ccss 10-20-1980 222 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 20, 1980 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Session, Monday, October 20, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following members present: Jeff Duffield, Barbara Taylor, Earl W. Sawyer and Jackie Lawler. Absent: Mayor Jack M. Stomackin and Mayor Pro Tem Richard L. Howe. Staff present: City Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. In the absence of both the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, Earl Sawyer as the senior member of the Council chaired the meeting. Before commencing with the regular agenda, he introduced Dr. Roy W. Richard who addressed the Council on a proposal for a shopping mall on the corner of FM 3009 and IH 35. He explained that as one of the owners of the property, he had been app~oached for an option to build a shopping mall and Dr. Richard wanted to get the feel of the Council concerning the speedy rezoning of a portion of the land for commercial ~se, prior to committing the owners to the sale. The Council was shown a proposed layout of the mall along with pictures of a similar one in Oklahoma. Dr. Richard was not opposed to going through the P&Z, but as time was important he needed the feelings of the Council. Concen- sus of the members present were for him to proceed that they felt this would be a very good use for this land. Mr. Gilmore explained that by both state law and our zoning ordinance, it wasn't a necessity to go through the P&Z; however general concensus was to proceed in the normal manner with tentative date for a joint public hearing for the 13th of November and the Council vote at their regular meeting of November 18th. #1 WATER RATE INCREASE: Council discussed the proposed water rate increase to support the bonding for water system improvements. General concensus was for the ordinance to be presented at the next regular meeting. Mr. Sawyer said he advocated having the City Manager look into a site for drilling another well to serve the IH 35 area. Council concurred with this and for him to investigate a site and bring costs back as soon as possible. Mr. Gilmore reported that the financial advisor reports the bond market is still about the same but we will be advised as soon as it looks favorable. He explained that any money derived from the new water rates would be set aside for the improvement to the system with any excess going into capitol improvement program. #2 DESIGNATION OF HEALTH AUTHORITY: Mr. Gilmore reported that although Dr. Mays had agreed to serve as City Health Officer, the state turned his name down as he already serves one city. However, the Council was agreeable to proceeding with the ordinance ~or a health authority. #3 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr. Sawyer had several items he wanted to bring to the attention of the Council and 1-- with their concurence have the City Manager investigate: (1) the poten- tially dangerous hazard of the ingress and egress at Greenfield and Deer Haven Subdivisions off FM 3009 - Mr. Gilmore to write the Highway Department. 223 (2) To activate the proposed volunteer recognition program that the City Manager had previously presented to Council. (3) something should be done about the trains speeding through our city, especially those containing chemical cars. Also the crossing at FM 3009 is in need of repairs. (4) a decision needed as the length of time tapes of Council meetings should be kept as they are very costly plus space is of a premium. It was suggested that they be kept six weeks with the option of any Council. member or the City Manager could re- quest a tape to be kept indefinitely. Mr. Gilmore reported that the Schertz Volunteer Fire Department had won the first place trophy at the Guadalupe County Fire Chiefs and Fire Marshals Con- vention in Seguin. This included a $100.00 prize. He also reported there has been considerable trouble with the leasing of the Community Center to the Dancing Bexars. They are continually demanding more than the contract calls for and never seem to be satisfied. He advised that he was thinking seriously about not renewing their contract. Mr. Gilmore also reported on cost factors involved in contracting with a San Antonio firm to sweep our streets versus the purchase of a new sweeper. He also reported the Wood processing plant has broken ground and should start the first sheds within weeks. Also the DPD company have gone to their engineer for finalization and hope to let contract either in February or March. #4 ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Mrs. Lawler, seconded by Mrs. Taylor and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at - I 9:03 P.M. J ~J rV'/ ~ OA~J--J Earl W. Sawyer, councilmemb~ace 4 ATTEST: Q,Ao, I Q -' ~ ..t:l>>d- ~retarY~~f Schertz r--