ccreg-10-03-1978 199 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 1978 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session, Tuesday, October 3, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Richard L. Howe, Gail Hyatt, Walter F. Schneider, Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Johnson. Staff present Walter W. Hill, Jr., City Manager; June G. Krause, City Secretary; Hal Baldwin, Assistant City Manager; City Attorney Richard W. Harris; and City Engineer Howard W. Gaddis. :-1 #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Mrs. Hyatt asked that the following sentence be added to the second paragraph of item #3 A of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 1978: IIWhen Mrs. Jackson said that she was against the annexation of the Rittimann Addition area, Mrs. Hyatt asked her why and Mrs. Jackson stated she did not feel she had to give an answer. II ~ , >~ ".J .. ,~'~ ---' :-1...J Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 1978 as amended. Mrs. Hyatt seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None B. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of Septem- ber 11, 1978. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None C. Mr. Howe asked that the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 14, 1978 reflect that he was not present. Mrs. Hyatt moved to approve the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting with the School Board of September 14, 1978 as amended. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ABSTAINING: Mr. Howe D. Mr. Howe moved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 19,1978 be approved as presented. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None E. Mr. Howe moved to approve the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting with the P&Z of September 26, 1978. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Counciomembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ABSTAINING: Mrs. Hyatt l'f'.~td .l.J 3 U 11~' 7~ /13.n 11~ -~q I? S..?t #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents wishing to be heard. #3 BID AWARD: A. Mr. Hill presented the recommendations of the SAFES Board of Directors as being the 1978 Wayne Sentinel One from Summers Ambulance. Mr. Sawyer moved the bid of $26,943.00 for the 1978 Checrolet Wayne Sentinel One from Summers Ambulance & Coach Sales of Duncanville, Texas be approved. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion which carried with the following vote. AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None B. The City Manager said that staff recommended the bids from Bill Heil Chrys- ler Plymouth of San Antonio in the amount of $6,028.00 for #1 and $5,621.00 for #2 with the 1411 wheel, for a total amount less trade in of $10,799.00. Mr. John- son seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None Mayor Bueker, at this point, explained to the audience that when the Council goes through these items so hurriedly, it only means that Council had a long workshop meeting the night before, where each item was considered thoroughly. #4 RESOLUTION: Mayor Bueker introduced the following captioned resolu- tion which was read in full by the City Manager. Whereupon it was moved by Mr. Schneider that the resolution be approved auth- orizing the Mayor to sign a note at Schertz Bank and Trust to pay for the ambulance. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None RESOLUTION NO. 78-R-ll A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE NECESSARY pecUMENTS TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE OF AN AMBULANCE. #5 P&Z RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Schneider moved the recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Commission be upheld and a variance be granted the Lamports for a Day Care Center at 305 Second Street. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None #6 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the following captioned ordinance which was read in full by the City Manager. Mr. Howe moved that said ordinance be considered by the Council as an emergency measure, which motion was seconded by Mr. Sawyer. Whereupon said motion was fully discussed and considered. The Mayor put the motion to the members of the Council and said motion was approved and adopted by the following vote: 201 AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ) 1b~:J? The Mayor then introduced the hereinafter set forth ordinance as an emergency measure. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Howe and seconded by Mr. Sawyer that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted. The Mayor put the motion to a vote of the members of the Council and the ordinance was finally passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ! 1;- ?? ~ ~ ........ ORDINANCE NO. 78-F-17 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 78-F-7 DATED 4 APRIL 1978, SETTING THE WATER RATE FOR THOSE PERSONS OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS AT 150% OF THOSE INSIDE THE CORPOR- ATE LIMITS AND RESTRICTING THE SALES OF WATER OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. .~ -' .. JO-'~. _.~ WJ #7 ORDINANCE: Mayor Bueker explained that since the Council just received copies of ordinances under items #7, 8 and 9 the previous should have more time to study the ordinances and recommended until a later date. night, he felt they tabling these items Mr. Schneider moved to table items #7, 8 and 9 in order for Council to have more time to study these ordinances. Mrs. Hyatt seconded the motion. It was sug- gested the motion should state when the items were to be brought back to Council. Mr. Schneider amended his motion to include the phrase: "and bring the ordinance back for consideration at the next regular Council meeting". Mrs. Hyatt seconded the amended motion. The motion then was approved by the fo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None 1'1 g- tJtt #10 WATER SERVICE REQUEST: The City Manager reminded Council this was the request from Mrs. Dawson for service for her residence and a small business on I 35 that was being brought back before the Council as requested. Mr. Sawyer moved that this request for water service to Mrs. Dawson for her resi- dence and small business be approved. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Discus- sion followed as to the exact location of the property. Mrs. Hyatt asked that in the future, staff should provide Council with better maps showing the location of this type request. Mayor Bueker called for a vote on the motion and said motion carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None .J)' r. t1 I /;t. /-r #11 COMMUNITY CENTER: . Mr. Sawyer moved to table this item until the next regular meeting of the Council, giving them more time to study the rules and regulations for the Community Center activities. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: ;?~rJi Ail,,"" \qb-?~ AYES: NAYS: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. None #12 AGREEMENT: Mr. Hill introduced an agreement between Coy J. Simmons, Randolph Bank of Commerce and the City of Schertz, for site improvements of Unit 2, Oak Forest Subdivision. He went on to explain that there is $58,000.00 left in the account and Mr. Simmons' engineer has bills in the amount of $20,000.00, leaving a balance of over $30,000.00. Mr. Gaddis agrees with Mr. Simmons' engineer that it is a reason- able figure of $30,000.00 to complete the work in progress. On being questioned whey the City should be involved in this type agreement, Attorney Harris said it was not an uncommon agreement and that it frees the developer to place his plat on record so that he can sell lots on which con- struction can begin. Mr. Hill said this type agreement is allowed in our Subdivision Ordinance. After discussion of the work in progress, Mr. Howe moved to approve this 3-way agreement. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: , ~ \ ~ ?~ AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: Mr. Schneider #13 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION: The Mayor introduced the final payment request from Alamo Lumber Company for restroom facilities in the city park. ,I Mr. Schneider moved to authorize final payment be made to Alamo Lumber Company for restroom facilities in the amount of $4,258.00. Mrs. Hyatt seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: j~ ~-?'l AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None #14 NEWSLETTER: Council discussed items for the October newsletter. which included the Immunization clinic, introduction of new personnel, the logo contest, new ambulance and meeting dates for October. #15 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Hill said he would wait until the work- shop for his report. #16 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Bueker also elected to wait for workshop. #17 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mrs. Hyatt asked if anything had been started with regard to assisting the residents of Rittimann Addition area. Mr. Hill said no but that he would see what could be done. The regular meeting of the City Council was recessed at 8:00 P.M. in order for the Council to go into Workshop Session. 203 #18 ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Hyatt moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:35 P.M., which motion was seconded by Mr. Howe and unanimously carried. a ~6 ,6uk ~y of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ::J;; ~J fl/ ~~ Ci ty ~e)re ary, ;..1.J {/ REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 17, 1978 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session, Tuesday, October 17, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road with the follow- ing members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Mayor Pro Tem Walter F. Schneider; Richard L. Howe; Gail Hyatt; Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Johnson. Staff present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr.; Asst. City Manager Hal Baldwin; City Secretary June G. Krause. #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Schneider asked that the minutes of the meeting of October 3, 1978 be corrected to show that Mr. Schneider made the motion on Item #3 B. Mrs. Hyatt then moved the minutes of this meeting be approved as corredted. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson NAYS: None #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Dick Chambless of 504 Aviation addressed the Council with two complaints: (1) the people living at 501 Aviation are operating a garage from their residence with numerous vehicles parked there at all times arid excessive noise. He said he had reported this to the City offices with no results. Mr. Hill said he would check this out and let Mr. Chambless know the results. (2) Mr. Chambless also requested the Council to consider some type of ordinance that would insure that construction would be completed once begun. He cited the residence at 501 Aviation and the apartments on Live Oak Road. Mr. Hill again said he had talked with the owner of 501 Aviation and understands he has obtained a loan to finish his house and he had an appointment with the con- tractor to discuss the apartments. He has also requested an intern and the Building Official to start working on updating the building codes for the City.