ccswks 01-31-1990 ~ 1'7 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 31, 1990 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session, Wednesday, January 31, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding; Earl P. Hartzog; Hal Baldwin; Barbara Stanhope; Mary Marsh and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary June G. Krause. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: None 12 Discussion of final reading of an ordinance providing for a service fee increase for garbage collection. Mr. Sweatt advised that the revised rate schedule is in Council packets. We believe a more appropriate amount, of that portion deal ing with the Consumer Price Index, would be 2.7% and the overall effect would lower the residential rate from the $7.63 to $7.37 per month. Correspondingly, it would lower the commercial rate to 10.3%. Mr. Sweatt said he believed these are more in line with other contracting agencies. Mr. Hartzog had several questions, one of them being why doesn't the City go out for bids. Mr. Sweatt said that the City has the right to consider a new contract at any time; however, our present agreement expires in 1990. The current contract provides that the contractor can come in and request new rates and request extension of the contract. Mr. Hartzog said he would like to look at reducing the franchise fee from 15% to 10% and use the difference for recycl ing. Mr. Sweatt said that under our current agreement the City is furnished certain services at no cost. Our 15% is for franchise and for billing and collecting - out of the 15%, 3% goes into the General Fund for franchise fee. Mr. Gutierrez, representing Moore Industrial Service, reminded Mr. Hartzog that the 15% not only represented the billing and collecting costs, but also covered the bad debts. Mr. Greenwald suggested asking Mr. Gutierrez to come in wi thin six months with some type of recycling program. Mr. Gutierrez said that will be a big part of the meeting they have planned in February. Some of the cities are so close together, they are looking at a citizen collection station for all cities as well as individual city collections. Mr. Gutierrez said they try to give the customer what they need and want. '3 Consider and take action on a resolution setting dates for Public Hearing on impact fee study matters. ll~ Mr. Sweatt said Council would recall that this was generated because of the Senate Bill requirement. The Planning & Zoning, in their capacity as Advisory Committee, recommends a resolution be passed calling for a first and a second public hearing; the first to occur in March and the second in May. The first public hearing will be to receive citizen input on land use and planning assumptions used to develop a Capital Improvements Plan. The second public hearing will be held for citizen input on the Capital Improvements Plan and the Impact Fees. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the resolution setting dates for public hearings in impact fee study matters. Mr. Baldwin seconded the motion, which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hartzog, Baldwin, Stanhope, Marsh and Greenwald. NAYS: None RESOLUTION NO. 90-R-3 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CALLING FOR AN INITIAL PUBLIC HEARING ON LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS TO BE USED TO DEVELOP A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN PURSUANT TO WHICH WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES MAY BE IMPOSED AND A SUBSEQUENT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEES. '4 Discussion of final reading of an ordinance annexino 5 tracts of land out of Comal and Guadalupe Counties. There being no further questions on this item, Mayor Sawyer asked that it be placed on the next agenda for action. '5 Discussion of Deer Haven pumping and mechanical project. #6 Discussion of Nacogdoches and Deer Haven storage tank painting project. Mr. Sweatt said he would try to take items #5 and #6 together as they are related. We need to upgrade the Deer Haven tank to bring it into compliance with Texas Department of Health regulations. A related aspect of this project is the necessity for GVEC to convert single phase electricity to three-phase service. Mr. Paul Denham, of Ford Engineering, said the Nacogdoches site has two good well s and we need to repaint and do remedial repairs on the tank. This tank basically runs the upper pressure zone. He said they will have booster pumps to help take care of peak times. He continued, the lower pressure zone is in good shape and we see no problem of it being drawn down when repairing the upper zone. Mr. Denham said that by the end of the following ) " , week we should have bids for the pumping and mechanical for the Deer Haven tank. If everything goes good, we could have the Nacogdoches tank down in three weeks. Mr. Sweatt said that there are some very delicate operations once we take the Nacogdoches site down, so we will be puttino some crews on 24 hour schedules to make sure we are not going to have problems. With the new computer, we will be able to check all over the entire city from one place. 17 Discussion of BVYA contracts: A. Building lease contract. Mr. Sweatt said this was presented to BVYA and they have no changes to suggest on the $1 a year/ 5-year contract. Mr. Hartzog said that it states the insurance on the structure will be borne by the City so maybe it should be spelled out that the contents should be insured by BVYA. A BVYA representative said they have insurance on the contents and could furnish a copy to the City. B. Ballfield Usage contract. Mr. Greenwald said this is the same contract we have had for several years and BVYA has no changes to suggest. It has worked well in the past. Among other things, Mr. Hartzog said he would like to see something in the contract whereby the City has full use of the entire area for the 4th of July Jubilee. Mayor Sawyer said he did not have any problem with that suggestions. He said you could put in "the exclusivity of this contract insures that the City has the use of the ball diamonds on the 4th of July". Mr. Hartzog asked what is the reason for the City to get a copy of their audit. Mr. Greenwald said one of the things is to keep the City informed as to what it cost to put on this program - what it would cost the tax payers if the City assumed this responsibility. #8 Discussion of Board of Adjustment Hearing on a request by Hoover Edwards for a variance to Zoning Ordinance to allow placement of a mobile home, for security reasons, next to the concession stand on the old Starlight Theater property. Mr. Sweatt advised that the original variance was granted by the Board of Adjustment in 1987; and at that time, Mr. Edwards had the support of abutting property owners. Overall, the Planning & Zoning Commission and staff do not find any major objection. It should be pointed out though that there are a number of possible violations that should be given consideration. It appears that both of the mobile homes are occupied, they are not skirted and there are any number of junked vehicles and other items that need to be removed. At one time there was discussion of the screen having to be removed; but we did not require that because of the expense involved. 120 Mr. Greenwald said when Mr. Edwards appeared before P&Z, he specificallY asked for a mobile home for security and a fenced area for the PVC pipe; but now it looks as if he has started a junk yard. Mayor Sawyer said Council could allow this variance with the provision that the screen and all the other violations be removed within a certain length of time. Mayor Sawyer said we will need to have the public hearing but also need to know just what was on the original variance. '9 Discussion of Public Hearings to be held on 2-6-90: A. Request by Payless Gas for a variance to the requirements of the Special Overlay District section of the Zoning Ordinance at Jack Hays Blvd. and Borgfeld Road. Mr. Sweatt advised that basically Mr. Wilkerson, on behalf of Payless Gas, is requesting a 13'7" variance to the requirements of the sign section of the Overlay District to the Zoning Ordinance. This will be outside the area we would be acquiring for right of way. P&Z has held their public hearing and is now recommending that the request be granted. He added that a case was made for sight distance because the sign will be back from Jack Hays because of the extended right of way. Mr. Greenwald said they are also going to lose some land because of the corner cuts. They are changing the brands of gasoline and the sign will be different and will have to be set back further because of the overlay requirements, making it difficult to see. Mr. Baldwin said he had a problem with granting something that may set precedents. He added that he also has trouble with the line-of-sight because it is flat in that area. Both Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Stanhope expressed concern~ along the same line. B. Planning and Zoning recommendation on zoning 5 tracts of land to be annexed out of Guadalupe and Comal Counties. Mr. Sweatt said that Planning & Zoning has reviewed this carefull y and made their recommendations. Track # 1, containing 278.92 acres to be zoned Light Manufacturing, with the exception of 39.81 acres, known as Stone Creek RV Park, which should be zoned Mobile Home/Recreational Vehicle. Tract #2, containing 199.93 acres, is recommended to be zoned Residential/Agriculture, with the exception of 11.71 acres that is Bussey's Flea Market, which should be zoned General Business. Both Tracts #3, containing 96.67 acres, and #4, containing 121.49 acres are recommended to be zoned Residential/Agriculture. Then ) Tract 5 - 157.51 acres - recommended to be zoned Predevelopment, with the exception of the part south of FM 78, which should be General Business. '10 Discuss charge off action regarding del inquent SAFES accounts. Mayor Sawyer said that he, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Sweatt and the Audit Committee met this same date to discuss this item. Mr. Sweatt said that in order to clear our financial accounts, we request that Council authorize charge off of $6891. 40 for 96 accounts for fiscal year 1987, $26,940.04 for 234 accounts for fiscal year 1988, and $3045.94 for 41 accounts for the first quarter of 1989. These are accounts on which we have bad addresses and any number of reasons why we feel they are uncollectible. The information on these accounts will not be destroyed and if we have an opportunity, we will try to recover them. We have made a minimum of three written contacts and also phone contacts. Mr. Sweatt said we are proposing to use a part- time person 2-1/2 or 3 days a week to get our collection rate up. He said we believe it is important and the Audit Committee agreed. He said the Committee will also be discussing hiring a collection agency to help collect those accounts we feel are collectible. A collection rate of 10% would actually pay for itself. Mrs. Stanhope suggested putting something in the Newsletter to let citizens know just what this costs and Mrs. Marsh agreed. Mr. Baldwin said all the costs of paying for the collection service will come out of SAFES budget and not from General Fund. He said he felt it should be pursued. #11 will be a Department project. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. On February 10th, there pre-construction conference at Selma City Hall with the of Highways and Public Transportation on the 1-35 B. We will be having Student Government Day on May 15, 1990. C. On February 8th from 9: 00 to 12: 00 noon, there will be a Solid Waste Management Symposium at Village Oak Conference Room. D. On February 6th, the Trail Riders will be stopping at the Rest Stop at noon. The Schertz Business Club will be sponsoring the noon meal, then the Trail Riders will come through Schertz to the V.F.W. ,where there will be a dance that night. E. The Police Department will be acqu~r~ng some new radio equipment and will be trading in a bunch of old equipment that is reall y not worth very much. This will allow us to have a good reliable communication system. 1~2 #12 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Hartzoa: A. checking the speed limit on Schertz Parkway. have not completed the investigation. Asked if staff was Mr. Sweatt said we B. He called attention to the dip on Schertz Parkway at Maske Road, saying that it seems to be getting worse. Mr. Sweatt said someone will check this out. C. We had discussed once before about streets that needed to be repaired, using bond money - Pecan Street from Schertz Parkway to Randolph needs some work. D. There is a vehicle sitting on the street on jacks at 400 Maple Drive. Has been there three or four weeks. E. Across from City Hall there are one or two eighteen-wheelers pulling up on the lot. How are they getting there since we have a weight limit on Schertz Parkway and they have to jump the curb? Mr. Sweatt said he would check on that. F. Has the Highway Department brought anything back on the design on the entrance to Deer Haven at Fawn Drive? Mr. Sweatt said we have not been waiting on anything. Mayor Sawyer said we asked them how they are planning the entrance and they said they would get back with us. G. Concerning the storage area for a City float, Henry Gutierrez said we could use his barn up on FM 3009 as they have the space with wide doors. H. On the 4th of July, there will be a function in the park and possibl y we could use an old pol ice car and sell hits for 25 cents. Mayor Sawyer said he would go along with bashing a car; but do not use a police car. Mrs. Stanhope: A. On February 10th, there will be a benefit for Alyssa Smith by Morning Star Pet Enterprises on FM 1518. Judging of obedience matches will start at 9:00 a.m. and there will be food available at a concession that Kountry Kitchen is managing. It should be a very interesting day. B. The publ ic Library and Schertz Humane Society dance and auction will be on the 18th. Mr. Baldwin: Last Saturday the School District rented the gym to a Karate outfit and probably 2000 people came to it through the course of the day. They were asking where to eat in town, where the grocery stores were located, etc.. We will be having two more of these functions, so he wants to have some of the Talk of the Town folders to pass out to advertise our town. Mr. Greenwald said there was an article in the San Antonio Light Sunday on recycling. ) ./ r <:.) # 13 ITEMS BY MAYOR: A. Mentioned that the house at Curtiss and Lindberg has new siding - the one we have had so many complaints about. B. This morning he had magistrated a young kid who had stolen a truck. The reason he brought it up was the good work by our Police Officer Crystal Cantrell. The incident was called in and wi thin four minutes Ms. Cantrell had the boy under arrest. He added that these kids are coming from the south side of San Antonio so we may be looking at some gang that has targeted this area. C. The previous Sunday he was invited to the Baptist Church for a brief get together honoring Dr. and Mrs. Richard for the good work they have done for the church. They invited the Chief back to thank the pol ice and the City for the super way the Al yssa Smith party returning back home was handled. D. Announced that Dr. Richard is in the hospital and will be operated on the next day for triple by-pass surgery. We have sent f lowers to him. Dr. Richard is a really good citizen and has done much for the city. E. Received a call from a member of the Humane Society and was told the same thing she had spoken to Councilmembers about. Mayor Sawyer said he told her everything the City does is open and above board. Mr. Sweatt said the 9-1-1 District has agreed to fund, with us, provided there is little or no publicity, up to $4500 a year for the next three years for communication improvements in our emergency dispatch area with no strings attached. We plan to use it for a plan to bring data processing to this area. # 14 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Sawyer declared the meeting to be adjourned at 9~m.. C:::{; sce:~~ ATTEST : ~ Te}i