ccswks 01-13-1988 16 \ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANUARYI3, 1988 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Meeting, Wednesday, January 13, 1988, at 7:~8 p~m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, '1498 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding; Charles B. Sharpe; Hal Baldwin; Ray Stanhope; Adolph Aguilar and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. 11 BEARING OF RESIDENTS: None #2 Discussion of awarding bids for the library addition. Mr. Aguilar said the Library Board had discussed bricking the outside of the library as their priority but because of the increase in population, they have decided to use their money for this addition. However, they still have the bricking project in mind. Mr. Hartzog, president of the Library Advisory Board" advised there were 13 bids received ranging in pri~e from $45,351 to a low bid of $25,983 from Kirchner Construction Co., Inc.. The Board met with Mr. Hense of Kirchner Construction on January 5th and he gave them handouts identifying projects he had constructed. Mr. Hartzog said he had visited some of these projects and they seemed to be good jobs. The Board is recommending going with the low bidder. He mentioned that the Board had asked for some additional things; one being an additional door into the present building - $359 and weather stripping. The Board would like these things included in the bid. Mayor Sawyer asked if there was a reason that Mr. Ross did not bid the job. Mr. Hartzog said he had moved and did not have the equipment in this area to give a low bid. Mr. Hartzog said they also talked about repainting the front sign and Kirchner said they would do it for $3~~, but there is the possibility that this could be done cheaper. Mr. Gilmore asked if these things mentioned now are in addition to the original bid. Mr. Sharpe said it would be better to award the original bid as it is and handle the additional things separate. Mr. Hartzog said the Library has funds set aside to cover this construction cost. Mr. Aguilar said he had talked to the contractor and he seemed to be very cooperative and would be willing to handle the additional items the Library wanted. Mr. Aguilar also announced the ground breaking ceremonies for this project would be on January 3~th at (/ 17 l~:~~ a.m. He said that even if the Library does have the funds available, it would be wise if the City would co-sign for this. Mr. Gilmore said the City accepts the bid and by doing so accepts the responsibility. B. Discussion of appointing Marge Smith to fill vacancy on the Library Board. Mr. Hartzog said that Mr. Fred Ross has suggested contacting Marge Smith and see if she would be willing to serve on this Board. She was contacted and consented to serve if appointed. She would be filling the unexpired term of Mr. Ross. MR. BALDWIN ARRIVED AT 7:12 P.M. #3 Discussion of BVYA contract for 1988. Mr. Greenwald advised that at the last meeting of BVYA Board, the items that were discussed with Council were resolved and the only changes requested were the addition of the Gene Anderson Field and the wording "and surrounding area" in place of Western Guadalupe County. i4 Discussion of proposal by Mr. Ling for advertising covers for school bus stops. Mayor Sawyer said Mr. Ling was at the last workshop and discussed these bus-stop covers for the children. Mr. Sawyer said he did not know the City had bus stops. Mr. Baldwin said there really were not any but mostly in front of their homes. Mayor Sawyer asked if the school had given any input on this. Mr. Baldwin said Mr. Ling had not contacted the School Administrative offices. Mr. Baldwin also said that he was not sure if the new businesses in this area were interested in paying out this much money for this type advertising. Mayor Sawyer suggested waiting to get some input from the School District before making a decision. i5 Discussion of adopting a City of Schertz logo & shield. Mayor Sawyer explained that Mr. Graham had submitted a suggested logo and the City Manager had displayed it in the entrance hall of the Municipal building to see if we could get some citizen input on a logo. Mr. Aguilar said he felt the idea was sound but the submitted design is really too bland - should have more color. '~ 18 \ Council discussed the proposed logo at length. Mayor Sawyer then suggested getting the local newspapers to publish a picture of the logo and request input. #6 Discussion of purchase of a chipper machine. Mayor Sawyer reminded Council of the problems involved in the last Clean Up Week sponsored by the City where tree limbs and shrubs were placed outside the containers creating a mess. Council had literature on several types and sizes of chipping machines. Mr. Gilmore advised that $5HJ~ had been budgeted for this purpose. Mr. Sharpe suggested going out for bids and he felt it would pay for itself. Mr. Gilmore said he would have Mr. Graham get with the State to write generic specifications and then go out for bid. Mr. Greenwald reminded Mr. Gilmore that Council wanted one that is self contained. .7 Discussion of regular agenda items: A. ordinance setting speed limits on FM 1518. Mayor Sawyer explained the reason for this ordinance is to allow our officers to give citations on the speeds set by the State. B. ordinance setting speed limits on Schertz Parkway. Mr. Sawyer said the City needs to get the signs up on Schertz Parkway as soon as possible to help stop some of the speeding out there. Mr. Gilmore reminded that we need to get the dedication from the private owners first. 18 Discussion of surface water and sewer hook-up with Hew Braunfels; Mr. Gilmore announced that on January 26th at l~: ~~ a .m. in Austin, the Water Commission will discuss our permit. The Hearing Examiner recommended that the permit be issued. Mr. Gilmore advised that if we commit to Canyon Lake, as new lakes are built for surface water, whatever the price is will extend to Canyon Lake as well. If they build the Cuero Reservoir they would have to bring the line through here. At this stage, it is not too promising. Mr. Stanhope said he head something on TV about San Antonio releasing their interest in getting water from Canyon Lake. Mr. -\ ( }9 Gilmore said the amount of acre feet left in Canyon Lake would not even make a drop in the bucket for San Antonio. Mr. Sharpe advised that that day's paper said that by the year 2~2~, the acquifer would be in deficit situation. Mr. Sharpe said he did not see how we could keep from making arrangements for water from some other source. Mr. Sharpe said that if San Antonio does not do something, whatever we do is not going to make any difference. Mayor Sawyer said he did not feel we should go with New Braunfels. The last paragraph in Mr. Bierschwale's memo states that New Braunfels has increased the percentage from 14% to 24% sinceG.B.R.A. has withdrawn from the proposal. The memo went on to say that the City of Schertz should not stand for a percentage increase when dealing in construction costs and possibly releasing City limits and ETJ rights. Mayor Sawyer said we should not give up our frontage on 135. Mr. Sh~rpe said he would like to have the cost to run the water line. Mr. Gilmore said he was suppose to have them but did not get the figures. Mr. Baldwin said this may not affect us but it will affect our children and grandchildren. Whatever is decided now better be the right one. Why not ask someone from the Acquifer to come and talk with us. Mr. Sharpe mentioned that the Acquifer people are having regional meetings allover the area that are open to the public. One of the concerns is that New Braunfels-San Marcos and San Antonio are primarily concerned for recreational water. Mayor Sawyer said Council is interested in water planning for the future and suggested staff make arrangements for someone to come out and brief Council. Concerning the sewer, Mayor Sawyer said it looks as if the City is going to get their permit. Mr. Gilmore said he should have figures to show compar isons of the two systems soon. The cost of the service line we would have to put in would be about $173,~~~ to accommodate the area they want us to give up. Mr. Baldwin reminded that that would only be the beginning cost. Mr. Gilmore said then Council would have the cost of helping them with their plant and cost of recovery fee for each tie-in. Mr. Baldwin said the value of the permit is that we can show New Braunfels that we can do it without them and pump into the Dry Comal. ~ 20 \ Mayor Sawyer said he really territory on 1-35. Mayor Sawyer then called a recess at 8diHIJ p.m. would hate to give up such valuable 19 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Sawyer called an Executive Session at 8:~5 p.m. under Article 6252-17, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, Section 2 (g) to discuss Personnel matters. The Special meeting was reconvened at 9:35 p.m. Mayor Sawyer advised that the City Manager was to be given a 5% pay increase and is to be evaluated at the end of July each-year, at which time Council will discuss salary to be included in the budget. 110 CITY MANAGER'S REPOIa': A. Went out for bids on Schertz Parkway~ We -ar'e looking at a completion date of May 1st. The bids will be opened Thursday, January 14th. B. Had a meeting with GVEC to discuss getting power to Schertz Parkway. They do not think they can do it underground and are talking about needing a sub-station because of the amount of power that will be generated in the area. GVEC is suppose to put together a plan that will be presented to Council. Mr. Sharpe mentioned there is a letter in their packet from GVEC to CPS asking it CPS would back off to 1-35 and were turned down. C. The Sewer Permit hearing will be held on January 26th. D. Kountry Kitchen is getting a new roof on, they got their permit today. Mr. Riedel has taken over the park back to the bridge. We are suppose to have a meeting with the bank out of Austin that has the back portion on the 28th. We have made arrangements for any type of emergency to get across the bridge even though it is closed off. Mr. Sharpe said he had received a complaint about a dump over there. Mr. Gilmore said he is working with Bexar County on ,this now. Mr. Sharpe also reported a truck went into Beck Concrete that had things on it other than construction materials. Mr. Gilmore would check this out. E. Henry Gutierrez has purchased the permit but not the land for the proposed new landfill. The Hearing will start again on April 5th. III ITEMS BY COORCIL: Mr. Aquilar: A. Glad to see the letter from inspection regarding the drive-in vehicles. /- I '01 :?I ,_ B. The road going into Pecan Grove may be a private road but it is full of potholes and is getting dangerous. Mr. Gilmore said this was brought up with his meeting with the new owner and he has asked for time to correct this. c. where are the garbage vehicles coming from. Mr. Gilmore said Waste Management is using trucks they use in other parts of their ter r i tory. The City is getting complaints about them starting early and working late, as well as scattering garbage. D. Keep in mind the Library and Humane Society will have their annual dance and auction on February 13th. Mr. Sharpe: A. in packets is a copy of a resolution requested by the Appraisal Distr ict. A law was recently passed author izing the Appraisal Distr ict that purchased property prior to January l, 1988 to validate the purchase. To be valid the resolution must be passed by 75% of the entities. B. Put on next workshop the discussion of procedures of police property recovered. Mr. Stanhope: A. Owner of Kountry Kitchen has asked why the police don't go in there for breakfast or supper. Are they restricted from going in certain places. Mr. Gilmore said no. Mr. Sharpe said he had also been asked that and other complaints. He was told that some police got repr imanded for eating there. Mr. Gilmore gave Mr. Sharpe information on this, which shows there is no policy as to where they can eat and no police officer was ever reprimanded for eating there. As far eating out of the city, only the mid shift can take a vehicle out of town to eat. Mr. Stanhope said he has been going in there for years and never sees a police officer in there. Mr. Aguilar said he goes by the Pizza Hut and see several police vehicles there at one time. Mrs. Krause said from her own experience, employees do not like to eat at Kountry Kitchen because they get hassled about city business every time they go in there from both the owner and her employees. B. Mr. Stanhope reported a sign down on Dartmore that has been down since October. The pole is gone also. Mr. Baldwin: A. Will the discussion of the resolution approving the participation in the Southwestern Bell Franchise Steering Committee be discussed. Mayor Sawyer suggested this be discussed at the next workshop. ~ 22 '\ Mr. Greenwald: A. Announced there is a public hear ing at the Community Center on February 3rd on Jack Hays. B. Has Mr. Graham taken any action to get someone to prune the tree out front. Mr. Gilmore said Mike DeLeon is working on that now. Mayor Sawyer asked Council if they wanted to discuss decorating the City Hall for next holiday season. Mr. Sharpe said he read where the Supreme Court had ruled that San Antonio's portable sign ordinance is valid. Mr. Greenwald said this was discussed at the last Planning & Zoning meeting and it was recommended that our ordinance be left as it is written. 112 I'l'BIIS BY MAYOR: There will be a Council of Mayors meeting the next day where they will discuss the proposed landfill. They will also introduce the new Universal City City Manager. #13 ADJOURRMERT: There being no further business, Mayor Sawyer declared the meeting to be adjourned at 19:15 p.m. ATTEST: Secretary, City of Schertz