ccswks 06-09-1993 178 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 9, 1993 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session Wednesday, June 9, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding1 Joe Potempa 1 Barbara Stanhope 1 Mary Marsh and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary June Krause. *1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Bill Neller advised that the following Monday - June 14th, Flag Day - they would have the Flag Burning Ceremonies at the Fire Station at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Neller said they would be folding the flags early in the afternoon and that Mayor Sawyer and Rep. Kuempel would be the torch barriers for the ceremonies. *2 Discuss recycling proposals and alternatives. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council that some time ago they had requested that we reactivate the Recycling Committee to see where we are, where we might go and discuss the issue of the recycling plant. Mr. Sweatt gave a brief background of the committee recommendations and alternatives. He said that lately, the committee has been meeting weekly the committee consisting of Gail Douglas, Mark Marquez, Henry Gutierrez and himself. Ms. Douglas related that in December of 1992 we started collecting recyclables at the Library the first Saturday of each month. The hours were expanded later by one hour with the new hours being from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The previous Saturday, they had over 75 cars stop by and all five bins were filled in those three hours. Ms. Douglas said they are getting more participation that they can handle right now and that is why they have transferred the recycling collection to the Alamo Waste site on FM 3009. She said they do operate with volunteers and she can get plenty of those. Mr. Gutierrez added that this has been expanded to the first and third Saturday of each month, where company personnel will be utilized as well as volunteers. He said they will take plastic milk and soda bottles, newspapers, corrugated cardboard and of course the aluminum and tin cans. He said they are limited to what Acco Waste, which is part of BFI, will take. The committee has also discussed different types of residential recycling services. He said they have ruled out bagging as that will only work well for yard waste. He was recommending 18 gallon containers as the only thing that really works. They send a truck by that has the different compartments for recycling. That is what most everyone is going to in this area. He then introduced Tom Fulman, who previously worked with Moore Industrial Disposal -: ~., J , and several other disposal companies and has been involved with the recycling program in Universal City and City of Converse. Council then discussed the three alternatives for mandatory curb-side collection. (1) continue twice per week garbage collection with once per week recycle collection and once per week yard waste collection - additional $1.75 per month. (2) once per week garbage collection, once per recycling collection, and once per week yard collection - additional $1.75 per month. week waste (3) nine week recycling three months of week recycling additional $1.75 months of once per week garbage, once per and once per week yard waste collection twice per week garbage collection, once per and once per week yard waste collection per month. Mr. Gutierrez said that coming regulation, probablY by the first of October, would require all disposal companies to extract the yard waste because it does not go to the landfill. That is the reason for separating this at this time. In discussing the diverting of waste from the landfills, the question was asked if the tipping fees would not or should not be less. Mark Marquez said that any landfill owner has fixed costs so if you reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill, you might have to raise the cost of the tipping fees to cover his own costs. Mr. Marquez reminded Council that he had briefed them last year on some things he was working on. It is really coming along quicker than expected. He said he had found a company who can do what we need done. We are talking about diverting between 80 and 90% from the landfills, without any curbside or anything, they will just take it. Last year he estimated this type plant would cost about $15,000,000. This company says they can bring in a 1000 ton a day plant for $8,500,000. He said he has been working with this company.for several months and they have now found private financing. However, there is a catch to this they want to use the City's bond rate as part of their financing package, making a potential for liability on our tax rate. We are negotiating that problem today. They are willing to bond probably up to $6,500,000 of the cost and Mr. Marquez said we are now looking for financing for that other $2,500,000. The way it is now structured, 10% of the net revenues would come to the City - that could equate to $250,000 a year. Mr. Marquez said the man he has been talking with said the Texas Department of Transportation would take every bit of compost we could produce. Mr. Sweatt advised that in the meantime the Texas Water Commission has funded various studies. We are participating 180 with the Alamo Area Council of Governments for a feasibility study for this. The City of Schertz will be a party to the feasibility study to such a proposal. There is some study money out there. Mrs. Marsh aqreed it is better to qet started now and ahead of the qame. She recommended proceedinq to arranqement of twice per week qarbaqe collection with per week recycle collection and once per week yard collection, for an additional $1.75 per month. qet final once waste When Mayor Sawyer polled the Council Members, they aqreed to continue with arranqements and then brinq it back to Council for final approval. He requested this information be in writinq along with facts and costs of this. #3 Discuss the Planninq Comprehensive Plan Report. Be Zonlnq COlIIIRlsslon Mr. Sweatt said staff believes that overall the Planninq and Zoninq is on tarqet with this document and the appendixes that are not in this but do qo into detaIl. He said he believes it is an excellent quide. He added that P&Z needs to know what Council thinks about it and what they recommend chanqinq. He said he had suqqested addlnq an executive summary. Mayor Sawyer went throuqh his recommended chanqes by paqe. Mrs. Stanhope had her recommendations in writinq, which she turned over to the City Manaqer. Mrs. Marsh felt P&Z did a qood job on the plan and only one thinq worried her. She recommended stronqly that every department of the City should have a lonq ranqe plan, not just the few. Mr. plan, seen. Potempa felt that P&Z did a tremendous job on this with Mayor Sawyer addinq this is the best one he has #4 DIscuss BOA hearlnq of June 15th for a request by Dennis Little of 1028 Gettysburq for a Special Exception allowinq him to construct a carport within 6- of the property line. Mr. Sweatt noted the request was routed throuqh P&Z and they recommend schedulinq a Board of Adjustment hearinq for June 15th and they also recommend approval. Mr. Potempa pointed out that the next door neiqhbor had no objection. Mr. Greenwald advised that the way he has channeled the water, it would run on his property, not the neiqhbors. -; (81l -' . #5 Discuss proposed Table of Organization changes. Mayor Sawyer commented that the City had the Public Works concept at one time and it worked well. He said he did not know why it was changed back. Mrs. Krause explained that at the time the Public Works Director resigned, we advertised for a replacement and could not find anyone with the qualifications that the City could afford to hire. Mr. Sweatt said in management you deal with people and with the best talent you have. He proposed the Director of Public Works is one of our employees, who has been an excellent employee and giving him more responsibility will be both good for him and the City. He advised that, as Councilmembers were unanimously in agreement with this concept, he would ask the Council to approve a new Table of Organization at the next meeting. #6 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Sawyer advised that this would not be necessary. It was on the agenda in case needed to discuss the planned change: however since Council is in agreement with the change, no executive session is necessary. #7 Consider and take action, if any, on the above executive session. No action necessary for the same reason as item #6. #8 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Received notice from AACOG of their annual meeting on Tuesday, June 29th. B. With Council permission, he would place on the next agenda recommendation for new members to the P&Z. Mrs. Vonado and Mr. Nelson have both resigned and P&Z has interviewed prospects. They have recommended Pia Jarman and Tony Moreno. c. P&Z has also recommended Council appoint Merwin Willman as Secretary of the Commission, which will also be an agenda item. D. He circulated copies of the proposed agenda for the Opening Day Ceremonies for the new Animal Shelter, asking for suggestions or comments. E. Mr. Sweatt then thanked Council for their support on his recommendation for the new Table of Organization for the City. #9 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Potemoa commented that it was great to have the railroad tracks at FM 3009 and FM 78 repaired. -, Q', ~o~ Mrs. Stanhooe said she really had a qreat time at the Firemen's Supper. Mr. Greenwald advised that if the building construction stays as it is now, the City will be out of available lots by January. He went on to say that with the additional subdivisions cominq in, our ordinance speaks of zero landscapinq, but he felt it should be mandated. Mayor Sawyer said he hated to mandate that but did think it should be encouraqed. #10 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Complimented P&Z on the Comprehensive Plan, sayinq he thouqht it the best he had seen, even better than the one the City paid to have done. Mayor p.m. #11 ADJOURNMENT: There beinq no further business, Sawyer declared the meetinq to be adjourned at 8:51 ATTEST: y. ~ ~~/ i~~J-/ Mayor, City of s~rtz, TX C~t';''rY, -