ccswks 04-13-1988 89 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1988 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session, Wednesday( April 13, 1988 at 7:0~ p.m. in the Conference Room of the Munic1pal Complex, 14~0 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding; Charles B. Sharpe; Hal Baldwin; Ray Stanhope, and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Adolph Aguilar. Staff present were City Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. #l BEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Ty Brisgill of Woodland Oaks Subdivision advised Council'that in June last year Starlite Drive and Hidden Grove were seal coated and they still have a lot of gravel in the gutters. He said he was told that our street sweeper will not pick up gravel. Mr. Brisgill asked if they could get the fire department to wash the gravel out of the streets. Mayor Sawyer said staff would check to see what could be done. Mr. Brisgill had a 2" fitting that holds the street signs up in his subdivision. He said there are only about 4 or 5 threads that hold these signs up. Mayor Sawyer asked the City Manager to check into this as you should not be able to unscrew these by hand. Mr. Willman asked if the street vendors have to have a permit. Mayor Sawyer said yes they do just like any other food establishment. Mr. Willman also brought out that there is a school zone on FM 78 that has been there for years. He asked if there was any current need for it to be there. Mr. Baldwin said that the school district does bus the kids on the other side of FM 78; however there are still some who do not want to ride the bus and walk across there. The Transportation Director of the School District prefers that this school crossing not be removed. Mr. Harry Richburg asked if Council had found out anything about the trees on Fawn and Antler Drive. Mr. Sharpe said he and Steve Simonson earmarked several but are waiting on the attorney's opinion before proceeding. Mr. Gilmore said he had not heard back from the attorney, even though have called him several times. #2 AGENDA ITEMS: A. Consideration of final reading of an ordinance updating Health Ordinance to allow for reinspection fees to the consumer. There being no further discussion, this item will be on the next agenda for action. ~ 90 \ B. Consideration of final reading of an ordinance establishing regulations for drilling wells and plugging abandoned and deteriorating wells. There was no further discussion on this item; therefore it will be on the next agenda. #3 Discussion of awarding bid on 3/4 ton pickup for Street/Parks Department. Mr. Gilmore advised we went out for bids and received four bids. We are recommending the low bidder San Antonio Truck Sales in the amount of $13,36S.S8. Mr. Sharpe asked about the deliver time and Mr. Gilmore said we were told no more than two or three weeks. #4 Discussion of a Jail Contract with Guadalupe County. Mr. Gilmore said that Judge Sagebiel had written a cover letter stating that due to the increase cost of jail maintenance and supervision, the Commissioner's Court was forced to increase its daily housing rates from $10 to $2B. Mr. Sharpe said he assumed this is the same contract sent to other cities in Guadalupe County. Mr. Baldwin asked if it was similar to the one with Bexar and Comal Counties. Mr. Gilmore asked that the City does not have contracts with those counties; but the costs are much higher in both counties. Mayor Sawyer questioned the length of the contract. Mr. Sharpe answered that this contract is for one year and after the first year, if everything is satisfactory, tliey will extend for five years. Mr. Gilmore also reminded Council that Judge Sagebiel had extended them an invitation to the first meal served in the new facilities. #S Consideration of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate for purchase of land for water tank site. Mr. Gilmore explained this is the land we are purchasing from Mr. Cantu and need this resolution in order to get a warranty deed. #6 Consideration of a resolution authorizing the City ....ger to accept donation of Lot 2, Block 29 Live Oak Bills SD~vision from Jeanette Craig. (/ 91 Mr. Gilmore said this is a piece of property for which we had sent a tax bill, in the amount of about $6 and she said the taxes had been going up every year and she wanted to just donate the land to the City. We took her up on the offer; now all is needed is the resolution to get a warranty deed. #7 Consideration of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate purchase of land for FM 78 widening. The City Manager said this is the land next to the Bligh property needed for the State to widen FM 78 to Jack Hays. All that is needed to complete the transaction is this resolution. #8 Consideration of an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance by rezoning 3.817 acres tract of land from R-2 to General Business and Neighborhood Services. Mayor Sawyer said that he had talked with the lady that stated at the public hear ing she did not want this approved. After reminding her that in the past, someone wanted to put apartments in there, she calmed down. #9 ordinance Parkway. Consideration of an ordinance amending the zoning by rezoning the 888+ acres surrounding Schertz Mr. Gilmore explained that this is merely to establish the acreage of the original zoning done in 1984. #10 Consideration of an ordinance regulating speed limits on FM 78. Mr. Gilmore this is passing on the recommendation sent by the Highway Department after their survey. ill Consideration of the Hazard Communication Program. The City Manager advised that we are required to comply with the requirements of the Texas Hazard Communication Program of 1986, to protect employees and be sure that we meet the program against hazard mater ials in the work place. This explains the type of equipment, training and everything to insure that our employees and contractors are protecting us, the City, and br ing us into line with the Emergency Management Program. Mr. Greenwald questioned the part on employee questionaire. It says nothing about dual mask respirators. Also who will do the training. Mr. Gilmore said the insurance people are here every two or three months for that. Mr. Baldwin said the hazard reports need to be in each department and not just Emergency Management. He was assured that they are. ~ 92 \ #12 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Several people have inquired about the additional dirt under the railroad br idge. Talked with a representative of the Southern Pacific Railroad and they are placing dirt there for a temporary rail bed. Their time table for completion is the end of May. Have contacted the State Water Commission and made them aware of this. B. We are getting more calls for use of the chipper. Mr. Gilmore said it was his understanding that the only time free service was to be provided was during Spring Clean Up. We need to determine cost very shortly. Mr. Gilmore said we did 20 calls during Spring Clean Up and now have 9 calls requesting the chipper. We need to come up with a reasonable fee and are 100K1ng at $S6 per hour and a normal job takes IS minutes. The total cost to us is $56 per hour, using two people, transportation costs, etc. Mr. Sharpe said he thought that rate might be good if another city want to use it but should be less for our citizens or we will be faced with just what we did not want. Mr. Sharpe suggested $l~ a visit unless it take more than one hour, then add another $19. Mr. Baldwin suggested $l~ for each one-half hour or $2~ per hour. Mayor Sawyer agreed that it should be $19 each half hour for our residents and make it a test. He said this is a fair amount and if a larger job or other cities want the use of it, go with the higher rate. Mr. Stanhope asked if we have the manpower. Mr. Gilmore said it would have to be on scheduled basis. Mr. Potempa asked what it would be if a citizen wanted to bring the job to the yard. Mr. Gilmore said it would still have to be on a scheduled basis. Mr. Greenwald agreed with the $10 per half hour and give it a 60 day test. Mr. Gilmore asked what Council thought about charging it it was a large commercial lot or big land area involved. Both the Mayor and Mr. Greenwald suggested $60 per hour. C. We have corne up with an invitation on the Schertz Parkway Grand Opening and are shooting for April 3~th. Mr. Sharpe has been gel:ting names for the invitation list, we have about 399. We have permission from Mr. Helms to go in and clean up a parking area. Mr. Sharpe is working to get a number of antique cars to lead off; have the cannon. We are going to need some money, which is budgeted under Industrial Development - some people to work on Saturday and the refreshments, etc. / ! 93 Mr. Sharpe added that the list for the invitations includes extensive list of developers, architects, engineers that might be expanding. He said that even if they do not come, they will get the publicity through the invitation. He is working on a handout. He mentioned the copy of the Metrocom Profile, which is designed to pullout pages on each city. We need to have some of these reproduced to hand out. Mayor Sawyer asked if anyone had a problem with spending this money and Council had none. D. Mr. Gilmore said after the citizen comments at a previous meeting, he attempted to ver ify some of the comments. Mr. Gilmore said he believed she was wrong. We had 16 officers leave the City since 1982. We start them out at $13,086 and Selma at $15, 204; Universal City at $16, 800, and Cibolo at $13, 500. Of the 16 who left, four of them served with the city for 6 months and one of the four did not make probation; 8 over I year and 4 over 2 years. Mr. Gilmore said he called AACOG and their study shows that the annual turnover rate is 22%, so we are not out of line since ours is 18% to 20%. She was correct in that our salaries are low. The Council has been working to correct that. Mr. Gilmore has copies of letter of resignation of officers that did resign. Regarding the incident that happened in the police department one year ago, the Federal people investigated that and found no wrong doing. Evidently her comments were based on some misinformation from somewhere. Mr. Gilmore said he is proposing to issue a policy in regards to service of warrants providing an equitable means of having warrants issued within our city. Unless there are any adverse comments, Mr. Gilmore will implement this policy. Mr. Sharpe said the City Manager might want to include some way of random ass ignment of war rants so that we don't have someone picking and choosing. Mr. Gilmore said he first wanted to establish who can serve warrants, then go with the procedures. Mr. Baldwin said he approved of the off-duty warrant work but commented on the statement that before we dispense money, it must be approved. Mr. Gilmore said he approves that just like all other expenditures. Answer ing Mr. Stanhope and Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Gilmore said the period of probation is six months. Mr. Baldwin then asked if an officer is on duty and he brings in the people with warrants, who get the money. Mr. Gilmore said the general fund of the city; because if done on duty, it is part of their job and if done off duty, they should be compensated for it. ~- 94 \ E. Council has been invited to the first meal in the new Guadalupe County jail on April 28th at noon. F. According to geologist, Jesse Helm's well is too close to contamination. He suggest we go at least 19~~ feet the other side of 135. He listed four places we thought would be good sites. Have contacted Sam Parns who has a well which is even or across from John's well. We will look at it Tuesday to be sure it is in Guadalupe County and could be a good producer. Parns has said he would work with us if the site is acceptable. We are still actively pursuing a well site. F. Have received the bids on the storage tanks and have a letter from Ed Ford recommending Holiday Company, who is the low bidder, be accepted for $418,836.90. Ford has checked out the company and they check out well. They have all the fabricating equipment and personnel to complete the job. Received only positive statements. His Bond would have to reviewed if he is awarded the project. Mr. Sharpe brought up that we did not look at making the Schermerville tank one million gallon. Mr. Gilmore said this was presented before and the cost would have been quite a bit more. If we put in the half million, by the time we would need anotheL half million, we would probably need it in another spot. Mr. Stanhope asked the time frame we would need to add on. Mr. Gilmore said we are looking at 2~ years. Mr. Sharpe said he did not know Council had made a final decision but realized that we do need to get on with the project. Mr. Stanhope said that he is amazed that all around us they are building elevated tanks and we are still on the ground, especially with the same engineer for both. Mr. Gilmore said it is because of the cost mostly and he thought the Council wanted low profile. Mr. Ford presented all three ways of doing it and considering the cost and that the citizens wanted a low profile, Council wanted to go with ground storage. Mr. Sharpe said Council needs to go ahead and get this project started. Mr. Baldwin said it would be nice if Mr. Ford could corne to one of Council's meetings. Mr. Baldwin said there is time between this and the next meeting to find out if an elevated tank would pay for itself. We have not let contract so let's get answers for Tuesday's meeting. Mayor Sawyer asked the City Manager to have Mr. Ford presept for the next regular meeting. (/ 95 #13 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Sharpe asked where we stand with trying to get Southern Pacific to give right of way for FM 78. Mr. Gilmore said we are still pursuing this and the State has taken over the negotiations. Mr. Sharpe asked if anyone had gotten copy of S.B. 408 that talks about zoning plats within five miles of the city limits. He suggested getting a copy of this bill. Mr. Gilmore asked if the Council had made a decision as to what they want to do about annex ing along F.M. 1103. Mr. Greenwald mentioned that we only need the second reading of the ordinance. Mr. Sharpe mentioned that a little more fill is needed on Antler and probably the same on Fawn Drive. Mr. Sharpe announced that the auction by the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club is to be the next Sunday at the Bluebonnet Palace. Mr. Stanhope said he and Mr. Willman were touring the city and notice the building on FM 1518 where they built coaches. Since the City is looking for a place for the Clty yard, we should look into this building. Mayor Sawyer said it may be worth looking in to as they filed bankruptcy. Mr. Stanhope said a neighbor told him he almost got hit on Lindberg by the Post Office by a car on the wrong side of the medium. There are no yellow lines showing the way cars should go. Mr. Baldwin said a long time ago Council had discussed sidewalks in front of Greenfield 3 and FM 3~~9, did we decide we did not need them. Mr. Greenwald said they were suppose to provide 80% of the total cost and when FM 3009 is widened, the sidewalks would be put in. Mr. Baldwin said he was talking with Mr. Stine about the school busses not be able to go into the cul-de-sac and have to stop on FM 3009 two times. Mr. Stine said he would put in an off ramp. Mr. Sharpe said he was talking about people not stopping for a stopped school bus, which is against the law. Mayor Sawyer asked to put the FM 3~09 sidewalks as number 35 on the Bell Ringer List. Mr. Baldwin suggested not allowing slippage on Jack Hays, if people are going two miles over the speed limit, ticket them. Mr. Greenwald asked if Council was going to discuss weight limit for Schertz Parkway. Mr. Gilmore said he talked with Herb, who said he would give the weight of busses to Mr. Baldwin. ~ 96 \ Mr. Greenwald reported that at the Thursday night meeting with the Lone Oak Cr ime Watch people, they had some very interesting points and questions. One was the odor from the CCMA plant. Mayor Sawyer added that the citizens say they have complained and nothing was ever done about it. Mr. Gilmore said that Mr. Weaver had corne to the Council meeting and said the odor was taken care of. Mr. Greenwald said the City should write to CCMA about this. One of the other things brought up at this meeting was speeding in Lone Oak. Cpl. MacSor ley said he would set up radar three times the next day. They are saying people outside the subdivision are speeding; but Mr. Greenwald said he felt it was the people within. Mr. Greenwald said that one of the things Cpl. MacSorley brought up was that the DPS has pulled all their officers from San Antonio City limits to New Braunfels city limits so that if 135 is going to be controlled, it will be up to the local cities. Another subject was the fact that we allow our police officer to take their cars home and citizens can tell when they are home because they always park the cars the same way. Mayor Sawyer said it was a very good meeting. Mr. Sharpe felt it would be appropr iate to send them a letter and thank them for inviting officials and staff and tell them what is being done. Mr. Greenwald said he has not been able to attend any BVYA meetings because they changed the meetings night to Council meeting nights. Maybe the Mayor could asked them to send copy of their minutes for Council packets. Mr. Greenwald asked if Council was going to try to get a joint tour set up between Council and Planning & Zoning. Mayor Sawyer said they had talked about this and asked Mr. Baldwin if could get a school bus. Mr. Greenwald said that at the last regular meeting, the recorder went off during the meeting and we lost about 15 minutes. He said we need to see about getting one for Council Chambers like the one in the Conference Room. He felt it would only cost about $2~~. On May the 3rd, the VFW has invited Council over at 7:80 p.m. for a Flag Dedication Ceremonies. They will have flags from other states as well as United States and it should be a very impressive program. Mr. Greenwald then asked if the Regular Meeting start time could be changed to 5:38 p.m. Mr. Greenwald said it was brought up at the previous night's P&Z meeting that there was a sign advertising a Marion Flea Market in the city right of way. Mr. Gilmore reported that the sign had already been picked up. ,/ ( ~- 97 #14 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Sawyer said he had been asked to judge a beauty queen contest at Randolph. Mr. Sharpe asked why Mr. Aguilar was not present. said he had to attend a family funeral. Mr. Stanhope asked the status of purchasing new generators. Mr. Gilmore said he had received costs from 3 or 4 companies and the Fire Department has corne up with another company that we are checking on. Mr. Gilmore Mr. Hartzog reported the Library Book Sale was a great success, they made over $1300. People from allover were there - the media coverage was excellent this year. He said this was the best sale they had had. Last year it only took 2-1/2 hours to set up using the National Honor Society members. #IS ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m. by Mayor Sawyer. ATTEST: Secretary, City of Schertz