ccswks 03-26-1986 ,__ 1 \ .~ ,- i I ! l~ 95 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MARCH 26, 1986 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session, Wednesday, March 26, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Earl w. Sawyer, presiding; Charles B. Sharpe; Hal Baldwin; Ray Stanhope; Adolph Aguilar and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were City Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. #l HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Charlotte Pierce, who lives on Judith Ann in Schertz, read a prepared statement regarding the pornography industry. She addressed two questions to the Council - one, what keeps this industry out of our city; and two- how would Council vote on an ordinance prohibiting same. Ms. Pierce said she had checked and found the City does not have a specific ordinance against pornography. She had also talked with one of the Councilmembers, Mr. Aguilar, who advised her to present her concerns to Council. In discussing Ms. Pierce' concerns, Council advised that Schertz does have a massage ordinance and that our zoning ordinance regulates the rest. In order for anyone to have a business of this type, they would have to get a variance or specif ic use permit, both of which would have to go to Planning and Zoning and Council. They assured Ms. Pierce that both P&Z and Council are against any type of pornography and really watch out for it. Mayor Sawyer told Ms. Pierce that Council shares her concerns on pornography and will ask our attorney to check on whether we can pass an ordinance asking printed material be kept out of sight and also how we could check on age. Mr. Anthony Zigmund said he felt that animals running at large was getting a 1 ittle out of control. He real ized that the department had been short handed but also knew the City had hired two new people in the Animal Control Department. He addressed the problem of people letting their animals out at night when they know there is no one on patrol. Mr. Gilmore advised that starting the next Monday, Mr. Graham will be out from six to ten in the evenings patrolling. As soon as the new employees are properly trained, their hours will be alternated so that we can get the problem under control. Mr. Zigmund was made aware of the cages available for citizens to place in their yards but he was reluctant to use one. Mayor Sawyer suggested advising citizens through the newspapers of the charges for allowing animals to run at large and ask-for their cooperation. 96 #2 Mrs. Barnes, Neighborhood Services representative, to address Council. Mrs. Barnes said she has worked with Neighborhood Services for over five years. She does not have enough room to serve the people that come in since her one storage closet has been taken away from her use. She said she has boxes of clothes at her home that need to be transported back and forth, when she is open on Pfeil Street on Wednesdays. Mrs. Barnes said if she does not have space to do her job, it might as well be disbanded. She said she keeps records on money that is spent but does not keep records on clothes. o Mr. Sharpe said he talked with Mr. Freeman of the Housing Authority, who is in charge of the building, but he did not know what Mr. Freeman has planned. Mayor Sawyer suggested Mrs. Barnes go to the Housing Authority Board. He said he will be there for another reason and would talk to them with her to try to get it straightened out. #3 Mr. Tom Anderlitch, the City's Financial Advisor. Mayor Sawyer reintroduced Mr. Anderlitch, saying he has been our Financial Advisor for many years, and that he has come to talk with Council about bonding. Mr. Gilmore said that he had asked Mr. Anderlitch to come to this meeting after Council had requested information on Street and Parks bonds. He also asked Mr. Anderlitch to furnish information on water & sewer bonds. o Mr. Anderl itch said the interest rate market is better than in the last few years. He handed out rate schedules on bonding and said he had used eight and one half and nine percent interest rates on them, not knowing whether we will be going out for bonds this year or two years f rom now. These are just starting figures. After discussing the schedules, Mr. Anderlitch said he has probably seen more bond issued defeated in the last two years then ever before. He said the people have to be shown what the money is for and how it will be used and will it cost them any money. If the Council is not sold on the bond issue, don't take it to election. If Council appoints a bond committee, they may think of other projects they feel are more important. If you start tonight and it is defeated, you are two years behind, it takes that long to overcome a defeat. Mr. Anderlitch presented schedules on $2,000,000 Street Improvements and $1,000,000 Park Improvements for a total proposed bond issue of $3,000,000. He gave two schedules, one for 15 years and one for 20 years, saying that the shorter the debt, the cheaper the rate. Should Council want to have an [ election next fall, the City would not have a debt payment until 1. one year later. The 15 year schedule would cost about 24 cents ."',,1 ','l""- , ' _ .,kL l: 1.~; 97 'If \ in tax increase with the 20 year costing about 20 cents. However, the interest rate on the longer term is dramatically higher. Another thing to remember is that if the total amount of money is not needed at one time, you can leave part of it for another year or more. Mr. Greenwald said Council plans do break the tax increase down to each bond issue. Mr. Anderlitch agreed that you need to spell out how the money will be spent or the people will vote it down. Mr. Anderlitch also spoke on schedules for $l,OOO,OOO proposed Util i ty System Revenue Bonds. The Schedules presented showed ways of meeting the requirements by adjusting the water rate schedules but leaving the base rate of $4.50/3000 gallons the same. Mr. Anderlitch said Council could change the rate structure any way they feel would be most equitable for our citizens. Mayor Sawyer asked Council if they were committed to a bond election, with Councilmembers saying they were. Mayor Sawyer then suggested Councilmembers submit names of three or four citizens who are really pro the projects and appoint them to a I bond committee. Then Mr. Gilmore can give them a standard bond lecture and inform them the Council's ideas of what the money is needed to achieve. r--- i i #4 Dr. Catherine Tull, Texas Department of Health Region 9 veterinarian to discuss animal control ordinance. Dr. Tull said she would be glad to answer Council. She also said she would be glad ordinance for any possible legal problems. any questions of to critique our Mr. Gilmore said he felt we should discuss the animal shelter - where we are weak and strong; and get Dr. Tull' s thoughts on animal control. Mr. Stanhope said this came up earlier at the time of our shot clinic, when people discovered that current city tags cost $7 each. They felt this was excessive. The surrounding cities charge from $2.50 to $3.00. ..-- Dr. Tull said the fee is normally diff erent f or those animals that have been altered but it really depends on what the fee is suppose to do. She said we have a fine facility and that our Animal Control Officer Betty-Ann Kent seems to be really responsible. Our shelter needs the surface of the concrete blocks covered and sealed so that ticks cannot cling to it. The cat place is not inadequate but could be improved. Mayor Sawyer said Council had talked about changing fees and changing the year. Dr. Harborth said he was will ing to sell !license for the City on a annual basis but not from October to [October. Mr. Graham said it has been changed at the shelter to lone year from the date the tag is sold. ( "-- 98 ~ Mr. Gilmore asked Dr. Tull if there is a recommended length of 0 time for strays to be kept. Dr. Tull said three days. When asked if keeping animals caged for long periods of time affect the animal, Dr. Tull said yes, it does. After Dr. Tull left, Council discussed fees for tag, encouraging altering (spaying and neutering> and specifics of the ordinance. Mr. Gilmore said the primary purpose of the facility was to control animals and to protect the health of the citizens - adoption is secondary. Concensus of Council was to charge $l.OO for tags for altered animals and $3.00 for unaltered animals. Dr. Tull to critique our ordinance and then get with Mr. Gilmore, so we can be sure it is in compliance with State law. # 5 EXECUTIVE SESSION: NONE #6 CITY MARAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Gilmore gave the following reports: A. P&Z recommended approval of the rezoning of Sanders and Leon request for Neighborhood Services for the property on Elbel Road. B. People from Shirmerville have been in and presented City Secretary with a petition for annexation. D C. there is a letter in Council packets from Dr. Tull commending Betty-Ann Kent. D. Also in the packet is a copy of a newspaper article about Albertson's possibly building a distribution center in Schertz. E. Mr. Gutierrez came in with a petition asking us to annex on Schaefer Road. Talked with Richard Harris and he said we would have to get a release from San Antonio and Cibolo before we could annex. In the meantime we find out that Cibolo has gone to San Antonio asking them to back off. However, a part of this land is in Schertz' ETJ. Mr. Baldwin said that~Jwe want to move toward Cibolo on I-lO, then we should not ask San Antonio to release the area to us. F. Business is picking up again as far as new development is concerned. Different developers are coming in each day - some serious and some just speculating. #7 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Aguilar said he noticed where Universal City ~s checking license of our citizens going into UC. Mayor Sawyer said he registered a complaint with the Chamber of Commerce, and if that does not work then we will go somewhere else. o ~"' ,. "'i ~. ',*,-, r-- [ I I I i ~ 99 ~r. Aguilar asked if there was anything new from Barshop. Mr. ilmore reported that there has been a slowdown due to drainage ight of way. We were suppose to get the transfer of right of aYi but after the money had been put upj the people backed out. r. Sharpe: A. On May 22 the Chamber of Commerce is setting up ours of development in the Randolph area. They are sending out 500 invitations to developers and interested persons. The tour ill start at Rotama and make a stop at the Sycamore Creek partments. We should take advantage of having something to give he people on their first stop. I ~. Has the schedule been worked up on putting out the large rash containers? Mr. Gilmore said we are working with Gutierrez t the present time. I d. There will be a hear ing in New Braunf els on the sewer ~ischarge permit, think it will be on the 7th of April. I ~i. San Antonio has a section lcohol and non-alcohol zoning. ,hould be brought up at P&Z. i I. For a number of months we have been talking about getting an st imate from F red Ross on doing something with the Community enter. Mr. Greenwald said his hangup has been trying to get omething from his air conditioning guy as to whether or not what ,e have can be used. in their zoning ordinance on Mayor Sawyer said maybe this ~r. Stanhope: A. a citizen called him about not being able to ay a fine by check. He said he checked with Mr. Gilmore, who old him Council had set a policy of not taking checks for fines. ayor Sawyer said that has been our policy for a long time. ~. Have been told the street signs in Greenfield are faded and ~eed to be rePlac,ed. Mr. Greenwald said at one time some not too igh quality signs were purchased but the policy has been hanged. ' I ~r. Baldwin: A. Reported on a meeting with Dr. Runkel at andolph AFB, Major Keeling and the Vice-Commander. Dr. Runkel is very cooperative and he is willing to bring SAFES back into ~he program. The could only provide mass casualty backup. He hlas agreed to pay a fee for any person on Randolph AFB that is 1ilitary connected. ~. Tom Funk and Ross Wallace have a meeting in Universal City tlhis date. Mr. Wallace had 8 people signed up that were ~. terested in taking the courses. Universal City has made an pplication through AACOG to buy a super ambulance to be manned b SAFES personnel and based in Universal City. If they don't get enough volunteers, it will probably be limited service at f~rst but at least it is a start. 100 C. There was an article in the newspaper about Wayne Kinzel and Autumn Winds Retirement Lodge - some people mixing this up with 0 the Autumn Hills legal fight. MaYQr Sawyer said perhaps a letter to the newspaper could be sent and Mr. Sharpe suggested having the TV station do a segment on this. Mr. Greenwald: A. P&Z would like to set up a tour of the Shirmerville area on either the l2th or 19th of April if we can arrange transportation. There was discussion about using Council members' vans and going on the l2th as the 19th is the opening day for BVYA. #8 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Sawyer received a letter from the Baptist Church expressing appreciation to our police department, especially Steve Judd. There is a possibility of some type of shooting range that would like to move into our area. We plan to take them on a tour of the Shirmerville area as well as the rest of the city. There is a gentleman that wants to put up some type of war memorial out there, whereby each city would put in some money. Not sure just what he wants at this time. Ask Mr. Ehlers to come out and talk to Council about widening FM 78 - not a by-pass. Mayor Sawyer asked how we stand on the land condemnation for 0 Schertz Parkway. Mr. Gilmore said of the two owners at this end, one is a definite "no" and the other is a "maybe". We have had planning meetings with developers and they a~e very interested in overlay and they came up with some very good ideas that we did not think about on the first one. Mayor Sawyer said we should call the gentleman that said "maybe" because he said he would get back within a week. If he says no; then we should start condemnation proceedings. #9 ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Sawyer declared the meeting to be adjourned at 11:08 pm. ATTEST: o . .1,.. ,. ," ,r- _~r~__:~";'~~".M'J'~\~:1~ " '1;<.....---.-..;,' >.Jj;._;~~~,.: ,." ~,,":,~:.:,6:iii'.i"Ii-jf: .J