ccreg 06-19-1990 I- I REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 19. 1990 The Schertz City Council cc.nvened in Re<;r'.dar Session. Tuesda.y, June 19, 1990. at 7:00 p.m. in t}-.~ Council Chambers:,f the Municipal C,=,mplex, 14S0 3chertz Park\rJay. Schert=, Texas. The fo~lowing memberc were present: Mayor Earl W, Sawyer, presiiina: Joe P_,tempa; Hal Baldwin; Barbara Stanhope; Mary r1arsh 3.nd Y,e:l Grpdnwald. Staff present were City Manager Ke~ry Sweatt and City Secretary JunE Krause. # 1 PUBLIC HEARING: The City Cou:!cil tc receive c'-Jmments changing the name of Bln:>.'C.nglemann Rc\ad te' "Boenig regardirllJ [I r i \te If . Mayor Sawyer mentioned that '3le;ln and Janet Bar:1ett had called saying they are in favor of the name change because .:>f th':? pr:,bl eBS involved for emerg-ency ana delivery peOPle findi:1g a,jdresses. Tnere were no citizens present wishing to SpeakJD this proposal. Mayor Sawyer cl,:osed the public hea:'inq at 7:01 p.m. as Cc'uncil r~ad. "le C01TIlner:ts. #2 Consider and take action on changing the name of Binz- Enolemann Read te. "Boenig Drive". M:::'. Bald\-.Jin moved to change the name ot Binz-En':;jlemann between Scenic Lake Dr i ve and Ware'-Sequin Road to "Boenig Dr ive" . Mr s . Stanhope seconded the motion, which carried as follows: AYES: :3reem,/a 1 d. NAYS: Councilmembers Potempa. Baldwin. Stanhope. Marsh ana None #' ..:" amending Sect ic,f' 2 PUBLIC HEARING Ceouncil to receive comments u;: the Zoning Ordinance. Article XX Overlay District, Special Overlay District Jack Hays Boulevard. There were no citizens wishina to speaK an this item. Mrs. Marsh br:)'l(jht. out. that t!lere is a change in this ':,rdir:an.::;e from the one Council looked at last vJeek at workshc'p. This recommendation suggests that Section 2 31e:6 should say that siGns shoulci not exceed twgnty-five ~eet, and the maximum allowed size not to exceed two-hund~ed square feet. She said s~e did not aGree wi t'1 t:1is cr:anqe , it should be left at the 18' 7" ana YC square feet as discussed at workshoD, She said she did not feel the reason given that it would be easier tor developers ~nj in concert with Schertz Parkway was sufficient, In fact. she sa.id she reallY thought Schertz Parkway should conform ti) Jack HaYE: . 248 ___ There being no further comments from Council, Mayor Sawyer declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:04 p.m. #4 Consider Ordinance, Article Hays Boulevard. and take XX, Section action on 2 Special amending the Zoning Overlay District Jack Mrs. Marsh I!Ioygg to change the ordinance back to the 18'7" and 90 square feet as or iginall y presented. Mr. Baldwin seconded the motion, which carried with the fOllowing vote: AYES: Greenwald. NAYS: Councilmembers Potempa. Baldwin. Stanhope, Marsh and None #5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. B. Special Meeting of 5-9-90 Regular Meeting of 5-15-90 Mr - Baldwin and ~rs. Stanhope questioned the arrangement of the paragraphs under ltem #10 of the minutes of May 9, 1990; however, on I istening to the tape of the meeting. the paragraphs are in the ri ght order. Mrs. Marsh asked that the second paragraph of item #1 B of the minutes of r~ay 9, 1990 be corrected to read: IIMayor Sawyer said he did poll the Council and they voted to paint out the lettering; but he did not feel we were breaking the law.1I Mrs. Marsh moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 9th and 15th as corrected. Mrs. Stanhope seconded the motion, which carried as follows: AYES: Councilmembers Potempa, Baldwin, Stanhope, Marsh and Greenwald. NAYS: None ABSTAINING: Mr. Potempa for the minutes of May 9, 1990. #6 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. Anita Clark, Chairman of the 4th of July Jubilee, gave an updated report of the activities they have planned. She mentioned that the liability insurance is in place and the new banner over Main Street, there are 14 organizations with booths, 4 Arts and Crafts with a possible 4 additional. This will be the first year for the Arts and Crafts section and they will set up outside the pavilion, where they carnival was set up; and the carnival will be across the street next to the parking lot. The carnival will run for two days this year and BVYA will open their concession stand on the 3rd. The bar-b-que dinner will be done by Kountry Kitchen. The paraqe will start at Samuel-Clemens High School at 10:00 a.m.. After the opening ceremonies, at 1 :00 o'clock there will be a performance by the Wiederstein Elementary Choir at 2:00 we will / ta~'e ~~e !.Iiller~ band and at 4~UU a Di~lka and waltz C'2ntEst. at 7:00 p.X. we will }1ave the San Anto~io ShowStop~ers and 8:0U p.m. there will be another band until midnight In cl)njunction with our celebration, Randolph Air Force Base will have thelr fireworKs on the East flightline and can be seen from o~r park, Mr. Potempa said it was brought up at Business Club Meetina ab,:~ut throwing candy during the parade. Mayor Sawyer sala we ~ave bee~ doing lt for years and have ~ot ha~ complaints. M r s. C 1 ark ':: L. sed ~ j s a v L: g the rea reg.) i n 9 t C, l) e a 1 ,] t '::> t changes this year, i~cludino addition::.,f the City's float 'with II l": i. s s S .:; 1"1 e r t == S \-oj e E. the .3 .~: t "2 n.j~ t 11 e A 2. ~l s s a SF: i t h f a In i 1 'l 1- i din q" 0 r: ~+- #" CONTRACT; '~,~jnsicier and take action ",:::}:ec:1..1t J_C)D ('.f C'C<1t:ract with Schel-tz Eusir~ess 3.,~ti\!ities . on auth-~ri2ina ~~0 Clut fc:r Jul,:' 4+-" VT. Greenwald moved to approve the :cmtract wi th the Business Club to:: 3ul.y 4th ::lct.::.vities Mrs Stanncpe the motion. which carried with the following vote: Schert:: seCCH1 :led AYES: Councilmembers Baldwin. Stanho~e. Marsh and Greenwald NAYS; None ABSTAINING: Mr. PoteDpa #8 read the ORDINANCE: Mayor caption as follows: Sawyer in t rc,d.t:.ced an ordinance and ORDINANCE NO, 90-5-19 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY ()F SCHEPTZ. TEXAS, AJ1ENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE NO. 87-5-11, ARTICLE II. PROCEDURES, SECTION 15.5 SPECIFICATIONS. PARAGRAPH 0.. ONE-FOOT NON-ACCESS EASEMENT AND SECTION "C"! DEFINITIONS; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. Nr. C,reenw3.1d mQy",d to approve an o::.-dinarlce on L,nal readina amending the subdivision ordinance. Article I:;:. Section 15, S, para'Jraph (), one-foot non-access easement. Mr. Pot'3mpa se,:e,nded the motion. which carried as follows: AYES: Councilmembers Potempa, Bal~win, Stanhope, Marsh a~a Creenwal.d. :'JAYS; None # 9 ORDIN&lfCE: Ma :lor Sawyer intrC).:tll<:ec: ::in <::!rCl r:a nee a nc:. ~ead the cantlon as tollows: v AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 87-S-1 BY REZONING A 2.286 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF GUADALUPE COUNTY AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING MAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ ZONING ORDINANCE. Mrs. Stanhope m9Ye: to approve the first reading of an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance by rezoning a 2.286 acre tract of land. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Potempa, Baldwin, Stanhope, Marsh and Greenwald. NAYS: None #10 APPOINTMENT: Mr. Greenwald IDQy~d to approve the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission and appoint Mr. Harold Bauman to fill the vacancy on the Commission. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried as follows: AYES: Councilmembers Potempa, Baldwin, Stanhope, Marsh and Greenwald. NAYS: None #11 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. We received a notice of a San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting on June 20th at 3:30 p.m. to consider filling two board vacancies. B. He regretted to inform Council that we have moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2 in Draught Management, based on level of water in the aquifer. We are still in the voluntary conservation program, which includes watering between the hours of 7:00 p.m and 7:00 a.m. only and washing of vehicles with hand held hose. Notices will be given to the news media and will be handed out over out counter. Mr. Sweatt asked that everyone encourage their neighbors to participate in the voluntary water conservation program. C. Along these same lines. he called attention to a draft of a letter to Cyndi Kr ier stating our concerns of the Texas Water Commission proposals for resolutions of the Edwards Aquifer matters being discussed by the Interim Legislative Study Committee. He asked for Council comments or suggestions on the letter. #12 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Potempa wanted to publicly thank the City Manager for taking care of a problem on Irola Drive. (",~'I7?'. VYU ) ,25] #13 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Sawyer said he had an inquiry concerning a place to pay telephone bills in person. #14 ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Potempa rooveg the meeting be adjourned at 7:24 p.m., with Mr. Baldwin seconding the motion which carried unanimously. ATTEST: 'I \ ~