ccswks 06-15-1994 16V SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 15, 1994 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session Wednesday, June 15, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presidingj Joe Potempa; Barbara Stanhope; Mary Marsh and Ken Greenwald. Absent Charles McDonald. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary June Krause. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: A. Tanya Ware introduced her nephew Michael Thippatong, whose brother was killed in an automobile accident in November on FM 78. She said they had noticed in the paper that the Council was contemplating changing the name of FM 78 to Johnny Peterson Parkway, a City employee who was also killed on FM 78. Michael Thippatong said when he saw that in the papers he was wondering if perhaps the Council could add his brothers name to the change. He added that he would like to do something for his brother's memory because his brother did so much for him. Mayor Baldwin suggested that Michael contact Mr. Sweatt to get the outline of the steps necessary to go through in order to change a street name. He told Mr. Thippatong that Council and staff would be glad to answer any questions he might have on this subject. B. Bill Neller thanked the Mayor and Councilmember Mary Marsh for conducting the Flag Retirement Program. He said they had 29 other state flags, 9 Texas flags, 1 MIA flag, 3 small flags and 63 U.S. flags that were properly retired. Mr. Neller then related an incident where he was going to feed a treat to a neighbors dog and one of the dogs jumped up and bit him. The next day when he went to the clinic he was threatened that either he go to the doctor or one would be brought to him. Of course, he went to the doctor and he got two stitches and of course the doctor had to notify the Public Health Office, who in turn had to notify the Animal Control Facility in Schertz. He was contacted by the AC Officer and was informed that the animal would have to be impounded for ten days from the bite date with a $20 impoundment fee and $6 a day to feed the animal. He said he had talked to the City Manager informing him this was all his responsibility but he had to pay the $20 fee. He said he was very unhappy to have to pay this fee. He said he pays taxes and should not have to pay this extra fee. He said he was part of the Christmas Decorating Committee but when he walked out the door, he was through. .170 Mr. Potempa asked why the animal had to be impounded if it was in it's own yard. Mr. Sweatt informed him it could be done in either of two ways. First it could be checked over by a veterinarian and quarantined from other animals and then checked again by the veterinarian at the end of the time period. Those are state laws. The second would be what happened, the animal be impounded for the ten day period then checked by the veterinarian and released to the owner. The owners chose the second method. Mrs. Marsh asked why Mr. Neller had to pay and was told that he did not, it was the owner's responsibility but Bill Neller felt he caused the problem, so he would pay. Mayor Baldwin said he regretted that Bill Neller took this attitude. He is an old friend, but he cannot expect special consideration. At the point he found out there would be charges, those charges were already owed. C . Mr . citizens meeting. Jim Harris asked the status of the policy on getting see agenda packet material prior to the Mr. Sweatt advised that he and the City Attorney are working on the policy now and should have it ready shortly. fl.2 Discuss final consideration of an ordinance amending the Code, providing for "No Parking" on a portion of Mill Street. Mr. Sweatt reminded that this is the second discussion of this ordinance which restricts parking fifty feet back from FM 78 on the west side of Mill Street. We feel this will be the solution to a congested area there. The owners were contacted and they do not feel it will be a problem. We are not certain this is the solution but hope it will solve the problem. #3 Discuss final consideration of an ordinance amending the Code by establishing procedures for the conduct of Council meetings. Mr. Sweatt said staff had made the changes to the ordinance as suggested at the last meeting. This was the section that dealt with the number of members of the Council needed to place an item on the agenda - now any member can place an item on the agenda. Mayor Baldwin asked that if this is passed at the next meeting, when would it take effect. Mr. Sweatt advised the ordinance states it will go into effect immediately after passage. fl.4 Discuss contract with the Schertz Association for July Jubilee activities. Business --~' 171 Mr. Sweatt indicated an area of the contract that was not covered adequately. We propose an addition to Section XIII stating the Council agrees to pay up to $1500 toward the cost of fireworks display provided the SBA will pay at least an equal amount and arrange for the activity. Mrs. Anita Clark advised 27th of June and will explained some of the including VIP parking and that the SBA insurance expires the be renewed at that time. She work being done on the Jubilee, adequate space for SAFES. There being no further discussion, Mayor Baldwin asked that this be on the next agenda. fl.5 Discuss resolution regarding alcoholic beverages park restrictions for Jubilee activities. Mr. Sweatt reminded that last year Council was asked to restrict the bringing in of food and alcoholic beverages to the Jubilee area. Therefore, we have prepared a resolution that is date and time specific for the Jubilee. We reviewed this with the Schertz Business Association and have designated the specific areas being "400 feet west from the intersection of Oak Street and Aero Avenue; then 400 feet south into the park area; then 400 feet east to Oak Street, and north on Oak Street to the beginning at the intersection with Aero Avenue, surrounding the large pavilion area." This block area will be designated by marking on pavement and placement of signs to delineate the area as best we can. As discussed the SBA, this will cover the carnival area. Mr. Greenwald asked what if someone wanted to their own bottle and mix? As most places that allow this, we could be creating a problem. bring in sell beer Attorney Spain restrict thisj just restrict bringing their explained the City has the authority to however, the resolution could be modified to beer and wine so that it would not restrict own bottle. Mayor Baldwin received a consensus from Council to just restrict the resolution to beer and wine. #6 Discuss possible appointments to the Tax Increment Financing Board. Mr. Sweatt reminded that the Council is aware that the City, School and County have appointments to this board. The Council designates the Chairman and Mr. Potempa is that Chairman. The function of the board is to make plans and review practices and policies for implementation of the Tax Increment Financing activities. The terms of appointment are one and two year appointments. There have been some attendance problems in the very recent past and the board has suggested we consider some appointments. OJ 72 Mr. Potempa advised that the board meets once a month and right now they are in a crucial stage of working on a developer's policy. Recently they had to cancel a meeting for lack of quorum. A City Council appointee who has a full-time. job and is also involved in other activities has not been attendinq. He has been contacted and their policy is that if they miss three meetings, they are qone. The Board has decided that it might be time to replace this member. Mrs. Marsh asked if the member was aware of this rule. Mr. Sweatt said he was not sure if he is aware that he has been put on notice that he is about to be replaced. Mr. Potempa said he hated to replace this member does need to keep this board full functioning. At suqqestion, he said he would have a letter sent member advisinq him of this procedure and if he attend regularly, he will have to be replaced. but he Council to the cannot fl.7 Discuss chanqes to water conservation ordinance relatinq to staqinq criteria for water manaqement. Mr. Sweatt said, as we are all aware, the Edwards has developed a demand manaqement plan for the Edward's Acquifer. The Edwards has gone throuqh all the problems that are currently beinq felt about who is in charqe, implementation of Senate Bill 1841 and challenqes to the creation of that Board and whether the Edwards, as it is currently constituted, will continue to be the controllinq organization of the Edward's Acquifer. In the meantime the Federal Judqe has appointed a Water Master, who is qoing about the activities of developinq rules and regulations for control of the Edwards. We currently have a Water Management Plan that relates to servinq water levels in the aquifer and the test wells that are the quidinq criteria. Edwards has changed those and has recommended and urqed all the users of Edwards water to adopt those same criteria. Not every city has adopted those exact rules. We all have stages and demand reduction measures, it is just that some differ based on the level on the particular test well. Mrs. Marsh asked how did they come to the conclusion that the levels had to be lowered. Mr. Greenwald said that last ruling of the Judge shot down Sierra Club, the implied Edwards staging is probably more what he wanted. He specified in his rulinq that he would comply with the Edwards. This staging should keep the sprinqs flowinq at Comal Sprinqs. 173 Mr. Sweatt agreed that really this is what it is based on - the flow of the Comal Springs. In our case, it represents some fairly substantial changes in our requirements. Currently our Stage 1 would begin at 644 level, the Edwards recommended amount is 649'. Stage 2 is now at 628 and the recommendation is 640'. Stage 2 calls for a reduction goal of 20%, which is pretty substantial. This stage also, in our ordinance, brings about some restrictions. Stage 3, which currently begins at 612', would change to 632' and calls for a recommended reduction goal of 30%. At that stage there are severe restrictions. This places us in the position of being water police, issuing citations for violations, etc. After lengthy Council discussion of this subject, Mr. Sweatt said that we are going to face problems of water. Part of our problem is that is has been cheap all these years. We are in a much better position to deal with alternate water supplies than others. Mayor Baldwin asked what the urgency is at this time. Mr. Sweatt said there is not a deadline but we wanted to bring this to Council attention. The Edwards Aquifer would strongly recommend that we would adopt these measure as soon as pOSSible. Other cities are adopting these recommendations now. The City of San Antonio has slightly different stage levels. Their Stage 1 is 655 compared to the proposed 649. Their Stage 2 is 640' compared to the proposed, which is the same. Stage 3 is 620' as compared to the 632'. They have announced that if an emergency is declared, they will comply with the Aquifer ordinance. Most of our neighboring cites are adopting these recommended changes. Mrs. Marsh said she felt we should go ahead with this. Mr. Potempa said he was all for thisj but it still him how the San Antonio Water Board waters their lawns the time. gets all Council agreed that they would be ready to act on this ordinance at the next meeting. fl.8 Discuss placement of Stop signs for Dimrock at the intersection with Cotton King. Mr. Sweatt advised that a petition has been received from approximately ten residents in the area asking for some traffic and speed control in the area. The Public Works and Police have reviewed signing and traffic control measures in the area. In addition to placement of additional speed limit signs and a "dead end" sign, we are recommending placement of stop signs stopping Dimrock traffic at Cotton King; thus establishing a current three-way stop as a part of an effort to control traffic matters. We have placed ).,74 this stop sign to beoin the education process and it seems to be addressino the problem of speeding. This also was asked to be placed on the next aoenda. #9 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Baldwin called an executive session at 8:03 p.m., under F.T.C.A., Government Code, Section 551-071 to consult with the attorney on pending or contemplated litigation. The Special Meetino was reconvened at 9:05 p.m. fl.10 There was no action to be taken as a result of the above executive session. fl.l1 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Universal City declined to join the other cities in renamino FM 78 "John Peterson Blvd." B. Have been advised that the Library Board has a vacancy and would like for Council to consider appointing Earl Sawyer. Mayor Baldwin and Council agree that this could be on the next agenda. C. We are completing the draft notice of our intention to receive bids for the sale of property authorized by the last election. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please let our office know. We have two people who asked to be on the bidder list. #12 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Ken Greenwald reported on the Canyon Regional Meetino he attended on Monday night. Mrs. Marsh announced there will be a very important meeting on June 21st regarding the July Jubilee. fl.13 ITEMS BY MAYOR: A. Mayor Baldwin expressed his thanks to the Council for the beautiful flower arrangement they sent in memory of his Mother-in-law. B. Announced that Dr. Steele's wife passed away and flowers were sent for that also. come 9: 14 #13 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to before Council, the meeting was declared adjourned at p.m. by Mayor Baldwin. ~~ qu~ 'i(ayor, city of Sche1:?tz, Texas ATTEST: ~-,\_~ Ct1' Secretary, n _ Schertz