ccswks 04-25-1984 244 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1984 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session, Wednesday, April 25, 1984, at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road, with the following members present: Mayor Ear 1 W. Sawyer, presiding, Char les B. Sharpe, Hal Baldwin; Ross Hoover, Adolph Aguilar and Ken Greenwald. Staff were City Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. Dickie Day George presented Council with a .proposal from the Chemical Awareness Committee, setting out their officers and their goals which include a Youth Center. They had conducted a survey of parents within the SCUCISD. Of the 389 responding, 325 were favorable and 43 responded negatively. On being questioned by Councilmembers, Mrs. George said about 20 to 25 parents said they would volunteer a few hours a month to support the center. Their proposal was for the City to build or purchase a building suitable for a Youth Center, pay all utilities and maintenance. Mrs. Liz Mueller said they did not want volunteers to run it but wanted a director paid by the City. Council was in agreement the proposal was a good one; however, they would not be in favor of funding a director until they had a viable program going. Mayor Sawyer said that the Library started completly with volunteers as did both SAFES and the Fire Department. The Mayor said if they organize a program with volunteers then he would back them all the way. M. Willman said that on September 28th, Mr. Gilmore br iefed Council on a street program and Council wanted to wait until after the election to discuss going out for bonds. What is the Council doing about this project now that the elections are over? Mayor Sawyer asked that this item be on the next workshop agenda. Mrs. Mueller asked about a BB gun ordinance and prohibiting glass in city parks. After discussing the cons of these items, Mr. Gilmore said he would have a ordinance for review at the next workshop. #2 Discussion of P&Z recommendations on Zoning Changes #54 and i55. Mr. Gilmore said that both these areas are the ones discussed at the last public hear ing and P&Z are recommending approval. These changes are to be on the next regular agenda. the one pros and proposed i3 Discussion of annexations - public hearings. o o We have scheduled two pUblic hearings for the next regular meeting, one to receive input on the proposed annexation of 296.78 acres of land out of Comal County and the other on 51.852 acres out of Comal and Guadalupe Counties. Both of these areas have been discussed previously. The 296.78 acres are closing inU II the Industrial Park and the other is the strip along FM 1103. j: '""'" .,,:i;.;.-..,-.a ,..-:,t~ '.1.""",+- ~ 'I ~ ::~-;;':'t~~;~~"~~:;~ :c:; .._ ')fI~ '--. .L c..J r- I I Mayor Sawyer asked if the City Manager had any new information about Universal City pulling their ETJ back across the Cibolo Creek. Mr. Gilmore had talked with their Mayor and he wants to make a three-way trade with Selma. Mayor Sawyer said he was aware that U.C. wants some area on 135 and suggested dropping this subject for the time being. The property owners know that U.C. can promise them nothing. #4 EXECUTIVE SESSION: There was no need for one. #5 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Melick & Thorpe are planning a 6 hour seminar in June on the basic concept of government budgeting. The cost will be $35 per person. Mr. Gilmore said he would like to send some of his department heads and Melick & Thorpe want to know if there is any interest among Council members. The seminar would probably be held on Saturday mornings. - , , I ) , B. Pot Hole Bill - does Council desire the suggested resolution presented by TML on the next agenda. Council made some changes in the last paragraph concerning the gas tax and license tag fees and agreed to have it on the next agenda. C. The Business Club has presented a break-down of their donations from proceeds of the July 1983 Jubilee. Mayor Sawyer said that when they first approached the City about the Jubilee, he asked that they put the money back into the city and so far they have. D. Information about the Region 7 TML meeting in Universal City was presented. All Councilmembers said they planned to attend. E. Mr. Gilmore said he had wr itten the County Judge about a branch office for the selling of license tags in Schertz. According to law, it can be done very easily. He also wrote to the Judge and our two Commissioners inviting them to be at the next regular meeting to discuss their plans for implementing the unit system in Guadalupe County. F. The City Manager also had a letter, for the Mayor's signature, to Colonel Divitch at Randolph AFB concerning SAFES. He said the contents had gone through SAFES and they approve. Mayor Sawyer said the letter was wr itten in such a way that Randolph AFB will be paying their share of SAFES service. G. Inquir ies received from Deer Haven concerning their water pressure. Mr. Gilmore said the main problem has been that at one time this was a separate system. They are concerned about the new subdivision, however, this will help them instead of making things worse. r- H. Mr. Gilmore announced that Attorney Har r is had gotten the Dean papers signed and the project is half through the Ripp property. 246 I. The Humane Society has asked that a panic button be placed at the Animal Shelter. So much of the time Betty-Ann is there by herself and if she got hurt or something happened, there is no way to get help in a hurry. The Humane Society will pay to have the button put in and it would only cost the City $140 a year plus $90.00 installation. Council concensus was to put in the alarm service from the Animal Shelter to the Police Department. Mr. Gilmore said the Humane Society has bought a tarp for the shelter and the City is working on the sewer problems. 16 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Aguilar asked about the CPS gross receipts tax. Mr. Gilmore said our first check should come in this month. We are working on New Braunfels Utilities now. Mr. Aguilar asked the status of the Broadnax house on Main Street. Mr. Gilmore said all the legal notifications have just about been completed and we should be able to have the old house torn down soon and have a lien put on the property. Mr. Gilmore Northcliffe release and dispatch. reported that the City fire protection contract. we gave them sixty days has gotten out of the They have signed the to get off our radio In answer to Mr. Aguilar's question, Mr. Gilmore said he had talked with Mr. Brooks of Cibolo and they have a letter on its way asking for a meeting of the two city's Mayors, City Managers, and attorneys. Mr. Sharpe announced that if Council knew of any non-profit organization interested in the Jubilee, have them contact the Business Club. Mayor Sawyer called a short recess at 9:05 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 9:09 P.M. Mr. Sharpe reminded Council of the Chamber of Commerce meeting at Northcliffe with Mr. Tom Van De Walle as guest speaker. Mr. Baldwin asked if the Council would pledge their April Council checks to him for the Senior Citizen Day program. All agreed. Mr. Greenwald said that CVADAC is in the process of getting a newsletter type thing out, including their background, goals and objectives. They have a real good program going now. Mr. Greenwald reported he had attended two P&Z meetings and they are working on the Mobile Home Ordinance. There are a lot of things that will need to be changed and quickly. Mr. Greenwald reported on a complaint received about condition of the concession stand at the ballfield area. the They n LJ 11 u o r I I '. .' ,.., ."' /) '1 t...... '-t J have very little storage space now. Since they did not use all the money alloted them for the renovating of the scorers booth, they would like to use the balance to add on to the concession stand. They will be able to get much of the mater ial needed donated and Mr. Greenwald said that anything that went up had to be compatible with what is already there. Council concensus was that if it did not conflict with the ballfield relocations, to go ahead with the project. Mr. Greenfield gave a report on the purchase of a portable lecturn and recommended one for purchase. As Council had previously alloted money for this project, they all agreed to go with Mr. Greenwald's recommendations. Mr. Baldwin asked about the furniture for the reception room and Mr. Gilmore said it was being ordered and should be in place very soon. #7 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Sawyer reported there is an elderly Mexican lady that lives by herself and has no relatives nearby to take her places or to interpret for her. He asked if we can't help her get to the stores, doctor, etc. Mr. Gilmor e was to talk with Mr. Simonson about the Housing Authority bus pickup. Mr. Sawyer said he went to the Retama Polo Center for a news r conference concerning the sports complex in Selma. Mayor Goss \ will be contacting us later with more details. ) I . r- 'I ' I #8 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Sawyer declared the meeting adjourned at 9:42 P.M. ATTEST: ecretary, City of Schertz