ccreg-02-20-1979 en ' , 41 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 20, 1979 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session, Tuesday, February 20, 1979 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road with the follow- ing members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Richard L. Howe; Walter F. Schneider, Gail Hyatt, Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Johnson. Staff present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr.; City Secretary June G. Krause. ~ :\l ~ . ...? :..:.; UJ #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of February 5, 1979. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson NAYS: None B. Mr. Howe moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 6, 1979. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents wishing to be heard. #3 APPLICATION APPROVAL: The City Manager presented the pre-application for the Small Cities Discretionary Grant Program which included the items as approved at the last council meeting; namely: #1 construction of a 1 MG storage tank, estimated cost $170,000; #2 pumping plant - estimated cost of $30,000 and #3 drainage improvements to the Cibolo Creek - estimated cost of $300,000. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the pre-application as presented. Mr. Howe seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None dq- ?q #4 POLICE RESERVE APPOINTMENTS: Mr. Hill asked that this item be tabled as the Chief did not have the files complete on the proposed reserves. Mr. Schneider moved to table this item until the next regular meeting of the Council. Mrs. Hyatt seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: Nqne #5 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the following captioned ordinance which has been read and considered at the last regular meeting of the City Council on the 6th day of February 1979. It was determined that the City-Secretary had caused a short synopsis of said proposed ordinaoce to be published in the official City newspaper after its consideration at the last meeting and prior to this meeting. 30- ?q 24l) ~ _ u 3 J -?~ Whereupon said ordinance was discussed and further considered by the Council. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Schneider and seconded by Mrs Hyatt that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted. The Mayor then put the motion to a vote and the ordinance was finally passed and adopted by the fo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ORDINANCE NO. 79-C-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, ADOPTING THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, 1978 EDITION, AS THE ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; DESIGNATING THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; SETTING AMOUNT OF LICENSE FEES AND BONDS; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. #6 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the hereinafter set forth ordin- ance, which has been read and considered at the last regular meeting of the Council on the 6th day of February 1979. It was determined that the City Secretary had caused a short synopsis of said proposed ordinance to be published in the official City newspaper after its consideration at the last regular meeting and prior to this meeting. Whereupon s~id ordinance was discussed and further considered by the Council. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Sawyer and seconded by Mr. Howe that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted. The Mayor put the motion to a vote and the ordinance was finally passed and adopted by the following vote: I~ ~~. ?~ AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ORDINANCE NO. 79-E-6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CALLING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON APRIL 7, 1979, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) COUNCILMEMBERS. #7 ORIDNANCE: The Mayor introduced the following captioned ordinance which was read by the City Manager. Mr. Sawyer moved that said ordinance be considered by the Council as an emergency measure, which motion was seconded oy Mr. Johnson. Whereupon said motion was fully discussed and considered, and which carried by the following vote: J.!J ~ ?~ AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None The Mayor then introduced the hereinafter set forth ordinance as an emergency measure. Thereupon it was moved by Mr. Sawyer and seconded by Mr. Johnson that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted. The Mayor put the motion to a vote and the ordinance was finally passed and adopted by the following vote: 2' ,1 C} "-1:0 AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ~II. ?q ORDINANCE NO. 79-E-7 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY"COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, ORDERING THAT AN ELECTION BE HELD IN SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO ALL RESIDENT QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY FOR THEIR ACTION THEREUPON CERTAIN PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING CHARTER OF SAID CITY, AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. :n :\1 1"""-1 .,;, ~ u.J #8 BID AWARD: Council discussed in depth the 'developer participation in the water line extension on 135, including credit reports presented by the City Manager. After careful consfderation, Mr. Schneider moved to table this item until the Special Meeting of Tuesday, February 27, 1979. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt,Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ~6' ~~ #9 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: The City Manager was requesting authority to advertise for bids on Street Seal Coating and painting of the park pavilion. Mr. Howe moved to authorize staff to advertise for bids on Street seal coating and painting the pavilion in B.W. Pickrell park. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None 3~ . ?q #10 BALLFIELD/POOL FACILITIES: The City Manager said the only change in the regulations for the ballfields was that the A-3 ballfield would not be reserved on weekends for league practice. Mr. Sawyer moved to approve the ballfield regulations as presented with the al::lding of the word "Adult" ballfield to the sentence. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None 31- ?q #11 P&Z APPOINTMENT: Mr. Sawyer moved to approve the recommendation of the P&Z Commission and appoint Mr. Ken Greenwald to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None 3<g-7i l~ 2~!'! #12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUDIJ: Mr. Hill explained that HUD had required an audit be made of Communi ty Development funds for the peri od October l, 1976 through September 30, 1978. He also explained that he had received an estimate from Harris and Havens of from $1000 to $1500. Mr. Sawyer moved to authorize staff to contract for audit for the Community Development funds. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: :3 ~ -14 AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None #13 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Council had no need of an executive session at this meeting. #14 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Hill reserved his comments for the Workshop session. #15 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Bueker advised Council he had received a letter from the State Comptroller asking that Council action be taken as to whether or not to repeal the 1% City tax on residential natural gas and electric bills. The City Manager said this item would be on the next agenda. Mayor Bueker also announced a public meeting of the EPA for 7:00 P.M. Monday, March 19, 1979. #16 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Mr. Howe said he appreciated the financial report from the City Manager and also the supplemental reports from Departments. Mr. Schneider also said he was impressed with the Public Works Director's report. Mr. Hill said that the Public Works Director would be attending a purchasing meeting and would bring back to the Department Heads his report. Also that all Department Heads had spent 13 hours on zero base budgeting and suggested the Council might like to spend some time on this subject after Apr,l election. Mr. Schneider reported on the 15 hour course on Planning and Zoning he and Mr. Stomackin attended. It was a very informative course. #17 WORKSHOP: Mayor Bueker recessed the regular meeting at 8:02 P.M. in order for the Council to move to the Conference room for a workshop session. The workshop session was reconvened at 8:17 P.M. / ) 245 #18 ADJOURNMENT: On a motion duly made, seconded and carried unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.M. ~~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~ N 1'-'" '.;J . ''1 ......- ~ a.p ~ ~ Ci~ecretar,1'; Cfty of Schertz SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 27, 1979 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Session, Tuesday, February 27, 1979 at 7:03 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Richard L. Howe, Walter F. Schneider, Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Jonnson. Absent: Gail Hyatt. Staff present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr.; and Assistant City Manager Hal Baldwin. #1 Consideration of awarding bid on I 35 water line. After further consideration of bid received, Mr. Schneider moved to award the bid to Bay Maintenance Company for construction of 12" water line. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ~ 0- '79 #2 Consideration of approval of purchase of property for proposed water line from U.C. wells. After discussion, Mr. Schneider moved to table this item until the next regular meeting of the council. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Howe, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None "11-19 #3 Workshop: Council discussed the following items in workshop session: (1) Jim Sherman of Business Club presentation of brochures (2) selection of engineer; (3) Budget and (4) annexations.