ccswks 08-03-1987 i- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 3, 1987 r 197 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Session, Monday, August 3, 1987, at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding; Charles B. Sharpe; Ray Stanhope; Adolph Aguilar and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Hal Baldwin. Staff present were City ,(3 Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. t6~ l<7 ;10 Mr. Aguilar referred to page 8 of the budget - Street/Parks - and asked about building maintenance. Mr. Gilmore explained that included the office, storage shed and equipment area. Mr. Aguilar then asked about the park building maintenance and Mr. Gilmore said that included the small and large pavilion, the rest rooms. Mr. Greenwald asked about the radio maintenance Control. Mr. Gilmore said to take $2000 out of that leaving only $700. Mr. Gilmore also asked to drop maintenance in Streets to $1000 and in Parks to $300. in Animal line item, the radio Mayor Sawyer asked why the increase in Sewage Treatment on page 13. Mr. Gilmore said it was caused by the new customers. r- Mr. Stanhope asked about Water/Sewer equipment Gilmore said that there are times when we do equipment to do a job and have to rent it. rental. not have Mayor Sawyer asked Mr. Gilmore to explain the line item "New Meters". Mr. Gilmore said we buy new meters for new connections and then'get our money back on installation charges. We are also having to replace old meters that can no longer be repaired. MR. BALDWIN ARRIVED AT 6:18 P.M. Mr. Aguilar asked about the jump in operational supplies for the Water Department. Mr. Gilmore explained it includes hand tools, first aid kits, copy and computer paper, etc. and the additional growth. Council discussed the various maintenance line items and what they cover. Mr. Baldwin said he would make his annual remarks about the Transfer in Lieu of Taxes, which this year has doubled. r- Mr. Gilmore explained that the Water/Sewer Revenues reflect a $100,000 GF Tax I&S Transfer that goes back to Water & Sewer. We are required to put a certain amount of money in I&S just in case the Water & Sewer Fund cannot pay principle and interest on the Jr. Lien Bonds. This money has accumulated to the amount that we Mr. the 1.98 \ no longer have to add to it, since the Water & Sewer was able to pay for the bonds. o Mayor Sawyer remarked that it looks as if the City is spending money as appropriately as possible. Page 14 - Capitol Improvements. Mr. Sharpe asked about the priority list for street seal coating. Mayor Sawyer said that would be discussed at the next workshop. Mr. Sharpe asked what was decided on the possible purchase of a chipping machine. Mr. Gilmore reminded Council that Mr. Gutierrez of Waste Management said they had one to be utilized during Spring Clean Up. Mr. Sharpe said he did not disagree with that but there was a need for one more than one time a year. Mr. Gilmore was asked to find out costs of either contracting one or purchasing one for future projects. Mr. Baldwin sugges ted tha t the Ci ty should back up some of the costs of the cleanup this year. Mr. Sharpe reminded that there had been discussion of a committee so that there might be better control. Mr. Stanhope said he would like to see some money put in this budget for beautification of the Municipal Complex. Maybe put in the sprinkler system this year and do the rest in a later year. D It was agreed to put $2500 in the budget for the sprinkler system and $3500 for the chipper. SAFES budget - page 15 Mr. Sharpe asked if Mr. Gilmore could get him the actual population figures used by each city for the support of SAFES. He said he did not care what year figures they use as long as it is consistent with all cities. Mr. Sharpe asked why the malpractice insurance went down so much. Mrs. Krause explained that SAFES no long have to buy insurance individually, they are now covered under our TML insurance pOlicy. Mayor Sawyer called for a recess at 7:22 p.m. The Special Meeting was reconvened at 7:25 p.m. Organizational Chart: Mr. Stanhope asked if the one additional man in the pOlice department would be enough so that they can patrol all three shifts. Mayor Sawyer said this chart shows what Mr. Gilmore feels is D necessary for the coming year. J; ~~'~{\~ it / 199 r Mr. Baldwin asked if it was time to start thinking about a Public Works Director again. Mr. Aguilar said he agreed because to him it seemed to be getting back to the spl i t department where it is "my" equipment and "your" equipment. Mr. Stanhope asked when they are working on the water line, why does the water department repair the street, shouldn't that be done by the street department. MR. AGUILAR HAD TO LEAVE FOR A LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING. Mr. Gilmore said he had not had any complaints about the two divisions working together. Mr. Baldwin said he did not feel the way the City is doing it is cost effective. He felt it is time to look at a Public Works Director to see if it is feasible. Mr. Baldwin feels there is a duplication of work effort. Mayor Sawyer said they use the same work area and he doubted there was a duplication of work effort. He also stated that he felt this was Mr. Gilmore's problems. r Mr. Gilmore said that in order to run the place economically, there are certain jobs that are jus t pick and shovel. If he loads the top level, then he is not being cost effective. Mr. Stanhope asked about the clerk/dispatcher positions. Mr. Gilmore said they are in two different offices and there is not One office big enough to handle the equipment and personnel. Mayor Sawyer said the man that can explain all this to Council is Mr. Graham and suggested they go down and spend some time in the public works area. Mr. Baldwin said that on the salary surveys furnished, Schertz is at the bottom of the list in most areas, yet we'have two high paid men in that department. He did not feel the city is set up right. Mr. Gilmore explained that he felt our salaries for the City are well adjusted for what we can afford. He said he did not think we could ever match what Universal City pays. He said especially in the 'police department, he did not feel regardless of salary that we could keep people from leaving. Mayor Sawyer stated that from what Council was saying, they want to place another position in the library and asked Mr. Gilmore to r- look at it and see if there is money for this. Mr. Gilmore said that with the adjustments made at this meeting, he felt he could add a library clerk. -'VV Mr. Sharpe suggested raising the pOlice patrolmen's clothing allowance. Mr. Gilmore stated they now get $25 per month for cleaning and $75 per quarter for clothing allowance. Mr. Sharpe suggested increasing that to $50 per month and $100 per quarter. Council agreed with these figures, but it should be clearly stated that this increase is for full-time uniformed officers only. Mayor Sawyer suggested scheduling another budget workshop for Monday, August 10th. Mr. Sharpe said he would like for Council to look at the advantages and disadvantages of letting either the County Tax Office or the Appraisal District collect taxes for next year. There being no further discussion, Mayor Sawyer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ATTEST: i..j "\\ct! ertz, Texas J1I't' " I> ";',~_th, '~~ii; \ o D o