1ty'''df U.f.4ue.d~;. Mr. 1rcDonal ddoeS'n' tf..l . wen.ed 0&81 no 'OQlbl1nv '1ft I Glo\fntown Schertz or in downtown San Antonio. nell.tract. from what we're t<r;yiQO to .achieve. in ottl.r ..conomic..~. Mr .Jl C)t.mpa ',ask.d .it the .onl, th:l:1'jgs thi8 pe~_ns,.to. 18 ...'1.......bOrt and eas'1:'no qa;mbl1.lfU.Mr..<h'..nwal..a.weredno. 'It Bals' w. d.plore dlf()rllisGf leqaUntl '''l:i,n,b our Stat. sDd urge all qiti2lens to. co-ntlnu.ettorts -to '. ............ the SJlr.a'd of lega11Z8d g&lIIblinO.ln- Tea.. Mr,', .'Gr..nweld continued by 'sa'Yl1tg.tb.W4y'hellnd.~ands th.p.............ed legislature is betAO' present.d, is 'that it will bea state wide .l ection, and th.n a lopal oPtio,n el.ction if th.' first C>l1e 1)&'. se.. Mr. M'CDonald.~80 __ntlol'ledb~ ~a~ ~:t. .~.~ in'~.,~'':_olnq l'.oislatlon thvvcanpass wtthout anyoRe -e18...bl..ltnO' to allow video poker only at the race~traok8. Mr. Sweatt thought th,. ~ttorn.y General had det.rmined that . c~uldn t t be don.' without a oonstitutional. ...Rdment aadMr. Gr..n....ld1rrdl.cat.d.that was just a preUUJlg. ther.' s been no 'dete rm.tl\atton. ~s ,'St&:lltlope: .as~,(! ~~t _l,l ~~clbe, .i_~)uded: .1.nth. d.finltl.ort'., ~'f. leO'alizedga.~lJ:)hno'.n4~a:11 ;.sl\._ Wouldn.'t do anythin~ to' endanoer binqo because too many people are -6tT 1r '~pO~.d '; b,"tt;, :__., 'r;i~ ~i, ~irt~ov,".'-, ..~W,tl~.1.P".O'~' it to say" -any ft.. ~~ ~Zpinilon. or::l~l~~.," , .1Dfl~ · :.. , 1Ir,' .~,' ".,.ot~, ' ...n~l.qp~..,,~, Y1D..gQ=."IJ.~". 1;, :-.~, ."iave. U:::U.. Inp,J-e q,-, . b~'" .'. 'JIr~~, . .J~. ~~.,_...::'1% aa...bj."...~t. .1lppoH 'it. 'Hi 1.. ~v.t;'.' 'j' L:,~t.~r;" . --\w~cf"l.. Instead of taklnO' car. of their taU,'t. . .. "., lid.' or',,,14il~1iao.~e4 'i1M.t. ,theon~Y',,~.f."Mi,r:,'''':::ct!a;(.~~. '.'R9 oUl.r ~,. I_Il~',d".li'aoH"'.il"GUi_:1"""Y..:,b, tile ,.tat.;t ._~... ..U'~'"f~::i!''' .- ._. '.. s~ !Ii'" "~"..tw--,lt~.". t.. ,..., " ,. ,".od ,.:U, ,:1t "'tq';'" iY .,'~d~. "." . _ "",' ,....'.., !,' . ..,.' , o. 'f "lev 1 tiN 'dv.tCt Ail" .~~'" .... ~'u4,: "tbat. t.nalnoloqy throllghout. .' I-' . . d, ,. '.yal" BaltWtn ;'..dvt~'~I'.la~1MJ~'~~' ...."4~,~ .,u.., wordi.nv of the Asolutlon. let JIr. -s-tt '''''''we ,can dl.C1I.., It at n.xt. ,T1IeaclaY'. '....u. ng... ~. ,.' , ...~..11., a. on theave:mIa' fvr'.dbpUOII n~ ,L.~...~~", " ,;,5~:'~' n l,ifll fifiWi ~;)iPi tel jn~"i HUM: c,~..., .Ui..I"" '0 '.' '~~~~""~~~~?"".~~-<~.t';.'iJi"" .-" a' 'i'~:'~~~~~: ..fl.~i_!r:'.--~..,.~.~i::,.~.J=-=-,~. :', .1.:"" \..1,.._. .J' ",); ;V':< .......J. . I , ',..1...; ~ ..' ~- " ,.,', a..--i. - - ,~,",., .... ,'r_lI:ft.. and .ctt 1;; "J~m . ncl'" ':. "n_"'.t .' ";~cl1!'e,o...atl. - ..,....' . 6' ~" '~x'.,.~~..~.,....!~........., .1It. . ' ,~,... ~ 4..,,'.' .'" ;'<"t"~.~.it'~.ur.--"T!!~..~;=",; ,W'.,ol-ear.. , .,'; .,' , , . . . -' ~! '.,. 'to. "'1!Jl',r- ..~ - . "".'..# the ,", .... \ ~tJ .....' -;~_" '~~'" :;'''.''''.';'" ;.... ;'. 'l;;:.,'; ,::;,_, _.,.~, '.l . -'~";'~..1': :.~... ~:~ ~_".,'", ' . 1In.. ffailhop.lUied.tt ,tJielr' "...tem :~1" ..' .... ..' . . ...... 'loa . . . -..4dlp..,,[l-' ..~,""re- ~ .....~~. ,'"1.; ....-~." .~C., --~ a;. - - ., ,,. "M' - -t. ~. '...,.. _.' ( '.... ,,,, t."'. ::':.: ': . 'e. . ~~"" ~ :~ I 'fli.' ":~', ,- 1i~~",'" ~~~'__, a , WI ," t; . ~l.r' -~.,._ Mve:*lf '.' doHn ..~ ~ '~~.~'~: ". '" ':t~i'.: = . "" Jo~~~~.",:~~ .~. "-;' : ; . ,,*; llorW_"i1 . ~1:ked':~ ....' '.'Do...i.,;. .: 1,;, :.~..~' tiah . htllR to~ a Park. and aecr.atioa..... ,.._~"....;... . . E'!: ~~k,4.~'~'~~.'t'iT,,,.~'1t1lf'...'. ", . .~: .. ',~':I" t.i,~.",~.~,~",ft;i,.:_u be . "'" '.....r'. ,,,,,':e~" , ' . ",. ',' . " tIoU ... ~. . ~ ~ ,-. , . " ," '. .:. ~ ! , --;. ~.~' . < ~ ... : < ; I.... t) . "\" '!i,..'or:~~?_"'~',~~.,;; .~..~, '!6.."..:t,.t..J-, =. " " ~~ u~' oc.~:rJ'..."..... ,~_. ",,:,_.. Mr. .....tt .....tlon.. "tbat -8I','yea:o ..,. ,'t-"'w...i-..NaMcl ;'QPOl;' ~';~;~~,'~ 1 ~~. ' ~~oat,. ~.... ~ "~th-' , ,~~ . .' . .~ h , .ft" . . , i::: tO~. ..~..,.,,_ w.. , '.'...; '.11o.~"""~"~' 1 ".r.r:\~c, '," '."'~ :'" ",l~-.>~, ',' '" . ,." OP,If.~~,..c,~~~."".,~, .'; " !,< ~ I I I /" >~ --, Mr. ~reenwald r.lated that the lastU_ he looked. John 81.raciWale's 'Parks ~pe.rt,l;, ~'had .fl~"and t-.* y..rplan for 'rka .eha1:'lesIllCDonald.obIJ: ,. ,,\ltbat it 'W.; <<1'J)Oint thllJ 8 ard. therewl11 be adllalili'strativt.'.:co.tS'aMl'weoould put 0 r mon.y els.where at this point'. Mr. McDonald suggested that perhaps the Planning and Zo~lnO' CQmBd.slon ,cr..tea Parks COBmltttee. r The cc..ns.nsu~ of the Coun-9ll was, to t..);)le' ,the,. P &' Z .t.collllillndtltlo~ 't:O" "'ceftsla.rc~apj)olftt11'lO' a, 'arka and R.creation Boud until such,/ti..'alr' It''ii~n''~,;' 15 Dl."abiu 'for 1-35 aad' ,'nt17' ,Wawr--IMIne llq)Toft 1Iitwb" .fld"..~8!Att.n ~rk~ Mr. Sweatt' reJ)Ort.dthat'o..h~,.",t.,'r 2istat"1'h.OO a.m. they cpenedblds for two cUff "..'. ".t itei8 of water 11n. improvelll&nt work. Three hietl'wen received; ,....,.,1no t'rom the lOliiest at $112. 1'66.35 toth. hi:ghest at $15;7.895.50. The pt:oj~t conststa of t"o el....ntli'.. oft." I'Ort'1oit is the 12- weterUne htendonon'IH-iS which ftt.n4a~'JIJ."I..\along the s.rvic. road of IH"'3Ie..ent1dly alonG Tri...county Bu81neu Park to Lookout Road. The secondJ)C)rtlo1\ "1s an 8- water lLnedrelocatlon'on. PM 78 broUOhtabov:tbtthe HI0~Y D.partmnt's work on the int.rs.ction of PM 3009 alld PM 78. Th.y~re extendinO' .torm sew.rs down PM '18 toward the Lone Oak911bdivls1onwhlch nece.dtatesour:rel:ocat1ng an 8" wat.r tine in that area. It1sreco-..n4ed~be bid be aMrdea toL & J Conrtructidn whohav.-r.c.ntlY ..M.....l.t.d the st')rJl sewer system in Savani\ah Square/DeerHa"en in a timely nfter. Mr. P te1llP& 'asked'about t~. tt... f~.for'OOmJ'l.-tlC)n of .<<-ch oje'Ct ,:'.. 01,' theti.. i:t.lsa..rded..JohAB1erschwale ,indloa't d h., wasn't sure.,M'dhave to pU:lltheJ)&J:le:rwork. but tb standard t1D18 18no~llY be'tw.n 90 and UOwork days. Mayor Idwtn a8ked tfthe City' is' cro.B1no 'Under' IS<-:3Sout to Loo ut Road.Mr.B1ft'acl\Walea~...ntednO.'We will pick u at Tri-COunty and extend toward theC1tyUalts to belpeiabllsnourftJ. 'Tbete-are ..".-ral'.....'ll.n~.ln the area 0 have be.n wait1nc) ,for wat-er-foryear-. 'ad year.. 'this 1 also a pit.. incm.trial I.,.."..; ':-and thU should .ncoura e more industrial 'dewloJ)llle'nt as "ell. ..'Mlplng these mi11es . Mr. Bl'eraChwalewnton; to' .ay- f aU our loops I Ilave been completed. thb will help 1n .st.bl1ehlng ourETJ, and eventuallY we will bring th8l1ne. baok: around Inthis direction.. Mr. Pc Itempa ask.d if th.y areal! fin1_ed, 011' this side now , trl:'II.1(r. ,".Y~S "'hdUft:tOS~~Z'~"!'("I.,.I,:"nd Mr. SWeat~' 'a~r4fd .'""t~.tt.."... . P~':'~":l'Onder4td if th}S;5:' . l.tes -theiloopi:no ?an!i *. 'J1er.~le T1e.l1_ the ' Only.,.., lng they wO'ald,h,"'Ve to dig'll)) WO., ~lllbe 'rvIlSoa.rtz Parkway, down to thetront otthe mobl1e "_park ; That'. in tut ,re Plans. right now th.y're on- their own private .-' l -t7tr" ~ _t4J.t~ ~n~ : Mr. ~~~~ T.a~eu.~t:.be-;~,".taol:'...nt P1.~ft9,; ; ~, ,>~ :4,..~,.~,~:~;,....~t ,..,.,be.. ,.,p~,ot~:~.~, ~lcl,~ > f~~~,' tJ'aat..~.., ~~,.&he' .-tot. ,.pe.ng upon. ~.. 4eve.1i:'-IM.. ". .,' ,- - "" . . , , . . -, \' ~ "...., - . ... .. I 'Ther.' beiD9 no t.urtherdI.~.!""'.,,""K.:~4iI)Ita: :~cl.rec:l thle it_' ready- for-wn ''I......... ..__...... ". "', ~ . ~ . . , . :~. -.. ." -:' y" ..~ .' ~ ~ .~_8~~i~~r~-~~ ~~j.~',~~..~ir,~:~~.~....d.. ..;:1..1 .~l!W :::tIt~~=<'~'~~ilj~8~N..J.J':1""""T''''''''''''' ~~i;:c. ~;=i=~I:~r:~~~.T~~:!q'f::e,I::': :,~;; .l.~. _".i~rr:,.&B'~'YIIIIlIf~ !_.oa~...- .atM-"" tM .~~" .d....M~.l r~~~~~'*lHf ~.~.8"~","""O~y.. .~.y. ._,~.qfft~,.WQ.tr:oa-~~",k,ancl Tntt~ "1',1 :. j J -- ." ~ :;.:'~ "_' ~ i . ......: . ;:. ~ . '.. - _: ,: }.~, ,..' .,\ '," "'!' : Wt(~().wl ~...,~'" ~~S~~<,~ '........ It.........~l ;~.~:q..}:~o,~lWh.~.,PN-$... ..7.We~...-A'~_"-r ,,_1'- W~~",', ~,~,:r,"~-, ocr :"'~,lPJl'1-bf.;,'~,' '.i~".. ,...a;..,.....3"~,~,.r,jJ~~-. .'.:iJ~ ".tM~'<.W4llJl,~ ~,:,~.-::)J.-n~''''a::<AI'~, "...r.-tlRg ;.;PJ'~..' ~ lUi.1-.-.,ot'aMb1g;>I1J1M~~4"'- -~... ,( t r" f.' t 1-: ~. -", .:) .. ., '.'''~ ,.'. :j:'.. .; .. T 1-:'""1\- .~. ~ .".f "". "0. - :,~t ; c;. ~"'_'"V"'1_" 1~~( ~~,~J,at.'f_'~l'.t. ttw " ,~..J~". o~ tht.,~~,~l,tM8t"!~,,""~'.*-',,._U. . .~,~ .,'r,_ ',.:8lt;', 'o:m:~.i!i~-:!~.,~i~r,~~:l-:~ "...~<,~ "~ ' ~t;""f-." ,;,....-,t~~., 4ie'-'" ctanlt . e .arty. ~ U'___ ............' eta.... Ci'tY 1........ no~_rgef 'but:t;bey.... -* ..UitlMl. .la . c~~~,,~~~l. ~"lJII'~ ~,IGO~.)QC~"#'~~i..e."'i_"'...t. .,. .:,~~ ,~.:.......:..~~.t~~~~"'''.'''''' " ,~~: :,~ ~ .~ -ft. ...~:..~ ~1_~"', . "_..;, ~Ch'_.t '~1Rl. _>~~,,;~~~.~ ~LTS""R_''''~ prIntf.. of' check.. whtahwUl be'. bud~."."; ..1..... .1l-ch.. aCCJ01l:nt_1nt.nanoe. 'ohaqe__. .,...1....... , ~.~Df."tj.' ,;~~~"....lt. ..-J.I..~-.~l_...",.~...tM }~al~a~~~.~~1pi...,p;, h', ;,' .' , , ,-,'," .; .'. f':.l.- ".. . . '::1" <. l ).', _..'. ' _~ .1. ..:. ': ~'. :~t.ti ,~. 41l..tp ~,...tbt..Ll.("," <l~~,'" . ~;:CAA"..,~~,~._.;a ~''''___ll~._I.~t!bat ... ,.~lIMt. ,,~.l~1' 'to..~:~. ". .. ;*.:,,.: ';OM:,r.. '-c..' ;~T~~ .:..~*.:' ~_,1 Jlt~ .~., q I,~__J';~" <-.."~".. " ' ~,.:,.~Pt'Ja.:~~~~~~:,~,~'rl:::~~-: .~~ ~,.~. WXl8:~~"~""'r"<"""''''k ..-< IK)ne~. butt~..aobot~. -".. ....1... ate prtoedollt Ind1v1d11aUY,~ . . , ~~' ~~~"i-''''''~''-'- ,,,_~,:d't.. ',~ .~'~~~"~~'~',~!'..ll"~'*.'d.e, .,'~ ,...,.~ ~.~~,~Q!,"'~. ....... .' ~. -?~ ;~;'~rc, :_e~~.:-L"t. ,~",j:j......,;,_ tIrOp. . . ho~~.. ..~~ '~~ .wi~.~...,..,tMt4",_IIIY""":_' tt ~n ,~~~ 1_,.~.n ~ .....,~,...~,.~~.n...;.,:,_.! ,.",....,t hoted that 1 t will probablY end upthettM oha......r. ~ I I I ( -J ,/ .' , . - - ~ -~r '71 badeaUI' of bet-by ti*j.U1\1in08:~irt.1.w:and' it will ~' tothe:'Ci.ty to be ahr..,d .nbu9h 1m_.. '1ft end' out oth.r,.tfP88 of l'11'47"",""".",t. 1ry '"., be of ,. -~ '. ., Mayor Baldwin declared this it... ~adI' to .~ lnot1l4ed on next TbIJ.day~~. qetll!a~ ..;; ;;'" 17 Discus. propoaecl 8fiJ Aal_1~l'Olordi'ftlmCe.nc:t wlat~ Operat1011l1~pOltcy. ... rr J:;')""';' - '1'f' .,' ., ,. ~ . - Mr-. 8 ....tt": reilarked: :.J'ttl4f'lcoulIoll had 'in ',thftr"'lI8Cket a PIlrtlal draft, of the ordtM,,~.fKIl".1nbe'L,' the-. City has contimud to work ",,,<,1:t.. . new a..-ft'-bas ~~,d1.'t.rlbuted to tMD.'lhe draftl 'were r.vl...d)and"1s~8.ed by the COuncil and s.verai, cha~."r. ~~.i1.~d.' John Bierscluale and Nanett.nWalkl",SUokwer. pre.ent, toailswer questiol'ls. Mr. Sweatt tK>tntM eu' that Aftt_1Control SupervlJor. Nanette,WalklngSUck.. Mil bee1l'cert1ft~ in the euthanlattt)n pregraa.. The Clt'f,ha. hall aA"".:.....oe-Iftt.ln the p~ut with the local 'veterinarian fot the.., - Hrvices. but it is the int.nUen new to handle 1t~in.;.no1ieeat' the animal .helt.r. ' .8 Di8C1l8.,appoim:.em:.8- Hr ".~ri_,";.l""i,tl._on th4t SGbensTaz .IDOZ'...nt,.l...DOJ.Ai!f,.....',of . Dl~and ;.;1;be, ,Sabtrtz,.Dev.'l....nt "r..RdatiiOft~ t,;, ~_~: '-4', d~ " Mr. SlIe.tt adv1eedthat thet..rm of Mr. Lewts Street' ot, the Tax Incr._nt 'rrtnanclng'lIOa:rt! '.nl ~,-,.nd' dnoe the by-laws aUow, ._1Iber.to;..."..,.."...~.d"the.....fve.'."-Mri.' Str..t ha. ,1 n 1cat.da: 'wU l!,IIQ'l19..to oon:th'Q.'..r~d..l~n the Board. 'The 'City'Co.Mil 1...1sorequ'!TeC!to' ,..,,',. H.ftt the Pres1de t of the Board. Joe Potempa 1scur:N1it.1y"...rvlnO' as Pre id.nt and has Ind1cated a d.si,reto continu. as Pr.side for tRe il.xt .L'i '".. . It!:.-", "",est"- both ,.~,~,.,...1n tsto:th.., T&y , I"'w'A,~*..nt' ,F1~........,..t'ng -' 'hard of Direct 8 ;be. placed on the ned 'available apndaifor01ty Council eons-idetatlon. R,eoarcti:llQ' - the ~.... "O'W'lo.....it 'ounda1i~:oft>- ,Board of Directo s. the t.rms of Thoma.Ch . ....VR. 3ackl. Jone.. Lewis orgfeld. Kerry R. SWeatt andS&bina. '. .ealwHl exPire on Dac.aber :3,1,t 994,. ; Acoordinc;rto' ,th.'by-law8 , City ncUts the appa1t1tl'ftQ' authoritf .nd.Board_mbel's may su ceed th....lv..., AU five _1IIbe'r8 have' "greed to cont1 ' ..rvloe if &PIlOint.d. 'It is..requ",tedthls item ~pl.(ed on the next avanableaqenda: '~r eity' Council cons1:deJ'&t10n.. " . Th. Cc uncll concurred that appoinu.nt, to the Tax I~..., t. i'1,a&1Kdnt;J: 8oard.ot" 'D1ACtor.....'.ii*otat...t. to ,tl\Q S.ertz. .DevalOJ)llent FoundaUo",Bear4of.'.:Dlr.otors .be PIMed en the nezt"avallable aq'nda. ' " ,~ .' - ., , , f ~ ~ ./I)~ 11 '1 ..., , i, ~\6 ~J"" t..'.'......v ~ .. '.,..11:11 Ull.."-, of the I'~ rC)O ~, one-.MH; ~~_ ... _..~.' .. 1 . tlal"'.~r JamtaTf 51:h at 1rOO p... i.ll..u.....lahUd~:: Cl4ht1r. . Xt necessary. becau.. of" a l.rge crowd.. 1t: _11_".14" '1:M .~. .-4.~ ':-~-~"'r", . A.tandWlUmi;" wtt.t.t_ . "'_ JU-abH. aepre..nt.-tlve. of the 8t.a" (,~lelt.,06ft........, . the Attorney 04rneral'.Ott1ae :.,,:.. Wen tmnte1:o"~. .'" .\ '.nt:,i.!:f:':iO IOl.1nc'::' IEm.l/lA '",311 he~oq('l'j:': ~U;:l'lla ~"'.', 110 ...,.. n OIlu.:lLr. yMn.otll- - -~9q6.h m ' I- . ..,"-to-. .' 'I' ,,,.,~l of 1Ir. IIDH'r's tu '0 .1It8. .bF..rt....,j,n-t.be _s.'~.!k...., . 91 . ..~_ Ir>oJal.: JllM'.d.&lNlfI''''.a-..,.. ct--ty .. l""-qil ~ ~'r M-r,.- .........tKl..t...u.'1.......,7UlI ..' . We .~. oA,y., . t4Z:tl..w.a.. ...~ ~:,. "',:;:,.1,,1'..1 l,..beft ~.~....."'Qn...l...'i~.~ctnsu..i.... k IJ_',.,~ on. h~iII5!I'JintY9~re...""1:....w.,",. .._~..~..w;:tlar... . tt-J. ,: '",1\ ~,' '~r.i:'",1u..~. ;:a.. . ,'"IW;.=' . '.:1M'l. .nt1~~ _.~ ...l.Ic~'i'~GII.~, b".'-,_d,'.for , I ~"~~.tl,,", .. "'J_:>g1_(~~~1.__"v,.,.iR-11" ..q,",-:'~"i> Hi ~, &D 10lld.i.'"t,,".dlll -,.'~t-""M' :.~t1qH'" ~..:, l'PId..f...I__....tIM'Vt..I.....A4I,~...~~ .or ,~U&" 'iF:, t'Q, "~tlt1..cte'in6&.lw"'....1.'t.. .....,1....RJ'.. , oft that ad valor.- tax 1norea... ,~.' .'" , :. I,-.! . ' . ,nl,tJ.ta5l-.IMtJc*tlM fUll_jb'.I.tAaaubettttJ'anwe"ie ~ . . )' ;l,""'ci 1~""YJllh~I""h".e,"""iJI>>-H9 . that detinUel, n...:t".,be'il1nlatat'.".. ..llaY.AMi'aft'of 1f it'. true. I > ~.. ~ "'": ~ 1 ..,. ~:t.1 ,~ .. _ : ,: (. \..., :~;".; .\ ", '..' - . i.;,...~. ,-r ':"ilo'~--." t.wrte___",tiahF.~..:_~l. .... i......,., ~" .,...:awl,....a"~jr<~"'~.~ IJlatID_~.1iba,,,,~,_"'i=' . .On ., . nIlJD8Ult"~D. iVie_~..._~J"'l"""_'.(!~. o<.-."..tf j~r WJE'.,~..,.", '.... rwbM, oo.Ufl,. ....'.....t ~i!D'thea . :., _,j III',., .. .1'1,'__: .; _ .;. ~ :.,' ,:: ~. ~ -. ", .;~ .... -.(. !.... II:' ; ~' r \., -\o.W . , .~ '., -,,' :;. ... ! ",'; i. _, I : _i' .;. "'.1 ~., I .. L:;I ~ ,; L. , _ ' , _!"<.' ~~b-A et.o 1....;Mcn..l,..tiJIK 11a -.IL J~l-_ 1:1\. '~=. ~ ,~~I'-'.. ~ .1"',..,. -toI:*~." . 11_ of 'f~~ _ ~ IWIJ( r~.rlL'4 I J -'.....'_>>,.~. r .._ JJL .,....t~ ,. Ml.. tax. ,eRn: ,Ccnlftty ,InU 1& :-t*-M .. U' __. rit*';' ~14 have been. !be eo..ty sal.. .to .1. .r.,flMtIed,'l'A ye1Ir.t:as .,'~~:'-,r" ~lI!l...~._1_ ..--V ...._... :a&1If;would ". :..,.h.1p,~.~;.o-w.__''';'''L':::" '\.' <..,.;,~ .,j" .:)~"","!'::" . :,.-~ __~.. __'.'''~~d'.~ ~~.A,:~ ~~..w~..~1 ,r; "'i ' ;,.":t ....l:. .~tl.n 'He, .....,b<i>.... ,1:. '~lit&a 'We . '_ "\1;.;,, ~B,.tbei. tcM\lAIf--.):a'-.tIoi't...~ "'1'.lt'I",<) ~ '.' .,' ~.'tJ.")8~;1~...".ut .. ......lM~IIIild'V:;:IIJIL....r. ~i "~'y,I'4J,III~: .... ...tIIh....(iJ._r...~}......',; ..wen .. rgl.dHCl or it it barned clown. bev0U4.....,etRt ORe to ~1.1n aboQt lack of ..rv10... ~..~ ,'j ';-'-;'I,"jI7.:'~" 1';" ':"Lj:"~ :~.",1O<L'~iii':..___ _c~ ;.{- ...~;.;. , _Al~~---'" 'f-;.j :.....m.Il,~J-.65..-M..u..'.....it'e . ~wt:o .&1.,__,; .',.IIHZI........._..IllIl,,4IIIe... ld.~' a't JACA.. .nd ..kK ~', _.._;._,,~Z".r_ aet;~~...._t'. v1olation with all tbe bon.9....~ Kef. .'~to d.t.trtbat. foocl.J)l'Oducta...tIU.:1.1:beywre:tMa .Ioki_. a genU_A ca8lln ,~ n..dlll hel.p'''' a_At; '........, '... IngU.h. The .flr...n .cted. a. ... 1-ftt.rpNter .........." I .. I ( ] - ~ ...........-- .-.~ 1'1 excellent job. In fact. the elderly gentleman gave him a huO',"lIhen ':11. ~--:l..ft. B. Acknuwledqed ahe has had several oalls from JMtOPle uJ)8et beuause the eleotrioity is above ground on Schertz Parkway. They were under the impression.it would all be underground. Mayor Baldwin affirmed it would be nice if all the utilities were underground and it has been talked abollt in the })ast, but GVEC won't do it. It would have to be at the City's ez nse. aId noted a secondary part of the prob>lea is you what businesses are going to come in and what irements they're O'oinQ' to need. Mr. mpa asked Mark Marquez to correothlm if'~ was, wrong, t he understood that GVEC had sald they would put the powe:~ lines above ground and CPS had said they would put them underground. Mr. Marquez stated they both deferred to putting them above ground because of the cost. It i8 ai' much as four, five or J)8rhape 8iz tl..a mot'e expensive to put them underground. After some further dlscu8Sio 1, Mayor Baldwin asked it the City iatotallY' pOWerless to require GVEC to put the eleotricity undergrou1d. Mr. Sweatt said. in hisopinlon.. we couldn't entoroe I': without shadnO'the oost. . Mr. McDo laId aaked the statu. of the DlOtel "a-ndMr.Swea~t repu..ed he thinks they have a partial fil1nO' on "their. buildi no perm! ts . He's not sure whether or not the, . have been issu.,d. Mr. Pot,tmpa then SWeatt ,lnewe"red neO'otiati)n. Mr. mentioned they have asked the statlI.of Denny"s and Mr. hethinkstheY'Te still 1n land Marquez. saylno, that's corre-ct. to work out the detail. af' an e....nt. Hr. pot,tmDaI Reported the Channel 5 weather (""",.',,.8r ,is down, but officially we had 3 inches of rain in the City of Schertz 11 a 24 hour period. '11 ITDIS BY 1IA"tOR Mayor Bat !win wished everyone a HaJ)J)Y New Year. #12 ADJOUlnn.~x , On a JD2tim by Mr. Pot..... seconded by .lira. Staftbopea-nd unanimousLy carried. the ..etlRQ ad:Journed at. a,45p... G~ .Y~ , , '1 ..',;/. " ATTIST, .. I .. .,;T': .. . " ,'J' " ...., . 'Po f. _ ~ '_~~'J'.AI./ Cltf Secretary, Citf of Schertz " " ,I' ,', , , 'v.,'''-tf ..1- .,;) S t"'-~ .< .....' ~ ~., "w (-.or e, J '1"" .':j, c' .. . " f(l, ;. '"'t !ff. ~ I '. \ ~. " '- ., . . ,_; l.\ I ',' "I ;.. -'. , ... C' " "'1': :~ ~ f "", .n .. 'In.,. {M ':,q a:.!'3~ T i Co ,:;. " 1'!.l.:I!-:\I!QU:tGI. .'.~ ~, , ~ . : : " , '. " r; c , , r. " .- . i' !:" , , . q 1 ...~; (,' .: ....'- it I