ccreg-02-06-1979 [,~ '4' " ,(J\:~O REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 6, 1979 .-- The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session, Tuesday, February 6, 1979 at 7:03 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Mayor Pro Tem Walter F. Schneider; Richard L. Howe; Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Johnson. Absent: Gail Hyatt. Staff present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr., City Secretany June G. Krause, City Engineer Howard Gaddis and City Attorney Richard W. Harris. #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Mr. Howe moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 16, 1979. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson. NAYS: None ABSTAINING: Mr. Schneider B. Mr. Johnson asked that the word "election code" be corrected to read "electric code" in the first paragraph of the minutes of the meeting of January 22, 1979. Mr. Schneider moved to accept the minutes of the Special Session of January 22, 1979 as corrected. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson NAYS: None C. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting of January 30, 1979 as presented. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson NAYS: None #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents wishing to be heard. #3 PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Bueker opened the Joint Public Hearing with the Citizen Participation and Improvement Committee and explained the purpose of the public hearing was to receive suggestions on projects for the Small Cities Discretionary Grant Program application. He explained that the committee had discussed the following projects: (1) Water well systems improvements - a. construction of a lMG storage tank - estimated cost $170,000; b. construction of a .75MG elevated storage tank - estimated cost $270,000 and c. pumping plant - estimated cost $30,000. (2) Drainage Improvements - improve channel from east Live Oak Road to FM 3009 - estimated cost $214,000; (3) Park Improvements - estimated cost $50,000 and (4) Rittiman Addition. (this was deleted due to lack of sufficient funds. :.-- . . 237 Council then discussed with the committee members the possibilities and best program to follow. Mayor Bueker declared the public hearing closed at 7:20 P.M. #4 PROJECT APPROVAL: Mr. Howe moved the Small Cities Program Grant application include #1 A - construction of a 1 MG storage tank - estimated cost $170,000; and #1 C - pumping plant - estimated cost $30,000; and #2 drainage improvements to the Cibolo Creek increased to $300,000. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: :J) :\1 --' '..:J :.,:, CJ.J AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson 1'1-?1 NAYS: None 115 BID AWARD: Council discussed awarding bid on water line extension in the new Industrial District area along FM 3009 and 135. The discussion followed the lines of cost participation by the developers. Mr. Sawyer moved to table this item until the next regular session of the Council. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson NAYS: None #6 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the following captioned ordinance which was read in full by the City Manager. Mr. Schneider moved that said ordinance be considered by the Council. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: ~o- ? q AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson NAYS: None ~ I-? q The following captioned ordinance was then discussed and fully considered by the Council: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, ADOPTING THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, 1978 EDITION, AS THE ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; DESIGNATING THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; SETTING AMOUNT OF LICENSE FEES AND BONDS; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. Whereupon Mr. Schneider moved that said ordinance be further considered at the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on the 20th of February 1978, which motion was seconded by Mr. Sawyer and which carried by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schnei der, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson ))..? ~ NAYS: None #7 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the following captioned ordinance which was read in full by the City Manager. Mr. Schneider moved that sai d ordi nance be cons i dered by the Council. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: , fJ'.~ M ,U 1..\0 ?-3 . ?~ ;) ~ . ?~ J6. ?q ~ (p.?q AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson. NAYS: None The following captioned ordinance was then discussed and fully considered by the Council: 1:-___ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS CALLING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON APRIL 7, 1979, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) COUNCILMEMBERS. Whereupon Mr. Schneider moved that said ordinance be further considered at the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on the 20th day of February 1979, which motion was seconded by Mr. Sawyer and which carried by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson. NAYS: None #8 RESOLUTION: The Mayor introduced the following captioned resolution which was read in full by the City Manager. Mr. Schneider moved that the resolution be approved as read. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES; Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION NO. 79-R-3 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FOR EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. L #9 RESOLUTION: The Mayor introduced the following captioned resolution which was read by the City Manager. Mr. Sawyer moved that the resolution be approved as read. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which was carried by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION NO. 79-R-4 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN, SECTION 3, FOR EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 1972 (IN HOUSE EQUAL . EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY) IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS. #10 PERSONNEL BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The City Manager read the Personnel Board's recommendation of amending Section 2.03 of the Personnel Manual on Nepotism, adding the sentence "No relatives or members of an immediate family of an employee shall be appointed to serve in a permanent position in the City unless specific approval is obtained from the City Manager after he/she has conferred with the Personnel Board. II 239 Mr. Johnson moved to accept the recommendation of the Personnel Board and amend Section 2.03 of the Personnel Manual accordingly. Mr. Howe seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson. NAYS: None ~??1 #11 P&Z APPOINTMENT: Mr. Howe moved to reappoint Mr. Charles (Chuck) Sharp to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which was carried by the following vote: ~ ~ ~ ....'J . ~~ ~ CJ.J AYES: Mr. Howe, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Johnson. NAYS: None ;q.H #12 NEWSLETTER: The proposed newsletter was approved with the addition of the number of city volunteers being inserted in #5 of the letter. #13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: There was no called executive session. #14 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Hill said he hoped to have additional information on water program soon; and that he would meet with Mr. Sippel prior to the 14th meeting to work up an agenda for that meeting. #15 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Bueker said it had been sufficient time to have heard from the school board president; and since he had not, he wanted to contact him stating the city's position on the Dobie sewer line. Council agreed, authorizing the Mayor to make the call informing him that if the Board does not want city service, we intend to terminate that service. This call is to be followed up by letter. #16 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: ~1r. Howe, on questioning the City Manager, was told the Council should have something concrete on purchasing procedures after Mr. Boswell attends the school on the 26th and 27th. Mr. Howe also asked what was being done about all the chug holes and was informed by the City Manager that the Public Works Director has already filled some and has the others mapped and they will be taken care of on a progressive basis. Mr. Schneider mentioned the budgeted amount of $24,000 to resurface streets, expressing his opinion that this program should be started immediately. Council agreed that the City Manager should start the bid process on this item. Mr. Schneider also mentioned that the lights are being left on at the park pavilian and there should be a patrol check on this. He then asked if project status reports could not be furnished the Council. Mr. Sawyer asked for reports on the water contracts with Cibolo, Schaefer Road and Northcliff. ~~L~_~ll ~l _l~ ...7 Mr. Johnson asked if anything had been hear~ from Northcliff on the March 31 cut off of the golf course watering and was told that they are proceed- ing with negotiations with Green Valley and that they have started work on their pressure tank. #17 ADJOURNMENT: On a motion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 8:27 P.M. ATTEST: /ifuc ~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ~~r~~ Cl)# Secretary, City of Schertz SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 14, 1979 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Session, Wednesday, February 14, 1979 at 7:00 P.M: in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presid- ing; Gail Hyatt, Walter F. Schneider; Earl W. Sayer and Earl Johnson. Absent Richard L. Howe. Staff present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr.; City Secretary June G. Krause. #1 JOINT MEETING WITH THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL: The Schertz Council and Cibolo Council met jointly to discuss the following subjects: (1) Water: a. water service in Cibolo ETJ; b. Water rates; c. water well; and d. billing service. (2) grant request for cooperative drainage; (3) tax office cooperation and (4) ETJ agreements. #2 WORKSHOP: Following the joint meeting, the Schertz Council met in Workshop session. #3 ADJOURNMENT: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M. f~r :2~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~~r J...J f1.., ~ 1 Ci~ecretarY~~~f Schertz