ccswks 05-30-1984 262 SPEGIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAY 30, 1984 n Thde SCdhertz Cit3yO cou9n8c4il convenoed in spec1ho al Workshop Session, l_J We nes ay, May , 1 , at 7:0 p.m. in t e Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road, with the following members present: Mayor Earl W. Sawyer, presiding, Charles B. Sharpe; Hal Baldwin, Ross Hoover; Adolph Aguilar and Ken Greenwald. Staff prese~t were City Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. .1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Merwin Willman said that at the last workshop, Council discussed upgrading FM 3009 and FM 78. He wondered if the City would have to participate in this upgrading, since these are both State. roads. No one had an immediate answer to his question. .2 Water Super intendent to br ief Council and answer questions concerning water. Mr. John Bierschwale said that the previous week he had br iefed the Planning and Zoning members and the week before had 'sent a memo to Council on the water situation, Since that time, we have noticed that the water level in the Edward Aquifer is decreasing rapidly. Mr. Bierschwale said he felt the City needs to lower the pumps at the Universal City wells. He said he had asked the geologist why we are showing higher levels in the aquifer than r:U San Antonio and the geologist could not give an answer. It seems to fluxuate, sometimes we are lower and sometimes they are lower. The approximate cost of lower ing the pumps at the U.C. wells would be $5,000 per pump. He said that once the pumps were lowered, we would just keep them at that level. The plans are to drop the pumps about 100 feet. Mr. Bierschwale said he would recommend dropping the pump in well 13 first and after that is completed and all tested, then drop the other one. No. 3 is the new one and is in good shape. When asked by Council where the money would come from for this project, Mr. Gilmore said from capitol improvements money. The alternative would be possibly burning out the pumps and costing from $30,000 to $40,000 to replace. , Mr. Baldwin asked that, since we really don't know the depth of the pump in .1 well, would it be worth whatever it cost to pull the pump and find out exactly how deep it is. Mr. Gilmore said he felt it would be worth the $1,000 it would cost to have this information. After discussion, Council concensus was to instruct the City Manager to spend up to $11,000 on lower ing the pumps in both wells and checking to determine the depth of the pump in well 11. o . ...oj"". .,;1., All I, .,,.,,,., ,'. ;,'~-:;lii;,.. "oJ. ~ t9~ j Mr. Gilmore said the State has completed their study of FM 1518 and they recommend 20 miles per hour in the scool zone during The recommendations mostly contain traffic signing for a new subdivision, designating stop and yield streets. After further discussion, Council agreed that this should be on the next agenda. #7 Discussion of speed limit ordinance for FM 1518. Council concensus was to accept the recommendations of the P&Z, along with the recommendations of the Fire Chief. #6 Consideration of P&Z recommendation regarding changes to the Traffic Ordinance. Mr. Gilmore said we will have to br ing up the 74 cents rate charged both Cibolo and Northcliffe with the possibility of increasing the water rate. We have gone with the 74 cents rate for about three years now. Mr. Gilmore said that Northcliffe is being required to put in their storage tank before they can expand also. We will not approve a subdivision until they put in their storage tank. #5 Consideration of P&Z recommendation on changes to Zoning Ordinance, specifically on AICUZ and height restrictions. Mr. Gilmore said that recently P&Z was briefed by an Air Force man on AICUZ. Back in 1981 P&Z had recommended that this be included in the Zoning ordinance but it was not done at that -... time. If it is done now, you would not put in the exact verbage of AICUZ but just note that it will be taken into consideration. It should be considered but not be restr icted to exactly what AICUZ says. Mayor Sawyer said he felt it has always been considered even if not in the ordinance. Council concensus was to include the AICUZ in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Gilmore said that regarding the height restrictions, P&Z are recommending extending to 120 feet outside the AICUZ zone. For instance, in the Barshop area, an eight to ten story building would not affect AICUZ. Mr. Gilmore said he had sent all pertinent information to City Attorney Richard Harr is, who will draw up the agreement with -"" Cibolo. Mr. Gilmore recommended that, as things are right now, in the contract Cibolo still be limited to the 4,428,000 gallons until they get the tank and meet the minimum requirements. Once they meet that minimum, then their gallonage can be extended to another plateau, etc.. Mayor Sawyer agreed, saying this way we are forcing them to plan in advance. Mr. Gilmore said he would like to talk again with Mr. Harris and see if he can come up with a contract agreement within two weeks. He will send Cibolo a letter saying their letter was received and that we are preparing a contract. Mr. Gilmore said that the City has an ordinance that allows us to start conservation procedures whenever necessary. The Edwards Aquifer people have said that when the aquifer reaches a certain level they will ask the entire area to voluntarily conserve water and we will also at that time because it will take the entire aquifer users conserving to really be of any help. #3 Consideration of implementing a Water Tap Fee. Mayor Sawyer said this is being considered because the people that are just moving into the area should pay their share of the water main distribution system and not just those of us who have been paying our share all along. Mr. Bierschwale said that we are talking about $8,000,000 expansion and with the additional growth coming in, the people that live here should not have to pay again for this additional expansion. Mr. Gilmore said this would be a fee similar to CCMA's sewer tap fee and that most cities in the area are considering the same thing. If we do not do this now, we will have to come back and ask for additional bond issues to pay for the needed expansion. This will only affect development after the ordinance is passed setting a water tap fee. Mr. Gilmore said he was recommending about $150 right now to get something on the books at possibly less than what it will be in the future. Mayor Sawyer said he remembered when CCMA came in with their tap fees and no one was really happy about it; but they are living with it. He said he did not think it would slow down development and that if it would really take $500 eventually, then go with the $500 now. Council concensus was to go with the tap fee and have the City Manager get some figures to help establish what would be needed. Mayor Sawyer called a recess at 7:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 7:55 p.m. .4 Discussion of Cibolo Mayor's letter regarding water agreement. A letter was received from Cibolo Mayor Little, in which he said Cibolo is prepared to erect a one million gallon ground water storage tank. They have located the land site and are in the process of finalizing the land transaction. It is anticipated that the project could begin within the next six months. He went on to say that it was his understanding that this action by Cibolo will negate the 4,428,000 gallon water limit at 74, t per thousand gallons set by Schertz. \ '- -.-" v9Z I, , r I , 265 school hours, 35 miles per hour through the park and 45 MPH to Maske Road, then 55 miles per hour outside the city limits. Mayor Sawyer, with Council agreement, asked to change the speed limit to 30 miles per hour all the way to the city limits with 20 miles per hour during school hours in the school zone. i8 Discussion of P&Z member appointment. Mayor Sawyer said that P&Z has recommended Dr. Darwin Peek, after interviewing six applicants. Mr. Greenwald said he was there when they interviewed and this is probably the best group of applicants we have ever had. Council agreed this should be on the next agenda. Mr. Greenwald asked if the P&Z members could be expanded and Mr. Sawyer said not without a charter change. However you can have an advisory committee to the Planning and Zoning Commission with a P&Z member as Chairman. Ask P&Z to look into this idea. #9 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Sawyer called an Executive Session under Article 6252-17, VTCS, Section 2(g) on personnel at 8:42 P.M. The Workshop meeting was reconvened at 8:52 P.M. #10 City Managers Report: A. A representative from Congressman pattman's office will be in our offices Monday, June 4, 1984 to talk with any interested citizens. B. Negley Paint has announced they will be having a ground- breaking ceremonies on June 19th at 10: 00 a .m. and will be sending more details later. C. Letter from Ed Ford - after reviewing the two options the State Highway Department gave us on FM 3009 improvements, he recommends option #1. That is the one Council seemed more interested in also. D. Letter from CCMA informing Council of rate increase effective October 1, 1984. Mr. Baldwin said CCMA has always bragged that they are doing a fantastic job and they can do this without taxing the people even though they do have taxing powers. Mr. Baldwin said he thinks this $6,000,000 should be voted on by the tax payers. These five men can do this without approval of the cities. Mr. Gilmore said that he is working on the budget and he needs something from Council as to whether they plan to pass this through or what. Mayor Sawyer said that Council is in general agreement that these costs have to be passed through, but he suggested writing to CCMA saying we strongly recommend that they should raise sewer tap fees to pass some of this charge on to the r- new people coming in. I 266 .11 Items by Council. Mr. Greenwald said that at the last CVADAC meeting, Steve !~ Simonson reported going to a drug hotline type thing that is t I apparently being set up in Universal City. This meeting brought ~/ out that apparently drug usage is tapering off and alcohol abuse is stepping up. Mr. Baldwin asked that Mr. Gilmore take a look at the two entrances to Oak Forest and see about putting in street lights. Mr. Baldwin also said he was impressed with the U.C. recreation program. They have hired a director to run their program. He said he would like to see us join forces with them next year and support their program. Mayow Sawyor said he agreed and that if it works out, we should go along with them. Mr. Hoover reminded Council that we have a gentleman in Schertz who would like to run a youth program here. Mr. Hoover asked the status of the "BB" gun ordinance. Mr. Gilmore will have something for them at the next meeting. Mr. Sharpe agreed we need some type of youth recreation program and expressed his wish that we not let the idea just die. It doesn't make any difference who runs it as long as the kids have something to do. Mr. Aguilar asked how the electricians and plumbers are certified. Mr. Gilmore said the plumbers have to pass a State test for certification and electricians have to take a Schertz test for licensing. .12 Items by Mayor. Mayor Sawyer advised that he had received a lot of letters from San Antonio school children. They are studying the Edward Aquifer and suggested ways we might help in conserving water. n L.J The Mayor also received a letter from Mrs. Dossett, thanking us for assisting her family during their recent problems. Mayor Sawyer said he was signing letters to three auditing firms requesting proposals for our city audit. Mr. Sawyer also had a letter to be signed to Mr. Riedel asking for his input on mobile home ordinance; but he deferred signing it until the other park owners can be notified also. Mr. Sharpe mentioned that at the last Traffic Safety meeting at Randolph Air Force Base, it was brought up again about Beck Concrete spilling on PM 78. He said there is also a plan to widen Toepperwein Road as it will eventually be a direct route to the new hospital. They also discussed the speed limit on FM Lr-JI 3009. rot ,4,. ~ 267 #13 Adjournment. There being no further discussion, Mayor r- Sawyer declared the meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m. . \ r , ~ l I ATTEST: