ccswks 05-09-1990 I. SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAY 9, 1990 The Schertz City Co~ncil convened in Special Worksnop Session, Wednesday. May 9. 1990, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding: Earl P. Hartzog: Hal Baldwin: Barbara Stanhope; Mary Marsh and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Kerry Sweatt and City Secretary June Krause. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: A. Mr. Malford Ackermann invlted the Council to drive Maske Road, then aSKed why there was not a scheduled maintenance for this road. He added that after the last rain, the garbage truck came through and lett deep ruts and they are still there. He said some maintenance has been done on the other end of Maske but not on his end. Mr. Sweatt said it was on the work order 1 ist to be done and since we are short of personnel we are behind schedule and hopefUlly it will be done either thls or next week. Mayor Sawyer assured Mr. Ackermann the work would be taken care of as soon as possible. B. Mrs. Marsh said she appreciated the opportuni t"J to speak. She said she wanted to address the SUbject of the water tower. Everything that she has seen, heard or read - all the words have been put out by Garden Ridge and Schertz has had no opportunity to respond. She added that she was very hopeful that whEn Mr. Sweatt advised the Mayor of Garden Ridge that the letters would come of: f , the subj ect woul d die a natural death ; but it seems that has not happened. When the two articles in the Herald and Recorder-Times came out this date. she said she felt that dUE to camp 1 etel y erroneous i nforma t ion in some ins tances. the reccrd needs to be set straight. First of all, Mr. Sweatt vIas not respons ib I e for the pa i ntlng of ~ Schertz ~ on that water tower. Many months ago when this Council was going through the del iberations of the budqet, one of the items on the budget \vctS the painting of the water towers. At that time just in discussion - someone mentioned the fa,.:t that why don I t we have o~r name on water towers 1 ike other places have their name C1 water towers. She said she thought the discussion went something 1 ike you don' t put names on your 'Jround storage water tower s , on I y on e 1 eva ted water towers. Then, in the d1 scuss ion c, t painting that water tower, Council said why not go ahead and put our name on that water tower; and it was agreed that we would put our name cn tha.t water tc>wer. Mrs> Marsh said it \4aS dc,ne in the budqet by mutual agreement by the entire City Council, Mr. Sweatt did not do it. She added t ha tit was net done with ma 1 ice. we were just identifying ()ur property. There was some discuss.:.o!" about what would Garden Ridge think; but Council just did not think it was that big a thing. She said that had Council kncwn this was going to end up a ~water-tower gate". we would not have ~10 .. agreed to go ahead and put ~ Schertz" on that tower; however. she tel t persona 11 y that we had every right to do ri- t . Mrs. Mars h said she just wanted to set the record straight, the City Council did not intend to aggravate our neighbors. She added that we are sorry that some of the people in Garden Ridge had thin skin and objected. We rectified this almost immediately. She said that Mayor Yohey had contacted her and asked her to think strongl y about it and she did, as well as all the other Councilmembers; and when they were polled for their vote, they voted to paint it out. Mayor Sawyer said he did pole the Council and they voted to paint out the lettering; but he did not feel we were breaking any law. #2 Discussion of final reading of an ordinance revising speed limits on Schertz Parkway. Mr. Malford Ackermann said that he crosses Schertz Parkway three or four times a day and he feel s that Maske Road is rather a blind intersection. He said the speed limit now is 30 miles per hour and he does not want to see accidents by raising the speed 1 imi t. It is especial 1 y bl ind if the weeds grow at all. He said he would hate to see the speed limit raised to 45 miles per hour, he said maybe it could be raised to 35 MPH. He asked that Council consider his comments. Mr. Hartzog said Council needs to look at the line-ot-sight as it applies to farm vehicles. Mr. Sweatt said we do meet the 25-foot trianglization, and currently it does not pose a visibility problem. Obviously if tall weeds grow up there, it could be a problem. Mr. Baldwin said he drove it and he could agree, if there weeds very tall, it could be dangerous. He said he could what he fel t was a reasonable distance in order to cross. mentioned that there are only one or two people that live on road, which should be considered. He agrees that when overpass gets in something will have to be done. He said at point, he did not see that big a problem. are see He that the this Mr. Hartzog said the City is planning to do work on the dip; but maybe we should look at it. Mrs. Marsh suggested taking another look at this. She initially said she did not see any problem but would like to take another close look at it. Mr. Hartzog said he wanted to get the speed up there is enough line-of-sight for farm machinery. if staff says Mayor Sawyer polled Council to see if they wanted to recheck this before passing the final ordinance. After discussion, three members of the Council asked that more study be done. / ~21 ~ #3 Discussion of the final readlng ot an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances by revising Article V - Water and Waste Water Capital Recovery Fees. Mayor Sawyer said Council has approved the first reading of this ordinance and he did not see anything wrong with the fees. The" will be looked at every year to be sure they are still in line. Mr. Sweatt said the changes suggested by t~e City Attorney have been made and will be highlighted. #4 ORDINANCE: Mayor Sa\vyer in'troduced an c,rdinance and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 90-E-14 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE CITY OFFICERS ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE 5TH DAY OF MAY. 1990, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY'. After canvassing the returns, Mr. Hartzog lTloY~l3d to appro'le the ordinance canvassinG the returns 2nd declaring the results of the election held on May 5, 1990 and declar ing an emergency. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion. which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hartzog. Baldwin. Stanhope, Marsh and Greenwald. NAYS: None #5 Discussion of the first reading of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances by revising Chapter 10, Article III. Section 10-60 Exceptions. Mr. Sweatt said this has come about as a recommendation of the Plann:nq tx Zoning Commission ir. order to deal with junked and abandor.ed ca:rs ar.d to clean UD tr.e ordinance. The State law defines an antique car as one 35 years old. which is exempt from so:ne thir.>:;J's u'lder the ordinance. However, these cars must be licensed and have insurance. etc.. P&Z 15 beinq asked for exemptions to allow them to work on these cars at their residence. In some instances, they can do the work in accordance with the ordinance by working behind a privacy fence or the like. However. some say the car 15 not at a 5taqe that it is ready to be licensed or because it is hard to get reDair parts. Because of this. Planning & Zoning members thouqht there should be soree alternative to the ordinance. So we have this recommendation to revise the ordinance so that following a hearing before the P&Z and satisfying the requirements of an antique vehicle, a serviceable cover may be used to shield this vehicle from public view. It should be clean and in the shape of the vehicle. Mr. :>C 212 +. . Sweatt said basically the burden would st~l be on the property owner to make an appl ication for an exemption to the P&Z. If they could prove the cover meets these cr iter ia, the exemption could be allowed. This has had a lot of discussion at the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. Mr. Greenwald said it seems a lot of antique restorers have more than one vehicle and only have a one-car garage. Also trying to get parts for these older vehicles is extremely hard and take a lot of time. By not being able to put the car in a garage, P&Z thought by letting them use this cover, it would give them another option. Mrs. Marsh said she felt the cover would be sufficient. Mr. Hartzog referred to the 35-year age for antiques and then asked about classic vehicles which could be less than that, this should be looked into. Council agreed with Mayor Sawyer to put this on the next agenda. #6 Discussion of the establishment of the Office of Records Management and related actions in accordance with the Texas Local Government Records Act. Mr. Sweatt advised that the Texas Local Government Records Act requires that each local government establish a records management division by ordinance, or order, no later than January 1, 1990. However, a Records Management Officer must be appointed and a Records Management Committee established no later than June 1, 1990. He said he had included in the packet a sample ordinance that would place us in compliance with State law. Staff suggests that the Office of the City Secretary be appointed as the Records Management Off icer and the Committee consist of City Manager, Water/Waste Water Superintendent, Chief of Police, Streets Superintendent and Librarian. #7 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Sawyer advised there is no longer a need to hold an executive session. #8 Consider and take action, if any, regarding item '7. No action necessary. #9 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. The annual Chamber of Commerce Military Appreciation Golf Tournament will be held at Northcliffe on June 1, 1990 and our City normally participates in the mixer. We paid $50.00 as a sponsor. Council agreed to this expenditure. B. Reminder of Student Government Day on May 15th. The general plans are for everyone to meet in the Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. for a briefing. From there, the students will go with their selected counterparts; and we will all meet again at noon at the Library for lunch. After that, we will all go back to the ) ~ "1, ~ .:-' Council Chambers for reports from the students and then hav,::, a mock council meeting. C. On May 16 at the Eadisson Hotel in San Antonio, tnere \,-,111 be a Economic Development Seminar for suburban cities. It will begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 4:30 p.m.. There is no charge; however, we need to let them know the attendance numbers by May 11th. # 10 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: MX$, _J1Ci.rsh: Economic Development Task Force would have 4th Jubilee and will be sell ing T-shirts, watches and whatever they have. A. Advised that the a booth at the Jul y coaster. cups, ':;aps, B. She asked if staff had heard anything more on the stop light for FM 3009, saying it usually takes at least 15 minutes :0 get onto FM 3009. Mr. Sweatt said they did a traffic count but we have not heard anything. C. On the name tags - she said she was going ~o have one made to see if the Council likes it. It will be a yellow name tag with royal blue lettering with our logo. Mr. JlaIt:20g: A. Just rerninded Council they need ':0 cOlsider the Mayor Pro Tern and keep in mind about a charter review. He said he did not know of anything that needed changing but they may want to consider drug testing. Mayor Sawyer said he was going to aSK the City Manager to find out what it cost for drug testing, then multiply that by the number of city employees and just find out the total cost first. B. He asked for a traffic count on Maske Road. C. At the Library Board meeting, there was mention of high weeds growing at the railroad tracks at Schertz Parkway and FM 78. D. He had a lonq conversation with a resident of Lone Oak who stated the rocks are falling off the wall in the park. Even if we cannot get the rocks, could the wall be cemented. E. He reminded Council. for future consideration, the problem of Fawn Drive - something should be done. 1 MLs..S_tClDh_c.'Pe: A. The Housing Authority is in the process of hiring an Executive Director, should finalize next Monday night. B. Mentioned ite~ #6 on the City Manager activity report concerning the proper disposal of some 18" AC water pipe that was a part of the Mangum lawsuit matter. Mr. Baldwin asked if Mr. Sweatt was sure bidding would not get a better price. He said he wou 1 d get in touch with the man that did the school's di sposa 1 and see what he would estimate the cost to be OJ, ~ L. .:.. l j: r:-1:L.~_IialJlwl!1: A. Noticed that the Departmen:: Heads are in the process of getting their mid-year budget revisions ready. He said that in looking at the Financial Report, there are some areas that shows right now is the time to be looking at those. He said he was hoping they would be ready wi thin a couple of weeks. Mr. Sweatt said it was all in his hands and he was trying to get them finished real soon. B. Reminded everyone to be at the Parish Hall Friday night at 6:00 p.m. to set up the tables and do some cooking for the Senior Citizen Appreciation Day on Saturday. M!:.~_nJlre~m'LC!)d: A. Planning & Zoning is going to be sending recommendations on ETJ and annexation suggestions. He said they have had several committee meetings on this. B. CVADAC is going out for a grant in the amount of $35,000 for extended services. The move to the new building was helpful but is br inging in more people. Guadal upe County Probation people were at the meeting and they are going to put CVADAC on their communi ties services program. There are restrictions who they can put down there but they can put people ::0 cut grass, answer telephones and things like that. # 11 ITEMS BY MAYOR: As is his custom after elections, Mayor Sawyer announced his appointments of ex-officio members to the various boards in the City. Mrs. Marsh - Economic Development Task Force, Business Club, San Antonio-Austin Corridor Council, Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Greenwald - BVYA, Planning & Zoning and CVADAC Mr. Baldwin - EMS and Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Mrs. Stanhope - Library and the Housing Authority Mr. Potempa - Humane Society and the VFW. B. He asked if we could see about getting a light at FM 78 and the Smoke Pit. Mr. Sweatt advised that is not a street coming out of the Smoke Pit, only the parking lot. C. Referred to some pot holes he had discussed with the City Manager and wanted to know who is responsible - the City. Entex or who. This is on Aviation. D. There is also a puddle in front of Mrs. Anderson's house on Maple that has been there forever. He asked that Mr. Graham get down there and look at it. Mr. Sweatt said we have worked on the issue but there is no place to move the water because it is extremely flat there. ) ! i~ _.._ t._ ..... Al so check the corner at Schertz ParklrJay atd C~urtiss \vhere t~ere is 31so a Dig puddle. F. Has Osborn's there well. been any prO'JTe3S in the purchase of Mr. Mr. Sweatt said in the hands of the attorney. Pat G . Concerning the sel ect ionJf a Mayor Pro 'rem, Councilmembers get together and make a decision. said Mr. Greenwald is the senior member. he sUGgested Hr. B3.1dwin H. Received a letter from Greg Laughlin, 3aying he appreciated hearing from us and can understand our concern over the rise in Cable TV rates. Mr. Sweatt said there would be a meeting of the United Suburban Cities the following day and they are continuing their discussion of the Cable TV situation. Mr. Neller showed Council some Christmas ornaments he is making to replace the ones he made last year that were too small. Mr. Potempa announced that he had the material to construct the sleigh for this year. # 12 ADJOURNMENT: There beinG no further business, Mayor Sawyer declared the meeting Close~L~~~~ Mayor, City of Sche ~', ATTEST: ~ Clty of Schertz