ccreg-03-06-1979 246 at 9:32 P.M. #4 Adjournment; On a motion by Mr. Sawyer, seconded by Mr. Howe and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned ATTEST: m-c~~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas a:A~ <~~~ ~ecretary, Clty of Schertz REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MARCH 6, 1979 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session, Tuesday, March 6, 1979 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Gail Hyatt; Walter F. Schneider; Earl W. Sawyer and Earl Johnson. Absent: Richard L. Howe. Staff present: City Manager Walter W. Hill, Jr.; City Attorney Richard W. Harris and City Secretary June G. Krause. #1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the Joint Meeting of February 14, 1979. Mrs. Hyatt seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None B. Mrs. Hyatt moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 20, 1979. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried by the fo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None C. Mr. Sawyer moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of February 27, 1979. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None 1lJ47 ::: "-;I- c . j"" -- #2 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Houston reserved time for Item #3 and Mr. Lawheaifor Item #4. #3 AMERICAN LEGION PRESENTATION: Mr. John Houston, Commander of American Legion Post #667 in Universal City pre- sented a Citation of Appreciation to the City of Schertz in recognition of outstanding service and assistance by upholding high community standards of 1 aw and order. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UJ #4 HORSESHOE OAK SEWER LINE: Mr. Roger Lawhead, engineer for W. E. Simpson Company, discussed with the Council Mr. Jaroszewski's request for City participation in putting in the off-site sewer line to the Horseshoe Oaks Subdivision. He presented three alternatives with cost estimates for each, and said Mr. Jaroszewski would be contacting the uity later on one of these routes. After further discussion, Mr. Schneider moved to table discussion on this item until the Workshop portion of the meeting and then put this item back on the next agenda. Mrs. Hyatt seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None 1 ;1-71 #5 POLICE RESERVE APPOINTMENT: Chief Schoonover introduced Mr. Mark Dryer giving a brief background of his schooling. Mr. Schneider moved to appoint Mark M. Dryer to the Police Reserve Force. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None t/5- 1/9 #6 BID AWARD: The City Manager explained that he, Joe Garza and Ron Garrison had met with Mr. Escalante and found that he does know exactly what he bid on but felt that since he is a Schertz citizen he could bid a little cheaper. Mr. Sawyer moved that based on the City Manager's report, Mr. Escalante's bid in the amount of $1700 be approved for the swimming pool area covers. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ~1.1~ #7 ORDINANCE: The Mayor introduced the following captioned ordinance which was read by the City Manager. Mr. Schneider moved that said ordinance be considered by the Council. Mrs. Hyatt seconded the motion which carried with the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None ,{~. ~1 \, 248 The following captioned ordinance was then discussed and fully considered by the Council: . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS RETAINING THE TAXES IMPOSED BY THE LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX ACT (ARTICLE 1066c, VERNON'S CIVIL STATUTES) ON THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF GAS AND ELECTRICITY FOR RESIDENTIAL USE IN SAID CITY. Whereupon Mr. Schneider moved that said ordinance be further considered at the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held on the 20th day of February 1979, which motion was seconded by Mrs. Hyatt and which carried by the following vote: tfl>-?~ AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None #8 RESOLUTION: The Mayor introduced the following captioned resolution which was read by the City Manager. Mr. Schneider moved the resolution be approved, which motion was seconded by Mr. Sawyer and which carried with the following vote: 4?'?~ AYES: Councilmembers Hyatt, Schneider, Sawyer and Johnson. NAYS: None RESOLUTION NO. 79-R-5 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 79-R-4 BY ADDING A PROVISION RELATING TO GRIEVANCE AND COMPLIANCE REVIEW MECHANISM. '- #9 U.C. WATER LINE: Mayor Bueker explained the deed for the purchase of Conner property for water line easement was not ready; therefore this item would be tabled until the next meeting. #10 NEWSLETTER: Mr. Schneider requested an item concerning the availability of season swimming passes be added. Mrs. Hyatt requested the deadlines for City, School and County tax rendetion be given. #11 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Bueker recessed the regular meeting at 7:27 P.M. and called an executive session under Article 6252-17 VTCS, Sections 2 (e) and (g). The Regular Session was reconvened by the Mayor at 8:03 P.M. #12 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Hill reserved his report for the Workshop portion. #13 ITEMS BY MAYOR: Mayor Bueker read a proclamation declaring March Youth Art Month. ---.J 249" #14 ITEMS BY COUNCIL: Councilmembers reserved their remarks until Workshop session. #15 WORKSHOP: Mayor Bueker recess the regular meeting for five minutes in order for the Council and any citizens to move to the Conference Room for Workshop session. #16 ADJOURNMENT: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried the meeting adjourned at 9:59 P.M. :J: N ~ .~ - ~~ ...... U.::J ~~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~ ~ltk~ Ci~~cretary, City of Schertz "