ccss 11-17-1980 230 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17, 1980 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Session, Monday, November 17, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following members present: Mayor Jack M. Stomackin, Sr., presiding; Jeff Duffield; Barbara Taylor; Earl W. Sawyer; Richard L. Howe; and Jacqueline Lawler. Staff present: City Manager Jimmy G. Gilmore and City Secretary June G. Krause. #1 Discussion of water distribution and water services. Mr. Gilmore explained that the 6:30 P.M. meeting with Mr. Anderlitch for Tuesday had been canceled with Mr. Anderlitch asking that it be reset for Tuesday, November 25th, at which time engineer Ed Ford will also be present. The City Manager had also had a discussion with representatives of Green Valley Water System. We will be getting plats of their system as it crosses into both our ETJ and city limits. He has talked with Attorney Richard Harris regarding drawing up an agreement or franchise with Green Valley to furnish water to those areas until such time as the City can feasably service these areas. Council also briefly discussed adopting an ordinance on mandatory water conservation in times of emergency to alleviate some of the problems encountered last sUl11l1er. #2 Discussion of Housing Authority appointments. Council was in agreement with the recommendations of the Housing Authority for reappointments. I #3 Council also discussed the proposed adoption of an ordinance on a room occupancy tax of 2% of the consideration paid by the occupant of such room. #4 Annexations - Council agreed to continue with the annexation pro- ceedings along IH 35. #5 IDC Briefing; Mr. Gilmore explained that the Industrial Development Committee has made arrangements with the IDC in Austin for a meeting with them on December 3rd for a discussion and slide presentation. Council was in agreement that the City should foot the bill for the trip and lunch for anyone on the P&Z, IDC or City Council who wished to go. #6 General Discussion: Mr. Gjlmore reported that both the DPD and the plant on FM 2252 having started engineering work and are making progress on their construction plans. He also reported that the Traffic Survey the Highway Department conducted on FM 3009 did not warrant traffic controls at this time nor the lowering of the speed limit but he has gone back to them with addition information. :- ! i L . . 231 - I Mr. Gilmore said he still has not received an answer to his letter concerning the speeding trains, dangerous crossings and tracks. Mrs. Taylor suggested that since Universal City is having much the same problems with the railroad perhaps all the small cities along the track should get together in a joint effort for these improvements. Another item discussed by Mr. Gilmore was to reactivate the Civil Defense Program in the City. There is a big push for this at this time for both natural and accidental disasters. He suggested that perhaps someone such as the Inspector could serve in this position as he is already out in the city and the duties could be integrated with his regular duties. Another problem that has come up recently is our fire extinguisher inspections. It is increasingly hard to get a San Antonio firm to make these inspections. At present it has been almost l~ years between inspections. Mr. Gilmore said he had been told that in the past there was brought out the possibility of a conflict of interest if Mr. Rusch made these inspections for the city. Mr. Sawyer said that if Seiler Fire Equipment Company as well as others bid on this, there should be no problem even if the Seiler company,of which Mr. Rusch is a part-time employee, did get the low bid. As a result of interest shown by some of the Council in a sewer rodding machine displayed at Dallas, Mr. Gilmore said he had talked with the Public Works Director and Mr. Bowell said that if the Council is willing he could defer the purchase of the mower attachment and purchase this item in its place. It would cost approximately $18,000, which would necessitate a budget amendment; but the $6,000 budgeted could be used as the down payment with a lease purchase agree- ment. By selling the old rodding machine we could possibly get from $1800 to $2000. This would be a year round machine whereas the mower at~achment is seasonal. Council concensus was to gather more information on the machine and go out for bids. Mr. Gilmore also reported that the Humane Society is going great; the lot where the old SAFES buil di ng was removed will be cleaned soon; that he had been approached about the John family runni ng a 2" water 1 i ne from our mai n down the IH 35 access road to their property; and that Mr. Swinebroad's daughter had talked to him regarding the Mobile Villa water system and the possibility of the city purchasing it for a nominal fee or taking over the system #7 ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Mrs. Taylor, seconded by Mrs. Lawler and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:22 P.M. ATTEST: . (1~...\ ~)j)::-rUcl~O Cit~cretary, Citj-6f Schertz