ccreg-11-21-1978 21'3 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 21, 1978 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 21, 1978 at 7:01 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road with the follow- ing members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Richard L. Howe; Walter F. Schneider; Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Johnson. Absent: Gail Hyatt. Staff present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr.; Asst. City Manager Hal Baldwin; Administrative Asst. Richard Nash and Inspector Ron Garrison. ~ N ........ .~ :..:J \jJ #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Mr. Sawyer moved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 7, 1978 be approved. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None B. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of Novem- ber 14, 1978. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents wishing to be heard. #3 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the hereinafter set forth ordinance which has been read and considered at the last regular meeting of the City Council on the 7th day of November, 1978. It was deter- mined that the City Secretary had caused a short synopsis of said proposed ordinance to be published in the official city newspaper after its consideration at the last regular meeting of the City Council and prior to this meeting. Whereupon said ordinance was discussed and further considered by the Council. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Schneider and seconded by Mr. Sawyer that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted. The Mayor put the motion to a vote and the ordinance was finally passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Council members Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None Iq~r?1 ORDINANCE NO. 78-C-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, BE AMENDED BY REPEALING CHAPTER 7 OF SAID CODE AND REPLACING WITH A REVISED CHAPTER 7; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 1974 EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STAND- ARD FIRE PREVENTION CODE; THE OFFICES OF FIRE CHIEF AND FIRE MARSHAL AND THEIR DUTIES; AND RESCINDING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. #4 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the hereinafter set forth ordinance which has been read and considered at the last regular meeting of the City Council on the 7th day of November 1978. It was determined that the City Secretary had caused a short synopsis of said proposed ordinance to be published in the official city newspaper after its consideration at the last regular meeting of the City Council and prior to this meeting. 2-14 Whereupon said ordinance was discussed and further considered by the Council. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Schneider and seconded by Mr. Sawyer that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted. The Mayor put the motion to a vote and the ordinance was finally passed and adopted by the following vote: I q" ~ ~~ AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ;)t()-')<l #5 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the following captioned ordinance which was read in full by the City Manager. Mr. Schneider moved that said ordinance be considered by the Council. Mr. Howe seconded the motion which was carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None AN ORDI NANCE SETTING OUT THE PROCEDURE FOR DESIGNATION OF AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AND ORDERING AN ANNUAL REVIEW. )-0 I . 0t6 Whereupon Mr. Schneider moved that said ordinance be further considered at the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 5th day of December 1978, which motion was seconded by Mr. Howe and carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None #6 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced an ordinance for consideration of adopting the Southern Standard Building Code. After briefly discussing the ordinance, it was agreed more consideration would be needed and that this item would be tabled at this time and discussed at the workshop portion of the meeting. #7 EXECUTIVE SESSION: There were no items calling for an executive session. #8 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Nothing at this time. #9 ITEMS BY MAYOR: None #10 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Save for Workshop portion. #11 WORKSHOP: At 7:30 P.M. Mayor Bueker recessed the regular meeting in order for the Council to move to the Conference room for workshop session. #12 ADJOURNMENT: After reconvening the regular session at 9:55 P.M., Mr. Howe moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sawyer and unanimously carri,ed. ~C ~ju ATTEST: Mayor; City of Schertz, Texas ~~, YI ~ ~() C~ secreta~i; ot 'Scnertz ~. :\} ~ ..... '-" ... ""... .....- CJJ 215 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 28, 1978 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Joint Session with the Planning and Zoning Commission at 7:00 P.M. Tuesday, November 28, 1978, in the Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road, with the following Councilmembers present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, Richard L. Howe, Gail Hyatt, Walter F. Schneider, Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Johnson. Staff Present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr.; Asst. City Manager Hal Baldwin, City Secretary June G. Krause. #1 JOINT PUBLIC ZONING HEARING: Chairman Aguilar of the Planning and Zoning Commission, explained the purpose of the public hearing was to receive citizen input concerning the rezoning re- quest by Mr. Oswald Fey and Robert Fey to rezone 16.34 acres of land out of the T. Herrera Survey from P.O. Pre-development District to M-l Light Industrial Di stri ct. Mr. Joe Potemp~ of 5310 Irola Drive and Mr. Floyd Landry of 5206 Plaza Drive both spoke a~alnst the rezoni~g especially in the area of traffic and potential danger,to chlldren. Mr. Martln, the prospective buyer, explained that more ~ha~ llkely the streets of adjoining Mobile Villa would not be used and that lf lt becomes necessary, his firm would be willing to erect a privacy fence. After discussing with Mr. Martin the probable uses he would make of the property on an immediate and long range scale, Mr. Aguilar ascertained there were no further questions from the audience or Councilor Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Aguilar then declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:37 P.M. ~~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: Qv, - Jth~o c~~cretary, City of Schertz