ccswks 04-29-1991 ~ ~,'" } ~j'" ;~ " \ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AP R I L 2 9, 1 9 92 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session, Wednesday, April 29, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding; Joe Potempa; Mary Marsh and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Hal Baldwin and Barbara Stanhope. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary June Krause. Mayor Sawyer welcomed Larry and Linda Jones to the meeting. stating that Larry is the County Treasurer and his wife Linda is running for District Judge. He also welcomed Jack Strickland, a candidate for Mayor in Universal City. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Bill Neller A. He mentioned that it was brought to his attention last year that Randolph Air Force Base did not have a procedure for flag destruction. Mr. Neller said he wanted to publish the information about the Flag Day Ceremonies of flag destruction. He had contacted the Public Information Officer at the Base and they will also advertise and collect old flags for the ceremonies. He expects a large turnout of people, including the American Legion, VFW, DAV and others. So far he has collected twenty-five flags. B. He received a call from Randolph AFB saying they are getting a full-time radiologist so they will possibly open up mammogram checks for others than active duty females. C. He felt the need for a new roof so contacted a builder, who obtained a City permit. He said he could find no where that it says a person has to have a permit to put on shingles. Also although the permit says "Do Not Remove", he took it down without an inspectors sign off. The procedures for permits was explained to Mr. Neller in detail. Mr. Larry Jon~ said it had been some time since he had been to Schertz and just wanted to visit and advise Council that he is working on an employee benefit package. He has already talked with several entities in Seguin and will be back to present to Council at a later date. Mayor Sawyer suggested Mr. Jones meet with the City Manager and give him the details and he, in turn, will get back with Council. ~. Jack Strickla~g - A. It was brought to his attention that the Schertz Library did not have a copy of his book so he wanted to present a copy to the Mayor and City Council. ~ ., ... B. He mentioned the statement made in Universal City "Why would we want our citizens to go to Schertz any way". He said he realized that it upset many people both in Schertz and Universal City. He advised that he had contacted TV stations, newspapers, etc. i and would meet at the low water crossing on Friday to symbolically tear down the barriers between the two cities. He invited the Mayor and Council to attend. #2 Discuss revision to garage sale permit ordinances. Mr. Sweatt recalled that Council wanted to amend the ordinance to clarify so that subgroups would not be subject to the restrictions of two sales per year. He added that staff has proposed the following be added to Section I d. "Each subsidiary organization or subgroup of any charitable or non-profit organization, including for example each auxiliary, club, special committee or any other group designated by a charitable or non-profit organization as a subsidiary organization or subgroup. shall be treated as a separate charitable or non-profit organization for purposes of Article VI of Chapter 10 of this Code." Section 10-106 would also be amended to change from a total of two to a total of four garage sales per year. Mayor Sawyer and Council agreed this is what they wanted. #3 Discuss setting Public Zoning recommended by Planning & Zoning Commission. Hearings as A. Zoning for Beck Concrete property. B. Special District for Schertz Parkway. Mr. Sweatt advised that both of these public hearings had been coordinated with P&Z and were set for June 2. 1992. #4 Discuss authorizing the creation of Tax Increment Financing District for Schertz Parkway. Mr. Sweatt reminded Council that this issue was discussed several weeks ago when our current policy and practice were raised. We currently have a provision that deals with Schertz Parkway from Live Oak Road to 1-35. In order to gain funds to repay developers for their share of cost of construction and/or to gain additional funds for making additional improvements to Schertz Parkway, a special platting fee was established. As we have reviewed that. in light of the changing of the economy, we believe this method is counter productive and would be detrimental to development. -1" !_::...~ 1-u~" The Planning & Zoning Commission has reviewed this with staff and we propose a suggestion, that in lieu of the platting fee a provision of State law that deals in Tax Incremental Financing be used. This seems to be an ideal situation for the Tax Incremental Financing. He mentioned that Mr. Marquez was present to briefly describe to Council what the district might do and how it might work. Mark Marquez said the district could do virtually anything that Council would chose it to do. This is very similar to tax abatement, except in this case the taxes would be collected as normal, but some portion of the increment increased appraised value would go into an escrow fund. The nice part is that we would also ask the County for a piece of this action, as well as the school district. For example, if the property was worth $1,000 today and the following year it went up to $2,000 as the result of improvements, you would have an increment of $1,000 to deal with. What would happen is that, through a political process, we would determine some percentage of that to go into a fund. Specifically, that fund would be targeted to improve Schertz Parkway. He said the State law is cumbersome but is a workable law. Mr. Sweatt said the beauty of this is that no entity would lose. they would simply not gain the full appreciation. Mr. Marquez went on to say that staff would corne up with a preliminary plan as to what we want to do to Schertz Parkway; and it would be returned to Council for approval. After that. Council would approach the other entities and advise that this is what we want to do so let us talk about it to make sure that everyone agrees with the plan. The second part of that is to take a look at the dollar flow to see what percentage would be appropriate,and to get all the entities to agree on a number. The next steps would be a set of public hearings to actually create the zone. After that, then the ordinance is passed that creates the zone for the purpose of Tax Increment Financing. After that. the Council has to appoint a Board to manage the Zone. Members of the County and School District would be a part of the Board, as well as members of the City. That Board would develop the final plan as to exactly what we want to do and precisely what it is going to cost,and this is what we are going to do to structure the financing. When that is done, the Board approves and adopts that package, sends it back to the Council and the Council blesses it as a final action. When it goes into effect, each year whatever taxes come out of this will go into an escrow fund that we can allow to build. Conceivably,we could lay a bond on this if we wanted to widen the roadway now; and if we can show that, because of the improvements on that roadway, the revenue was there, we can get a revenue bond and pay for it out of the increment financing. The nice thing about that is that any of the bonding agencies can not come back to the original I ~ I~ ~ " taxing entities if. in fact. we do not make debt Mr. Marquez said it would be his recommendation issueing any bonds for several years to allow the build up a bit. service. to hold fund to Mayor Sawyer said he felt Council should go ahead and spend staff time and do this - bring it into reality. He asked how Council felt. Mrs. Marsh said she likes it and Mr. Greenwald said to him it was fantastic - the sooner we get away from the platting fees. the better for us. #5 Discuss Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) applications. Mr. Sweatt advised that there are five in the report supplied to Council and he has three more on top of that. He said Community Development Block Grants are the Federal Government's answer to revenue sharing. In this instance we are not an entitlement city. We are participating with Bexar County through an agreement as they serve as an Urban County. There has been a lot of argument with the Federal Government and HUD as to how we are to be treated. We are in an unusual position as being a split place under the law. meaning we are in more than one county and only one of them is an urban county. Because we are counted as an urban county participant, we have been assured that all of our population is counted in HUD's determination for Bexar County eligibility. Therefore, they are willing to consider projects not only in Bexar County but also in Guadalupe and Carnal Counties. We have prepared several projects that we recommend to Council to present at the Public Hearing on May 14th. Part of the requirement for a successful project is a certain percentage of low to moderate income. In one case it was necessary to survey an area to determine if that would be eligible. We believe the Mobile Villa area qualifies. However. we felt the first project for Mobile Villa would be the more costly should be a waste water collection system. But as we conducted the survey door to door it became apparent immediately that we had little or no support in the subdivision for a sewer system. The property owners felt their septic systems were sufficient and should not be changed, also there would be a monthly cost to them if the sewer system went in. As we recognized that, we felt we needed to change project and move to water and a majority of the property owners agreed because mainly of fire protection. Mrs. Marsh asked if we get the water project, would we go ahead and use the bond money for the streets. We always said we would not deal with the streets until the utilities were done. Mr. Sweatt said that would be his recommendation. 164 Mr. Sweatt said staff had prepared a total of five projects that we would like to present at the public hearing. 1. Expansion of the current Schertz Area Facilities for Emergency Services (SAFES) facility. He added that we do not know if we can qualify this project but it meets the regional needs. This project totals $125,000. 2. Upgrade water lines in Mobile Villa subdivision $137,000. 3. Rebuild Pfeil Road - $132,000. 4. Drainage projects expansion of channel from Schertz Parkway to Elbel Road. current drainage - $450.000. 5. Drainage Project - expansion of the current drainage channel from Elbel Road to FM 3009. - $470,000. Mr. Sweatt said that at the same time, we would like to present three other regional projects as discussed by the area City Managers. 1. A proposal for an Economic Development Study Plan, which the County would fund through cDBG funds for some $50,000 and each city put $1,000 in to conduct a region wide economic development study to determine what area we need to concentrate on. 2. Region wide consortium of six cities to ask Bexar County to allocate a percentage of funding of cDBG funds. Our combined population of Schertz, Selma, Universal City, Converse, Live Oak and Kirby, represents 17% of population of Bexar County exclusive of the City of San Antonio. We believe it would be appropriate that from 16% to 20% of the CDBG funds be allocated to this Consortium of the six cities and let those cities establish the priorities and pick the projects themselves. 3. A proposal by Schertz Economic Development Foundation for seed money of $100,000 to seed the foundation. Mayor Sawyer felt all the projects were good and we should proceed on these. councilmembers agreed. #6 Discuss requirement for security provision at Convenience Stores. Mr. Sweatt said he was surprised because in any other city where he had worked, the Crime Prevention program had stressed in-store camera security for those stores open 24-hours a day. He said apparently there is not a ordinance in any city in the State of Texas where one is required. We have talked with TML and a number of other cities. He said San Antonio had made a similar inquiry to the TML this same date. Currently ten establishments in the I I I I I l ~ ~b5 City would fall under the general criteria and only four of those are twenty-four hour a day operation. The minimum cost for such an operation is in the neighborhood of $3500. We cannot find any down side to this other than the cost. The presence of cameras are a deterrent. There is some question as to how to handle the Grandfather Provision. Mr. Greenwald suggested telling them that within one year to thirty six months you must have this system; and of course the new construction would comply immediately. Mr. and make been Sweatt said we believe that under the Health, Safety Welfare provision the City would have the authority to that requirement as a part of our code. This has not tested anywhere. Mayor Sawyer suggested drafting an ordinance and have legal staff look at it to see if they can defend that ordinance. Council agreed. our type #7 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. The Council asked us to investigate and Goofy Golf's owner insists that the old sign at the corner of Oak and FM 1518 is a part of their acquisition and they would like to improve it. Under our sign ordinance, it is a non-conforming use and this would allow six months to come into compliance and if not. then it could be removed. Under the terms of the ordinance, we likely could cause the sign to be removed now. If they are serious to renovate and to continue the non-conforming use. it would require a permit from the Planning & Zoning Commission. Council discussed should be enough upgrade the sign. this issue and agreed that time for them to get their thirty permit days and B. In accordance with our policy on quarterly financial reports, he gave a brief financial report. Through the month of March, we are fifty percent through the fiscal year. The General Fund expenditures total fifty percent. Water/Sewer expenditures are 47%. SAFES are 45.9% of budget. Revenues the General Fund is 68.4% received; Water/Sewer- 46.6% received and SAFES 55.5% received. We are in the process of mid-year budget process now and Water/Sewer is going to be hurting this year - this is the second year of rain and low water sales. Out of the General Fund expenditures. there are only four departments that are over expended. First one is the City Manager's office, which includes the Finance and we had quite a bit of overtime through the audit review this time. In the Tax Department, we are 63.2% expended through fifty percent of the year. That is primarily due to the quarterly payments to the Appraisal District. Parks is 53.7% expended due to an error in allocation of salaries and we are correcting that now. In the Economic Development Task Force program we are 52.8% ~~r (00 and we had one extremely big printing bill and a couple of our travel and conference attendees of travel shows early in the year have distorted that figure. The Non-Departmental budget is 88.6% expended and that is due to the audit payments. The only other unusual expenditures are legal services have been extra ordinary and SAFES had a payment for engineering work for design of the facility. The other expenditures are pretty well routine activities. C. We have received two notices of a National Day of Prayer for May 7th proposed to be held at City Hall. We have a letter from the Trinity Church in Windcrest and the Randolph Christian Church in Schertz and they are issuing a nationwide invitation for everyone to meet at City Hall for a prayer between the hours of 12:20 and 12:40 p.m. on that date. D. We will be canvassing and declaring the results of the election at our next Council meeting. E. We are experiencing some very expensive our pump at well #2 in Universal City. We service from this pump during the last ten pulling the pump now because we need to get on line. This is another example expenditures. repair work on have had good years. We are this pump back of unbudgeted F. We are pleased to report the Kiwanis proposed to donate the labor on some of our landscape projects at the Municipal Building. We will furnish the material. This will involve extending the flower bed in each side at the front of the building. We have almost $500 in the budget for purchase of material. G. We are trying to finalize a project with the Mormon Church that has approximately 180 to 200 youth they propose to bring to Schertz to conduct a public improvement project or projects. This is a part of their church community relationship. We are discussing their painting curb numbers throughout the city or painting fire hydrants. They would really like to find one or more senior citizens or destitute citizens who would like to have their home painted. We are going to make some arrangement for them to use our pool and pavilion as part of our commitment to them. We will reduce fees or something. This is a very enthused group of people. #8 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mrs. Marsh: A. Reported on the Economic Development Task Force meeting of April 16th, mentioning the Community Relations Team will be getting a couple of "Welcome to Schertz" signs at McDonalds and Jack In the box on I-35. They have a new team - Site Team. Mr. Bornmann spoke of his experience as a successful businessman and promotion. ) ._;.'5... B. Reported on the VFW meeting and election on April 20. The District Meeting was hosted by Garden Ridge but held in Schertz. They have received 94% of their quota of membership. Announced the poppy sale on May 30th and a special meeting called for May 4th to consider by-laws; the VFW has sponsored Pack 18 of the Boy Scouts for over 23 years. There will be an installation of officers on May 2 at 5:30 p.m. at which Mrs. Marsh will be sworn in as Senior Vice Commander. C. The Business Club met on April 28th. Their finances are looking good with a total of $4,694.17 in general fund. scholarship and savings - made $182.50 on the 50's Dance and $113 on the Bake Sale and have sold $177 worth of raffle tickets. They still lack $1438 for the fireworks for the 4th of July. Mr. Baldwin gave a State Highway meeting report that was interesting. They will have a Jamboree at May 24th and are going to have a silent auction. They had three applicants for their scholarship and Jennifer Peel was the winner. and explained how the pageant was revamped. The Business Club has changed their name to the Schertz Business Association - this goes along with the new incorporation. . t-1 J'~__:flgtJ:l mp-El. : were working subscriptions permit. Mr. A. He had received a call stating two girls their way through collage selling newspaper and wanted to know if they had to have a Sweat advised that they do have to have one. B. A citizen in Oak Forest was upset about the City cutting bluebonnets. C. Mr. Ackermann approached him about trees hanging over the street on Mill Street. D. p.m. Announced a "Win or Lose" party on Saturday night at at the Kountry Kitchen on Saturday night. 8 Mr. un__O:reenwC!ld: A. Mentioned the Tex-Mex Ser ies that wi 11 have from six to eight teams and asked if the City would allow them to use the pool. Mayor Sawyer said that in the past the Council has allowed this, under certain conditions. #9 ITEMS BY MAYOR: A. Mayor Sawyer said that Mr. Strickland's invitation for Friday evening is very political and felt it would not be wise to attend. He added that we do not usually get involved with other entities politics. B. Mentioned that he and Mr. Baldwin attended a meeting in the Schermirville area for a "Meet the Candidate" meeting. He said that later they would give a report of this meeting. i68 Mayor p.m. #10 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business. Sawyer declared the meeting to be adjourned at 9: 18 ATTEST: /------ z, Texas ----~