FY 1972-1973 1;; .~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON OCTOBER 6, 1972 A .pecl.l me.ting of the City Council w.. called for 6:30 PM. Mr. Bueker, City Secretary, g.ve an hour lonl pre.entation on the duties of the City Seeret.ry. As Mr. Bueker dep.rted he .t.ted th.t he would be .t home .nd ~uld return to City H.ll .fter the council had made a dee1alon. The Special CouDcil M.eting came to order .t 7:40 PM October 6, 1972. M.mber. pre..nt were: M.yor Je..e W. Gr.h.. add Councilmen Leon Ch.mble.., Robert Schw.rtz, R.ymond Koym, Hugh S.ndifer, .nd Nell Funk. Thi. me.ting w.. ..ll.d for the .xpr... purpo.. of hiring. City M.n.ger in pl.ce of Mr. Buek.r, the City S.er.t.ry. Mr. S.ndifer r..d . three p.g. note which compri..d .t.ti.tic. of ..v.r.l ...11 citi.. which h.ve progr....d much more th.n Schertz due to .n .fficient ..d .ff.etiv. City M...g.r. Th. i.formatio. Mr. S..dif.r .ubmitt.d W., thorough ..d h.d 1~ b... verifi.d .t hi. perao..l .xp..... Aft.r. l..gthy di.cu..ioD, Mrs. Fu.k mad.. ~~; motio.. th.t the City hire. ..w City M...ger. S..o.d by Mr. Ch.mbl.... There were three y..'. (Mr. Ch.mbl..., Mr. S..difer. ..d Mr.. Fu.k) ..d two .0'. (Mr. Sehw.rtz .nd Mr. Koym). M.yor Gr.h.. .t.ted th.t h. h.d .om.one th.t h. would like for the Cou.cil to int.rview. Mr. Schw.rtz .t.ted th.t he would like for this po.ition be put out for bid. M.yor Gr.h.. .t.t.d t..t it would b. be.t if the Council didn't .ccept .omeon. who w.. looki.g for. job. Mr.. Funk ..ked the M.yor if t.e ma. wa. .vailable for i.terview at th.t ti.e. M.yor Gr.... .t.ted h. o.ly h.d t. ph..e .im. While t.e M.yor w.. in the .ext room p..ning this g..tl...., Mr. Koy. g.t up and w.lked out at 7:43 PM. Mr. Sc...rtz ..de t.e .tateme.t t..t , he w.uld like t. be excu.ed .1.. .. .. did"t fe.l this v.. bei.g d..e properly, ..d ..p.rted .t 7:44 PM. 1/1 ~?-)..", Wke. M.y.r Gr.... returned to t.e C.uncil R..., Mr. ca.mble.. ..de . ..ti.n, t..t t.e City p.y Mr. Bu.k.r f.r .i. .i.k le.ve, ...ual le.ve ..d 30 d.y .ever.nee p.y t. be .pre.. .ver · two ...t. p.ri.. f.r ....ult.ti.. vith the .ew ....ger. Se.... by Mr. S..difer. Thre. ye.'. (Mr. C...ble.., Mr. S.n.ifer. .nd Mr.. Funk) - t.e .ther tw. ..un.ilmen h.d dep.rted. Mr. D.n.y L. Arn.l. v.. interviewed by the M.y.r .n. the t.ree rem.ining C.un.ilmen. Mr. Ch..bl... .... . ..ti.., th.t the City .ire Mr. Arn.l. .t . ..lary .f $14,000 plu.1 ...,a~,. 'r2_ .ut...bile. S..... by Mr. S...ifer, T.ree yel'I--tv. .b.e.t. ~ $.~ The 1.lt it.. .. the .ge... w.. t.e ....ge .f Or.i....e 273 t. refl..t . ....g. i. ..te fr_ S.ptember 21, 1972 t. 16t. .f N.ve.ber, 1972. Mr. ca..blell ...e . ..t1..,th.t)').,4-Z;'~ the ..te .f September 21, 1972 al appe.rl ia Or.i....e N.. 273 be ....ge. t. re.. l6t. .f N.v_ber, 1972. Se.... by Mr. S...ifer. Three y..'. - tv. .ble.t. The M.y.r wit. t.e t.ree remai.l.g C.u..il .e.ber. ~re.e.t p..ne. Mr. Bueker ... rel.ye. the C.u.cil ...111... He g.ve Mr. Bueker. tw. we.k ..ti.e but Mr Bueker .t.te. .e ..ul. ..t return t. City H.II. Meeti.g ..jeur.e. .t 8:05 PM. '7 ~~iUU~ ~Yj City S..ret.ry -. ,.. l) ',' '1 ,"", lrj() MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 'DIE CITY OOUNCIL BELD ON OCTOBER. 9, 1972 A .pecial meeting of the City Council was held on October 9, 1972 at 7:30 PM in the Schertz Fire Station. Members present were Mr. BUSh Sandifer, Mr. Robert Schwartz, Mr. Leon Chambless, and Mrs. Nell Funk. Mr. Raymond KOym was abient. Mayor Graham atated that the meeting wal concerning the street lighting problems in Lone Oak and the enttte city. Be then presented Mr. Doyle Bine., General Manaser of Guadalupe Valley Electric Co-op. Mr. Bines save a briefing of the present atreet lishting procedures in the city of Schertz. \~After much discu.sion ry to appoint a citizena ~ GVEC and meetins .oae ~ to the City Council. and questions from citizens present, a motion was made by Mr. Schwartz comaittee to study the possibility of grantins a frlDchi.e with asreement with this problem. Tbe comaittee would then report back The motion was eeconded by Mr. Sandifer and the vote va. unani.ous. The .eeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. APPROVED: ATTEST: (2ML"IJ~ Mrr City Secretary '. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL BELD ON OCTOBER tI, 1972 A special meeti8S of the City Couacil wa. held on October 12, 1972 at 12:00 Noon for the purpose .f decidins whether or not to waive a public hear ins for the rezonins Mr. Odo J. Riedel's property on the west side of River Rd. at the corner of Bwy 78 due to written release from property owner. within 200'. Member. present were Mr. Leon Chambles., Mr HUSh G. Sandifer. and Mrs. Nell Funk. Me.bere absent were Mr. Raymond Koy. & Mr. Robert Schvartz. \~A motion was ..de by Mr. onamble.s and .econded by Mr. Sandifer to i..ue a buildinS per- .~ mit to Mr. 0.0 Riedel for a Dairy Queen waivering a public hearins due to written releaae ~ from property owner. within 200'. The vote waa uaanimou.. ~ The meetins adjourned at 12:09 PM. ATTEST: A A' o . - ' t r: ~j))I Ci ty S~'t~ey APPIWVED: ~//tUt~w Ma~~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL HELD ON OCTOBER 14, 1972 ~ " n i ",! ., A regular meeting of the City Council was calle. to order at the City Hall at 7:30 PK, October 12, 1972 by Mayor Je..e W. Graham. Member. pre.ent were: Mr. Robert Schwartz, Mr. HUSh Sandifer, Mrl. Nell Funk, and Mr. Leon Cha.bl.... Mr. Raymond Koym was absent. The minute. of September 21, September 26, and October 9 were read aad approved without r 11) J change. The .inutea of October 6 were corrected to read ''Mr. Denny L. Arnold was inter-rt,l' viewed by the Mayor aad the three remaiaing Couacilmen. Mr. Chamble.. made a motion ~~ that the City hire Mr. Arnold at a sa~y of $14,000 plu. an automobile. Second by Mr.. Funk. Three ye.'. -- two absent." Mr. Schwartz .tated that a quorum wal not pre.ent therefore the vote was not valid. Mr. Saegert, City Attorney, atated that three council- men did constitute a quorum. ?J A moti.n wal made by Mr. Schwartz and aecoaded by Mr. Chsmbles. to approve Ordiaaace ~g1 #269. The vote was unani.ou.. Ordinance #269 follows: ~ AMENDING THE CITY OF SCHERTZ ZONING AND PUNNING OUSIANCE #139 PROVIDING FOil A CIWIGE II THE TEIIJOlAllY a-1 CLASSIFICATION AS PROVIDED FOR NEWLY ANNEXED TIlUlITOI.IES. BE IT OI.DAIIID BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE OOUNTY, TEXAS tha t: Chapter 22-4: ZoninJ of An.exed Areas, .ubparagraph B. of the City of Schertz Zonins Ordinance #139 i. hereby deleted and the followins substituted therefor: Chapter 22-4: ZoninJ.of Annexed Areas, .ubparasraph B. All territory annexed to the City of Schertz ahall be clas.ified as .-1 Single Family Residence District. The Planains Commi'lion of the City of Schertz shall, at the time a higher land use is required, recommenJ to the City Cemmia.lon a higher permanent zoni.s, aad the procedure to be followed .hall be the .ame a. il provided by law for the adoptioa of orisinal zoaiag regulationa. A]ST: /~L4 City SJfl'etary / (CITY SIAL) APPR~ / ( /i/vlL-/ Ic/A~#>tJt./~ Ma:r ' A reque.t wa. ..de by Mr. Odo Riedel for zoning of the froatage lot #126 Rio Vista to be zoned Comaercial. He also requested that lot 24 be zoaed commercial. Mr. Riedel then withdrew zonies of lot 24 uatil zoning is needed. Mrs. Siasletary then presented a peti- tion with 22 residents of Rio Vista oppo.ieg a Dairy Queea beins buil. on lot 126. Mr. Riedel stated that the four (4) acres of land which he owns next tbethe ce.etery .ay be used as a park for a 10 year lease with ao charge if the city will pay the tax. It must be maintained by the citizens of the commuaity. It was decided that a public hearing will be held to decide the zoaing of lot 126 and that all property owners within 200' of the property beins zoned will be notified. n ;. ',II) :;l ,J t ,.",L.." A motion wa. made by Mr. Schwartz aad seconded by Mr. Chamble'l to negotiate with Mr. Ray Ritti..n ".ra bulk water co.tract at the price of .30 cents per thou.aad galloe. of water. The contract will be aubject to renegotiatioe Wi five years. The vote was unanimou ] GO :fA letter from Ol"Bos.y Dairy Store. requestillK permis.ion to inatall self-serve ga. pumps I oa the lot between the City Ball and their .tore was read. A motion was made by Mr. ~ Chambless aad secoaded by Mrs. Funk to Irant permission to Ol'Bo.ay to iastall self- ~ service ga. pumps. The vote was Aye. - 2 Noes- 2 (Mr. Sandifer & Mr. Schwartz) The Mayor voted yes, therefore approval was granted. A variance to the Zoning Ordinance to allow "ope. covera" be pat within the 30' letb..k ~wal discu'led. A motion was made by Mr. Chamblels and seconded by Mr.. Funk to allow ~ the variance in the Aviation Beilhts area. The vote was Ayes-3 Abstain-l (Mr. Schwartz). ~ The Ordina.ce .u.t be a.eaded and a public hearias held. Urbaa Renewal Asency must allo ~ receive appr.val from B.U.D. A plat of Gutierrez, Inc. Subdivi.ion was reviewed. No actio. was takea since it wa. not ia the city limits. Note waa al.o made that a gal line was definitely in the way and that FHA approval would be difficult. ~ motion was made by Mr. Schwartz and seconded by Mr. Sandifer that the plat of Deer- _~haven 13 be approved continleat that 30' between Fawn and Antler Brives be paved. It ~ will taper t. meet the exiltinl roadway. The vote was uaanimous. ~~ motion was made by Mr. Chambless and secoaded by Mr. Saadifer to remove Mr. Barry ~ Decker from the Zoninl and Plannins Commission because of exces.ive abaence. The vote '10) wa. unani.ous. ~ .~~ motion wa. made by Mr. Chambless and aecoaded by Mra. Funk to appoint Mr. Earl Sawyer ~~ to replace Mr. Barry Decker on the Zonins & Pla.ainl Co_inion. The vote was unanimous. ~~~ ..ti.a va. ..d. by Mr. Schwartz .ad .eco"'d by Mr. Cb..bl... to have St.at.. & McCor- ~ mick finhh the audit throulh September 30. The vote was u.animous. A letter from Shepherd & Burri. r~que.ting permialio. to tie into the exi.tinS sewer liae ~on Oak St. was read. The tie-in will be at the corner of Oak St. and Peca. St. where · ~ Lone Star Ice Bouse i. beins c.n.tructed. A motion was made by Mr. Chambless and .econded ~ by Mrs. Funk to allow tie-ia of the .ewer at thia location with the under.tandins that r the street cut will be repaired to the approval and specificatioAI of the City of Schertz. The vote was unanimouI. . ~~eSolution #1027 was read. A motion wa. made by Mr. Schwartz and seco.ded by Mr. Sandifer y> to adopt Resolution #1027. The vote wa. unanimouI. The re.olution il as follew.: A USOLUTION AGUEING ro BEOOME A SPONSOR OF 'l'HE RESOURCE CONSnVATION AND D..., b..oPMDT (RC&D) PROGRAM OF THE ALAMO ARIA COUNCIL OF GO i &.1I1~~.4a:.l'U.,) AND APPOINTING AN OFFICIAL UPUSDTATlVE ro 'l'HE COUNTY Rc&D COMMITtEE. WRElIAS the City of Schertz recoaaize. the need for the preparat'.n of an orderly plan for the wile u.e and developmeaen.f the aatural re.ource. in the AAOOG relion, and; WHElIAS the City of Schertz desires that .uch a plan be prepared, and; WRER!AS the Rel.uree Conservation & Development (Rc&D) Program provide. fhe opportunity for toe development of .uco a plan, and; WHEREAS thi. public body il elilible for .ponsorship of thi. proara., and; WHEREAS the Constitution aad By-Laws provide for toe appoinbaent by each .pensor of a repre.entative to the County RC&D Coamittee. MOW TBIUFOU BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Schertz agree. to become a project sponaoraand appoints a mi.'.en as its official representative to the County Rc&D Commit- tee a. provided by the Con.titutlDn and By-Law.. , , ~ .~ ~ Adopted th11 12th day of October, 1972 ia a regular aession of the City Council of the City of Schertz at Schert., Texas. ATTEST: I I [2 11~L~ City Se~tary A motion wal made by Mr. Chamblesl aad lecoaded by Mr. Schwartz to allow the carport at 528 Curtiss Ave. be moved further back Oft the lot aad used in a .oaconforming use statuI. It i. .ow an encroachment on city property. This should be doa. in a safe ..aner regardiag traffic. The vote was unanimous. ),,1 / .,' l / :~" . ,~7/J.--:~// /-(,/ /~tL~'nf....-.-..-/ May~/ ' - / v' g/1~ "'0 Overtime pay and paymeat for council members was tabled until the next Executive Council aeslion. A draft of a franchise or workable agree.eat with Guadalupe Valley Co-op was studied with Mr. Doyle Hi.es. A m.tioa wa. made by Mr. Schwartz to resclad the motion which he made ee~.e.bet conc.r.iag appointmeat of a committee to study the possibility of a fraac~i8~.~?) Mrs. Funk seconded bhe moti.n. The vote was unanimous .....31 . A moti.n was made by Mr. Chamblels and seconded by Mrs. Funk that the inteat of the Couaci1 to eater into a franchise agr.ement subject to approval of the fiaa1 draft by the coua~i1 be aiaaed. The vote wa. unanimous. ~~~. 'l~~ The meeting adjourned at 12:05 AM. AL/t -/ City S~etary APPROVED: l ~" /' ,.., < Y T/J/Y_/ Iv: " ,.' ~. Mpr Puolic HearinK by the City Council Held on October 26, 1972 An announced Public HearinK by the City Council, for the purpose of rezoninK Lot 26 of Rio Vista Subdivision from R-2 to C-l classification, was declared open in City Hall at 7:00 P.M., October 26, 1972, by Mayor Jesse Graham. ~"Members present were Schwartz, Funk and Chambless. Member absent was Sandifer due to illness. After listeninK to testimony of those in the audience wishinK to speak, "'/) Mr. Chambless moved that Lot 26 of Rio Vista Subdivision be rezoned from R-2 to J. y. i C-1 fortthe construction of a Dairy Queen only. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion. 1 e ') \ ) ...... Votinl aye: Mr. Chambless Mrs. Funk Mayor Graham Votinl no: Mr. Schwartz Mhyor Graham declared the Public Hearinl closed at 7:12 P.M. Public Hearin& by the City Council Held on October 26, 1972 . An announced Public Hearinl by the City Council, for the purpose of &rantin& a variance to the City Zoninl Ordinance whereby allowin& open covers, open sided carports or fixed canopiea to be constructed past the front buildinl line and into the relulated thirty (30) feet setback limit for Aviation Reilhts Sub- division only, was declared open in City Hall at 7:15 P.M., October 26, 1972, by Mayor Jesse Graham. After listenial to testimony of those in the audience wishinl to speak, Mr. Chambless .oved that a variance to the City Zoninl Ordinance be Iranted ~ whereby allowin& open covers, open aided carports or fixed canopies to be J~ constructed past the front buildin& line and into the re&ulated thirty (30) ~~ feet setback limit for Aviation Hei&hts Subdivision only. The motion was seconded ~ by Mrs. Funk with all members votinl aye. ~ayor Graham declared the Public Hearin& closed at 7:25 P.M. RmUTES :()F mE MEEnNG OF mE CITY OOU!fCIL HELD ON OCTOBER 26, 1972 tt;'~ The City Council convened in relular session at the City Hall on Thursday, October 26, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. with the followlnl members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, pre.idinlt Chambless, Schwartz, and Funk. Member absent waa Sandifer due to illness. ~/\ ?J 'I-~ A motion was made by Mr. Schwartz and seconded by Mrs. Funk that Citizen. Adviaory Bommittee Chairman Harold Ba1dwin'a recommendation of appointment of Francisco Queaada, Jr., 602 Mitchell Ave., to fill a vacancy on the Committee be aecepted. All members voted aye. 1'j) ~f }~ Mr. Chambless .oved to table any favorable action concernill an application for an electrical 11cenae by Advance Electric Company. Mr. Schwartz seconded,the motion with all members votinl aye. The Council instructed the City Mansler to work wibh the City Inspector to aacertain Mr. Sandoval's credibility and licen.e atatus with the City of San Antonio. Mr. Schwartz withdrew his former motion for a resolution which was approved AUlust IlJ 31, 1972 commendin& Patrolman Jon A. Cox. Mr. Schwartz then .oved to approve a 6J~ commendation letter, commendinl Patrolman Jon A. Cox for his services to the City ~ of Schertz. A second was made by Mra. Funk with all .embers votinl aye. t} A proposed ordinance for establishinl speed li.its on PM 3009 waa tabled and referred back to Chief Schoonover for further consultation with the Texas Hilhway Department. Mr. Chamblesa made a .otio~ to accep~, with relret, the resi&nation of A1der- 1 .! ' ; , i man Raymond G. Koym. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votinl aye. Mr. Chambless moved that Mr. Koym be paid his ten (10) months' salary in the amount of $5.00. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votinK aye. r,A l; ,"" 'i').) , The Council accepted a letter of resianation from Secretary Dalyce J. Franks. Mr. Schwartz moved. that a special election be ordered for the purpose of fillin~ '1~' · 1\' \-'1'" I ..L.J the vacancy on the City Council caused by the resilnation of Mr. Koym. Mr. d'~ Chambless seconded the motion with all members votinC aye. Mayor Graham read an election order and.l1otiee5whic\!i,reads!as follows: ELECTION ORDER I, Jesse W. Graham, Mayor of the City of Schertz, Texas, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby order that a Special City Election be held in the City of Schertz, Texas, on December 9, 1972, for the purpose of fillinl the vacancy in the office of Alderman previously occupied by Raymond G. Koym for the remainder of the unexpired term of such alderman; and that said election shall be held at FIRE STATION. CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS and the followinl named persons are hereby appointed judaes thereof: Mrs John SZDerkowski , Presidinl Judie Mrs. Alice Austin , Alternate Presidinl Judie The Judie conductinl said election shall appoint not to exceed four (4) clerks. Such election shall be conducted in accordance with the statutes of this state and the ordinances of this city. ELECTION NOTICE The Chief of Police of said City is hereby directed and instructed to post a properly executed copy of this Order and Notice of Election at the: Schertz State Bank, Beck's Food Store and 0'1 Bossv Store and the place where this election will be held. This Notice shall be posted 30 days before the day of election. The poll at the above desianated pollinl place shall on election day be open 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 o'clock p.m. A copy of this order shall also serve as a writ of election which shall be delivered to the above appointed Election Judie for said election. 1()4 Silned and executed this tbe 26th day of October , 1972. r: i.~~/ 'yor ~/~~ '}.~ ::1i- ,f( Q. ~ i\ I City se~a~~ ~ Mr. Chamble.a moved to adopt a re.olution which would authorize Denny L. Arnold, to execute, on behalf of the City Council, disaster relief documents. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votinl aye. Resolution 11028 i. as follows: RESOLUTION -.-- ---..... ---. BE IT RESOLVED BY City Council of Schertz, Texas that Denny L. Arnold, City Manaler, be and he i. hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf' of Schertz, Texa., a public entity establi.hed under the laws of the State of Texas, this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpoae of obtaininl certain Federal financial assistance under the Federal Disaster Act (Public Law 606, 9lst Conlress). PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1972, A.D. MAYOR COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN ATTEST: c~ Mr. Chambless motioned tbe approval of a loan of $1000.00 to Cibolo Creek 'l~j Municipal Authority. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votinl 9-~~ tt' aye. Mr. Doyle Hine., General Manaler of Gu&dalupe Valley Electric Co-operative, , appeared before the City Council to preaent a reviaed copy of a franchise I , ",'\~' alreement. After considerable and lenlthy discussion on the subject, Mr. 1\ 0" Cha.bles8 made a .otion that the city, upon publication in the city's .~ official newspaper and upon due readinls of a franchise ordinance, arant a I I' franchise to GVEC for twenty-five (25) years. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votin, aye. Mr. Howard Gaddis, City En,ineer. presented plans for the Greenfield Villaae Subdivision Unit 12. He explained that the plans had been reviewed by the Zonina and Plannina Commission. After considerable discussion, the plans were approved contin,ent upon alterations in the plans which the council directed Mr. Gaddis to make. Mr. Odo Riedei appeared before the Council to explain the meetin, before Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) on October 25, 1972, at which time COMA and city officials appeared to protest AAOOG's refusal of CCMA's ,rant application. It was announced by Mayor Graham that COMA had called a Revenue Bond Election to be held November 18. A discussion was held relative to curbs on the streets in Deerhaven 13 with specific reference beina made to a variance vote cast at the reaular City / }l ~ Council meetin, of June~, 1972. Mr. Chambless moved that a variance be ~~ I approv.d to allow flat curbs a10nl streets in Deerhaven 13 in accordance with. specifications of the City Enlineer. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votinl aye. The City Council ,ave its approval to the City Manaaer for him to consider purchasinl office dictatina equipment. A letter was presented to the City Council attached to a proposed contract pertai~in, to the city's comprehensive plan. The letter was from Mr. Paul G. Reyes, Director Division of Comprehensive Plannin,--State of Texas. After discus.ion, the council instructed the City Manaler to work with Mr. Gaddis towards findina a more economical source of finalizina the city's comprehensive plan. Mayor Graham presented an out-of-pocket expense voucher to the Council which the Council approved a per diem check in the amount of $35.00. Notice was ,iven by Mayor Graham of his intent to open a liquor store within the city li~its. Mr. Schwartz informed the Council that he was still waitin, on quotations for fencina of two ball diamonds. Mr. Arnold assured him that he would secure three quotations. A discussion was held over tbe Mayor's reminder of the 300' to 500' of 12" AC waterline now layin, alona Live Oak Rd. which needs to be put in the Iround. The Mayor advised the Council that the City had in-hand one bid on '/~J the installation work of $4.25 per foot. Mr. Schwartz moved that an ~ r,~. emeraency be declared to enable the City to appropriate necessary fundina ~- for havin, approximately 500' of 12" water line installed alon, Live Oak Rd. Motion was seconded by Mr. Chambless with all members votinl aye. Mr. Arnold was directed by the Council to work with Chief Schoonover in conferrinl with O.R. Mitchell Chrysler-Plymouth about buyina one new Police unit and a City Manaaer's unit on the bid they had submitted to the City of San Antonio. lC() ~~ Mr. Chambless made a motion that the City Manaler be instructed to advertise L~' for bids for sale of City owned property near Water Well 11 in Universal ~~ City. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votinl aye. The Council expressed concern over so many heavy trucks travelinl residential streets of the City. The Council alao felt a need to increase the junked cara procram. The Council directed the Mayor to request the Urban Renewal Office in San Antonio conduct an area evaluation for Buffalo Valley North project R-112. ~~Mr. Schwartz .oved that the Chairman of Commis8ionerl of Urban Renewal ~/'I provide to the City Council by the firat recularly scheduled Council meetinl ? of each month an expenditures report and a project completion status report. ~ Mr. Chambleas aeconded the motion with all the me.bers votinc aye. The Council instructed the City Manacer to complete the tax exempt application of the Community Fund. On the subject of hirinl the services of a different City Attorney, Mr. Howard Gaddis said he knew of one, Mr. Harvey Hardy, who .ilht be interested. The minutes of Special Meetinl of the City Council held on October 12, 1972, were approved as read. The .inutes of the recular meetinl of the City Council held October 12, were a.ended to read "that the City hire Mr. Denny Arnold at an annual (budaet year) salary of $14,000.00 plus an automobile." The minutes were approved as amended. There beina no further business ;:~ motion d)J7=ide, s conded .'- J,_-, KJ ' \;itY'Mytary MI TES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1972 to come before the Council at this time, and carried, the .eetinc adjourn~t l~ f .&~~~ iA.i L\J..t COUNCIL f The City Council convened in reaular sesaion at the City Hall on Thursday, November 2, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. with the followina members present: Mayor Jesse Graha., presidina; Schwartz, Cha.bless, Funk, and Sandifer. Mr. Rubin Beck appeared before the City Council to ask permission to plant 40 treea around the over-head water storaae tank in the Dee.haven subdivision. ,\)Mr. Beck explained that the trees would be planted inside the fence and that he ~', would like the City to accept the responsibility of waterina and carina for the ,B trees once they were planted. After diacussion, Mr. Schwartz moved to accept i;? Mr. Beck's propoaal of the 40 trees with the City providina the labor to plant the trees. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all .embers votina aye. Mr. Hal Baldwin, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee, informed the Council that the committee had received a complaint of the Lot on the corner of Church & Fir St. needina the arasa and weeds cleared from it. Mr. Arnold adviaed the Council and Mr. Baldwin that he was in the process of writina a form letter by which property owners of lots needinc mowed could be notified and follow action taken. ~~Mr. Louis Saeaert, City Attorney, advised that the City could and Ihould have a ;X Mayor Pro-Te. elected by the other City Councilmen. Mrs. Funk recommended Mr. J\) Sandifer for the position; Mr. Sandifer declined, and the .otion vaa withdrawn. 1'"' ~~ Mr. Schwartz nominated Mra. Funk for the position of Mayor Pro-Tam. Mr. Cha.bless ~ - :t ; -.1 ~ " , i j seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mrs. Funk who abstained. The Council discussed at ~enith the subject of re1inquishini their commissioner positions with each Council member expressini an opinion as to why they should or should not relinquish their respective commissioner position. Mr. Chambless moved that the Council relinquish their commissioner positions in favor of supporting the City Manager form of government. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with voting as follows: " 1'1 ~.__.J l' 6 :I- Voting aye: Chambless Funk Sandifer Abstaining: Schwartz Mayor Graham favored relinquishing his Water & Streets commission. Mr. Arnold was,wished good-luck. Since electrical contractors operating in Schertz must meet the wiring requirements of GVEC, Mr. Chambless asked if GVEC could furnish the City with copies of their . ,/1) requirements. Mr. Doyle Hines, General Manager of GVEC, replied that GVEC 5 t would furnish such requirements. Mr. Sandifer moved the approval of an appli- ~ cation for Master Electrician license by Alfred Sandoval of Advance Electric Co. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham presented two proposals relative to proposed curbing and paving around City Hall building. One proposal involved curb cuts in dangerous locations around the east side of the municipal building which would cause traffic congestion. The second proposal was to run a solid curb all along the east side of the municipal building with Urban Renewal agreeing to pour sidewalks the length of the curb and up to bhe two east doors of the buildini. This proposal would require the striping and use of the City's parking lot east of the municipal bailding. Mr. Schwartz .oved the approval of the second proposal. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with the vote as follows: rl I, .::t ,;'J t:.. I" ..~J Voting aye: Funk Schwartz Sandifer Voting no: Chambless Mr. Chamb1eas stated his reason for voting no was that he doubted if the parking lot was large enough to hold all the cars needed to be parked there at one time. Mr. Saegert informed the Council that he had reviewed the "Second Amended Cooperation Agreement" and all ordinances, deeds or resolutions pertaining to such agreement and found them in order. Mayor Graham recommended any action on these documents be tabled to allow the Council more time to study them. MJ;'. , ,.12.,) Chambless moved the "Second Amended Cooperation Agreement" be tabled at this ,?-LPI) time. Mr. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Sandifer moved that an ordinance to purchase a tract of land for park space be tabled pending approval of the "Second Amended Cooperation Agreement." Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Saegert advised the Council that he had hired additional help to get the participation paving letters mailed by November 8 to property owners along Live Oak Rd. On the subject of paving a portion of Pfeil St. under an approved bond issue, Mr. Saegert advised that if there was not enough money left to pave Pfeil St. l()R then it just could not be paved under the bond proeram. A proposed "Franchise AereemBsillt' between the City and GVEC was read. Mayor Graham informed the Council of an opinion he had received from the aeneral counsel of the 'l'ML. That beina, that the "Franchise Aareement" as acted upon by the City Council on September 26, 1972 was in fact validly approved and in force. Mayor Graham expressed his feelinas that the Council should, however, hold at least two readinas of the ordinance with proper publication. Final readina of the aareement will be held November 9, 1972 at the reaularly scheduled m~e meetina. The point was by GVEC that this franchise exculded any street liahtina on private property. Mr. Howard Gaddis, City Enaineer, informed the Council that he had two contractors lookinl at the job of installinl the 12" water line alona Live Oak Rd. n. Mrs. Funk moved the adoption of a Resolution whereby declarina an emeraency and ~y authorizina the issuance of a contract in excess of $2,000.00 without bid. v\~ Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votina aye. i)- The Council was adviaed of an upcomina proaram of replacina some traffic control sians and movina several sians closer to the street. Mr. Arnold informed the Council that a proaram .isr~~inli.@rk"eu~ri.t~bud.attnt tl.nti.e of a street sweeper operator. Mr. Chambleas felt that the City Council should evaluate the work load of City employees as compared with the number of employees. The minutes of the two public hearines held October 26, 1972 and a reaular Council meetina held October 26, 1972 were approved as submitted. Mayor Graham declared the meetina closed at 9:45 and ordered the Council into an executive session. ATTEST: Q City ~ c MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON NOVEMBER 9, 1972 The City Council convened in reaular session at the City Hall on Thursday, November 9, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. with the followina members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presidine; Sandifer, Funk, and Chambless. Schwartz was absent iue to illness. Officials of the Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative appeared before the City Council in reaards to adoption of a proposed Franchise Aareement between the GVEC and the City of Schertz. Ordinance 1276 was read as follows: , , I Ordinance #276 FRANCHISE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO GUADALUPE VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC., THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AND FRANCHISE TO ERECT, CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, USE, EXTEND, REMOVE, REPLACE, AND REPAIR IN, UNDER, UPON, ACROSS, AND ALONG ANY AND ALL OF THE PRESENT AND FUTURE STREETS, SQUARES, PARKS, LANES, AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AND OVER AND ACROSS ANY STREAM OR STREAMS, BRIDGE OR BRIDGES, NOW OR HEREAFTER OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY IT, A SYSTEM OF POLES, POLE LINES, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION LINES, WIRES, GUYS, CONDUITS, AND OTHER DESIRABLE INSTRUMENTALITIES AND APPURTENANCES NECESSARY OR PROPER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT, POWER, AND HEAT, AND FOR ANY OTHER . PURPOSE FOR WHICH ELECTRICITY MAY BE USED, TO THE MUNICIPALITY AND INHABITANTS OF SAID CITY OF SCHERTZ, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR PERSONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: Section 1. The word "Grantor" herein shall denote the City of Schertz, Texas, and the word "Grantee" herein shall denote Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Section 2. The City of Schertz doe~ hereby irant unto the said Grantee, the riiht, privileie, and franchise to erect, construct, maintain, operate, use, extend, remove, replace, and repair in, under, upon, over, and across, and aloni any and all of the present and future streets, squares, parks, lanes, and alleys owned or controlled, or hereafter owned or controlled by the City of Schertz and over and across any stream or streams, bridie, or bridies, now or hereafter owned or controlled by it, a system of poles, pole lines, transmission and distribution lines, wires, iUYs, conduits, and other desirable instrumentalities and appurtenances necessary or proper for the purpose of carryini, conductini, conveyini, supplyini, and se11ini to the Grantor and the inhabitants thereof or other person or persons, firms or corporations, whether within or without the City of Schertz, Texas, electricity and electrical eneriY for liiht, heat, power, and for any other purpose for which electricity may be now or hereaftero~sed; to carry, conduct, supply, and distribute electricity and electrical eneriY by means of said poles, pole lines, transmission and distribution lines, conduits, or other instrumentalities and to sell and distribute same to the City of Schertz, the inhabitants of said City of Schertz, and any other persons, firms, or corporations. Section 3. Poles, towers, lines and iUYS shall be so erected as to inter- fere as little as possible with traffic over streets and alleys and public ways; provided, however, that Grantee shall be required to use the alleys instead of the streets, where alleys exist and it is practicable to so use such alleys, for the placement of towers, poles, lines and iUYs. Where it is necessary that such installations be placed in a public street, then the same shall be placed between the curb line and property line on any such street provided it is possible and practicable to do so; provided that erection, construction and maintenance of Grantee's property and all other work done by said Grantee in the operation of its business, under and by virtue of this ordinance, shall be in conformity with the valid ordinances, rules and reiulations now in force and that may hereafter be adopted by the City of Schertz, reiu1ations now in force and that may hereafter be adopted by the City of Schertz, relatini to the use of its streets, alleys and public places and in the interest of public safety. If the Grantor, in order to make way for its sewers, water lines, streets or other public works, 170 shall require any poles, towers, lines or auys of the Grantee to be shifted or relocated te a new position in the street or other way, such poles, towers, lines, auys or other installations shall be so shifted or relocated by the Grantee at its expense, as and when required by the Grantor; provided, however, that Grantee shall not be requi~ed to expend in anyone year for the purpose of so movina, shiftina, or relocatina any such poles, towers, lines, or auys, an amount exceedina one per centum of its aross revenues from the sale of electricity or electrical eneray within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz durina the year immediately prior to January 1st of the year durina which such mavina, shiftina, or relocatina is done. Section 4. In the event Grantee shall throuah any of its operations hereunder damaae, tear up, or injure any street, alley, or public park, it shall promptly repair and restore same to as aood condition as previously. Section 5. Grantee shall hold the City of Schertz harmless from all expense or liability for any act or nea1ect of Grantee hereunder. Section 6. Nothinl herein contained shall ever be construed as conferrin& upon the Grantee any exclusive rilhts or privileaes of any nature whatsoever. Section 7. The provisions of this franchise are severable, and if any section, provision, or part thereof be declared invalid then it is hereby declared the intent of the parties that the remainina parts of this franchise would be passed, notwithstandina such invalid part or parts, and the invalidity of any particular section, provision, or part shall not invalidate this franchise. Section 8. This franchise shall be in force and effect from and after the passale and upon filina of a written acceptance on the form attached to the ordinance, marked "Exhibit A', with the City Secretary be Grantee within 30 days after the final passale of this ordinance, same shall become a bindina contract and shall exist and remain in force for a period of twenty-five (25) years from and after December 1 , 1972, and so lonl thereafter as same is not terminated by written notice aiven by-either party to the other of not less than two (2) years prior to the date upon which this contract shall terminate. Section 9. Grantee, durina the term of this franchise, shall pay an annual tax not to exceed the equivalent of 2~, or such maximum as may be allowed by law, of the aross receipts derived from the sale of electric ener&y for delivery within the City Limits of Grantor, whenever ordered to do so by ordinance of the aovernina body of Granter for the use of its streets, alleys, and public ways. It is aareed that such payment is in addition to, and is exclusive of and is not to be considered a license fee, nor a tax, nor in lieu of any ad valorem tax or other fee or charae now or hereafter t. be assessed and collected under the authority of the charter of the City of Schertz, Texas, or under the laws of the State of Texas. Section 10. Grantor reserves the rilht to require such reports from Grantee settina out such matters concernina rates charaed for services, and revenues earned by reason of the operation of Grantee in the City of Schertz, Texas, as they may elect. and such reports may be required at reasonable in- tervals (but not to exceed more than one report per fiscal year of operation) as may hereafter be specified by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas. Section 11. Grantee shall provide personnel to operate all seaments of its business in an efficient manner. Service personnel shall be stationed in the area to provide electric service in a prompt and orderly fashion. Grantee aarees to furnish electrical service to consumers in the City of Schertz in accordaBce with approved and accepted standards of the Electric Utility Industry. Passed and duly enacted as an ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and the Charter of said City of Schertz, on this the 9 day of November, 1972. 1 ,/1. "~/V1//i) ~/~g'P<)J MAYORr ' COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN ATTEST: J1. ' tL-L/ City secr:fary EXHIBIT A mE STATE OF TEXAS) } COUNTY OF GONZALES) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc., a corporation with its principal office in Gonzales, Gonzales County, Texas, beini the identical corporation referred to as "Grantee" in a certain Franchise Ordinance adepted by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas on the 9th day of November, 1911, to a copy of which Ordinance this instrument is attached does hereby accept such ordinance and franchise and airees te abide by the conditions and obliiations on it in such Ordinance imposed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc., has caused these presents te be executed by Monroe Schauer, its president, thereunto duly authorized, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its secretary, this the 9th day of November, A. D. 192!. GUADALUPE VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. By Its President ATTEST: .... Secretary of Guadalupe Valley Electric Co.perative, Inc. l~O -2 , ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS ) OOUNTY OF GUADALUPE) Before me, the undersianed authority, o. this day personally appeared Monree Schauer, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is sub- scribed to the foreaoina instrument, and acknowledaed to me that he executed the same as the act an. .eed of Gua.alupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc., as as President thereof, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given un.er my hand and seal of office, this the 9th day of November, A. D. 1972. ( ) Notary Public in and for Guadalupe County, Texas. Mrs. Funk moved the adeption of Ordinance 1276. Mr. Sandifer seconded the l\ 1); motien wi th all members votina aye. Mr. Doyle Hines, General Mallaaer of GVEC, ~' expressed his thanks and appreciation to all people present for the approval of ~v thi. franchise which culminated 14 years of work by GVEe. Mr. Hines further stated ~ how happy GVEC was to be able to provide street liahts for the City of Schertz, Mr. Monree Schauer, Presi.ent of GVEC, also expressed his appreciation to the Council. Mr. Bill Albert appeared before the Council pertainina to proposed plans he has of buildina a laraer buildina for his business at the corner of Beck and Live Oak. He stated that he was concerned about zenina and about meetina all setback requirements. The Council instructed the City Manaaer to sen. Mr. Albert's buildina plans to the Plannina and Zonina Commission. ~/1 ')J ~\o Mr. Chambless moved that the City enter contract with Marmon, Mok and Green, Inc., in the amount of $310.00 added expenses for completion ef the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Mr. Walter Schertz, Executive Director ef Urban Renewal, explained a financial and prearess report of the Urban Renewal project as of September 30, 1972. In answerina questions asked by the Council, Mr. Schertz advised the Council that the Urban Renewal Project is about 90t complete. Mr. Walter Schertz was questioned by the Council pertainina te a Second Amended Cooperation aareement. Ordinance #274, authorizina the Mayor to execute a Second Amended Cooperation Aareement with the Urban Renewal Aiency, was read as follows: ORDINANCE #274 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A SEOOND AMENDED OOOPERATION AGREDlENT WITH THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ IN OONNECTION WITH AN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT TITLED BUFFALO VALLEY NORTH PROJECT, TEX. R-112. , .... ;; r i WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into an aireement with the Urban Renewal Aiency of the City of Schertz for the purpose of expeditini and assurina the cempletion of the Urban Renewal Project, Buffalo Valley North pr.ject, Tex. R-112, located within the city limits of the City of Schertz, Texas; now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: SECTION 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a Second Amended Cooperation Aireement with the Urban Renewal Aiency of the Sity of Schertz for the undertakin& and completion of the Urban Renewal Project, Buffalo Valley North Project, Tex. R-112, within the City of Schertz, Texas. SECTION 2. The Second Amended Cooperation Aireement is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this i day of November, 1972. f2~/dU--n~ f MAYOR ATTEST: (l I~ City Sec~ary Mr. Sandifer moved the adoption of Ordinance #274. the motion with all members votina aye. Mr. Chambless seconded. '] 2J h).. lP "T Ordinance #275, authorizina purchase of parkland from Urban Renewal, was read as follows: ORDINANCE /1275 AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF $725.00 AND $18,000.00 TO THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ FOR THE PURCHASE OF DISPOSITION PARCELS 17-5 AND 43-2 LOCATED IN BUFFALO VALLEY NORTH PROJECT TEX. R-112 AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SAID DISPOSITION PARCELS TO THE CITY OF SCHBRTZ FOR PUBLIC RECREATIONAL USE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: SECTION 1. The Deed from the Urban Renewal Aaency of the City of Schertz, Texas conveyini Disposition Parcels 17-5 and 43-2 located within the Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112 and more particularly described within said Deed for a conside..tion of $725.00 and $18,000.00, respectively, to the City of Schertz fer public recreational use is hereby accepted. SECTION 2. Payment of the above sums to the Urban Renewal Aaency of the City of Schertz as consideration for the purchase of said property is hereby authorized, pay -:1 .,.. 1{;,4- authorized, payable to Done&an Abstract & Title Company as Escrow A&ent for the above-named Alency. SECTION 3. A copy of the Warranty Deed is attached hereto and in- corporated herein by reference. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1 day of November, 1972. ,~dJd1-~ Arr d' ~~erk J/ ~I~ f!"'" :).\1-" Mr. Chambless moved the adoption ef Ordinance #275. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votinl aye. Mr. Schertz informed the Council that a Warranty Deed for this property would be furnished to the City no later than Nove.ber 30, 1972. y\/)) J \J f}\P A masters electrician license application from Cato Electric Co. was approved. Mrs. Funk moved that the City Mana&er, actin& with concurrance of GVEC and the City Inspector, be authorized to approve electrical licenses, but any license which needs to be refused mast be done by the Council. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members votinl aye. Mr. Chambless moved the City Mana&er be instructed to purchase a one A~ year Public Official's Bond on the City Treasurer and the Tax Assessor-Collector '1/\ and a three year Blanket Public Employees' Bond on all other employees. Mr. V Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votin& aye. ~ ~1~9J ~\9 Mr. Arnold informed the Council that the Fire Department had requested part of their 1972-'73 bud&et allotment and that $10,000 could be liven at this time. Mr. Chambless moved the approval of &ivin& the Fire Department $10,000.00 for their bud&eted allotment with the remainder to be advanced when available. Mrs. Fuak seconded the motion with all members votin& aye. The minutes of the Plannin& & Zeninl Commission meetinl of October 30, 1972 were presented and acted upon accordinlly as follews: q 1~ I.P ~ Item l- Mr. Chambless moved to accept Planninl & Zonin& recommended approval of final plat for Greenfield 2. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votin& aye. Item 2- The City Council was in concurrance with the Plannin& & Zonin& Commission disapproval of Val Verde Vacatin& and Resubdivision Plat Unit No.1, Lot 1, Block 1. ~ 0/19J ~ Item 3- Mr. Chambless excused himself from discussion or vote due to personal interests. Mr. Sandifer moved approval of this request with cited letter to be provided. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members, except Mr. Chambless who abstained, votin& aye. Mayor Graha. stated that the subject street is no lon&er 3. ; /) used by the City and that the property owners must pay any transfer costs with no expense to the City; if the street has ever been dedicated then the owners must pay $10.00 or any other consideration deemed necessary. (See Plannini & Zonini minutes of 10-30-72). Item 4- The City Manaier was instructed to orianize a system that would assure the City Eniineer, Fire Marshall, Fire Chief, Buildini Inspector and Water Superintendent to review all subdivision plats and major buildini/zonini problem plans prior to submission to the Plannini 6 Zonini. Item 5- City Manaier was instructed to furnish the Plannini & Zonini Commission a copy of Council meetini minutes. Mr. Sandifer moved the approval of minutes of the City Council meetini of November 2, 1972 as presented and corrected. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members votini aye. Mr. Howard Gaddis, City Eniineer, appeared to discuss the followini: 1. Discussion was held on the Country Corner's request for City Water. Mr. Gaddis aireed to check the feasibility and cost of runnini a water line aloni 135 to the Country Corner. 2. Rayman. Curtis explained that the level control on Dee~ Haven water tank does not function properly, occasionally permittini water to run out on the iround. Mr. Gaddis aireed to check the controls and repair as needed. 3. Mr. Gaddis was presented with parkini lot dimensions submitted by Earl Johnson and requested to prepare plans for markini parkini spaces. 4. Mr. Gaddis stated that he had tentative bids on construction of 12" water line aloni Live Oak. The Council instructed Mr. Gaddis to accept the lowest bid and iet the construction started. 5. Mr. Gaddis presented R&R Construction's final estimate of payment for Waterworks Improvements Project,dn the amount of $15,400.55 which represents balance of project cost. Mr. Chambless moved that $15,400.00 be paid R&R Construction. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votini aye. ! I I, ;L'-;/~ ,,'</ 6. Mr. Gaddis was iiven participation pavini letters to property owners aloni Live Oak which were prepared by the City Attorney. He was to fill in footaie and cost fiiures. 7. Mayor Graham asked Mr. Gaddis how his plans were developini on Deer Haven sewer lines. He advised that the plans were beini prepared. Mr. Arnold explained that he would be presentini the Council with plans and ] ~() cost estimates for remodelin& our telephone system and radio system for the new Police station. Mayor Graham stated that he had been informed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. and by United Gas of upcemin& rate increase requests. The Mayor read a letter from United Gas explainine their request. Mr. Bob Uhr or United Gas was present to answer questiens from the Council. Mr. Arnold and Chief Schoonover were instructed to check the status of AAOOG~s Reeional Communication System prior to purchase of radio equipment. A bid from Hieo Ackerman in the amount of $261.00 was presented for ~,1~ completion of backstops at ball fields. Mr. Chambless moved to accept the ~1 bid. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votine aye. Mayor Graham read a letter from Mrs. C.W. Koch requestini rezonine of land at corner of Live Oak Rd. & Exchan&e Ave. The Council directed that the request be sent to Plannine & Zonine Commission. The City Manaeer was instructed to notify the Urban Renewal Aeency of the Council's desire that Urban Renewal publish their meetine dates in a newspaper. Raymond Curtis explained that Exchanee St. (behind the bank) would be' patched as soon as he could separate two services currently on the same line. The Council requested that Urban Renewal submit by November 16, 1972, results of laboratory tests of street pavine. Mayor Graham read claim letters from personal property owners in Riedel's trailer park who sustained damaee durine the recent floods. The claims aeainst the City totaled $9,000.00. Mayor Graham was instructed to confer with an attorney as to whether the City is oblieated to pay this claim. The City Manaeer was eiven permission to confer with insurance brokers on the status of the City's insurance proeram. d~ ~-I ~1 ~- Mr. Chambless moved that the City employ Mr. Jim Brewer as Tax Assessor- Collector and Welfare Director under Project Transition for the months of December and January and on a reeular basis after January 31, 1973. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votine aye. Mrs. Funk moved that the City pay Mr. William Dittert a total of $100.00 ~ expense money for two days tax and accountine consul tine work. Mr. Chambless ,1 seconded the motion with all members votini aye. The City Manaier was t1~ instructed to check the leeality of such a payment since Mr. Dittert is currently ~ ' employed by another City. Mr. Fred Italian asked if he could be furnished with an oreanizational chart of the City. The City Manaeer aereed to do this. Mayor Attorney. position. Graham advised the Council of the need to find a different City He stated that he had talked with Mr. Edward Fallis about the The Council requested Mr. Fallis be present at a future meetine. The Council instructed the City Manaeer to obtain cost estimates of replacine traffic control siens in old parts of town. s ,,"~...., ~ 1, Mr. Arnold advised the Council that the 1972 audit would soon be presented by Stanton, McCormick & Co. and Mr. John McCormick would be present at November 30th meetin& to explain the audit. Mrs. Funk moved that the City terminate its contract with Mr. Floyd Westerman and that he be iiven thirty days written notice of such intent. Chambless seconded the motion with all members votini aye. _ I!::U ,..J j'," J ~: --- Mr. Mayor Graham reminded the Council of the CCma bond election to be held on November 18, 1972. There beini no further business to come upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, midniih t. before the Council at this time, the meetini adjourned at 12:00 /I ,/1// i ~~/(//7-wr~"1?L.--/ MAYOR Y - ~: ., ~ City s~ ~ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON NOVEMBER 16, 1972 The City Council convened in special session at the City Hall on Thursday, November 16, 1972 at 8:30 P.M. with the followina present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presidini; Schwartz, Chambless, Funk, and Sandifer. Seieed bids were opened pursuant to issuini time warrants in the total amount of $25,000.00 as specified by Ordinance #277. The bids were opened and read as follows: Schertz State Bank Cibolo State Bank With Demand Deposit Account Without Demand Deposit Account Texas Securities Corporation 5 1/2% 5% 5 1/2% 5 1/4% Followini discussion Mrs. Funk moved that a contract be awarded to Texas ,:~,1;J Securities Corporation on their bid of 5 1/4%. Mr. Chambless secended the J' motion with all members votini aye. Mayor Graham read Ordinance #277 as follows: An Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of land to be used as a Police Station for the City; Providing th. terms & cnnditions of the contract for the purchase of said land; Providing for the auth.rization and issuance of $22,000.00 principal amount .f interest-bearing time warrants of said city for the purpose of paying the contract price for said land; levying the necessary & requisite ad val.rem tax, requir.d by law, to pay the principal of & interest on said time warrants as the same become due; & making c.rtain findings, determinations & other provisions of & relating t. the subject & purposes of this ordinance. ]7~ 1 I).} 1~1 the Q-' Mr. Schwartz moved the adoptien of Ordinanc. #277. motion with all membera voting aye. Mr. Sandifer secended The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. ~dJ/~ MAYOf /~~ A'P-.ST: ~ L ~ ~ .~t CITY SEC ~RY , . REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON NOVEMBER 30, 1972 ~e City Council convened in reau1ar session at the City Hall on Thursday, Nevember 30, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Schwartz, Chambless, Funk, and Sandifer. Mr. John McCormick, ef Stanton & McCormick, auditing firm, appeared before the Council and explai.ed the audit he recently completed of the City books through June 30, 1972. He.answered numerous questions asked by the Council. He also explained that he is preparing a management letter which explains needed imprev.- ments in the City's accounting and budgeting syatem. This letter will be given te the City Manager and will be on file in that office. One item peinted out by Mr. McCormick was the need for an inventory of all "of the City'. fixed asseta. Mr. Schwartz moved that the City Manager be directed ~ (j 'i f,J to conduck all inventory ef all real and persenal property belonging to the City, ~'\ the inventory te be completed by December 15, 1972. Mr. Sandifer seconded the metion with all me.bers voting aye. Mrs. Funk moved that the City empley Mr. McCormick to co.plete the annual IJ~audit through September 30, 1972 and to work with the City Manager in setting up ~ ~, a auitable accounting syste.. Mr. Cha.bless seconded the motion with all members ~ voting aye. . Mr. Helmuth Dietz explained to the City bhat he still does not have all municipal facilities (sewer service) to hia apart.ent complex on FM 3009 yet, hi. taxes were nearly doubled this year. Mayor Graham explained that future sewer line., ill conjunctio. with CCHA plans, would be able to service his property. Al.o Mayor Graham explained that once a Tax Board of Equalization has met fer a tax year and a tax ordinance passed, taxea cannot be adjusted. Mr. Dietz advised the Council that he wa. notified of the Tax Board of Equalization meeting but did net appear before the Board. Mr. Dietz further stated his concern ever not having f fire protection (a plug) near his property. Mr. Sandifer meved that the City set a ,'It'PUre plug at the corner of Live Oak Rd. a.d FM 3009. Mr. Chamb1eu seconded the ~~Q motion with all me.bera voting aye. Mr. Char1.1 Sharp informed the Council that in November 1972 he sub.itted a sealed bid te the Urban Renewal Age.cy for a parcel of land o. the S.W. corner of the intersectio. of Exchange Ave. & Live Oak Rd., Parcel Number 50-1. He explained that h. bid $1200.00 for the land but the Urban Renewal Board of Directors awarded the sale of the parcel to the only ether bid which was in the a.ount of $600.00. . . ! \ j ~ I He read a letter from Urban Renewal stating that he could not purchase the land because he ceuld net use the land. He wished te knew why, if enly ene certain bidder ceuld use the land, why even advertise for cempetitive bids? Mr. Walter Schertz, Executive Director of Urban Renewal, submitted a copy ef a letter to the Ceunci1 which was a legal ceunsel epiaio. as to why Mr. Sharp ceuld not purchase th. parc.l ef land. The letter, r.ad aleud, explained that the parcel of land in ~uestien, being substandard in size, could not be used by anybody except an adjeing property owner. Mr. Schertz explained that Urban Ren.wal was dictated by law to advertis. fer and receive sealed bids. The question was raised, but net answered, of what would prevent Mr. Frederick Rewell, recipi.nt of th. bid award on the parcel ef land 50-1, from later s.eking a rezoning of this parcel of land? Mr. Sandifer moved te table any further discussion er action on this subj.ct until such lat.r date as mer. data was available to the Council. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye except Mr. Chambless who abstained for personal reasons. I" \ +..1 1 \. , ~:, Mayer Graham read Ordinanc. #278 as fellows: An ordinance d.t.rmining and fixing the maximum schedules of rates to be charged by United Gas, Inc., its successors and assign., in the City ef Schertz, Texas, for natural gas and natural gas service furnished by it to residential and commercial consumers, containing definitions, fixing the .ffectiv. dat.s of cas rat.s prescribed in this erdinance, making misc.llaneous provisions and repealing all .rdinances in conflict. ,(I 1 ' " Mr. Robert Uhr ef United Gas Co. answered all queatiens from the Council. Mr. j/ '. Chambless moved the adoptien ef Ordinanc. #278. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graha. read Ordinance 1280 as fellows: (An ordinance settinl speed limits . r/" en FM 3009.) Mr. Arnold explain.d te the Ceuncil that the Texas Highway Departm.nt I)"?' /.,; implied they would set the speed limits on FM 3009 whether we passed this ordinance er not. Mr. Sandifer meved th. adoptien ef Ordinance #280. Mrs. Funk seconded the metion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Schwartz who abstained. .. Mayor Graha. read Ordinance 1281 as fellews: (Creating the office of City Manager for the City ef Schertz, Texas, and prescribini his pow.rs and duties). Mrs. Funk I moved the adoption of Ordinance 1281 with the first monetary blank to read $2,000.00 l' and the secoad monetary blank to read $1.00. Mr. Sandifer ,seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Fuak meved to appoint Denny L. Arnold to the positien of City Manager. Chambless secended tne motion,''With all members voting aye. Mr. '1.. .j ~ , ", Mr. Cha.bless moved that the City loan COMA anether $1,000.00. Mrs. Funk secended the motion with all .embers voting aye. Mr. Odo Riedel explained te the Council that,., ,'1 ,,, COMA needed this extra operating money becuase the l.gal ads placed in the newspaper' . for the recent COMA bond election cost over $1,000.00. Mrs. Funk moved that Mr. Alfr.d V. Evans, Jr., of 402 Aviation and Mrs. Irene ~,,'!-'lJJ Farmer ef 136 Cloverleaf be appointed to the Citizens Advisory Committee. Mr. Sandifer secended the "OUOR with all members v.Ung aye. ~.~L..,t.b.~4. ~ !f~ne:Ln~ t". h:.al~ dtmodl'..:wi,th '...\'J~ rM~.rJpreS~ll~tecf..t>>: th! :C~UACU ..,~f.i 1.".,: 1 CJI\ (] \ 1 Cliffs F.nce Co. Allied Fence Co. A.J. & A. Fence Co. $1,155.76 each field $1,200.00 each field $1,275.00 each fiel~ ,Ip.. fl.. Q' I ~'6 " Di.cusaion was held about buildina the fences to allow both baseball and football to be played within the fenced area. Mrs. Funk moved to award the bid to Cliffs Fence Co. in the maximum a.ount of $1,155.76, per diamond, for the fencina of two baseball diamonds. Mr. Schwartz seconded the .otion with all members votina aye. Resolution #1030 was read as follows: (A resolution directina the callina for ~~ bids for Street Improvements for the City of Schertz, T.xas). ~r. Chambless moved for ~~' the adoption of Resolution 11030. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members 9, votina aye. Mr. Arnold inform.d the Council that the City has $30,000.00 invested in ,\~evernment Obliaation bonds due to mature on November 30, 1972. Mrs. Funk moved ~' to wait until the City employes a new fiscal adviser before makina any decision ~~ on the disposition of this money. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Mayor Graham read a letter of resianation from Raymond Curtis as Utilities M~Superintendent effective Nove.ber 30, 1972. Mr. Chambless moved to accept his ql_l resianation. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members votina aye. A ~ replace.ent for Mr. Curtis was discussed by the Council. Mr. Chambless moved to pay Mr. Odo Riedel $9,500.00 for his sewer system ~ ,1~outh of FM 78 as authorized at a previous council meetina. Mr. Sandifer seconded ~ C1 f' the motion with a 11 members votina aye. Mr. Sandifer moved to amend previous Council action of JURe 6, 1972 to ",t)./1~read that the City sell water to Mr. Riedel's mobile heme park @ the bulk rate of 9."..... .35~ per thousand. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with 811 members votina aye. Mr. Chambless moved to approve the minutes of the Nove.ber 9, 1972 Reaular .L,~~~e.tina and the November 16, 1972 Special meetina as curculated. Mrs. Funk ~~~ seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Mr. Walter Schertz asked that the City pay the $18,700.25 for the park land directly to Urban Renewal. Mr. Arnold read Ordinance #279 as follows: (Industrial Waste Ordinance). 1~)Mrs. Funk moved for the adoption of Ordinance #279. Mr. Schwartz seconded ~' the .otion with all members votina aye. Mayor Graham explained that this ordinance was necessary to allow CCMA to qualify for federal fundina. ~[\ Mr. Arnold informed the Council that Earl Johnson is workina on plana for the most economical method of movina the traffic control sians in the older parts of town. ,! '}) , \ 'll~ ~ A letter of resianation was read from Mrs. Geneva Hararaves, Assistand Welfare Director and a refund check from her to the Schertz Welfare Fund in the amount of $17.00 was presented. Mr. Schwartz moved to accept the letter with the City Manaaer to write her a letter of appreciation for her lona hours of service. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Mayor Graham read a letter fro. Gutierrez Disposal Service requestina consideration be aiven a future amendment to the Solid Waste Contract that would i ,h . . Ii. allow special charees for mobile trailers. Mr. Odo Riedel commented that he was asainst this amendment as it would cost him an exc.ssive amount. The Council instructed Mr. Arnold to notify Mr. Gutierrez to come before th.m at a future date to discuss this subject. Mr. Arnold informed the Council that Mr. Ed Zimmerman and Dr. Mays had requested him to have two street liahts preposed for the south side of FM 78 in front ef their businesses be moved to the north side of FM 78. The Council instructed Mr. Arnold to work with GVEC on this matter. Minutes of the Plannina & Zonine meetina of November 29, 1972 were submitted with th. followina Council action: Item 1: No action t t f)..J '(- I" Mr. Chambless moved for approval contineent upon Mrs. Koch .? I furnishine the City a copy of a sianed earnest money contract showinC the intent of someone to build a specific commercial buildine on the property. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Item 2: Item 3: Appnved Item 4: Mr. Chambless moved t. rezone to Cl. all members votine aye. Mr. Schwartz seconded it with~. ,,' '\ /.- J Mr. Howard Gaddis, City Enaineer, informed the Council of the probl.m of a low sewer main in the entrance to Lone Oak which has caused problems for some residents fora lone time. His estimate of a maximum cost of replacina or repairins the line was $2,500.00. He aareed to a less expensive effort of locatine the trouble'in the line, that beinl to locate the line by use of an electronic device. Mr. Gaddis informed the Council that his Court House research shows that the City of Schertz owns both water wells and the around storaa. tank located in Universal City. ,.Q.. r ,. '/f: In accordance with a writt.n request from Mr. Donald C. Ulin, Executive Director .~ of the Schertz Housine Authority, Mr. Chambless moved the appointment of Mr. Leonard M. Trent. Mr. James H. Brown and Mr. Doualas A. Holmes to the office of Commissioner of the HousinC Authority of the City of Schertz. Mr. Sandifer second.d th. motion with all members votina aye. Mr. Arnold was instructed to notify the Housine Authority to furnish the Council with a copy of all Housina Authority Board meetinc minut.s. Mr. Arnold explained that the final contract with Marmon, Mok & Green, Inc., 3:.'" .. 7~ Comprehensive Plaaners, needed te be sianed by the Mayor. Mr. Chambless moved to amend the motion made at a previous Council me.tina which authorized th. expenditure of $310.00 ~ on the final phase of the City's Comprehensive Plan, to read that $1,099.00 be expended, the Mayor be authorized to execute the contract and a refund be requested from the State whereby only an additional net expenditure of $310.00 would be made. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votina aye. There beina no further business to come before the Council at this time, Mayor Graham closed the me.tina at 12:15 to hold an .xecutive session. /~1/J2L/1i~?U MAYOY ---- 1 (~I~) L ( 1 IL.-d CITY SECRETARY REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON DECEMBER 7, 1972 The City Council convened in reaular session at the City Hall on Thursday, December 7, 1972, at 7:25 P.M. with the followin& members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presidina; Funk, Chambless and Schertz. Sandifer was absent. Mr. Gene Sisk, atterney-at-law, appeared to represent the mebile home ewners whe have brouaht damaae claims a&ainst the City for damacea caused to their property durina the May, 1972 flood throuah Riedel's Mobile Heme Ceurt seuth of FM78. Mr. Sisk claimed that the deliberate divertina of water by the Urban Renewal Project, under the RR tracks and across FM78 constituted nealilence without action by the City. Mr. Richard Harris, attorney-at-law repreaentina the City, asked Mr. Sisk on what leaal basia did the home owners make their claim and Mr. Siak advi.ed essentially under the Texaa Tort Claims Act. Mayor Graham temporarily rece.sed the Council into executive se.sion with counselor present. Fellowine reopeninc of the recessed meetina Mr. Harris stated his opinion that the Tort Clai.s Act did not permit claims other than for per.onal injury or death. Mr. Sisk stated that he would aive the Council an answer to this aeneral statement within approximately one week, Council A&reed. Mr. & Mrs. Jolly were the only property ownera preaent pertainina to the unofficial hearinl. Mr. Edlar von Scheele briefed the Council on the reaulta of a noise level study recently conducted by the Southwe.t Research Institute in "Noise Zone 2". Mr. Arnold read Resolution #1031 : "Determininl the detrimental effect of the City ef Schertz and its environs of the withholdinl of approval of certain residential aubdivisions with the City and ita envirens by the UDited States Department of Houaina and Urban Development for PIA Insurance, aDd requeatina the Honorable John Tower, United Statea Senater to assist in obtaininl such approval. " 1'~ Mr. Schwartz moved for the passaae of Resolution #1031. Mr. Chamble.s ~O" sedended the .otion with all me.bera votinl aye. The Council authorized the City Manaaer to enter preliminary discussion with Universal City on planninl a Joint Animal Control Center. Mr. Walter Schertz, Urban Renewal Director, preaented a letter from Mr. Finnis Jolly of BUD authorizina the sale of parcel 50-1 to Fredrick W. Rowell. Mr. Schwartz asked Mr. Terry Tophan, attorney for Urban Renewal, why it was not atipulated in the advertisin& for bids on this lot that it wa. an under- sized lot which could only be used by one peraon? Mr. Schertz stated he would have told Mr. Sharp this had Mr. Sharp atated which lot he was biddinl on and his intended use of the lot. Mr. Schertz presented an ordinance for the Council to adopt which would authorize the aale of parcel 50-1 to Mr. Rowell. Mayor Graham recommended tablinl any action until further advisement. Mrs. f1~Funk moved any action of this ordinance be tabled until the Council ceuld be O~ better advised on the subject. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motien with all 9 me.bers votinl aye except Mr. Cha.bless who abstained for personal reasons. Mayer Graham voted aye. '. ~' J Mr. A5neld r.ad a l.tt~r dated Decemb~r 7, 1972, from Urban Renewal to Mayor Graham, which outlined the parc.ls of land purchased by Urban Renewal for the City fer ~asem~nt purpeses. Mayer Graham r.c.ssed the m.etina at 8:25 P.M. fer an executiv~ sessien. The meetin& was called back to order at 9:00 P.M. I~T, Mr. Schwartz moved that th. Ci ty ~mpley Mr. Richard Harris, of Debbins, Heward joY I,'" & Harris law firm, to be the City's attorn~y effectiv. January 1, 1973, at a salary of $300.00 per month until such time as the City Council choos~s to reneaotiate this aer~ement. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votina aye. ,r: Mrs. Funk moved that the City alter its plans fer pavin& Live Oak Rd. to allow ~/t,-":J a 42 f~et paved street, to be repav~d ne iarth~r north than th~ north R-O-W lin~ ~' of Pecan St. with the still unpaved pertions ef Pfeil St. to be included in the same contract. Mr. Schwartz secend.d the motion. Vetine aye: Mayor Graham V.tine no: Mr. Chambless Mrs. Funk Mr. Schwartz This motion was made followine a discussion between th. Council and Mr. Heward Gaddis, City EOlineer. Mr. Gaddis advised the C.uncil that h. could see ne ben~fit in the City spendioe millions of tax dollars over a period ef years to develop Live Oak Rd. as a major north-seuth street when FM 1518 and FM 3009 already exist with the State Hiahway Department to provide the maintenance. Mr. Gaddis felt th~ City did not need three major north-seuth therouehfares, especially in liaht of all R-O-W costs, drainaae improvements costs, and pavina costs that would have to b~ incurred. Mr. Schwartz moved that the City Manaaer b~ dir.cted to pr.pare an erdinanc~ ~_~.'!~ that would amend the orieinal ordinance settinl tim~ and date of Ceuncil meetinas,:- the new erdinance to read meetinas to be held the first and third Tuesdays .f each cal~ndar month, 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamb.rs. Mrs. Funk seconded th. motien with all members votine ay., exc~pt Mr. Chambless who voted no. Mrs. Funk moved that Denny Arneld be appointed City Treasurer; Mrs. June Krause be appointed City Secretary and Assistant City Tr.asurer. Mr. Chambl.ss secended the metion with all members votine aye. 'I j iJ:,oJ '1 . ' .:>U There beinl ne further business to cerne m.etin& was adjourned at approximat~ly 11:00 before the Council at this time, -.---, P.~ J U I; . , ~..,J:::VV~/. 'h~/ MAyr ' . the A'ITEST: 1'Y~' i. jj CI ~J - ECRETARY ,/<l!~ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON DECEMBER 9, 1972 The City Council conv~n~d in Special Session at 7:13 P.M., December 9, 1972, at the SVFD with the followine members present: Mayor Jesse Graha., presidine; Mr. Schwartz, Mrs. Funk, and Mr. Chambless. Mr. Sandifer was absent. Mayer Graham read the results of a Special Election held on December 9, 1972, at JH-l the SVFD flli ~2.3 !:PcEeci.&idt :1.fi.::the:;~City ef ""Sahel'tz ~ "\Ce\lntfy ')of Guaaal~p~ .1Ietd \\t::\~ fill. the-unexp:1red Council ~p"fSit1.n-.fRaymond Koym. The returns read were: Richard M. Mansfield-175 Votes Fred Italian -43 Vetes Earl Sawyer -One (1) Vote 1~ Mr. Chambless moved to approve the election returns as read with Mr. Richard "t" Maaafield beina the apparent winner. Mrs. Funk seconded the motien with all ~u membera votina aye. The meetina adjourned at 7:16 P.M. f1"a-' I lr/ ~,~ MAYOR! - - -_ ATTEST: flA:AAR ~ B , /<:-r~ ~ECRETARY SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON DECEMBER 14, 191~ The City Council convened in Special Session at City Hall on Thursday, December 14, 1972, at 4:40 P.M. with the followina members preaent: Mayor Graha., presidinai Mrs. Funk, Mr. Sandifer, Mr. Schwartz, & Mr. Cha.blesa. Mr. Richard M. MaRsfield was sworn in as a City Councilman. n~ Mr. Mansfield moved that Hr. Harry J. Wills of IZ7 Fawn Dr. be appointed te OQI replace Mr. Mansfield en the PlanniRa & Zonina Commissien. Mr. Sandifer seconded D the .otien with all members votinl aye. Mr. Tom Anderlitch explained his experience and credentials to the Council. 1~ Mr.. Funk moved that Mr. Anderlitch be employed as Fiscal Alent for the City. ,'" Mr. Chambless seconded the met10n with all members votina aye. ~( Mr. Arnolcl explained to the Council that the City's Revenue Sharina check for the period January-June of 1972, had been received in the amount of $7,991.00 and had been deposited in the Schertz State Bank in a Revenue Sharina Truat Fund. Mr. Sandifer moved that the maximum amount of the money poasible without closina. out the fund be used to purchase a 30 day automatic renewal certificate of deposit. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members votina aye. II I)J ?J'O # Mayer Graham infermed the Council of a company who wishes to place decorative litter cans on the streets of Schertz. The City Manaaer was directed to talk with the company and with Guiterrez Disposal Co. and report the results to the Council. There beinl no further business to ceme before the Ceuncil at this time, Mr. Mansfield moved and Mrs. Funk seconded that the m.etina be adjeurned at 5:50 P.M. All members voted-aye. MAYOR , ,l " i' ATTEST: /' , ,,, , ) vL.~ 1L '<h~ CI'1'1 SECRETARY SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON DECEMBER 27, 1973 The City Council convened in Special Session on Wednesday, December 27, 1972, at 5:30 P.M. with the fellowin& members present: Mayer Graham, presidina; Mrs. Funk, Mr. Sandif.r Mr. Chambless, & Mr. Mansfield. Mr. Schwartz was absent due to vacationin& out of State. Mayor Graham explained to the Council that the meetin& was called because Mrs. Zenobia P. Coverson had si&ned a statement c1aimin& Police Officer Bob Re&istar, while off-duty, did en December 22, 1972 handle her body and hold her a&ainst her will. The Ceuncil was shown sworn statements by Mrs. Coversen and by two witnesses, the latter supportina her statement. Mayor Graha. informed the Council that the alle&ed incident was first reported to the Police about 2:00 A.M. Sunday, and statements were taken en Tuesday. He stated that upon beina notified he had ordered a full investi&ation, which was conducted by Chief Schoonever and Officer Marin. Mr. William Shuler, of Town Nerth Realty, aa~e the Council his comments on the events .f the evenin& ef December 22, 1972, and his opinions of the personality of Mrs. Ceversen. Officer Re&istar then explained his versien of the events of the evenina of December 22, 1972, in which he stron&ly denied the accusations made a&_inst him. Mr. Mansfield moved that all alleaatiens a&ainst Officer Re&istar be dismissed and that the Chief of Pelice be directed to develop a cede ef conduct for eff-duty 1~,\ pelicemen. Mr. Sandifer secended the motien with all memb.rs votina aye. SII' ,~~ The meetin& adjourned at 6:40 P.M. /"/ ~ ( / " ' (../:~/YbV/{/ , , MAYO~ ATTEST: ,'-" k ,~ L:, Jj,. H_f..J_L.l~__ 9jTY SECRETA:Rl'- REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON JANUARY 4, 1973 The City Council convened in reaular session at the City Council Chambers on Thursday, January 4, 1973, at 7:40 P.M. with the followin& members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presidina; Nell Funk, Bob Schwartz, Dick Chambless, Richard Mansfield, and Hu&h Sandifer. Mr. Ed&ar von Scheele appear.d and explained his request te the City Council 1 () I- i ("",) that he be aranted a variance to enable him to build a house on his praperty at the SE corner of the intersection of Maple Dr. and Randolph Boulevard. The parcel of ~~property is substandard in size. Mr. Chambless moved that Mr. von Scheele take his \ request to the Plannina & Zonina Cemmission for a formal hearina before them at their next reaular meetina. Mra. Funk seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Mr. Arnold requested a pay increase for Johnny Harms in accordance with com- ~'?Pletion of an e.ployment probationary period. Mrs.Funk moved to table any actien on ~ this request until it could be discussed in an executive meetina. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votina aye. On the subject of providina water to the Country Corner restaurant in that section of the City, the Council inatructed Mr. Howard Gaddis, City Enaine.r, to derive a cost estimate for buildina a water tower with all the necessary lines to the tower in that immediate area. (h Mr. Chambless moved to award a bid for re-location of traffic control sians in ~Jthc Aviation Heiahts subdivision to Mr. Willie Krause at the rate of $3.50 per hole. ~ Mrs. Funk secended the motian with all members votina aye. It was understood that .~ this would involve appreximately 70 sians. Mr. Chambless meved that the City participate in the Southwest Texas State ~University Internship proaram by autherizina the City Manaaer to hire one intern en t\/an expenditure not to exceed $20 in any week and that the City Manaaer provide the ~ Council with a schedule ef work te be aiven to the intern. Mr. Mansfield seconded the metien with all membera votina aye. On the ,subject of Water and Sewer Rebatea for Villaae I and II and Rio Vista subdivisiens, Mr. Arneld informed the Council that he has been unable to lecate any sianed centract authorizina such rebates. The City Council instructed the City Manaaer to confer with Mr. Tom Anderlich and Mr. Dick Harris en the leaality of such rebatea and come back to the Council with a leter report. Actina en the City Manaaers request for authorization to purchase Certificates ~of Deposit, Mr. Schwartz moved that the City Manaaer be autherized to purchase two ~ (2) Certificates of Deposit each in the ameunt of $20,000.00; one frem the General ~ Fund, one from the Water and Sewer Fund, to be purchased on a 30-day automatic renewal basia at the Schertz State Bank payina 4 1/21 interest with the City Manaaer to report back to the Council be the end of January on the pessibility of more investments. Mr. Sandifer aecended the motien with all members votine aye. Actina on the City Manaaers request for authority to purchaae a Certificate ~of Deposit in the amount of $3,029.00 of cash new in the Schertz Intereat & Sinkina ~ aeserve Fund at Froat National Bank, Mr. Sandifer moved that the City Manaaer be I authorized to purchase a Certificate of Deposit in the a.ount of $3,029.00 at the ~ interest rate of 51 to mature on May 31, 1973. Mr. Chambless aeconded the motion with all members vetina aye. Mr. Arnold read a propoaed Ordinance #282 aa fonowa: "Fixina th. time, place ~~and dates for holdiRa reaular .eetina of the City Ceuncil of the City of Schertz, ~\ Texaa." ~ Mr. Schwartz moved the adoption of Ordinance 1282 to be effective February 1, 1973. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion. Votina aye: Funk Mansfield Schwartz Votine no: Sandifer Chambless ,<r Mrs. Funk moved that the minutes of the meeting of November 30, 1972 be recirculated to all the Councilmen. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Mansfield who has no vote on this minutes. Mr. Chambless moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of December 7, 1972 be approved as circulated. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votina aye, except Mr. Mansfield who has no vote on this minutes. Mr. Schwartz moved that the minutes of the special meeting of December 9, 1972 be approved as circulated. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members votin& aye, except Mr. Sandifer and Mr. Mansfield who have no vote on this minutes. Mr. ~hambless moved that the minutes of the special meeting of December 14, 1972 be approved as circulated. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that the minutes of th. special meeting of December 27, 1972 be approved as circulated. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Richard Harris, City Attorney, informed the Council that a City Council is required to pass an Ordinance designating an official Depository Bank for the City Funds. He stated that this bank must pledge certain securities for the funds on deposit. The Council instructed Mayor Graham and the City Manager to discuss with the Schertz State Bank what pledge securities they now have on record. Mr. Howard Gaddis gave an indepth explanation of some of the drainage problems that the City must soon alleviate to allow future development in certain areas of the City. Mr. Gaddis presented cost estimates on different alternate solutions to ~ the drainage problem. Mr. Edgar von Scheele entered into the discussion on the &;1'; drainage preblem. Mr. Schwartz moved to table any action at this time on the drainale problem until an executive meeting and that the City Manager present the Council with cost figures of drainage work as well as the City's financial capabilities for financing future bond issues. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. There beina no further business to come before the Council at this time, Mr. Sandifer moved and Mr. Mansfield seconded it that the meeting be adjourned. All members voted aye. Mayor Graham closed the approximately 11:00 ~.M. a~~: (~JU~J MAY1 - ATTEST: " // ) ',rr AA i..--.J1\1'-< (Yo .Ii .,. if C}tt SECRETARY r- REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON JANUARY 18, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Council Chambers on Thursday, January 18, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: 1 ~\k q.1~ /7 ~ ,0 11/ 1~ Mayor Jesse Graham. presidin&; Dick Chambless, Bob Schwartz, Richard Mansfield, and Hu&h Sandifer. Mrs. Funk was absent due to illness. Sealed bids for the street construction project of pavin& Live Oak Rd.. Aero Blvd., and Pfeil St., were opened and read aloud by Mr. Howard Gaddis, City En&ineer, in the followin& manner: BIDDER # of Davs TOTAL AMOUNT BID- Cloud Pavin& Co. 180 $250,695..50 Kelly Construction Company 180 $201,702.00 Jarbet Company 250 $234.967.00 H.B. Zachry 150 $266,000.00 Vahlco Welch Asphal t Company Bill Shannon 210 $209,601.00 Austin Pavin& Company 280 $208,257.50 P S & F Construction Co. 180 $213,499.38 Texas Brid&e Inc. 300 $238,059.50 erea Bros. House-Braswell 365 $270,399.00 V.K. Knowlton Schaefer Construction Company Mr. Chambless moved that the bids be referred to the City En&ineer and the City Manaaer for tabulation and recordin& with a recommendation on the awarding of a contract to be brouaht to the City Council at a future meetin&. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Followin& discussion, Mr. Sandifer moved that the City srant a Homestead exemption of $3,000.00 on ad valore. taxpayers 65 years of aae and older. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members votin& aye. Mayor Graha. directed that his name be placed on record as beina in favor of the exemption. Mr. Schwartz .oved that the City Mana&er be authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase of two (2) new City automobile, one for the Police department and one for the City Mana&er; a pick-up truck for the Water Dept., a pick.up for the Fire Department, and a backhoe for the Water & Sewer Department. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members votina aye. Mr. Sandifer moved that the minutes of the re&ular meetin& of 11-30-72 be approved as presented. Mr. Schwartz second~d the motion with all members votina aye, except Mr. Mansfield who was not qualified to vote. Mr. Schwartz moved that minutes of the re&ular meetin& of 1-4-73 be approved as presented. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members votin& aye. Mr. W.F. Schneider, III Zuehl Rd. requeated that a light be placed at the West end of Zuehl St. The Council directed the City Manager to look into the matter. Mr. Tom Anderlitch, the City's financial adviser, discussed with the Council the City's financial capabilities in reference to any future bond isaues. There bein& no further business to come before this Council at thia time upon motion made and duly seconded, the meetin& adjourned at 9:00 P.M. i \ . , ~ a~/d~~/ ! MAYOR ATTEST: J L./ 'l {I "\~, (:::1 f'y'LU i , ;1 (1 Cl'n SECRETARY" - - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON JANUARY 22, 1973 The City Council convened in special session at the City Hall on Monday, January 22, 1973, at approximately 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Nell Funk, Bob Schwartz, Dick Chambless, Richard Mansfield, and Hugh Sandifer. ~ ,-, ,). Following an executive session this special meeting was called for the IQ~ i~ purpose of employing a Water & Sewer Utilities Superintendent. Mrs. Funk moved that Mr. Marvin Patterson of Abernathy, Texas be employed by the City as Water & Sewer Utilities Superintendent at a monthly salary of $850 a month with the City to pay a maximum of $500 towards Mr. Patterson's moving expenses to this City. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion. Mr. Mansfield made a supplementary motion that Mr'f~ Patterson be hired at a monthly salary of $850 and that he pay his own moving J~" ~> expenses. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion. Mayor Graham called for a vote on the first motion. Those members voting aye were: Mr. Sandifer Mr. Chambless Mrs. Funk Voting aye for the second motion were: Mr. Schwartz Mr. Mansfield Mayor Graham declared the ~irst motion valid and approved by a majority of the vote. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 P.M. ~//tJ ~~. MAYOR fi::::2:. . ATTEST: ,,~/d . ,Jj C~1'~ SECRETARY ) <.J1fiJJ. 1. J,(/ {J ./ , SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON JANUARY 30, 1973 The City Council convened in special session at the City Hall on Tuesday, January 30, 1973, with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Hugh Sandifer, Richard Mansfield, Nell Funk, and Dick Chambless. Robert Schwartz was absent. rnn j t l \ ) I\'}\ ~ \ Mr. Mansfield.moved to hire Mr. Jim Brewer as Tax Assessor-Collector for the City at $580.00 per .onth. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members votin& aye. The Council discussed adjustini salaries for certain positions on the City Staff due to increased work-load and increased responsibility of these ~~ positions. Mrs. Funk moved that the Council accept the City Manaiers recommended ~I salary increases for these certain positions to be effective 2-1-73. Mr \~ Chambless seconded the motion. Those members votini aye: Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mayor Graham. Those members votini no: Mr. Chambless and Mr. Mansfield. There beini no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meetin& ad ourned at 7:10 P.M. /) ~~771// ATTEST: (J{I AAn/ b . J<:, ~/J \) ~CRETAR~ CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 6, 1973 A public hearing was held by the City Council in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, February 6, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Dick Chambless, Bob Schwartz, Richard Mansfield, Hugh Sandifer, and Nell Funk. (0/1" 1 The Public Hearing was held pursuant to the rezoning of a certain parcel of property eeing .451 acres located on Oak Street at the intersection of Oak St. and Maple Dr. No citizens were present to appear before the Council relative to this rezoning. Mrs. Funk moved the rezoning be approved. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Chambless who abstained for personal reasons. Mayor Graham declared the public hearing closed at 7:06 P.M. ()r~ MAYO;r ATTEST: CL ,AM- Jj j;n ()Uu/ f / CJIT SECRETAR ; \ 1 " t REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 6, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, February 6, 1973, at 7:07 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Mrs. Nell Funk, Mr. Bob Schwartz, Mr. Dick Chambless, Mr. Richard Mansfield, and Mr. Hugh Sandifer. Mr. John Godfrey informed the Council that his children while walking home had been bothered by other children along the way. The point of his discussion was that their was a definite need for more recreation facilities in the city of Schertz. Mr. Schwartz asked if the City had purchased the park land which includes any of the Teen Club. Mr. Arnold stated that we had not. Mr. Earl Sawyer and Mr. Chuck Sharp asked the Council if the City was going to keep a prior commitment to build a Pony League field. Following discussion on the subject, Mr. Chambless moved that all groups interested in girls, boys, or mens 17~1~ baseball of softball, meet with the City Manager to devise a plan for scheduled use of the baseball and softball fields this summer. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Schwartz who abstained. Mr. Sandifer moved that the City accept the letter of resignation from Mr. I g ~!~, Weldon Willbanks as Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, and Mr. Willbanks be written a letter of appreciation from the City. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Mansfield moved that Mr. A.L. Harris be appointed, ,t '.1, as a member to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion /+ ,'-" with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that Mr. Okey Lucas and Mr. Clarence W. Norton be appointed '/3 to the Ci tizens Advisory Commi t tee. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion wi th all members ~ u voting aye. Mr. Sandifer moved the approval of an election order setting the City's general ~1'73 election for April the 7th. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Arnold read an ordinance naming the Schertz State Bank as the official deposi tory bank of the Ci ty of Schertz. Mr. Chambless moved the adoption of this /I - 'I,?) Ordinance #283. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ~~ Mr. Arnold read an ordinance giving the Police department authority to regulate excessive spinning of tires of motor vehicles. Mr. Sandifer moved for the adoption of ~ Ordinance 1284. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ~,3-~/~ Mr. Arnold read an ordinance amending the Urban Renewal plan which would change certain zoning in the east end of Main St. Mr. Sandifer moved for the adoption of, ''l~ Ordinance 1285. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. 9f' ~ On the subject of the City selling water to Mr. Monroe Wetz. Mr. Mansfield ,~5'73 moved that the subject be referred to the City Attorney and that he bring his opinion on recommended action by the City Council. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that we lay a pipe under the to be extended FM 3009 before it is paved. He stated that this action would prepare us for any future extension of a 7~ waterline across this highway. The motion died for lack of a second.^~' ~ 1!1? 3 Mr. Schwartz moved that the City Manager be directed to develop a Civil 7/t1 Defense Plan for the City of Schertz that would enable the City to make <9L purchases from a Government surplus depot. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ~g/13 ~ q, 13 ,30; 1.j ~,/'13 t(~ 3P,' Mrs. Funk moved the approval of the Planning & Zoning minutes of their meeting of 12-27-72; Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Chambless who abstained for personal reasons. Mr. Sandifer moved for the approval of the minutes of the Planning & Zoning Public hearing of 1-16-73 with the minutes to be corrected to read: Mr. Wise in attendance instead of a Mr. Long. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye except Mr. Chambless who abstained for personal reasons. Mr. Chambless moved the approval of the Planning & Zoning minutes of 1-17-73. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Ron Glorioso appeared to ask the Council if the City would provide water & sewer connections, as well as the material and labor for making the connections to the new scout hut located on FM 1518. Mrs. Funk moved that the City provide materials and labor for installation of the materials for the new scout hut. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Doctor Tony Mays briefed the Council on the recent seminar he and Mayor Graham attended in Austin on (Emergency Medical Facilities). Dr. Mays made an appeal to the Council to consider creating some type of emergency medical facility with accompanying ambulance-first aid type mobile service. Mr. Schwartz moved that the City consider purchasing through the Civil Defense Government Surplus properties depot a vehicle to be used as a First-Aid Unit. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion. The motion and the second were amended to include a three quarter ton weapons carrier for the Fire department. All members voting aye. At the suggestion of Mr. ado Riedel, the City Council considered and Mr. Chambless moved that the City should offer its praise and appreciation to Dr. Mays for long and dedicated service to the City of Schertz and surrounding communities. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. ado Riedel appeared before the Council in request that c~nsideration be given to having a boat-trailer assembly shop allowed to operate in a building on Wuest St. in Schertz. Mr. Richard Harris, City Attorney, was asked by the Council in his opinion what the present zoning was of the Wuest St. area as well as, what zoning a boat-trailer assembly shop would fall into. Mr. Harris replied that in his opinion the requested commercial establishment would easily fall into the category of the commercial zoning now in existence in that area. Following that opinion, Mr. Schwartz move~ that the boat-trailer assembly shop be allowed to operate at the designated locality on Wuest St. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham advised the Council of the need to sell Water bonds to pay for some water system work already performed within the city and to allow additional construction work to be done. Mr. Schwartz moved that Mr. Tom Anderlich, financial advisor for the City, be authorized to sell $165,000.00 of unsold Water bonds. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. On the subject of the Live Oak Rd. paving project, following a lengthy 1~ discussion by the City Council and the City Engineer, Mr. Chambless moved that 33/ ~ .. any action be tabled at this time and the City Manager be directed to contact all the property owners alon~ ~ive Oak Rd., Aero Ave., and Pfeil St., to ascertain which property owners would participate in thepaving cost at the original agreed price. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion. Those members voting were: Aye: Mr. Chambless Mr. Mansfield Mr. Sandifer Mayor Graham briefed the Council on the fact that Morton Southwest Incorporated does intend to build a subdivision near the Selma area within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Schertz. Mr. Harris advised the Council of the authority the City has to regulate subdivisions within the ETJ. The City Council gave its permission to change the policy of typing all of an Ordinance in the official minute book of the City, to typing just the caption of an Ordinance in the official minute book with the entire Ordinance to be filed in an Ordinance file. On the subject of subdivision rebates, Mr. Arnold was instructed to have Mr. Richard Harris and Mr. Torn Anderlich to read all the Bond indentures on Revenue bonds in existence in the City to ascertain if the City can legally make a subdivision rebate. ,-+,1.3 Mr. Chambless moved that the City should apologize to the Weekly Herald Newspaper for not sending information to them when they had requested it. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion. The motion and second were amended to read: That Mr. Arnold be instructed to call the Weekly Herald office andadvise them that the information is available when they want to pick it up. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion. Voting aye: Mr. Chambless Mr. Schwartz Mr. Mansfield Voting no: Mrs. Funk Mr. Sandifer Mr. Schwartz moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of 1-18-73 be approved as presented. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that the minutes of the special meeting of 1-22-73 be approved as presented. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members votin~ aye. Mrs. Funk moved that the minutes of the special meeting of 1-30-73 be approved as presented. Mr Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye except Mr. Schwartz who was not eligible to vote. There being no further business to corne before the Council at this time, upDn motion mad. and duly seconded, the meeting adjo rned at 11:30 P.M. MA ATTEST: ( \ ct"stcR~ <;." <) ,,^' , 194 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON FEBRUARY 19, 1973 The City Council convened in an emergency session at City Hall on Monday, February 19, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Mr. Bob Schwartz, Mr. Richard Mansfield, Mr. Hugh Sandifer, and Mr. Dick Chambless. Mrs. Nell Funk was absent. The meeting was called to consider awarding a contract on the Live Oak Rd.-Aero Ave. paving project. 05/ -1 ?> Mr. Schwartz moved to award a contract to the Kelly Construction Co. in the amount of $186,UUU.00, with the northern portion of Live Oak Rd. bein~ eliminated from the original plans and Pfeil St. being eliminated from the original plans, that the Mayor be authorized to sign the necessary documents to award a contract, that the City Engineer be directed to issue a start work order, and that the minutes of this meeting reflect a breakdown of money available to do this paving project. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion, with all members voting aye. LIVE OAK ROAD-AERO AVE. PAVING PROJECT STREET CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT 2-20-73 C.D. NO. 405 C.D. NO. 406 30,000.00 81,740.97 CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE 16,975.03 25.000.00 $ 153,716.00 UNSOLD BONDS FIRE DEPARTMENT PORTION -6,100.00 ENGINEERING FEE -,18,135.00 -8,000.00 2.000.00 $ 119,481. 00 48,000.00 $ 167,481.00 CONTINGENCY BOND AGENT FEE PLEDGED PARTICIPATION CONTRACT AWARD $186,000.00 MONEY AVAILABLE 167.481.00 18,519.00 TO BE PAID FROM CITY FUNDS Mr. Schwartz moved that the City's financial advisor be directed to 1~sell $25,000.00 bonds, this being the remainder of the street construction 1J..\p1 1971 Bond issue of the bonds still unsold from that issue. Mr. Chambless ~ seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract ~ between Mr. Howard Gaddis, City Engineer, and the City for the Live Oak Rd.- ~,~ Aero Ave. paving contract. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members , voting aye. " ,/ ; ,;) Mr. Chambless moved that the City Engineer be directed to do preliminary field and drafting work relative to arriving at cost estimates and plans for correcting all major drainage problems within the City, particularly from the gravel pit on the east edge of the city to Dietz creek in the area south of FM Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Amended 3-6-73 to indlude: That the $42,000.00 to be paid to the City by the COMA be pledged against the $18,519.00 City's portion of the Live Oak Rd. paving project. '13 B.g 78. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. AJ~ ATTEST: ~~ 2L - /5n fi HA-IL/ ~ECRETARY I REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 20, 1973 The City Council did not convene due to · lack ~ A/-J MAYOR ATTEST: ~^L .Jt-~ C~ SECRETARY . REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MARCH 6, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, March 6, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Mrs. Funk, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Chambless, Mr. Sandifer, and Mr. Mansfield. Miss Mary Jennings, Ms. Michelle Corbell and Mr. Steve Ellis of the Home Care Licensing Division of the State Welfare Office briefed the Council on State requirements of licensing for people who wish to run a day care business in their home for 6 children or less. Miss Jennings explained they were seeking the Council's support in their efforts. Mr. Chambless moved that the matter be referred to the Citizens Advisory Council for study. Mr. Mansfield seconded with all members voting aye. 21"" '13 Mr. Sam Perryman appeared before the Council to complain about Hild Marine using a parcel of property on Exchange Ave. for the use of storing boats and ~D-73 trailers on what is an R-l classified lot. Mr. Chambless moved that the City Manager investigate the complaint and enforce the Zoning Ordinance if in fact a violation does ] ~ Hi exist. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham briefed the Council on a request from the SCUCISD for rebate on cost of water line to the school as supposedly promised by the City in 1966. Mr. Nalls, Superintendent of Schools, addressed the Council and presented the City with copies of correspondence written in 1966 which showed that the City would pay for the installation of roughly 1300' of 8" water line. Mr. Arnold informed the Council that research of the City Council meeting minute books showed that the Council on (7-7-66) had approved paying the cost of 520' of this waterline with no mention of a rebate. Mr. Chambless moved that the City not honor the request to rebate the school for one half the cost 1~ of the 1300' water line under such tim, as the Council can ascertain if it is *l~ morally bound to honor the school's request. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Harris, City Attorney, advised the Council that a City should make preparation to pay a debt as such time as the debt is incurred. ",'),:1 !i Following a recommendation by the City staff, Mr. Mansfield moved that the City purchase a 1973 model 3550 Ford back-hoe and front-end loader from Torgerson Equipment Co. for the bid prize of $9,846.00. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Funk moved that the City also purchase an additional twelve inch bucket and twenty-four inch bucket for the back-hoe as well as a rollover safety protection system. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that the City sell the Case back-hoe that we presently own. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved to throw all bids out for the pick-up truck for the Water department and that the City Manager be directed to advertise for bids 'A" '1 Z; for a small one-half ton pick-up truck. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion ~,J with all members voting aye. rf 'J. LfJ/' J;..J Mr. Arnold informed the Council that Becker Motor Co. of New Braunfe1s had submitted the low bid on two police automobiles and that Becker Motor Co. had submitted a time of delivery of 90-120 days in their bid, and in conversation with Mr. Becker he advised that he might not be able to deliver the automobiles at all if the factory did not participate in his bid. Mr. Schwartz moved that the contract be awarded to the low biider, Becker Motor Co. in the amount of $3,687.08 per vehicle for 2 police automobiles. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Arnold advised the Council that due to an error in writing the specifications for a Fire Department pick-up truck, he would recommend that all bids be thrown out and specifications either re-written or the Fire department to just buy their own truck. All bids were thrown out. Mayor Graham briefed the Council that on February 13, 1973, ten officials from the Housing & Urban Development Local Office had met with himself and City Manager and Mr. Walter Schertz, of the Urban Renewal Agency, for the purpose of explaining the Federal Governments Annual Arrangements Program. Mayor Graham explained that the Annau1 Arrangements Program 1s a continuation of Federal Funds to finance the solving of problems in a City. Mr. Hoyle Osborne of Marmon, Mok & Green, assurred the Council that his firm is' interested in creating a Community Development Profile Statement to be submitted to HUD officials for the application of this Annual A rrangements t '. Program. Mr.,Schwar~z ,moved that the City. employ the firm of Marmon~ Mok & Green, .1~ to'ppepare our ConnnunityDevelopment: ProfiLe Snatement for application to tbe ...!; Annual Arrangements Program and that Revenue sharing funds be used to pay the fees of Marmon, Mok & Green. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. It was agreed by the Council that a Workshop Special Meeting would be held Monday March 12th, at City Hall at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of meeting with Mr. Hoyle Osborne to discuss the problems of the City. Mr. Arnold informed the Council that in accordance with their previous instructions and earnest contract as well as a preliminary plan and plan of the type of structure to be buH t on the Northwest corner of Exchange Ave. and Live Oak Rd. tf /;;'-7.3 by Mr. Joe Craft were in fact, in hand. Mr. Schwartz moved that the City Manager be directed to instruct the Planning & Zoning Connnission of the need to hold a Public Hearing relative to rezoning the Koch property on the northwest corner of Exchange Ave. and Live Oak Rd. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. A petition for annexation of the property between Lone Oak subdivision and FM 78 was presented to the Council. Ar ordinance #73-A-5 pertaining to this annexation was read as follows: SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TWO CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND CONTAINING 1.062 ACRES AND 5.665 ACRES, RESPECTIVELY, BY THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING. .. Mr. Schw~rtz moved, that the City accept the petition and the adoption of Ordinance H 12 #73-A-5, which set a Public Hearing for this annexation at 7:00 P.M. on the 3rd ~f' day of April, 1973. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham reconnnended to the Council that the City Council approve a Resolution authorizing a $6,000.00 Homestead exemption to residents 65 years and 'f~ olde~, rather than the $3,000.00 originally agreed upon. Following discussion ~? J Mr. Schwartz moved to accept the $3,000.00 Homestead exemption as read in Resolution #73-R-l. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SPECIAL $3,000.00 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FOR PROPERTY OWNERS SIXTY FIVE (65) YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF AMENpMENT 6 TO ARTICLE vrn, SECTION I-B OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Chambless who voted no. Resolution #73-R-2 was read showing the City's intent to participate in the purchase of a share of radio equipment through AACOG bid. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'S INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN AN AACOG PROGRAM OF COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT PURCHASE THROUGH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL. Mr. Chambless moved the adoption of Resolution 173-R-2. Mr. Mansfield seconded ~q. 1j the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Mansfield moved that the City Manager turn in to AACOG the City's request to participate in the purchase of two additional mobile units and two additional portable units with related equipment. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham informed the Council that a decision was needed whether the City should join the local network of Police Departments with dispatching service to be done ! ~} H r1J; ~ (y ,~I/I~ 5:)...13 .53;rl~ in Universal City which would cost approximately $800.00 a month 'for dispatcher service pIau one initial equipment fee of a few thousand dollars or through the agreement reached to date with the Mayor of Seguin and the County Commissioners Court whether the City should join in a contract with the City of Seguin for dispatcher service at a monthly cost of approximately $300.00 and no initial equipment cost. Mayor Graham advised that this would put us in communication and a closer relationship with Guadalupe County officials. Mr. Mansfield moved that we contract with the City of Seguin for dispatcher service at such time as our new radio equipment and the new networks were formed and on hand. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Resolution 173-R-3 was read showing the City's intent of providing a waterline to the new middle school area. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'S INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE OOST OF A WATERLINE TO THE PROPOSED MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THE SCUCISD, NOT TO EXCEED (1/3) ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL OOST OF THE PROJECT. Mr. Schwartz moved for the adoption of Resolution 173-R-3 with the wording to be amended to read that the cost of the City not exceed 1/3 of the actual total cost of the project. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Mansfield moved that Mr. Johnny Wise be appointed Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that Mr. Don Seeba be appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission. M~. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Funk moved the appointment of Mr. Wilbur B. Earwood, Mr. Richar4'Lehrer, and Father Caroline to the Citizens Advisory Committee. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham advised the Council that the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority has been granted a permit by the Texas Quality Board which means in fact, that the Cities of Schertz and Universal City technically are not now operating under their own permits. This means that the COMA is very near taking over operation of the two cities sewage treatment plants. Mr. Richard Harris, City Attorney, and Mr. Howard Gaddis, Cl~y Engineer, explained the crucial points of a proposed contract for the two cities to enter into with COMA. Following this explanation Mr. Chambless moved that Mayor Graham working with Mr. Harris & Mr. Gaddis be authorized to negotiate and sign a contract with the COMA. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham advised the Council of Mr. Odo Riedel's intent to very' soon ask the City to annex his property where his furniture store now stands. Mr. Rich.~d Harris informed the Council on the following items: 1. He sees no legal basis for the City making a water or sewer rebate to developers. The Council agreed that this item should be dropped permanently from any future agenda. 2. Concerning the sale of water to Mr. Wetz. Paul Roberts, Mr. Wetz's attorney, to Richard Harris Mr. Wetz on the subject of the City selling Mr. Wetz instructed Mr. Harris to answer this letter. A letter was read from stating the position of water. The Council Following a proposal made by the City Manager, with Pilgrim Cleaners having the lowest of three bids submitted, the City Council gave its approval of the City paying for the cost of cleaning Police Department uniform. / .i Mr. Arnold and Mr. Earl Johnson, Street Superintendent, presented a program to the Council that included State participation in the purchase of street traffic control signs in the City. Following discussion, the City Council instructed the City Manager to research the program more thoroughly and come back to them with further recommendation. The City Council instructed the City Manager to ascertain what needed to be done to enable the City to receive its Disaster Relief Fund money from the Federal government. Mr. Sandifer moved that the minutes of the public hearing and of the regular meeting of the City Council held on 2-6-73, be approved as presented. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved the approval of the minutes of the special meeting of 2-19-73, with the following amendment: That the $42,000.00 to be paid to the City by the COMA be pledged against the $18,519.00 City's portion of the Live Oak Rd. paving project and Aero Ave. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mrs. Funk who voted no. She so stated that her reason for voting no, was that she felt no true emergency existed to call the special meeting and ," discuss an item at that meeting which had originally been on the agenda for the regular meeting for the following night. The City Manager was instructed to contact Randolph Air Force Base to ask their assistance in the control of mosquitoes along the Cibolo Creek. The City Manager was instructed to meet with Shawn Charities, Inc., to discuss the problem of vehicle parking for participation in recreational activities at their place of business. Their being no further business motion duly and seconded, the meeting ******See page 200. to come before this Council at this time, upon adjourned at 12:10 A.M. f2^~~j/d~ MAYOyJ~. ATTEST: !'rk~l; ~ . C~;r SECRETARY. v J-{rv-l U J SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 12, 1973 The City Council convened in Special Session on Monday, March 12, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Graham, presiding; Mrs. Funk, Mr. Sandifer, Mr. Chambless, Mr. Mansfield, and Mr. Schwartz. Phillip Pittman appeared and explained the status of selling $165,000.00 and $25,000.00 bonds. City Manager will work with Mr. Tom Anderlich on checking local banks on the selling of $25,000.00 bonds. Mr. Hoyle Osborne and Mr. Rick Wickman of Marmon, Mok & Green consulted with the Council on problems of the Community. This work will be incorporated in the Community Profile being developed by them for the City's Annual Arrangements application. There being no further business to come before the Council, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at lO~45 P.M. :~oo I, ,t\ 9~ 6'''~ S (}OAA1/bJ ~j MAyer ATTEST: (l-;AAg -~. k~.l1~O __ FSECRETARY ******The minutes of the Regular meeting of March 6, 1973, are amended to include the following: Ordinance #73-Q-6. An Ordinance approving the form of a proposed contract for sewerage service to he executed by and between the City of Schertz, Texas, and the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, and making provision for the execution thereof; and dec~~~~ MApR ATTEST: ad" }1.~AO ~SECRETAR P~GULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MARCH LO, 1973 The City Counc1l cVhvened in ~tgulaL session at the City Council Chambers un Tuesday, March 20, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. with Lhe following members present: Mayor Jesse G~dham, pres~ding; Mr~. Funk, ML. Sandifer, Mr. Chambless, Mr. Mansf1eld, and Mr. Schwartz. Mr. Gordon Blake, uf UniveLsal City, addressed the C~uncil to ....xplain a proposed Joint Animal Control l"acili LY between the cities of Universal City and Schertz. After thorough dis- cussion on the subject, Mrs. Funk moved that the subject be researched by the City Manager wurking with Mr. Blake and that a propused contract be brought back to the CounciL. Mr. Mansfield seconded the mot~vn with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham read a letter from GVEC on proposed estimated cost uf lightLng two new ball'fields in the .City Park. The costs in the letter were $7,489.84 for materLaLs for lighting both fields and labor cost of $3,272.80. The letLer pointed out that fiVEC would uonate the labor cost thereby leCLviug, a cost of $7,489.84 total to light the two ball fields. Mr. Donald Crook and Mr. Lewis Eckols of GVEC answeLed quesLiuns of the Council. Mr. Schwartz moved to accept GVEC's propo~al to light bO~h new ball fields for. $7,~v9.84 with th1S money to be expended out of the General Revenue Sharing Fund. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion wi th all members voting aye. Mayor Graham went on recurd of being in favor ot this proposal to li~hL these two ball fields. Mr. Eckols reported that Deer Haven Subdlvision would soon be lighted with street lights. Mrs. Funk asked to go on record expressing her desire to earmark some General Revenue Sharing Funds for Fire Department expenditures. Mr. Hal Baldwin, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee gave a brief report on the CAC meeting held on March 15, 1973, pertaining to baseball and softball schedules for the summer re- creation program. He advised that he would bring a report of their meeting to the City Manager. He asked if the City was going to buy the parkland from Urban Renewal. Mayor Graham advised that the City was as soon as money is available to buy the land. Mr. Baldwin stated that his main concern was whether the City still intended to designate the building on the proposed park property to be a ,,- Teen Center. Mr. Schwartz moved that when and if the City pur- C~C' chases the property from Urban Renewal, the Council will designate the old washateria building on the property to be a Teen Center. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion. Mr. Mansfield said that the City should try to wait until Urban Renewal project ends and then the ~ City can get the property for nothing. All members voted aye. The City Manager was instructed to ask Urban Renewal Director, Mr. Walter Schertz, for written answers on the following two questions: 1. What happens to Urban Renewal materials and land when the Urban Renewal project ends? 2. Can the washateria building located in the proposed parkland property be used for a Teen Center while the property and building are still owned by Urban Renewal? Mayor Graham read a letter from the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission showing the results and their recommendation of a Public Hearing on rezoning the Koch property located at the northwest corner of Exchange and Live Oak Road. The recommendation from the Planning & Zoning CUllllllission was _ that the property be re- / zoned to C-l classification. Mr. Sandifer moved to table any ::; ~J- 1/ ~/ action on this recommendation until a full set of minutes could be obtained from the Planning & Zoning Commission which would reflect the property owners who gave dissenting testimony at the Planning & Zoning hearing. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham informed the Council that Mr. Robert Arenas, employee in the Water & Sewer department, had requested to be paid for unused vacation time. This is accrued vacation that he has not been able to take for the past two years. The City Manager advised the Council that this would not concur with the present vacation personnel policy. The Council was unanimous in disallowing this request in that they felt a precedent should not be set that would not concur with the present personnell policy. Mr. Arnold advised the Council that there currently existed a Water & Sewer Reserve Fund checking account which had in it $2,225.00 in the Schertz State Bank that had been sitting idle with no deposits or checks written in over four years. He further advised the Council that conference with Mr. Tom Anderlitch, Fiscal ~), )~) " ' ..., 5R, 73 5 q~ 13 {gO, 'I ~ advisor, that determined that this money was not a reserve for any bonded indebtedness and therefore recvwwended that this account should be closed out and the money absorbed in the Water & Sewer Fund. Mr. Schwartz moved that the Water & Sewer Reserve Fund in the amount of $2,225.00 be dissolved and that the money be absorbed into the Water & Sewer Operating Fund and placed in a certificate of deposit, based on the advice of Mr. Tom Anderlitch. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Mansfield requested from Mr. Arnold to learn from Stanton and McCormick what the entry accounts receivable from employees in the amount of $400.00 shown on page 6 in their recently completed 1972 fiscal audit is for. Mr. Arnold advised the Council that since the March 6th meeting when bids were awarded to Becker Motor Co. for the purchase of two new automobiles conversation with Mr. Becker indicated that Mr. Becker was not certain that he could deliver the automobiles before September if at all. Mr. Becker further stated that if all possible, he would like to be relieved from the sealed bid he submitted the City. Mr. Arnold advised the Council that the next lowest bid was from Seguin Motor Co. for Ford automobiles and the next lowest bid to that was from Jack Rieger Chrysler Plymouth for Plymouth automobiles. He further advised that based on recent experiences of this City and other cities, Plymouth was a much better police car than Ford. Based on this recommendation, Mr. Schwartz moved that the bid con- tract for the purchase of two new automobiles be granted to Jack Rieger Chrysler-Plymouth in the amount of $3,939.53 each. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham advised the Council that Randolph Air Force Base Civil Engineering and Social Actions Office had been contacted in hopes of seeking their assistance in spraying the Cibolo Creek and within the City of Schertz for mosquito control. Randolph Air Force Base said no they could not do any mosquito spraying in the City of Schertz. Mr. Schwartz suggested we try to purchase a fogging machine through our Civil Denfense Program. Mr. Edgar Von Scheele, Mr. Winston vJright, Mr. Bob Copeland addressed the Council on the subject of drainage; particularly the lower end of Dietz Creek,north FM 78 and east of FM 3009 needing to be cleaned out. General discussion on this and other drainage followed (drainage in the City). Mr. Mansfield moved that the City give Mr. Von Scheele a letter of agreement to his constructing a 270 feet wide greenbelt type drainage channel-parkland through his proposed Greenfield #3 and #4 Subdivision. This property lies east of FM 3009 beginning at the north end at approximately Borgfeld Road and running south to the present Cibolo ETJ line, with the final acceptance of the parkland/drainage channel to meet the approval of the City Engineer. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion. Mr. Chambless entered a substitute motion, the same as the original motion except that a low water crossing should be provided at Aero Avenue. The motion died for lack of a second. The vote on the original motion was all members voting aye except Mr. r , , I Chambless who voted no. Mayor Graham chose to go on record of being in agreement with the motion for the purpose of alleviating drainage problems and giving drainage and right of way to the new middle school. Mayor Graham informed the Council of his meeting of March 13, 1973, with the management of Shawn Charities inc. He had advised Shawn Charities that they were going to have to do something to alleviate the parking problem along FM 78 or the City would have to seriously consider closing the business down. Mayor Graham read a letter from Shawn Charities dated 3-18-73, in which the organization stated that they would work with the City in trying to solve the parking problem along FM 78. The City Council felt Shawn Charities should bring to the Council a special plan on parking after having done a thorough research of parking spaces in this part of the City on which their patrons could park. Mr. Odo Riedel addressed the Council on the possibility of doing some drainage work south of FM 78 and east of Beck Concrete. The Council instructed Mr. Howard Gaddis to work on this request and report back to the Council some possible solution. Mr. Schwartz commented that he felt the City should promote a clean-up, paint-up, fix-up campaign throughout the whole City. After discussion, the City Manager was inst~ucted to organize and present to the Council a plan for holding a Clean-up campaign which the City would operate beginning the first Saturday in May. Mr. Schwartz recommended that something be done to improve the are~ around the lone oak tree in Lone Oak Subdivision. The City Manager was instructed to contact the Sprig and Sprout Club to see if they could carry out some gardening activities to this effect. Mr. Mansfield moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 6, 1973 be approved as submitted with the following corrections: 1. That the vote on the motion by Mr. Schwartz for the adoption of Resolution #73-R-3 be changed to show that Hr. Schwartz did not abstain in voting on the motion. 2. That the motion be corrected to show that Mrs. Funk moved that the City also purchase an additional 12 inch bucket and 24 inch bucket for the back-hoe/front-end- loader as well as a rollover protection system. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz moved that the minutes of the Special meeting of March 12, 1973 be approved as submitted. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Mrs. Funk moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. MA~P~;J~ ATTEST: . Ql"~I/~A/~j)~.-40 ~ /,11 'i ::;hl;{{t;)l~RY ~ ~; ~ ~ " 'I ~ . ;" ~ #", , PUBLIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 3, 1973 The City Council convened in a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 3, 1973, at 7:00 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Mrs. Funk, Mr. Chambless, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer and Mr. Mansfield. The purpose of the public hearing was to hear those residence who wished to testify pursuant to the annexation of that property located between FM 78 and the Lone Oak Subdivision. No resident expressed a desire to cuwwent on this annexation proceedings. Mr. Walter Schertz, one of the property owners of this subject property, was present at the meeting to answer the Council's questions. Mr. Arnold read Ordinance No. 73-A-7: PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LINES OF 'HE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS BY THE ANNEX- ATION OF TWO CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND CONTAINING 1.062 ACRES AND 5.665 ACRES, RESPECTIVELY, AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY. 19\;1?J Mr. Mansfield moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 73-A-7 as read. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:15 P.M. ~A/~ ATTEST: MAY OW , - ~ ~,J~.f]jj_f-~ ~RETARY REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 3, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 3, 1973 at 7:15 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Chambless, and Mr. Mansfie ld. Mr. Walter Schertz ~ppeared to answer numerous questions from the Council pertaining to the Urban Renewal Project and particularly to the closing of the Urban Renewal Project later this year. iY?-,1) Mr. Howard Gaddis, City Engineer, appeared to present pay- ment estimate No. 1 from Kelly Construction Company for the Live Oak Road project. The request made was for work done from March 2, 1973 to March 31, 1973, for a total of $31,488.10, less $3,148.81 retaina$e for a total due to Kelly Construction Co. $28 339 29 Mr. sQqwartz moved that the City pay Kelly Constr- uction Co. $28,339.29. Mr. SandiIer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. " -' Mayor Graham reported on the continuing trouble with the LoVaca Gathering Company on getting them to move their gas line pipe on Live Oak Road. He advised that the City will soon do the work and send LaVaca Gathering the bill for the work. ,rJ Mrs. Funk moved that the Council hold a Zoning Public Hearing &3.75 the first meeting in May for the purpose of hearing all residents relative to the rezoning of the Koch property located on the North- west corner of the intersection of Exchange and Live Oak Road. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Graham presented a certificate to Officer Jeron~mo Marin of the American Legion Citation for meritorious service. Mayor Graham infomred the Council that Mr. Max Penshorn had made a request to the City to have the City pay a towing truck charge which he had to have to pull his car out of the mud on Aero Avenue. Following a complete discussion of the facts on the subject, the Council unanimously agreed that the City should not pay Mr. Pen- shorn's request. Mr. Arnold advised the Council that Mr. Bill Albert had requested that some work be done to collect poppy seeds from the lot next to his business on Live Oak Road to have them transplanted to the City park. The Council gave it's concurrence to this project as well as trying to get some bluebonnet flowers growing in the park. Mayor Graham advised the Council that Texas Securities had secured for the Council from Moody's Investors Service a bond rating of BAA for future sale of Water Bonds. Mr. Arnold asked the Council fhr permission to realign some duties of secretaries in City Hall on a basis that one of the girls currently working in City Hall would fill the position of a Tax Clerk; thereby allowing a realigment of duties whereby Mrs. Krause could pick up more of the d1ties of the City Secretary position. , ~~ This change would in fact cost less than the present salaries &'J' '/- being paid. Mr. Mansfield moved to accept the City Manager's proposal for,realignment of duties with Miss Judy Meek to be paid a salary of $350.00 a month. Mrs. Funk sec0nded the motion with all members voting aye. The City Manager was requested by the Council to investigate the possibility of special summer hire. Mr. Arnold was requested once again to contact Stanton & McCormick auditing firm to learn what the $400.00 shown on page 6 of the recent City audit pertained to. Mayor Graham read a letter from Mr. Monroe Wetz's attorney pertaining to water service to Mr. Wetz's home. Mr. Chambless &5- t3 moved to table any action on this subject until the next meeting. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 20, 1973 be approved as presented. Mr. Mansfield seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The City Manager was instructed to write a letter of authorization to the Lions Club giving them permission to allow Tri-City baseball-softball Organi- zation to use the Lions Club concession stand on April 28th. Mr. Sandifer made a motion to this effect with Mr. Chambless seconding the motion and all members mting aye. I. ) , I" ..:, \ , ~ ) It was requested that the minutes reflect that at the last meeting before the general city elections, Mr. Earl Sawyer was the only resident 1n attendance in the audience until the end of the meeting. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. ATTEST: a:-A e ,A-J ~SECRETARY . J:;,...QI1 J -c L--' MAy~a)~ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 10, 1973 The City Council convened in Special Session in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 10, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Mrs. Funk, Mr. Sandifer, Mr. Chambless, Mr. Schwartz, and Mr. Mansfield. The purpose of the meeting was to canvass the returns of the City Election held April 7, 1973. Mayor Graham read the f.egister of Ballots, t~'-e returns being as follows: FOR THE POSITION OF MAYOR: Mr. Robert C. Bueker Mr. Jesse W. Graham 397 votes 384 votes FOR THE CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Dick Chambless Mr. Robert Schwartz Mr. Dick Mansfield Mr. Tom Koole Mrs. Bobbie Koch Mr. Walter Schneider 356 votes 437 votes 348 votes 393 votes 386 votes 302 votes 1'1 ~ (p{P' Mayor Graham read all of the returns and the City Council examined the returns. Following the examination of the returns, Mr. Mans- field moved to accept the results of the election. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. There oeing no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjoumed at 7: 25 P .M. ~ IYJ.l) 0 ~ ATTEST: ~ ~A~~ V < 6L)A//10~ t;tyi ::;t;CRETAHV . , 'J ; REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 17, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 17,1973, at 7:05 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Jesse Graham, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mrs. Funk, Mr. Mansfield, Mr. Chambless, and Mr. Sandifer. Mr. Mansfield moved the minutes of the Public Hearing of the City Council of April 3, 1973 be approved as submitted. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz moved the minutes of the regular meeting of April 3, 1973 be approved as submitted with the following correction: "The Council unanimously agreed that the City should not pay Mr. Penshorn' s request." Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Chambless moved the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 10, 1973 be approved with the exception of the following: the heading date to be changed to read April 10, 1973. Mr. Mans- field seconded the motion with all members voting aye. At this time Mayor Jesse W. Graham, Aldermen Leon R. Chambless and Richard M. Mansfield stepped down in favor of the newly elected Mayor and Aldermen. The City Secretary administered the oath of office to Mayor Robert C. Bueker, Aldermen Robert (Bob) SC~W~~' Bobbie L:.-!<och and TQJ11 Kool P. --- : Mr. T. J. Harris asked the Council to explain about the Live Oak Road paving. He had heard rumors of a tax increase to extend the paving. Mr. Harris was also concerned about the lack of drainage behind the Schertz Elementary School. Mayor Bueker stated he would take up the Live Oak Road problem at the next regular council meeting and the City Engineer is now working on a Master Drainage Plan. Mr. Raymond Hild appeared before the council to ask if he could put a cuulluercial building on his lot at 706 Main Street. The lot is in the Urban Renewal Project area and presently zoned R-4 with the present building being a non-conforming use. Mr. Richard Harris was instructed to contact the Urban Renewal Attorney and re- port back to the City Manager. Mr. Al Pefferkorn, speaking for Urban Renewal, said this was no longer an Urban Renewal problem but should be presented to the City Planning & Zoning Commission for action. /-} 1- r , Mrs. Nell Funk moved that Robert Schwartz be elected Mayor V PropTem based on his being senior member of the council and receiving the most votes in the recent election. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Schwartz who abstained. The City Manager circulated letters from various citizens attesting to the use of the Hild Marine Trailer lot on Exchange Avenue - some stating it was a vacant lot at the time the City Zoning Ordinance was adopted and others stating it was being used ~~13 to park trailers at that time. Mr. Schwartz moved the letters be turned over to the City Attorney for legal opinion. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ~:~ (\ N ~/1' L9 r\ r~ 10' rll/1 ~ 1'13 r1 ?-. '1 ~/ Y) ?J The Chief of Police briefed the Council on the history and present status of Shawn Charities. Mr. Harris advised the Council of the legal standing of the State of Texas, pointing out the City does not have jurisdiction in this matter except as a civil suit. Mrs. Koch reminded the council the main problem of concern is the parking for Shawn Charities. Mr. Schwartz moved the City Manager again contact the owners of Shawn Charities requesting a reply to our letter regarding parking. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Tom Anderlitch briefed the Council on sale of bonds - explaining the delay was due to having to wait on the audit and again waiting on the Moodys Investors rating. He said the bond market index is now at 5.06, the base of the Bond Market, making it advantageous to move at this time. At the present water rates, the City could vote $350,000 Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds. Bryson Auto Center's bid of $2,400 was the only one re- ceived for the purchase of a 1/2 ton pickup truck, for the Utility Department. Mr. Schwartz moved this bid be accepted. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion, with all voting aye except Mrs. Koch who voted against the motion. Darwin E. Peek submitted the only bid for the sale of the Case tractor in the amount of $1150.00. Mr. Patterson, the Utilities Superintendent, said he considered this a good bid and recvllllllended acceptance. Mrs. Funk moved Mr. Peek's bid be accepted. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Koch, with all members voting aye. Mr. Hal Baldwin, Chairman of Citizen's Advisory Cv~uittee addressed the Council pertaining to use of ball diamonds and asked who was to pay for the lighting of the new ball parks. There was discussion as to how it had been handled in the past. Mr. Sandifer was asked if he could bring figures as to the amounts paid by the Lions Club last year. The City Manager was asked to furnish a copy of the Lions Club-City of Schertz contract for next meeting. Mr. Schwartz moved this matter be tabled until the next meeting, May 1, 1973. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Baldwin also asked if one of the new soft ball fields could be used as a Pony League Field until their park is finished at Boysville. Mrs. Funk moved the City allocate one of the new fields for the Pony League. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all voting aye. Mr. Earl Johnson, Street Superintendent, briefed the Council on a Street-Traffic Control sign program involving 'Q State participation in the costs. Mr. Schwartz moved the ~/1;1." program be accepted using Renenue Sharing Funds for City's 1 pa ticipation. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Koch with all mem rs voting aye. " ~ 1~ 1~" TH City Manager presented a statement in the amount of $3,500.0 from Marmon, Mok and Green Inc. for preparation of the C6mmun'ty Development Statement for the Annual Arrangements Program. Mr Sandifer moved the statement be accepted for pay- ment. Motion as seconded by Mrs. Funk with all members voting aye. ~. , ~ , ! Mr. Johnson presented three plans for summer employment of boys for the Street and Park Departments,using the funds allocated in the budget. Mrs. Koch moved Plan B be adopted whereby 8 boys 1& be hired to work 4 hours each, five days a week for 9 weeks at a salary of $1.50 per hour. Work to begin June 4, 1973. Mr. Sch~artz seconded the motion with all voting aye. The City Manager was asked to ascertain if these boys would be covered by Workmen's Compensation. I' ,I I' 1-- Mr. Schwartz briefed the Council on the need of giving job security to key city employees by offering employment agreements. 17/13 The Mayor requested this matter be tabled to gve the Council time to study the agreements. Mrs. Koch moved to table any action until the May 1, 1973 meeting. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all voting aye. Mr. Arnold apologized to the Council, Mrs. Malford Koch and all concerned for not getting the notice of a Public Hearing (Re-Zoning) published in time for it tobe held on the regular on the regular meeting of May 1, 1973, and asked the Council to reset the hearing (J '; ~ date for May 3, 1973. Mr. Sandifer moved the Public Hearing date 1 be reset for May 3, 1973. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all voting aye. Mr. Gaddis, City Engineer, briefed Council on history of the project to sell water to the New Middle School coupled with the need of future requirements to sell water to Cibolo. Mayor Bueker stated the new school does not need a 12" line. He said the Council needs to decide if this City is going to become a wholesale water distri- butor to Cibolo on an increased basis. Dr. Mays advised that the Industrial Development Board April 19 would bring a company into this area with 400 jobs if Cibolo has adequate water supply. The City Manager was requested to check with, the City of Cibolo concern= ing their future water development plans before a decision can be made. Mayor Bueker said he would also check with Cibolo. The City Manager presented an outline of a preliminary plan for the May clean-up program in Schertz. rirs. Koch suggested we en- courage owners to cut and clear shrubs from corners to eliminate the blind corners we now have. Mayor Bueker read City Ordinance No. 73-~8 as follows: AN ORDINANCE CREATING A MUNICIPAL DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF COMMITTEE AND PROVIDING THE POWERS OF THAT COMMITTEE: CREATING THE OFFICE OF MUNICIPAL CIVIL DEFENSE COORDINATOR AND PROVIDING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THAT OFFICE: CREATING AN OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION: GRANTING NECESSARY POWERS TO COPE WITH EMERGENCIES THREATENING LIFE AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: AUTHORIZING COOPERATIVE AND MUTUAL AID AGREE- MENTS FOR RELIEF WORK BETWEEN THIS AND OTHER CITIES OR COUNTIES AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES: PRHIBITING UNAUTHORIZED WARNING AND ALL-CLEAN SIGNALS AND MAKING VIOLATIONS A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY FINE NOT EXCEEDING $200.00" Mr. Schwartz moved Ordinance No. 73-Jt.-8 be adopted as read. Mr. 1,//r/3 Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker read Resolution No. 73-R-4 as follows: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ THAT THE "CIVIL DEFENSE OPERATIONS PLAN", A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED :!IO SD,1~ r1~ ~ \. " ,1 ~ ~r- ~/, '? ~ llf l ....) .t' ~ HERETO, BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY ADOPTED AS THE CIVIL DEFENSE SURVIVAL PLAN FOR THE SAID CITY OF SCHERTZ." Mrs. Koch moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 73-R-4. Schwartz seconded the motion with all voting aye. The City Secretary explained changes of improved benefits being made in the G~oup Medical Insurance Policy which necessitates a rate increase to the City of $.43. Mr. Schwartz moved these changes be accepted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Koole with all members voting aye. Mr. The minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing of March 19, 1973 were presented and acted upon as follows: "Mr. Schwartz moved the recvLUiuendation of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission to rezone the Koch Property located on the Northwest corner of Live Oak Road and Exchange Avenue be approved with a Public Hearing by the Council be held May 3, 1973 as previously approved. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye." Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of 3-29-73 were presented with the following action being taken: Mrs. Koch moved the recommended variance to cut a 20' (twenty foot) section of the curb for a driveway entrance off of Valley Forge Drive be granted to Jack W. Holbrook, 508 Roanoke Drive. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Riedel appeared to again emphasize the urgency .of some solution of the south drainage situation. The City Manager was instructed to verify the money allocated in the bond indenture and to have a financial report by the next council meeting of monies for the South Drainage Ditch. He was also instructed to check if there is a purchase agreement with Beck Concrete Co. for ROW property. Mayor Bueker asked the Council to consider getting bids from widely circulated newspapers for public service space. Attorney Harris will check to see if the law states official newspaper can be outside the County. Mr. Annold outlined the benefits of having the City Secre- tary certified and requested the Council's consideration in allowing Mrs. Krause to enter certification program. He was asked to get a yearly estimate of cost and present at next meeting. Mrs. Funk brought to the Council's attention the Police Certification School being held in Seguin starting April 23rd and lasting 9 weeks. As Patrolman Hansmire has not been certi- fied, it was requested he be sent to this school. Mayor Bueker read two letters from Mr. Guy Clark, 912 Colony Dr., praising our Water Department employees and Patrolman Marin for their help when he had a water line break at his residence in the middle of the night. Mr. Schwartz moved letters of commendation be sent these employees and request pictures be taken for the newspapers. . - J Ji.:J .~ ..AL. Mr. Harris reported completing the ownership of the Police De- partment/Council Chambers property, effective April 12, 1973. Mr. Deck appeared to complain about motor bikes on lots in Val Verde Unit No.2 in back of his property. Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell stated the kids had permission from the owners to ride bikes on this land. Chief Schoonover explained that as long as owners of vacant lots agree and no one files a complaint, the children may ride motor bikes on the lots. There being no further business to corne before the Council, upon motion duly made and seconded, then meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. ATTEST: ~",J~ Mayor . - ~L ~- :LL.L Mayor ,-~~~: ~ I~fl~' ~y Secretary" , REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL NAY:1, 1973 The City Council Chambers on Tuesday, ing members present: Schwartz, Mr. Koo1e, Convened in regular session in the Council May 1, 1973, at 7:00 P.M., with the follow- Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding: Mr. Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk and Mrs. Koch. The Mayor asked Financial Advisor Tom Ander1itch to open the five bids received on the $16~,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1973 as fb11ows: M.E. ALLISON & CO. - Bonds Gross Interest Cost Less: Premium Net Interest Cost Effective interest Rate Maturing 9-1-96 to 1999, 6% Interest $247,124.99 27.90 247,097.00 5.99932 % RAUSCHER PIERCE SECURITIES CORP. n Bonds Maturing Sept1, 1966 to 1968, Bonds Maturing Sept. 1 1999 Gross Interest Cost Less: Premium Net Interest Effective Interest Rate inclusive 6.00'/0 5 . 7 5% 244,153.12 23.12 244,130.00 5.9272 % PAINE, WEBER, JACKSON & CURTIS, INC. Bonds Maturi~g Sept. 1, 1996 to 1999, inclusive Gross Interest Cost 251,243.73 Less: Premium 5.00 Net Interest Cost 251,238.74 Effective Interest Rate 6.09999 % 6.10'/0 \ ~) ! ~) ~.ii ,,-.I ~6'~:? r1~ qL/' UNDERWOOD NEUHAUS & CO. INC. & ASSOC. Bonds Maturing Sept. 1, 1996 to 1997, inclusive Bonds Maturing Sept. 1, 1998 to 1999, inclusive Gross Interest Cost 243,524.79 Less: Premium - 0 - Net Interest Cost 243,524.79 Effective Interest Rate 5.912590% DOMINICK & DOMINICK, INC. Bonds Maturing Sept. 1, 1996 Bonds Maturing Sept. 1, 1997 to Gross Interest Cost Less: Premium Net Interest Cost Effective Interest Rate 6.10% 5.75% 6.55% 5.75% 1999 " . 244,321. 45 - 0 - 244,321. 45 5.9319 % Mr. Schwartz moved the bid from Underwood Neuhause & Co., Inc. & Assoc. be accepted as amended (Ordinance #73-B-9). Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. AN ORDINANCE NO. 73-B-9 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AUTHOR IZING THE ISSUANCE OF $165,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ TO BE KNOW AS $165,000 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1973," FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING FUNDS TO BE USED TO IMPROVE, ENLARGE AND EXTEND THE WATERWORKS SYS- TEM OF SAID CITY: PRESCRIBING THE MATURITIES OF SAID BONDS AND THE INTEREST RATES: PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID BONDS AND THE INTEREST COUPONS: PLUDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE CITY'S COMBINED WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEMS TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS: PROVIDING THAT IN THE EVENT OF EE LATER ACQUISITION OF AN ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER SYSTEM AND/OR A NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, SAID BONDS, THE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED BONDS, AND ANY OR ALL REVENUE BONDS ISSUED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING ANY SUCH SYSTEM" (EITHER OR BOTH), SHALL BE PAYABLE FROM AND EQUALLY SECURED BY A FIRST LIEN ON AND PLEDGE OF THE NET REVENUES OF THE CITY'S COMBINED, WATERWORKS, SANITARY SEWER, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER AND/OR NATURAL GAS SYSTEMS: PROVIDING THAT SAID BONDS SHALL OCCUpy A POSITION OF PARITY AND EQUAL DIGNITY WITH THE OUTSTANDING "CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, UTILITY SYS- TEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1972," DATED MARCH 1, 1973, OF SAID CITY, AND THE OUTSTANDING "CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, UTILITYSYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1968," DATED MARCH 1, 1968, OF SAID UTY: PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL PARITY BONDS: PROVIDING THAT THE HOLDER OR HOLDERS OF SAID BONDS SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS OUT OF FUNDS RAISED, OR TO BE RAISED, BY TAXATION: CONFIRMING THE SALE OF SAID BONDS: MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND COVENANTS AND ENACTING OTHER PROVISIONS INCIDENT AND RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AND PURPOSE OF THIS ORDINANCE: AND PROVlilING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE. Mrs. Funk moved the Employment Agreement for the City Manager be accep~ea as he 1S highly professional with many years of experience in City Management. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion. A lengthy discussion followed. Mrs. Funk amended .) t) her motion to be: the Employment Agreement for the City Manager Denny L. Arnold) be accepted as amended i.e. Section 4) Moving Expenses: DENNY L. ARNOLD shall be reimbursed for the expense of moving himself, his family and his personal property from the City of Schertz to the City of Sweetwater, Texas or other place of new employment within the state of Texas if his services are involuntarily terminated during the term of this contract. Mayor Bueker stated he refused to sign such a contract at this time with the two new Council members not having had a chance to review the City Budget. The vote was called with the following voting aye: Mrs. Funk, Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Sandifer. Voting No: Mr. Koole and Mrs. Koch. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the future water needs of Schertz, future water needs of Cibolo and water needs of the new Middle School. He also briefed the Council on a meeting at 3:00 P.M. this date with Mayor Schlather of Cibolo, Mr. Wiederstei":l of T{.~,;t Guadalupe County Municipal Utility Dist. , Mr. Clyde Nalls, Supt. of SCUC Ind. School Dist., Mr. Floyd Westerman and Mr. Arnold. Mr. Westerman briefed the Council on financial position of Cibolo. Jesse Graham commented on the Industrial Foundation and the impact of new residents and ~!~ businesses. Mr. Nalls said the bids for the school would be .} '}-- j -- opened on May 17, 1973. Mr. Schwartz moved to install a 12" line to the new middle school property. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Funk. After discussion, Mr. Schwartz amended the motion to show the 12" water line to run to the ETJ line of Cibolo with a water meter installed at that point to meter school only at this time, and to amend the Utility Ordinance to allow hook-on costs. Mr. Nalls stated that the school District still intends to participate in the costs. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion, with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker explained Mr. Riedel's request to receive a letter of City's intent to pay for the purchase of his water system from bond monies. Mr. Riedel agreed to grant right-of- way or easements for new system. Mr. Riedel said he felt since this has drawn out through three mayors, he should be paid. fl' Mrs. Funk moved to give Mr. Riedel some wpe of contract for his system to be paid f~om sale of bonds. After discussion she amended her motion to include that the City obtain easements from Mr. Odo Riedel. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ,f ;.. I ,~' Mr. Howard Gaddis briefed the Council on the drainage project south of FM Highway 78 and asked for a decision on the desired slope of the drainage channel. Mr. Riedel said he has made arrangements with Mr. Ralph Beck to trade some land which would enable the city to build the drainage ditch straight through to the Cibolo Creek. Mr. Schwartz asked for cost figures from the Engineer by the 8th of May Executive meeting. Bids were opened and read from the Valley News and the Weekly Herald being the only widely read and circulated news- papers in the City. The Valley News: Cost: 49 39 Printing audit - 849 per 1000/0 delivery coverage per word for first publication per word for additional publications. column inch -) ~ -t ~ q_ 1 2> qo/1 ~ The Weekly Herald: Cost: $1.50 per column inch, average approximately 39 per word 100% circulation coverage. Mr. Koole stated he is partial to Herald because the Valley News,in his opinion, is slanted and people get the wrong impression. Mrs. Funk says she does not favor the Weekly Herald because the Schertz news is aways on the back papges. Mr. Schwartz asked if a representative of the Weekly Herald was at the meeting with no response. Mr. Koole moved to acc~pt the Weekly Herald as the City's Official News- paper. Motion died for lack of a second. Mrs. Funk moved to accept the Valley News as the City of Schertz Official Newspaper. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with Mr. Sandifer, Mr. Schwartz and Mrs. Funk voting aye. Voting No: Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Concerning the City Secretary Certification Program, Mrs. Koch stated the Council has always been in favor of City Personnel taking advantage of schools available to them. As there is $200.00 budgeted for this purpose, the Council Members approved the expenditure for the City Secretary. Mayor Bueker read a letter of resignation from Jim Brewer, Tax Assessor=Collector and Welfare Director. Mrs. Koch moved the resignation be accepted. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz moved the City Manager take applications to fill this position. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker recvwwended the Council set the dates of May 29, 30 and 31 for the Board of Equalization to meet. Mr. Schwartz suggested the Mayor or City Manager contact the Citizen's Advisory Committee to make tpe appointment of Welfare Director. Mrs. Koch moved that the Planning & Zoning Clllwuission serve ? as a fact-finding committee on the status of the Hild Trailor q 3" 1:; Lot wi thin the City Zoning Ordinance requirements. q J; 18 q~.1~ A letter was presented from Mr. George R. Jordan, President of Shawn Charities, Inc., explaining the arrangements they had made for parking. The Chief of Police was asked to check right- of-way along FM 78. The Fire Marshall was requested to check inside the building adn recommended attendance for square footage and exists. Mr. Harris, City Attorney, was requested to write a penal Ordinance for parking areas. Mr. Schwartz moved the City accept responsibility of paying for lighting of all four ball diamonds in the City park. Mrs. q~.13 Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The City Manager presented a Financial Report on Live Oak Road Paving Project and explained the problems of service lines to school Administration building, sewer line to the Mr. "M" Store and water line on Aero Avenue within this project. Mr. Schwartz moved to let the City Engineer, Mayor and City Manager make_decis~ons on these service lines not to exceed the contingency monies. 6C 1.?; q:/ " oj Mr. Arnold briefed the Council on the plans and cost estimates of the Spring Clean=up Campaign. There was a discussion of opening Pfeil Street between Curtiss Avenue and Brooks Avenue. This was originally in the Paving Project. The City Manager was requested to check the dedication of the north portion of Pfeil Street. Mr. Malford Koch stated he will dedicate it as a street if it is not already dedicated. The decision was tabled until the Executive Session. Mr. Schwartz moved a temporary patrolman be hired on a hourly t!~ basis not to exceed $472.50 per month while Mr. Hansmire is in erG- ./ school. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all voting aye. I The minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting of April 25, 1973 were presented and acted upon as follows: No.3. The Planning & Zoning Commission has to have a Public Hearing md notify adjoining property owners within 200' of the property in question 10 days prior to the hearing. City Manager suggested the public hearing be held May 3, 1973. Mr. Schwartz moved the minutes be approved as amended. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. rtj ,71/ I Mr. Schwartz moved the minutes of the regular Council meeting of the 17th of April 1973 be accepted as presented. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Gaddis presented Kelly Construction Company's Estimate qq,13 No.2 on the Street Improvement in the amount of $9,562.50. Mr. L Schwartz moved for payment of this estimate. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker read a letter from the Texas Highway Department concerning a Right=Turn Law recently passed by the State. Mr. Schwartz voiced complaints on boats parked along City Streets. He feels the Police Department should not make statements to the public that a complaint should be filed. Mrs. Koch suggested it should be stressed the vacant lots and easements should be cleaned during the Clean-up Campaign. Mayor Bueker read a letter from Tri-City Junion Athletic League cVlwllending City Employees Earl Johnson and Johnny Harms for their long hours on weekends and late evenings preparing the ball fields for Opening Day. Mrs. Funk suggested we try to negotiate with Universal City to get back the ETJ on Cibolo Creek. Ma~or Bueker agreed to contact Universal City to make this request. It was recommended the City Manager contact Allen Biegert to see if he will withdraw from Universal City ETJ Mr. Schwartz moved the City pay our employees their regular hourly rate while operating City Equipment during the Spring Clean-up Campaign. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members v>ting aye. ,f ~ ../ J ' , - -/... I '-'" .) . I. ~N it) 1~ CC/ \ There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion by Mr. Schwartz seconded by Mrs. Funk the meeting aijourned at 11: 50 P.M. ATTEST: aLe~ , Mayor ~ A A ~ _.1:f K/r.u.-u A2 Q {;!y Secretary CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING" May 3, 1973 A public hearing was held by the City Council in the City Council Chambers on Thursday, May 3, 1973, at 7:10 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch, and Mr. Koole. The Public Hearing was held prsuant to the rezon~ng of a certain parcel being 1.3 acres located on Live Oak Road and Exchange Avenue. Mrs. Mae Rowell appeared before the Council to object to this rezoning. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the Capital Credits loss to the Urban Renewal Project if this property is re- zoned prior to the end of the project. After hearing testimony of the three interested parties - Mr. & Mrs. Malford Koch, White's Auto and the City of Schertz, Mrs. Funk moved for the rezoning of this property to become effective Wednesday, January 30, 1974 to C-l for the construction of a White's Auto Store. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker declared the hearing closed at 7:5Q P.M.~ ATTEST: &Lr? Mayor ,:B~~/ rk#Al -. 1i, ~AlP_ (1Y -Secretary' - .. t , ...... .'- REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAY 15, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday May 15,1973 at 7:00 P.M., with the following members present: May Robert C. Bueker, presiding: Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk and Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 1, 1973 were corrected to read "Mr. Schwartz voiced complaints on boats parked along city streets." Mr. Schwartz moved these minutes be accepted as amended. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The minutes of the Public Hearing of May 3, 1973 were corrected to read "Mrs. Funk moved for the rezoning of this property to' be- come effective Wednesday, January 30, 1974 to C-l for the construc- tion of a White's Auto Store. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion wi th all members voting aye." Mr. Sandifer moved for the accept- ance of these minutes as corrected. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. As Mr. Harris was not present to present the ordinance setting the 1973 Tax Board of Equalization, this was passed over until the workshop meeting of May 17, 1973. Mayor Bueker stated Mr. Zimmermann had shown him a strip plat of the properties on the south side of Highway 78 showing there was ample space for parking on privately owned property being 23 feet from sidewalk at Zimmermann's property to 19 feet t{~ in front of Shawn Chari ties. Mr. Schwartz moved to table any }O j/ I ~ action at this time until more information was available. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Gaddis gave costs of $8,600 for the widening of Live Oak Road to 60 feet and approximately $9,000 for the paving of Pfeil Street. Mayor Bueker read sections from the Comprehensive Plan favoring 60' width for Live Oak Road to eliminate dangerous intersections. Mrs. Funk stated she is against extending Live Oak Road to 60' width with Pfeil Street left unpaved. Mrs. Koch said in her opinion, Pfeil Street was a minor issue in the Bond Election. Mr. Arnold stated he had checked and found Pfeil Street is a dedicated street. After all council members expressing opinions, Mrs. Koch moved to widen Live Oak Road to 60 foot width ,15 as originally planned from Curtiss Avenue to the north side of liP {h the Schertz, Cibo1o, Universal City Independent School District property. Mr. Koo1e seconded the motion. The vote was: For- Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koo1e. Against: Mrs. Funk, Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Sandifer. Motion failed. Lt James Dixon briefed the Council on the organization of a Softball League to provide slow-pitch soft ball for Schertz and surrounding areas. Mr. A1 Evans asked for the sanction of the Council and would like to have a contract for the use of the one diamond promised and perhaps another when the Pony League is through with it. Mrs. Koch expressed her opinion that the children have no other source of recreation but the ball fields. She is in favor of this league as long as it does not interfere with the rf~ children's leagues. Mr. Schwartz moved the Council support the /0-'). ,/ i ../ League and sanction it. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all votlng aye. ~!~ 19-, '1./ ~/ ,0 ~,1? 0./ \ Mr. Denny Arnold read a letter of resignation to Chief Schoonover from Officer Registar effective June 1, 1973; and Mr. Schoonover's reply. Mr. Sandifer move~ to accept the resignation. Mr. Koo1e seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz suggested the Council send Mr. Registar a letter of appreciation. Chief Schoonover briefed the Council on the requirements and the need for a Police Reserve Force. The ordinance giving the authority to create will be presented at the June 5, 1973 meeting. Mr. Sandifer moved authorization be given for the City Manager/Mayor to expend dollars without Council approval for emergency situations or normal dollar changes in existing agreement~. Mr. KOQ1e seconded the motion. After discussion Mr. Sandifer amended his motion to read "the City Manager/ Mayor to expend monies not to exceed $500.00 without Council approval for emergency situations or normal dollar changes in existing agreements." Mrs. Koch seconded the amended motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz asked why an item he requested to be placed on the agenda was not on the agenda; namely, the City Manager's contract. Mayor Bueker said he took it off but the Council can have his veto read and voted on at this time. The City Manager was requested to read the veto as follows: MAYORIAL VETO As prescribed by Texas State Law, I hereby submit in writing my veto of a motion made and carried by majority vote of the City Council, City of Schertz, Texas. on May 1, 1973 relating to the award of contract to Mr. Denny L. Arnold, City Manager/ Administrator of the City of Schertz, Texas for a term of one year commencing May 1, 1973 for the following objections: 1. Two new members of the City Council have not had the opportunity for review of the City Budget to make a determination of the financial status of the City at this time. A budget review is scheduled on May 8, 1973. 2. The contract does not provide safeguards protecting the City from non-performance of duty. 3. Objection is posed to containment of the paragraph relating to "moving expense" listed under Section 3, Severance Pay: of said contract. 4. Negotiation of contract must be considered as part of a total program covering salary considerations and job stability for all city employees. Signed and dated this the 4th day of May 1973. ATTEST: /s/ Robert C. Bueker ROBERT C. BUEKER, MAYOR CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS /s/ June G. Krause i,) , t \ ...... -' ~j Mr. Schwartz asked the item be placed back on the agenda at this time. Mr. Schwartz moved to override the Mayor's veto and accept I the City Manager's original contract as amended. Mrs. Funk fLu seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For - Mr. Schwartz Mrs. Funk and Mr. Sandifer. Against: Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koo1e. Mayor Bueker said the motion failed to pass as you must have a two-thirds majority to override a mayorial veto. Mrs. Funk read from a TML Article quoting Vernon's Civil Statutes, Article No. 997, refuting the statement that a 2/3 majority was necessary to override a ma40rial veto. Mayor Bueker stated he would bow to legal opinion and the motion passed with a majority vote. Mayor Bueker advised the Council of a need to create a committee to establish a long-range Capitol Improvements program' for the City of Schertz. He stated he had sent letters to all businesses along 78 to encourage them to create an impact study on need for correcting traffic on FM 78. He had talked with the County and they are still working on a feasibility Study. " ' r "" ~ Mayor Bueker gave a r?p0rt of Bexar County's present plans for paving county roads that would affect the City of Schertz. Bexar County has asked the Randolph CVllulluni ty Council endorsement of their bond issue. There was no objection to Schertz endorsement. Mayor Bueker announced the Ground Breaking Ceremonies for the new Schertz State Bank for 1:30 P.M. Wednesday May 16, 1973. Mayor Bueker informed the Council all manner of problems have arisen in connection with a county road to the new middle school. Commissioner Blume told him all una1located county monies have been diverted to building a County Community Center. After short discussion, Mr. Koole moved the City accept all petitions of annexation without costs to property owners. I' ~ Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. I L- lc Mr. Arnold was requested to write Green Valley Development Co. asking them to disregard statement sent them for annexation costs. Mrs. Funk moved the City Manager send a letter to Mr. Wetz telling him we cannot furnish him water as he is in Ridge City limits. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with members voting aye. Mr. Arnold advised the Laundry/dry cleaning services for the Police Department has been changed from Pilgrim to Randolph Cleaners because of poor service received from Pilgrim. ~ ",,I Monroe I'}; ~ Garden JD. . all Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on meeting he had with the Mayors of Live Oak, Selma, Cibolo & Universal City concerning advantages of Multi-city public services. Chief Schoonover reported 260 animals were vaccinated in the recent program with 240 City tags being sold. Mrs. Funk moved for approval of Mr. Roe Yoakum as a member of the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. 1Q <. / _.1 II I - Mr. Arnold briefed the Council on the Spring Clean-up Campaign declaring phase I and II as very successful. ~) .) t)' ,..~ .A.' \. Mr. Baldwin, Chai~an of the Citizen Advisory Committee, Stated he feels sure he will be getting complaints on high weeds since the excessive rains. Mr. Arnold advised that a list had been compiled and letters are being sent to owners to clear property of weeds and debris. Mayor Bueker stated the agreement of exchange of property had been worked out between Mr. Riedel and Mr. Beck for the drainage ditch south of FM 78. He asked Mr. Gaddis to draw field notes on the Ralph Beck property and the Riedel Furniture Store property. Mr. Gaddis briefed the Council on a final ispection report Urban Renewal Agency wated him to sign accepting the Eastl West Streets - Aviation, Mitchell, Aero and Brooks - less intersections and curbs. The Council was in agreement to not accept piecemeal final inspections. Mr. Arnold read a copy of a letter from Walter Schertz, Urban Renewal Director, to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company concerning the problems at the First street railroad crossing. The letter stated in part that if the railroad company would block in between the rails, Urban would fill in and pave up to the rails. Mr. Schwartz voiced the need of an ordinance limiting the parking and driving of large trucks on the City streets. It was also brought up that Beck Concrete trucks are dropping concrete on Highway 78 at the entrance to their plant and not cleaning it up and have been seen dumping remaining cement from their trucks on vacant lots. Mr. Patterson said he would get liuense numbers of trucks doing the illegal dumping. There being no further business to come before the Council, upon motion by Mr. Schwartz seconded by Mrs. Funk, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL MAY 24, 1973 The City Council convened in Special Session on Thu~sday May 24, 1973 at 6:30 P.M. with the following members presnet: Mayor Bueker, presiding; Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Koch, Mrs. Funk, and Mr. Koole. Absent: Mr. Schwartz. Before reading Ordinance No. 73-T-lO, Mr. Arnold ex- plained the salary for the Board of Equalization members was not in the ordinacne but was in the Budget as $50.00 per member. AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AND FIXING THE TIME FOR THE MEETING OF SUCH BOARD. ~ Mr. 3andifer moved to accept the ordinance as read. q' '1;./ seconded the motion with all present voting aye. 10 / Mrs. Funk Mayor Bueker read a letter from Mr. Jolly, Area Director Department of Housing and Urban Development, setting out responsibilities of the City of Schertz and HUD under Annual Arrangements Agreement. Mr. Arnold read Resolution #73-R-5. ~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN ANNUAL ARRANGE- MENTS LETTER OF AGREEMENT Mrs. Koch moved for acceptance of the Resolution. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members present voting aye. Mrs. Funk suggested the City pay Mark S. Graham $580.00 per month as Tax Assessor/Collector since that is the Start- ing salary paid Jim Brewer who had no experience, white Mr. Graham has had several months experience. Mr. Koole favored the $550.00 salary with a ninety day probation for re- evaluation. Mrs. Koch moved Mark S. Graham be hired as Tax Assessor/Collector at a monthly salary of $550.00. Mr. Koole seconded the motion. Voting For: Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Voting Against: Mrs. Funk and Mr. Sandifer. There being a tie, Mayor Bueker voted for the motion with a 90 day reevaluation. Motion carried. Mrs. Funk stated the reason she had ~ted against the motion was only becuase she thought Mr. Graham should be paid the $580.00 pre- viously agreed for Mr. Brewer as Tax Assessor/Collector. Mayor Bueker asked for and received authority to desig- nate use of ball fields after scheduled games. There being no further business to come before the Council, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 7:12 P.M. ATTEST: /dLe ~ Mayor r~.d , .):t..,/~-Ufr ~ Sl - yrY Secretary 1/ REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 5, 1973 ~ ~-, ';' ~ ~,;1 jll) ,! 9, ". ,-' I' " " \ - I- i \ ' The City Council convened in regular session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, June 5, 1973 at 7:07 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Before the business of the meeting, Mayor Bueker briefed the Council and visitors on the new procedures for council meetings. All meetings will be taped. Any visitor wishing to address the Council will please come forward to the "Visitor" Chair. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 15, 1973 were corrected to read "Mrs. Funk read from a TM1 article quoting Vernon's Civil Statutes, Article No. 997, refuting the statement that a two-thirds majority was necessary to override a Mayorial Veto. Mayor Bueker stated he would bow to legal opinion and the motion passed with a majority vote." Mr. Sandifer .moved these minutes be accepted as corrected. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ~) ~) ~) _...' /">.1 ~.d Mrs. Koch moved the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 24, 1973 be accepted as presented. Mrs. Funk seconded tne motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Clifford Harris addressed the Council concerning weeds and trash in the drainage ditch behind his house on Colony Drive. Stating if this ditch was cleared of debris, which was left ~rom some of the building contractors in Val Verde Subdivision, he and his neighbors would keep the ditch mowed. Mr. Johnson stated he has his summer hire boys scheduled to clean the ditch but street work has first priority. Mayor Bueker stated he would look into the problem and give Mr. Harris an expected date for the work to be done within the next few days. Mr. Arnold read Ordinance No. 73-M-ll: DIRECTING AND MAKING PROVISION FOR THE SALE OF A 5.231 ACRE TRACT OF LAND BY THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, TO CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY, AND PROVIDING THE FORM AND MANNER OF THE EXECUTION OF THE DEED OF CONVEYANCE. I. 1~ ll?/ Mayor Bueker added that if and when the present plant site is vacated, the land will be sold; and under separate contract the City of Schertz will have first chance at the purchase. Mrs. Funk moved for the appointment of Thresa L. Gary, 704 , ~~ Colony Drive and Valice L. McDaniel, 704 Aviation Avenue to the 1 j I,' I Citizen's Advisory Committee. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion. Voting for the motion: Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk and Mrs. Koch. Against: Mr. Koole. Motion carried. Mr. Schwartz moved David King be appointed as a full-time patrolman in the Police Department with a ninety day probationary period. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ,/1)., 114-/ ./ There was discussion on request from Mr. Henry Gutierrez to amend his franchise to permit a charge for trailer containersi Mr. Schwartz moved to table this request until a formal written request is presented. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Fritz H. Rusch briefed the Council on his findings as a result of his inspection of the Shawn Charities, Inc. building. At the request of Mrs. Funk, Mr. Rusch gave his Fire Marshall recommendations as follows: 1. To limit the occupancy of Shawn Hall to 600 occupants at one time, as required by Section 1105.1, Chapter XI of Southern Standard Bui!ding Code. 2. (a) No obstruction shall be placed in any aisle, exit, foyer, passageway or corridor. (b) Where the floor space of a group "E" (Assembly Occupancy) is occupied by tables, chairs or other movable furniture, aisles at least thirty six inches (36") in clear width shall be maintained to provide ready access to exit doorways as required bv Section 1125, Chapter XI Southern Standard Building Code. , l "'" .....,1 3. That no alteration or renovation be made hereafter so as to reduce the capacity of the means of egress to less than required by this chapter (XI); nor shall any change of occupancy be made in the building unless it conforms with the requirements of this chapter. The City Manager was requrested to send a copy of the report to Shawn Charities and to inquire if they have liability and fire insurance. Mr. Schwartz complimented Fire Marshall Rusch on a job well done. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the need for Pedestrian crossing at the Highway 78 and low-water crossing of the Cibolo Creek and more mama patrols since federal funds have been cut and the S-C-UC Ind. School District has had to revert back to the two (2) mile limit for school buses. Mr. Schertz, .Urban Renewal Director, said they have plans for a walkway from the low-water crossing bridge to the Jr. High School. Also the City Manager should send a letter to the Texas Highway Department requesting their consideration for a pedestrian crossing and walkway at the Highway 78 bridge. Mayor Bueker informed the Council that two separate parties had requested the City sell them part of the acreage at the well sites in Universal City. After much discussion and the recom- mendation of the City Engineer against, the Council unanimously decided in favor of not selling any City land at this time. Council disassed the street sweeper operation and scheduling. It was suggested a schedule be made and published so the citizens would know when their streets were to be swept and could remove all autos etc. Manpower was the reason given for this not having been done in the past. It was suggested one man would be avail- f'~' Ii' /- able from the Sewer Department upon the cUlluuencing of CCMA If approximately June 15, 1973. Mr. Schwartz moved to transfer this position to the Street Department upon availability. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustments of May 22, 1973 were presented. The Board referred the matter of the variance to the Curb Cut Ordinance requested by Mr. Leonard Trent at 613 Main Street, EO the-Council for action. Chief rl~ Schoonover said in his opinion a traffic haza~d would be created Ilw/ ~ by allowing persons parking head-in to back into traffic on Main Street. After much discussion, Mr. Schwartz moved not to allow the variance for the curb cut. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Oaddis presented Kelly Construction Company's Payment 1~ Estimate No. 3 on the Street Improvement on Live Oak Road, in the ))7' J amount of $37,737.49. Mrs. Funk moved for payment of this estimate. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Arnold advised he had received a copy of the Universal City/Schertz Contract for a combined animal shelter. He will have copies made and sent to each Council Member for review. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the need of restructuring of sewer rate charges when CCMA takes over operation of the sewer plant. :,? :! 4- ~?J \\~J ~I ~ '? \\ Mrs. Funk asked whether or not the Mayor planned to attend the Annual Meeting of Mayors and Councilmen b be held in El Paso this month. Mayor Bueker has previous commitments but will advocate future mayors attend and monies be budgeted accordingly. Mrs. Funk requested the Council give serious consideration to some type of ambulance service for the city. The City Manager briefed the Council about Civil Defense Vehicles avail- able on a loan basis. Mr. Schwartz moved the City Manager send request forms immediately for fire truck, panel truck (to be converted to ambulance) and an ambulance. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Funk requested the Council ask the Citizen's Advisory Committee to make a study to see what can be done toward getting a library started in Schertz, since the County does not even have a library. Mr. Schwartz stated the City is in need of additional City parks in the North and East sections of town. He suggests the City should request developers to provide park areas in all new subdivisions. Mayor Bueker said he had talked with Mr. Bligh who is going to dedicate one acre or more land near his apart- ment complex for City park. Mr. Schwartz informed the Council four boys had mowed and cleaned the City park at Lone Oak. The City Manager was requested to send letters of cv~endation to the boys upon receipt of the names from Mayor Bueker. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Koole moved for adjouL~~ent. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Meeting adjourned at 9:18 P.M. ATTEST: &J e, ~J~/ Mayor C--;r; ^~ ~ CtJy Secretary J"\" ~A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12, 1973 The City Council convened in Special Session on Tuesday, June 12, 1973 at 7:12 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Pro-Tem Schwartz, presiding; Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Absent: Mayor Robert Bueker. Mr. Leonard Trent appeared before the Council to again discuss his request for a variance to the curb cut ordinance. After lengthy Council discussion, Mrs. Funk moved this request be tabled until the June 19th Council meeting when Mr. Trent's engineer could be present to suggest alternate plans. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. "',f o,,?) , ../ Mayor Bueker arrived at 7:28 p-.m., from a lengthy meeting with Mr. Von Scheele, Mr. Blume ana Mr. Nalls concerning the road and drainage to the new middle school, and assumed leadership of the meeting. Dr. A. W. Mays appeared and read the following report as the results of a meeting of business men along Highway 78 at the re- quest of Mayor Bueker: "The Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas Gentlemen: A meeting was called at my office on the 11th of June, 1973, at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of solving parking problems in the shopping center area and to discuss the Highway Improvement Project along Highway 78. This meeting was attended by almost 10Q%-of the business community along the affected area. It was the unanimous opinion of those attending that the by-pass route should' be the first project undertaken and after this route the present Highway 78 should be improved. It was also unanimously votedby this group to object to any attempts to have a one-way route along the present Highway 78. This poll among the business people reaffirms the feeling of the busness community that has prevailed for the past twelve or more years concerning the Highway 78 project." Mayor Bueker commended Dr. Mays on the report made, and for accu1llp1ishing what others had not been able to in the past. Mr. Schwartz stated the Council should endorse this report and forward a copy to the State Highway Department. Mayor Bueker stated the Citizen's Advisory CUlllluittee had . 113 asked the Council to consider Mrs. Jennie Bennett as the Welfare I ~ " Director. She is willing to serve and has three people who are willing to train under her. Mrs. Koch moved Mrs. Jennie Bennett be appointed Welfare Director. Mrs. Schwartz seconded the motion with all ~c~bers voting aye. The City Manager asked who will cosign the checks and was informed Mrs. Farmer will remain as assistant director for the time being. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. ATTEST: 4/~, :EA~ Mayor (1, /l{:J, A1, k /U\x~j' ~y Secreta~ " ~) - , (~ k....',AId! ", l REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 19, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, June 19, 1973 at 7:03 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Mr. Schwartz moved the minutes of the regular meeting of June 5, 1973 be accepted as presented. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The minutes of the special meeting of June 12, 1973 were conrrected as follows: "Mayor Bueker arrived at 7:28 P.M., from a lengthy meeting with Mr. Von Scheele, Mr. Blume and Mr. Nalls concerning the road and drainage to the new middle school, and assumed leadership of the meeting. Mayor Bueker cvwwended Dr. Mays on the report accv11lplishing what others had not been able to in Mrs. Koch moved to accept the minutes as amended. seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Koch moved to amend the minutes of the Public Hearing of April 3, 1973 as follows: "Mr. Arnold read Ordinance No. 73-A-7: PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LINES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS BY THE ANNEX- ATION OF TWO CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND CONTAINING 1.062 ACRES AND 5.665 ACRES, RESPECTIVELY, AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY. made, and for the past." Mr. Koole i~ Mr. Mansfield moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 73-A-7 as \ 9-\- read. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. " Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. As Mr. Anderlitch was unable to attend the meeting and brief t' the Council on the need for securing an auditing firm's services, 1'~Mr. Schwartz moved to table this item until the meeting of July 3rd. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. (' ". ',t> i Jt') I' '}i\' : I After presentation by the City Manager, Mr. Schwartz moved ~ to pay a statement from Texas Securities Corp. in the amount of ;,\:J $5,225.00 for sale of $165,000.00 Utility System Revenue Bonds. \~~ Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the need of better animal control especially during this summer time of year when families are moving away and leaving pets. Mr. Arnold presented a contract with Universal City for use of thfer Animal Control Shelter versus the cost of operating our own shelter. After lengthy discussion, Mrs. Koch moved the contract with Universal City be accepted. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Gutierrez was not present nor did he furnish a rate 1-\'2; schedule for his requested amendent to the Solid Waste Franchise f\ {I' contract. There fore Mrs. Koch moved this item be tabled until I""'"' ." ) later date. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Ronald Glorioso's name was presented for consideration to the CAC. Mayor Bueker stated that since Mr. Glorioso was or had been an officer of the Scouting Association, there may be a conflict of interest. He also requested the City " Manager contact Mr. Baldwin as to who the new members will '/ .' be replacing. Mrs. Funk said she has had phone calls con- IlL cerning this appointment and therefore moved the ~pointment be tabled until the next meeting, giving her time to follow throggh on the inquiries. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker stated Mr. Glorioso is an outstanding member of this CVl1Lll1uni ty, being very active in scouting as well as other civic activities and there may be a conflict of interest involved. Mr. Arnold read Resolution No. 73-R-6: A RESOLUTION PLEDGING THE EXPENDITURE OF $163.73 FOR CERTAIN POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT THROUGH THE AACOG REGIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PROGRAM (not radio) Mrs. Koch moved this resolution be accepted. the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker read Ordinance No. 73-U-12 as follows: Mr. Koo1e seconded ,.', ,... ,~ , APPROVING THE PRICE AND CONDITIONS OF THE SALE BY THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ OF PROPOSED PARCEL 52-2, LOCATED WITHIN THE IDFFALO VALLEY NORTH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, TEX. R-112, TO TRI CITY ENTER- PRISES FOR THE SUM OF $1,375.00, FOR 11,070.18 SQUARE FEET. Mrs. Funk advised this parcel of land was advertised for bids on May 17, 1973 with bid opening June 6, 1973, but Mr. Trent had appeared before the Council and Planning and Zoning Board before that date. Mr. Trent stated he had to have plans for the property before Urban Renewal approval. Mayor Bueker said it is more than proper to get zoning in order before consumating sale. Mrs. Funk also asked if Mr. Trent being Chairman of the Housing Authority, was a conflict of interest. Mr. Schwartz said he had checked with Attorney Harris who says it does constitute a conflict of interest. Mr. Trent stated he does not think it a conflict of interest since the Housing Authoritv is not part of Urban Renewal Project and Tri City Enterprises is a joint venture with him having two partners. Mayor Bueker said without Mr. Trent, the Housing Authority would not be in existence. Mr. Trent then stated Urban Renewal is not a part of the City. City Manager Arnold advised Urban Renewal is an Agency of the City of Schertz, and he had also checked with the City Attorney who stated Mr. Trent's Chairmanship of the Housing Authority was definitely a conflict of interest in this instance. Mr. Trent then resigned from the Housing Authority as of 8:00 P.M. this date. ..) ~) (J ..~" ~, J ?-~r\'9Mr. Schwartz moved Ordinance No. 73-U-12 be adopted. Mr. Sandifer " seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ~I ,,'0 \'J.. City Manager Arnold read the Curb Cut Ordinance in connection with Mr. Trent's variance request. Mayor Bueker asked lire Trent and his engineer to present their plans for the 12 apartment complex requiring a curb cut variance. Plan B could eliminate backing into the street with the sidewalk remaining as is. Chief Schoonover said he had no objection as long as the people did not have to back directly into traffic. Mrs. Koch moved for granting the variance to the Curb Cut Ordinance using Plan B. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Koch said that before leaving this subject, she would like to say she deeply regrets losing Mr. Trent as Chairman of the Housing Authority and sincerely appreciates all he has done in behalf of the City. She wants to thank him in behalf of the Council and requested he be sent a letter of appreciation. Mayor Bueker seconded her cv~ents and would like to discuss the matter with Mr. Trent later. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the projects of the Thoroughfare Plan and the Highway 78 classification. The City Manager was asked to get a legal opinion as to whether FM 78 must be accepted by the City if the State gives it up. Mr. Schwartz asked the closing date on the low-water crossing paving project. Mayor Bueker stated it should be finished by June 30, 1973 but the recent rains makes for delays. Mayor Bueker asked the Council to attend the Public Hearing June 21, 1973 at Universal City Municipal Building on the Cibolo Creek Flood Plain Study, which is also open to the public. Mayor Bueker reported the U.S. Postal Service has set a target date of September, 1973 for incorporating the rural routes from Cibolo and San Antonio inside the city limits into the Schertz delivery zone. Mrs. Koch asked if it was the number of houses in the subdivision that determines whether there was curb or house delivery of mail. Mr. Arnold said he had checked and was informed it was a budgetary item only; saving man hours with the curb service. There was a discussion of the various apartment complexes in the city and being planned - mainly concerning if the ma.iority would be tax free. Mayor Bueker stated all units on the Bligh property are Federal financed but are not tax free. The Val Verde apartments are Federally subsidized under the 236 project but has a full tax base. Mayor Bueker had heard rumors that the City can set criteria on operation of the Val Verde Apartments. Mrs. Koch moved that since all meetings are now being taped, that the tapes be made a permanent part of the city ,~~records. Mr. Koole seconded the motion. After much dis- \~O cussion and the suggestion of the City Man?ger, Mrs. Koch amended her motion to: "the tapes of the Council meetings' ! ) be kept for It years and reviewed each October and screened for special uncuill~leted projects. Mr. Koole seconded the amended motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Funk advised that on July 9, 1973 there is to be a County Revenue Sharing Public Hearing at the Court House in Seguin. One of the items on the agenda is for an ambulance for the Schertz-Cibolo area. Mrs. Funk said she thought it would be advisable to have a representative attend. Mrs. Funk expressed concern that we did not have a representative at theAirport meeting. Mr. Schwartz said he brought it up at the last meeting and was informed by the Mayor, the issue has been dropped or postponed. Mayor Bueker said he would explain to the Council in closed door session immediately following the meeting. Mrs. Koch move4 the City Manager draft a letter to the City of San Antonio stating we violently oppose the airport plan affecting o~r city. Mr. Schwartz moved that the City Manager write a letter to the Southern Pacific Railroad requesting them to do some- thing toward beautification of the right-of-way or we will be compelled to set speed limits for trains through our city. ; I! ~i Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. 13~' - Mayor Bueker said as a follow up to the letter, we should photograph the areas and retain one copy and send one copy with the letter. d) I ~ I" -' City Manager Arnold said he had had some feed back and wanted to advise the council. When the little boy recently was injured, Dr. Mays had to take him to the hospital so called for police escort. It sounds bad when a policeman says "We can only take you to the city limits" but he only means he wil~ set up relay system with other cities and the county beyond. There was no intent of our man to shirk his duties. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mrs. Koch moved for adjournment. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ATTEST: ~e.&L Mayor Q A_A L..J;i JG~j.t UJ(, ~secretarY REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 3, 1973 The City Council convened in regular session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, July 3, 1973 at 7:03 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Absent: Mr. Sandifer. 2 ~~ () Mrs. Koch moved the minutes of the regular meeting of June 19, 1973 be accepted as presented. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Larry O'Grady of 429 Sharon Court addressed the Council concerning his current water bill, which he con- sidered excessive. Through misunderstanding, he thought he had no recourse but to go directly to the Council after talk- ing with the Utility Clerk. Mr. Patterson, Utilities Supt., explained to Mr. O'Grady that the leak at his address was on the City's property and the water did not go through his me~; which satisfied Mr. O'Grady. Mr. Koo1e told of having received a letter from a friend about his final water billing and asked Mr. Arnold to write him an explanation of the bill. Mr. Tom Anderlitch briefed the Council on the need for securing an auditing firm's services and said that he would be glad to recommend some firms. Mr. Schwartz recommended that three firms be interviewed at the work session of the 10th of July, 1973. ~~ Q;I \'? Mr. Arnold read a letter from Mr. Milton Hines of GVEC concerning the lighting of the two new ball fields. GVEC had originally agreed to do the work and charge for materials only. Their estimate being $7,489.84. The actual cost of materials was $8,646.17 with GVEC underwriting the additional charge. The labor charges amounted to $3,478.36,which of course was also underwritten by GVEC. Mr. Schwartz moved for payment of this invoice and recommended writing expressing the City's gratitude. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the proposal by the ~ Municipal Code Corp. to codify the City's codes and ordinances. A After discussion by the Council, Mr. Arnold and Mr. Harris, ~ Mrs. Koch moved to table this item until after the budget \~ review. Mr. ~cnwartz seconded the motion, with all members voting aye. Mr. Richard Harris, City Attorney, explained the recent changes in legal status of investing bond money - the Arbitrage Laws of the Internal Revenue Service. After a brief discussion of the proposed Traffic Regulation ~~Ordinance, Mr. Schwartz moved action be tabled for further study I: at a work session. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all mem- {t;/ bers voting aye. Mr. Harris suggested the "truck route" should be in a separate ordinance from Traffic Regulation. Mayor Bueker read a letter from Mr. Gordon Blake, who has worked with the Invironmental Impact Study and Noise Pollution Study. He expressed concern that the CUZ zones place undue burdens on cities. Mrs. Koch suggested contacting Lt. Gary Vest to meet with the Council at their next work session and give his very interesting presentation on this subject giving the Air Force point of view. :.: ,~ 1 Mayor Bueker advised the Council he hnd written a letter to Ressler & Applebaum, representatives of the apartment complex on the Bligh property, explaining the City has the water capacity to adequately service the 300 unit apartment project. He had also requested CCMA send 2 letter explaining the adequate sewer plant capacity. They would now like to have tentative approval of the Council for annexation by the City. Approval was given after ascertaining that at least 1 acre of land would be donated for a park and the full 40 acres including the Dietz property would be annexed at the same time. Attorney Harris suggested all persons requesting annexation should furnish field notes on property to be annexed and then he would write the petition. Mayor Bueker advised he had talked to Mr. Harris again and they find no conflict of interest involved in Mr. Leonard Trent being Chairman of the 3ousi~~ Authority a biidjng on a parcel of land from Urban Renewal. He had therefore asked Mr. Trent to accept reappointment and read Mr. Trent's letter of acceptance. City Manager Arnold explained that on June 29, 1973 Mr. Archie Woodward and Mr. Hugo Ackermann picked up a 2~ ton 6x6 truck at Ft. Hood in Killeen. The truck is 1n very Good condition and is pal't of ou.:.' Civil Def'e"1se E::1u:Lnl"2nt to be converted to and used for fire fighting. There was no purchas~ price on the truck which orisinally cost the Govel'nment $6,378.00. The expenses of the two man for the trio was $21.+. ~,6; however, we will expend some money getting it in good running condition, converting to fire truck and equipping it. A man connected with Civil Defense is coming to help with the paper work to convert the truck. The Federal Government through the Dept. of Public Health will provide a 50% grant to help pay the con- verting costs. Mrs. Koch expressed a need for additional Fire Department Buildings. Mr. Arnold read a letter from Mr. Walter Schertz, Urban Renewal Director, concerning Urban Renewal Parcel No. 50-1 on which they had received bids from Mr. Chuck Sharpe and Mr. Fred Rowell. Mr. Jolly of HUD wrote that this is a valid bid even though Mr. Rowell's bid was lower since he did give specific use for land and Mr. Sharpe did not. Mr. Arnold read Ordinance No. 73-U-13 as follows: APPROVING THE PRICE AND CONDITIONS OF THE SALE BY THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ OF PROPOSED PARCEL 50-1, LOCATED WITHIN THE BUFFALO VALLEY NORTH URBAK RENEWAL PROJECT, TEX. R-112, TO FREDERICK ii/. ROWELL FOR THE SUN OF $600. GO, FOR 5, LIOl .2G SQUARE FEET Mrs. Koch ~oved to adopt Ordinance Ko. 73-U-13. Mr. Koole 1~ seconded the motion. Voting for the motion: Mr. Koole and ,31.c~..J Mrs. Koch. Voting against: Mrs. Funk and Mr. Schwartz. There being a tie vote, Mayor Bueker voted for the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Gaddis, City Engineer, presented for approval 1~ Estimate No. 4 from Kelly Construction Company, on the Live /.3 '/, v Oak Road Street Improvement Project, in the amount of $25,678.30. ~ ~ '} ~) ~ 7/...",' Mr. Schwartz moved to pay this estimate. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker read a letter from Col. Ryan of Randolph AFB concerning the rerouting of FM 78; and suggesting another committee be formed. Mayor Bueker said in his opinion we do not need to engage in another task force but continue with the City's and Highway Department's studies. Mayor Bueker announced the opening of the new Wuest Super Market for 9;00 A.M. July 13, 1973, and stated all the Council were invited to attend the ribbon cutting ceromonies. Mayor Bueker explained to the visitors that pamphlets on the Flood Plain Study of the Universal City, Schertz, Cibolo, and Selma cities made by the U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers, are available at the City Hall. The purpose of the report is to give an analysis of the existing flood problem. Mrs. Koch asked the status of the City Charter. There was not a quorum at the last meeting and the committee should be having their final meeting in the near future. Mrs. Koch asked if Mrs. Funk had gotten a follow-up on Mr. Gloriosa's suggested appointment to the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Mrs. Funk stated she had turned all information over to Mr. Baldwin, who had suggested his name, and Mr. Baldwin will contact the City Manager if he wants the name, brought back before the City Council. Mr. Arnold advised that if the Council get any complaints on drainage in the City, especially Village No.4; he, the City Engineer, Street Supt. and Utilities Supt. have gone allover the city and are working on the drainage problems. Mr. Gaddis advised he has the Master Drainage Plan prepared but it is not in written form as yet. He gave,a progress report on the Riedel and Beck Concrete Annexations, the road to the middle school and annexation on IH 35. Mrs. Koch stated she feels priority should be given to the drainage problems near the Schertz Elementary School. Mr. Schwartz asked if we are going to accept the Urban Renewal Streets and if so when. Mr. Koole moved for adjournment at 10:05 P.M. there being no further business to come before the Council. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ATTEST: ~r~. 3M/L / Mayor Ck'^l ~f<~ ~iY Secretary ... \ ..., 'Ilo' :~ ;,,) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 10, 1973 The City Council met in Special Session on Tuesday July 10, 1973, at 7:10 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Robert Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Koole, Mrs. Koch, and Mrs. Funk. The Council interview the following Auditors: Mr. Montag and Mr. Stinson of the firm of Haskins and Stells; Mr. Eldred Stapper of Stapper and Allen; and Mr. William L. Havins of Harris, Robert- son and Company. Mr. Schwartz moved to discontinue the services of Stanton, J3S- 'I? McCormick and Company as of July 1, 1973. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with allmembers voting aye. Mr. Schwartz moved to contact Mr. Havins of Harris, Robertson 1;13 and Co. and ask for a total proposal for three year contract for 07 ausiting services. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The Council discussed, at length, the Traffic Control Ordinance. Mr. Schwartz moved to pass an ordinance to change street names) ,LD-~/3 as follows: T Live Oak Road to Buffalo Drive Oak Street to Park Drive Aviation Avenue to the choice of the people living on Aviation Avenue Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. City Manager Arnold briefed the Council on status of the Sign Program through the State - stating that within approximately three months the signs should be in the making or made. There was a discussion on a change in the City's letterhead. The City Manager was asked to bring to the Council three or four ideas and costs for Council approval. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on Mr. Monroe Wetz's desire to have water south of FM 1337 below our water well. The decision was made to wait until such time as Garden Ridge, Schertz, and San Antonio meet on ETJ agreement. Council reviewed a portion of the 1973-74 Budget. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. ATTEST: ?~-,,? (~, ad: / Mayor C)AJ 1~' ,11M 1<J1 ~-40 _ c&y secretary- ~"I .)4 .-t:: " j ~-t REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL JULY 17, 1973 'Unable to hold meeting due to lack of quorum. Only members present were Mayor Bueker and Mr. Koole. EMERGENCY MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 20, 1973 The City Council convened in emergency session in the City Council Chambers on Friday, July 20, 1973 at 6:15 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz Mr. Sandifer and Mr. Koole. Absent: Mrs. Koch and Mr5. Funk. Mayor Bueker explained the purpose of the meeting was to pass a resolution to the U.S. Corps of Engineers per study of Cibolo Creek. City Manager Denny Arnold read Resolution No. 73-R-7 as follows: RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS TO PROVIDE AN IMMEDIATE DETAILED STUDY OF THE CIBOLO CREEK FROM IH 35 TO THE CRESENT BEND AREA. ~~Mr. Schwartz moved to pass Resolution No. 73-R-7 as read, and ~\\ immediately send a copy to the Corps of Engineers. Mr. Koole \~ seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Dr. Mays and Mr. Odo Riedel addressed the Council concerning the flood damage. Mr. Riedel expressing his opinion that the Council should pass a resolution to stop all work on the Randolph AFB sewer plant until an engineering study could be completed. Mayor Bueker suggested writing a cover letter for the Resolution just passed and send copies to Randolph AFB, CCMA, AACOG and all elected officials of this area. Mr. Schwartz moved a letter be written to the CCMA asking ~;them to draft a formal request to the Regional Offices of the ~ Environmental Protection Agency to exert their influence in ~ effecting the inclusion of the Randolph AFB sewer plant into the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz moved the meeting be adjourned at 6:55 P.M.. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. A2.L- C ~"L ATTEST: Mayor lli~~ ,.91- {{fLhJ.L4 t Ct'y Secretary' ,,, , ) ,) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 1973 The City Council convened in special session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, July 24, 1973 at 7:05 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Pro-Tern Schwartz, presiding; Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk and Mr. Koole. Mr. Charles C. Cross, Urban Renewal Engineer, presented an Urban Renewal Plan to build a bike-trail type park between FM 1518 and the Cibolo Creek, across from the O'Henry Jr High School campus. Mrs. Funk moved to accept the plan presented and to authorize Urban Renewal to advertise for bids to build same. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting I' ,.~ F, 1'./ i .../ ,q; aye. Mrs. Funk moved to request Mr. Odo Riedel to petition the City rt~ for annexation of his funiture store property based upon his I~~;/~ agreement to be annexed when the City purchased his water system. Mr. Koole seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz requested Mr. Arnold to get the paper work prepared for his annexation. Mr. Arnold briefed the Council on his meeting with Mr. Ray Harris and Mr. William Havins concerning the auditing of the City records and read Mr. Harris' recommendations. These included hiring a qualified bookkeeper and purchasing either a cash register or validating machine for daily receipts. Mr. Harris's recommendations included their firm's hourly rates as follows: )I.'ir. Ha.rris - $27.50; Mr Havins - $25.00; Senior accountant - /,:;rI3 $17.50; Junior accountant - $15.00; Clerical - $10.00. Mrs. J~- Funk moved to hire the firm of Harris Robertson & Co. to do the City audit and to hire a bookkeeper as soon as possible. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. After a short discussion concerning pay for this employee, Mrs. It L _I;~ Funk amended her motion to include the bookkeeper salary not to )1 0 exceed S402 per month, the monies for the balance of this fiscal year to come from the Revenue Sharing Fund. Mr. Sandifer seconded the amended motion with all members voting aye. The City Manager was requested to obtain prices and availa- bility for both a cash register and validating machine, since the machine will be required for the beginning of tihe fiscal year. Mr. Arnold presented and explained the Organizational Chart, 13 Class Level Chart, and Job Classification/Pay Plan Placement }if'1 Charts. After a short discussion, Mr. Koole moved to table the discussion of the Pay Plan and Salaries until the return of Mayor Bueker and all Council members are present. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion. Voting for the motion: Mr. Koole, Mr. Sandifer and Mr. Schwartz. Against: Mrs. Funk. The City Manager explained that although the pay plan is going to take a large portion of the entire budget, he feels ~11 the City should participate in a retirement program even if it I~ ,~ is only 1% at this time. Mr. Koole moved to table the discussion of a retirement plan until the full membership of the Council is present. Mr. Sandifer second~d the motion with all members voting aye. 2,~~() ...t~ Mrs. Funk moved to table discussion of the Capitol Otrtlay ~/'I requests until the full Council is present. Mr. Koole seconded \~ the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Koole moved to table any action on setting procedure of notification for Council members expecting to be absent l''? from Council meetings as it was placed on the Agenda by 60' Mayor Bueker who is out of town on an emergency. Mr. Sandifer \ seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Arnold advised that Mr. Lund, Schertz Postmaster, had explained that Deer Haven, Oak Forest and most of Route lout of Cibolo will be getting home delivery effective August 4, 1973 from the Schertz Post Office. Mr. Arnold also explained Mayor Bueker had told him a repre- sentative of the Telephone Company said the rates in Deer Haven and Oak Forest may be realigned with the Schertz tier rates. Mr. Riedel, president of Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, briefed the Council on the present status of the CCMA grant. He then expressed his gratitude and thanks to the Council for all they have done tohelp him in his efforts to alleviate the flooding of his home and trailer court every time the Cibolo Creek rises. He stated that if the Corps of Engineers does not do something by Friday the 27th, he will have two scrapers and 2 rollers brought in and build a dam 12 feet high, 1250 feet long and 20 feet wide along the Cibolo Creek adjacent to the Randolph AFB Sewer Treatment Plant. Mr. Schwartz asked Mr. Riedel if he would wait until Wednesday the 1st of August before starting the dam and Mr. Riedel agreed to wait. There being no further business to come before the Counci~, Mr. Koole moved the meeting adjourn at 9:04 P.M. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all voting aye. ATTEST: ~Le ~/ Mayor {1; 1~ J-J--/~ Q ClJY Secretary PUBLIC HEARING OF THE UTI COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 1973 The City Council convened in a Public Hearing in fue City Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 7, 1973 at 7:2Q P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert Bueker, presiding; Mr. Sandifer, Mr. Schwartz, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch, and Mr. Koole. The Public Hearing was held pursuant to rezoning the following parcel of land from R-l to C-l classification: )0 .. \: ,..- 'ol,) j - Being 1.123 Acres of land out of the George Gesche 167.9 Acre tract out of the Genobera Malpaz Survey No. 67 Patent No. 276, Volume One, Abstract No. 22; out of Subdivision No. 13, G~adalupe County, Texas. Mayor Bueker read a letter from the Planning & Zoning Committee recommending the approval of the rezoning. Mr. Art Young, builder and operator, presented a plan for the miniature golf course to be built on the subject property. Mr. Sandifer moved the subject property be rezoned from R-l to C-l classification. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker declared the Public Hearing closed at 9;30 P.M. ,{ ~;j , '.../ F '; I IJ I ATTEST: /t:t~c. ~ Mayor ~ )j 1~)GUL4i- ~y Secretary REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 1973 The City Council convened in Regular Session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 7, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Bueker presiding; Mrs. Funk, Mr. Sandifer, Mr. Schwartz, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Mr. Schwartz moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Session of July 3, 1973. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Funk moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of July 10, 1973. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Sandifer moved to approve the minutes of the Emergency Meeting of July 20, 1973. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Funk moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of July 24, 1973. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Gail Hyatt, 203 Randolph Avenue, asked the Council to do something about the fast traffic on Randolph Avenue. The Council assured her a concerted effort would be made by the Police Department to slow traffic on Randolph. Mr. Schwartz stated he felt the Police Department's radar unit should be used more; that the speed limit on FM 78 coming into Schertz from the east should be lowered; that he would like to see a three-member Police Commission formed to hear complaints by and against the Police Department. Mayor Bueker said he pre- ferred forming an auxiliary Police force. :>"; S 5'\'0 S');' \ , ?/" '? \9 Mayor Bueker advised the Council that he had signed a pro- clamation designating August 20 as Buffalo Day as requestea by the Samuel Clemens Buffalos Athletic Booster Club. A Schedule for Street Sweeper operation as p~epared by Street Supt. Earl Johnson was accepted by the Council. Mayor Bueker asked that the schedule be published in the newspaper. An advalorem tax revaluation schedule, as prepared by Mark Graham, Tax Assessor/Collector, was presented to the Council. Mayor Bueker asked that the schedule be published in the news- paper. A letter of resignation from Daniel D. Hansmire, Police Officer, was read. Mrs. Koch moved to accept the letter of resignation and to write a letter of appreciation to officer Hansmire. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye, except Mr. Koole who abstained. Richard Harris, attorney for the City, informed the Council that Officer Hansmire conducted himself better and presented his cases in court better than any officer he had ever worked with. The City Manager presented a plan to the Council to convert the recently acquired Civil Defe~se 2t ton truck into a fire truck at a total cost estimate of $5333.00 and explained that a Federal grant could be obtained for financing half of that cost. Mr. Arnold explained tha t Mr. Hugo Ackermann and Mr. Archie Woodward had worked with him in preparing this cost estimate. Mr. Arnold advised the Council that a package conversion would cost roughly $7000.00; therefore making the plan presented a very good deal. Mrs. Koch moved to accept the conversion plan as presented. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion. The motion and second were then amended to include "that all City costs for the conversion be included in the 1973-74 budget." All members voted aye on the motion. Mayor Bueker read excerpts from Ordinance No. 275, passed in November, 1972, whereby the City agreed to purchase from the Urban Renewal Agency .33 acres of land at $725 and 16.825 acres of land at $18,000. Mrs. Funk stated that she felt that money pledged by this ordinance for this land should be instead used ~for a low-water pedestrian crossing across the Cibolo Creek for /1~children to use to come to Schertz to School. Mrs. Funk moved 6~ to rescind Ordinance No. 275 and accept dedication of the subject \ land for park use by Urban Renewal. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion. Mrs. Koch stated that she felt this was an ideal location for a park and she understood that, according to Urban Renewal law, we could. not fully utilize the land for 20 years if we allowed the land to be dedicated by Urban Renewal. Mayor Bueker stated his position of feeling the City needed this choice park land even if we had to piecemeal any development of the park land. Mr. Walter Schertz, Executive Director of the Urban Renewal Agency, reminded the Council of the second amended cooperation agreement which was approved by the City Council prior to the passage of Ordinance #275. He stated that according to this agreement, the land is dedicated as open park land and cannot be used for the cvwwer- cial use. Mr. Richard Harris, attorney for the City, advised the Council that in his opinion Ordinance No. 275 is not a workable , , ,) Ordinance in that the ordinance obligates the City past a one year period. Mr. Schertz stated that no funds are available 'in the Urban Renewal Budget for development of the park as the Council Adopted Ordinance No. 275 in last year's budget Urban Renewal Budget; thereby, Urban Renewal did not budget any money this year for park development of this land. Mrs. Koch stated shefelt the Council should do something for the citizens of Schertz towards park development and she felt this park would be a good place to start. Mayor Bueker asked Mr. Gaddis, Engineer for theCity, if he had any estimates on the cost of building a low-water crossing. Mr. Gaddis replied that he did, ranging anywhere from $15,000 to $45,000 depending upon what the Council chose to build. Mayor Bueker stated that the City of Schertz and the City of Universal City should share the cost on a per capita basis. Mr. Schwartz stated that he is very much for a teen center but he was very much opposed to the Federal Govern- ment telling the City how and when they must develop park land within the City. Mrs. Funk withdrew her motion and Mr. Sandifer withdrew his second. Mr. Schwartz moved to table further action on this subject until a future meeting and until and until the City Attorney has had sufficient time to clarify points of possible conflict arising as a result of the passage of Ordin- ance 275. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. r11",0;, ..t";,i-~ r!"-- Mark Graham, Tax Assessor/Collector, presented a recently completed block grid system designed for the purpose of number- ing blocks of streets throughout the City on a uniform basis. Mr. Schwartz cUlliluended Mark and Dick Mansfield for their many hours of work on a long needed program in the City. Mr. Gary Rose, intern for the City, briefed the Council on Flood Plain Insurance. Mr. Rose has been assigned the task of researching this subject completely to make reculwuended reports to the City Manager. Mr. Rose will continue to research this subject with future recommended action being reported to the City Council. He was commended for having thoroughly briefed himself on a cumplex subject. Mr. Schwartz stated that perhaps some type of notice should be included in~the City Building Code to tell people when structures are being erected within a flood plain. On the subject of new appointments to the Citizen's Advisory 'rS CUllillli ttee, Mrs. Koch moved totable any further appointments at }5 Lc this time until previously considered appointments are resolved. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting ~e. Mr. Dick Chambless appeared to ask the Council if they could pass an oxdinance that would prohibit the keeping or storage of large animals within the City Limits. Mayor Bueker stated that a zoning type delineation would have to be made designating which part of the City large animals could be stored in as we have certain areas of town away from the heavily developed areas that really at this time would not prohibit the keeping of large animals. The City Manager was instructed to prepare such an ordinance based on sample ordinances which he could receive from the Texas Municipal League. ~) - ~- 0 Mrs. Koch moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Cvmwission of July 25, 1973, Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The City Manager was authorized to buy a po10roid camera. Mayor Bueker explained that the camera could be used for pictorial documentation. Mr. Gaddis explained the ost and cuwp1exities of developing a split level water system for the City either at Interstate 35 or above Interstate 35. Mr. Gardner, owner and developer of Mobile Villa Estates, appeared to ask the City's intent about annexing his properties along IH 35. Mayor Bueker advised Mr. Gardner that he would meet with him to explain the Council's intent in that area. Mr. Gaddis was instructed to proceed with the survey work and field note paper work for the anticipated annexation of Riedel's Furniture Store property and al other properties between FM 78 and the Cibo1o Creek not now currently in the City Limits. The Council asked Mr. Gaddis to prepare field notes for annexation petitions for the area 1/2 mile north and 1f2 mile south of Interstate 35 and to begin at the present wes erly city limits in that area running 1/2 mile west of the present city limits. On the subject of the south drainage ditch project, Mr. Gaddis informed the Council that there has been no recent development because Mr. Riedel has not yet purchased the Beck property to allow an easement to be given to the City for construct- ing the drainage ditch. Mr. Gaddis again presented his plans for the construction of a low-water crossing pedestrian bridge across Cibolo Creek. Mr. Schwartz recommended simply blocking both ends of this short street morning and afterpoon to allow children to walk across the existing low-water bridge without interference from traffic. Mayor Bueker recv~ended that perhaps a joint meeting with Universal City Council would be the best method of arriving with a solution of pedestrian crossing across the creek. Mr. Koo1e left the meeting at 10:55 P.M. to go to work. Mr. Arnold informed the Council that Mr. Marvin Patterson. Water & Sewer Supt., had opened Pheil St. between Curtiss and Brooks at no cost to the City. Mr. Patterson borrowed a motor grader from Kelly Construction Co. and in 3 hours time, on July 21, on his day off, he graded the street cvwp1ete1y through. Gravel will be hauled in to cover the dirt street. Mr. Arnold pointed out that this action permits traffic to traverse the street with- out forcing the traffic to drive upon the school ground of the Elementary School. A letter of appreciation from the American Red Cross to the City Officials of Schertz was read to the Council. This letter pointed out the appreciation by the Red Cross of the cooperative effort given by the City Officials during the recent flood disaster. Mr. Arnold advised the Council that he had written a similar letter to the Red Cross. .) 1 1 ,.. L Mr. Arnold advised the Council that all above-ground structures have been removed from the Oak Forest Water Well site. Contact has been made with Haskin Drilling Company for a cost estimate on plugging the water well, a cost which according to the sales agreement of the water system should be paid by the property owner, Mr. Coy Simmons. The City Manager explained that the City has been notified that radio equipment, as budgeted for in this year's budget, have been received by AACOG and will roon be installed. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on pending telephone rate changes in the Deer Haven/Oak Forest area. The ultimate results will be that the telephone rates in these areas will be aligned with the rates in othere parts of Schertz without a change in telephone number to home owners. Mayor Bueker asked that a procedure be established for notification by Council members expecting to be absent from Council Meetings. The procedure recuuuuended was that first notification should be given to the Mayor, or in his absence the Mayor Pro-Tem; or in his absence the City Manager. Mayor Bueker asked to have placed on record his position of being against the hiring of a bookkeeper for the City based on this action not agreeing with an order of priorities of City needs. I') Mr. Schwartz moved to approve the payment of $33,092.25, for payment estimate No. 5 to Kelly Construction Company for the Live Oak Road Street Improvement Project. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members V0ting aye. Mrs. Funk moved to approve payment of Mr. Howard Gaddis' bill, in the amount of $1,128.45, for estimate No.5 on the Live Oak Road Street Improvement Project, engineering. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz moved for adjournment at 11:45 P.M.; Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ,I ,.; I'" ,"1 I/', <J/ 'i___' IS' ATTEST: _ Ald:J- c aij/L ~ Robert C. Bueker, Mayor (1/ ~.. 1 i1ne G. At/~fi~ Krause, City Secretary SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 16, 1973 The City Council convened in special session in the City Council Chambers on Thursday, August 16, 1973 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. ~<~ ! fo>) 6J:" ,;. ~ LJII The Council reviewed portions of the1973-74 Budget. ~ ~f\ \~ Mrs. Funk moved to advertise in the newspapers for appli- cants for the position of Patrolman. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion. Voting for the motion: Mrs. Funk and Mr. Sandifer. Voting against the motion: Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koo1e. Mr. Schwartz abstained from voting. In order to break the tie vote, Mayor Bueker voted against the motion and explained his reason for doing so had nothing to do with personalties but because he believes in selective applications; that the Council and the supervisor should make the hiring decisions. Motion did not carry. <\fJ; I 191) \ Mr. Edgar J. Mosher was called in for a personal interview with the Council. He was asked his reasons for leaving the City employ both times he left in the past. The first time (5-31-72) he thought he wanted to be a truck driver full time but decided after eight days to return to police work. Mrs. Koch moved to hire Mr. Mosher as Patrolman. Mr. Koole seconded the motion. The vote being: For the motion: Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Against the motion: Mrs. Funk and Mr. Sandifer. After a short discussion, Mrs. Koch withdrew her motion and Mr. Koo1e withdrew his second. Mrs. Koch then moved to hire Mr. Edgar J. Mosher as a Police o/Patrolman with a probationary period of one year. Mr. Koole ,I seconded the motion. Voting for the motion: Mrs. Koch and \~' Mr. Koole. Voting against the motion: Mr. Sandifer and Mrs. Funk. Mr. Schwartz abstained. Mayor Bueker broke the tie by voting for the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Schwartz then moved that the City will advertise in ~~the newspapers for applicants to fill all future positions in ~ the City. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting \1.9 aye. Meeting adjourned at 12:46 P.M. on a motion duly made and seconded. ~d{J, ~ Mayor Robert C. Bueker ATTEST: ~A^.t _,~ /< Y1 fA~ 0 CCJy Secretary June G. Krause PUBLIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1973 The City Council convened in a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 21, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Mayor Bueker explained that the Public accordance with Article 689 a-IS, V.A.C.S., approving a Fi~al Budget and Work Program 1973-1974. Hearing was held in for the purpose of for the Budget year I - ;) Mr. Arnold read line items from the budget by departments with the understanding that if any citizen had questions concerning any item, they were to ask for an explanation. Mr. Mansfield asked if the Revenue Sharing Monies was included in the budget. Mayor Bueker explained that Revenue Sharing was budgeted separately. Mr. Arnold said the expected revenue sharing for next fiscal year should be about $2600. In answer to a question, Mayor Bueker explained that we have not heard anything as yet on Annual Arrangements and probably would not until about June or July of 1974. Mayor Bueker explained the tax base as read in the budget is based on the same rate as last budget of $1.00 per $100.00 valuation. Mayor Bueker read Ordinance No. 73-M-14: ,~ 'I? Mrs. Koch moved for the acceptance of Ordinacne No. 73-M-14 as I &>'~ read. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. AN ORDINANCE OF THE aTY OF SCHERTZ PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1973 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTEN- ANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY. Mayor Bueker declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:19 P.M. ATTEST: ~~~ a~/A J Mayor Robert C. Bueker - (1.. , .. B- j<h..rl-I ,~_n C&y Secretary June G. j(rause REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1973 The City Council convened in Regular Session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 21, 1973 at 7:19 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch and Mr. Koole. Mr. Sandifer moved to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing of August 7, 1973 as presented. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The minutes of the meeting of August 7, 1973 were corrected to show a new paragraph beginning with the sentence "Mayor Bueker read excerpts from Ordinance No. 275", Mrs. Koch moved to accept the .;) . ~ -1- minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 7, 1973 as corrected. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting ay~. Mr. Mansfield advised the Council there was an article in the San Antonio paper stating the committee for selecting a site for the new airport are again looking at land in our area. The Council asked Mr. Arnold to send a letter to AACOG and the Airport Planning Board stating our strong protest against having a municipal airport in ojr immediate vicinity. Mr. Hal Baldwin, Chairman of the Citizen's Advisory Committee addressed the Council concerning the tabling of nominations to his cUl1wd ttee by the Council. He requested the two names be resub- mitted for appointment since his committee is under the 15 members allowed. Mayor Bueker explained the Council's wishes to clarify the nomination of Mr. Ron Glorioso before appointing any more members. Mr. Baldwin stated he had not been able to talk with Mr. Glorioso since he had been out of town; therefore, he would like to withdraw Mr. Glorioso's name at this time in order to resubmit the other two names to bring his committee up to strength. He agreed to meet in private with the Council prior to their next meeting, concerning Mr. Glorioso's appointment. Mrs. Funk moved to appoint Mrs. George Caldwell, 1210 Chestnut Drive; and Mrs. Maryann Quesada, 604 Mitchell Avenue, to fill one vacancy and one position created by the resignation of Mr. Okay Lucas to the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion. Four voted for the motion with Mr. Koole abstaining. Motion carried. Mr. Howard Gaddis, City Engineer, briefed the Council on his discussions with Mr. Mullins, Universal City Engteer, concerning the building of a pedestrian bridge across the Cibolo Creek at the low water crossing. Mr. Schwartz stated he would still like to go with his recommendation of closing the low water crossing to vehicle traffic in the morning, 45 minutes before school opening and 15 minutes after; and in the afternoon, 15 minutes before school is out and 45 minutes after school is out. Mr. Gaddis re- commended using the low water crossing in this manner since a bridge would be very expensive and there is always the possibility of the release of Federal Funds. Mr. Gaddis was asked "Would a $10,000 bridge across the Cibolo Creek wash away during a flood?" Mr. Gaddis answered "yes, it would". Mayor Bueker agreed with Mr. Koole's suggestion that the school should furnish buses during flood period only. Mrs. Koch wanted the citizens present to know why Universal City is against closing of the low water crossing two hours a day. The reason given is that "their merchants would ,\~object". Mr. Schwartz moved the City Council meet with Universal 6' City Council and a member of the School Board and come to a cuwwon \V agreement between the two cities to use the existing facilities. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. r\'!J 'J, \\9 Mr. Roe Yochum asked the Council what happens to our childreN while all these meetings are going on. Mayor Bueker said there is nothing to prevent an early meeting between the two councils. Mayor Bueker suggested the discussion and action on purchasing parkland from Urban Renewal Agency be pushed back to the next meeting when we could have our own attorney's opinion on the subject. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the changes in the 236 law as it relates to the Val Verde Apartments. Mr. Schwartz feels the City should table any discussion until such time ~ our own housing project is completed. Council was in agreement. Mayor Bueker said the money has been received by the Housing Authority and it is just a matter of the mechanics of getting started. Mr. Arnold briefed the Council on the Dispatching Service. The City received a letter from Universal City dated August 16, which is short notice, notitying Schertz that effective August 31, 1973 they are terminating Police Dispatching Service to our City. Mr. Arnold said he and Chief Schoonover had just about solved the problem. One radio has been installed and the others have been promised before the end of the month. Also, the Telephone Co. ~! 5 said they could have our direct line to Seguin Police Department1LPl'-' installed by the end of the month. Mr. Schwartz moved to auth- orize Mayor Bueker to sign a letter of agreement with Mayor Koebig of Seguin for dispatch service not to exceed $200.00 per month. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker informed the Council the City has finally received a check in the amount of $9,869.01 from the State of Texas for reimbursement of disaster expenditures following the May 1972 flood. Urban Renewal submitted an ordinance for approval of the sale of Parcel No. 52-2 to Tri City Enterprises. Mrs. Funk asked if this is the same parcel as in ordinance 73-U-12 and 73-U-13, Mr. Schwartz moved to recind Ordinance No. 73-U-12 73-U-13. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker then read Ordinance No. 73-U-15: ,! j \ !" j ....' 11 :!l and APPROVING THE PRICE AND CONDiTION OF THE SALE BY THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ OF PRO- POSED PARCEL 52-2, LOCATED WITHIN THE BUFFALO VALLEY NORTH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, TEX. R-112, TO TRI~CITIES ENTERPRISES FOR THE SUM OF $1,375.00 FOR 11,070.18 SQUARE FEET. ',I Mrs. Koch moved for approval of Ordinance No. 73-U-15 as read. )u' Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with four voting for the motion and Mr. Schwartz abstaining. Motion Carried. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council concerning seal coating of Westland Park. At the last budget session this item was taken out of the budget for discussion and then not taken up again. Mr. Schwartz moved to take the monies for this project from 1& Revenue Sharing and proceed with the seal coating of the streets in Westland Park Subdivision. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. " , ~ ~ 1 ; \:~. " Mr. Arnold said he had been in contact with Mr. Eugene Palmer of Palmer Mortuary Service, who wanted to know if the City would be interested in him furnishing ambulance service to the City. He was asked to submit two proposald for consi- deration - one with service being from Seguin and the other a Schertz based ambulance. Mr. Arnold is not ready to make a recvl1wJ.endation as Mr. Palmer only submitted the proposal of service from Seguin, which is really no more than what we ,,"} ~ I" -:'.1\) 1\~ 1D' \ have now. Mrs. Funk asked the status of the ambulance that was to be on the agenda of the County Public Hearing. Mayor Bueker said it was approved and is a budgeted item for the County. The County Cvwwissioner told Mr. Arnold there are a lot of bugs to be ironed out before Schertz gets ambulance service through the county. Mr. Sandifer moved to authorize Mayor Bueker to sign a con- tract for ordinance codification with Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. 1\'9 \/ \'" Mr. Schwartz ~oved to establish a three member police Com- mission to assist the Chief of Police with some of the problems of the City. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion. After much discus- sion on the subject, Mr. Koole asked Chief Schoonover for his opinion. He said he had seen some work but some do not. In his opinion, we have the City Manager to run the City and the Chief of Police to run the Police Department and that is as it should be. Mayor Bueker said he is not in favor of a Police Commission that has authority over the Police Chief but will agree if the Cuwwission only suggests to the Chief or recommends to the Council. Voting for: Mr. Schwartz, and Mrs. Funk. Against: Mr. Koo1e Mrs. Koch and Mr. Sandifer. Motion fail to carry. There being no further business to come before the Council, on a motion duly made and seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. ATTEST: ~~c~~rause AfLJ C?, ~ Mayor Robert C. Bueker I I I. :i{EGULAR MEETING 00 THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 4, ,1973 . The City Council convened in Regular Session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 4, 1973 at 7:10 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Mr. Schwartz, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch, Mr. Sandifer and Mr. Koo1e. fffiS. Koch moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 16, 1973 as presented. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Koch also moved the minutes of the Public Hearing of August 21, 1973 be approved as presented. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mrs. Koch requested the minutes of the Regular Session of August 21, 1973 include the question to Mr. Gaddis "Would a $10,000 bridge across the Cibolo Creek wash away during a flood? Mr. Gaddis Ci ty En~ineer, answered yes, it would." Mr. Sandifer moved these minutes-be accepted as amended. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. " '\ ~-I Mrs. Gary reminded the Council of weeds that need to be cut in the City. The City Manager explained the procedures involved in getting lots cut. Mrs. Billie Little appeared to complain about sewer back- up in Lone Oak and to ask why garbage pic~up could not be from alleys. Mr. Patterson, Utility Supt., told her work should begin on the sewer problem the next week, and the allies are not made to handle the large garbage trucks. Mr. Doyle Hines, General Manager of GVEC, advised the Council of an upcoming cost increase due to passed-on cost of fuel and of a probable future rate increase which will be to cover cost of power to GVEC only. Mr. Howard Gaddis and Mr. Odo Riedel presented plans for the South Drainage Ditch. Mr. Riedel stated he had secured the drain- age easements. Mr. Gaddis said it would cost approximately $50,000 to cut this ditch. Mr. Riedel suggested getting Urban Renewal to share the cost of the ditch since they diverted the water to cuase the problem. Mrs. Koch agreed and suggested writing Urban Renewal to get them to participate. Mr. Schwartz urged the Council to go beyond Urban Renewal all the way to HUD. Mrs. Koch said the original Urban Renewal Drainage plan was approved by HUD. / I i Mr. Riedel thanked the Council for its support ort the Randolph Air Force Base Sewer Plant flood issue. Mr. Schwartz feels the City owes Mr. Riedel a vote of thanks for putting his reputation on the line to pursue this issue. Mr. Sandifer moved to approve Resolution No. 73-R-8: I, ~ rl:!,-/~ APPOINTING GEORGE P. BOLTON AND OSCAR J. KRAMER AS MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. City Manager Denny Arnold read Ordinance No. 73-M-16: AN ORDINANCE LEvvING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS FOR THE YEAR 1973; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $1.00 ON THE ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION. Mr. Schwartz moved for acceptance of Ordinance No. 73-M-16. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. .J~ r , -..J \ 1 p/ I f I I being CVlwuuni ty Fund Month in Schertz. He will issue a Pro= clomation to this effect. Mr. Hal Baldwin, Chairman of the Citizen's Advisory Committee, answered questions about the CAC and the Community Fund. The minutes of the Planning and Zoning meeting of August 22, 1973 were acted on as follows: I,) I " " .,' ( "\ ,,>I ~ I), (.:" 1 ..I rt'J \ Item No. 5 - Mr. Schwartz moved a letter be written to Mr. Raymond Hild of Hild's Marine advising him to re- move his merchandise from the lot at 701 Main Street as this lot is zoned residential. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Item No. 1 - Mayor Bueker requested Mr. Arnold verify depth of the zoning on the Milton Burrow land (i.e. does the C-l classification go all the way to the creek or is it only 200 feet deep.) Item No. 3- Mrs. Koch moved to table this item after general discussion by the Council. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Item No. 6 - Mayor Bueker said the Planning & Zoning CV~llission would be advised before any building is started. I ' p-- .i Mrs. Koch moved to accept the minutes of the Planning and Zoning CV~llission Meeting of August 22, 1973 with the two ex- ceptions noted above. Mr.Sandifer seconded the motion with ail members voting aye. There was a lengthy discussion of the proposed City Charger. The City Manager was asked to get an opinion of the proposed Charter from Mr. Richard Harris, Attorney for the City, and to check with Mr. Joe Stulb, Chairman of the Charter Writing Com- mission, to set up a joint meeting with the Council. ~--: I , .tl There was a general discussion of the problem of school children using the low=water crossing and the possibility of the City purchasing one of the school buses not being used. 1/13 Mr. Schwartz moved to block, the low=water crossing on our side 11~ of the Cibolo Creek from 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. and from 2:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M., to all vehicle traffic. This would be announced in the newspapers and Universal City Council should be notified. Mrs. Koch seconded thelmotion. After more discussion, Mr. Schwartz withdrew his motion and Mrs. Koch withdrew her second. Xnen Mr. Schwartz moved to block the low-water crossing by putting up barricades in the middle of the bridge, as a temporary measure, from 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. and from 2:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. to all vehicle traffic. Mrs. Koch wanted to go on record as stating this is a school board problem and that the two Councils and the School Board should get together and discuss the problem. Mr. Schwartz moved to send letters to Universal City, SCUC Independent School Board, and Cibolo for a joint meeting to try to solve this transportation problem. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. t1,,1~ 111 Mayor Bueker advised on his attendance at a meeting with the County CVwWissioners Court pertaining to their Revenue Sharing monies. They assured him an ambulance would be given to the City of Schertz with no strings attached. Mayor Bueker discussed the by-pass of FM 78 and advised that the Commissioners Court did this date lift the dollar value restrictions they had previously placed on right-of-way for by-pass route. ~ I I -\. , ~ r' } Mayor Bueker commented on the CCMA Hearing before the Water Quality Board meeting he attended. The purpose meeting was to determine if EPA and TWQB'S acceptance plan could be agreed upon. Texas of the of CCMA Mr. Schwartz moved that payment estimate N.o. 6 from Kelly,? Construction Company, on the Live Oak Road Street Improvement Project, be accepted for payment. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. } '1 ~ Mr. Sandifer moved Mr. Gaddis's statement for engineering (1", '/...i service on the Live Oak Road Project, Estimate No.6, be accepted for payment. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. , ~ ) , ",,' The City Manager was requested to write letters to both Edgar Von Scheele and John Schaefer requesting that they contribute their portions of paving costs of Live Oak Road and Aero Avenue. Mr. Koole moved to transfer CCMA money from th7 General Fund J ~o' '13 to the street Construction Fund for use of street lmprovements. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. The City Manager was requested to write a letter for the Mayor's signature to the Urban Renewal Director for City maps as previously requested, a copy of the letter to go to RUD. There being no further business to come before the Council, after being duly moved and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ATTEST: /ii(~ c? :?}:L/ L ~ Mayor Robert C. Bueker (kAA-i )1. kfY~~ .' C~y Secretary June G. Krause REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 18, 1973 The City Council convened in Regular Session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 18, 1973 at 7:05 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker; presiding; Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch, Mr. Schwartz, Mr.Sandifer and Mr. Koole. Mr. Sandifer moved for acceptance of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 4, 1973 as presented. Mr. Schwartz seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Before the hearing of residence, Mayor Bueker discussed the various drainage problems in Schertz, especially as evidenced on Sunday September 16. The Mayor and several of the Council mem- bers made inspections during and after the heavy rains and are well aware of the problems. Although the Council cannot give a ..) - .I \ / ') ,',' V ;-, . j , definite timetable for the drainage work to be done, it will be completed as soon as possible. There was discussion as to which ~~ department is responsible for maintaining the drainage ditches. ~y Mrs. Koch moved to place the responsibility for maintaining Y' the drainage ditches in the Street Department. Mr. Sa-.ndifer Seconded the motion with allmembers voting aye. Mr. Schwartz ,\Ihmoved to use the summer hire monies to hire a worker on a full- 1'.1',./ time basis. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members \1 ,/ voting aye. Mr. Harris of 900 Colony Drive appeared before the Council to cV1U~lain about lILe drainage problem behind his house and the deplorable condition the contractors alledgedly leave lots after finishing a house. Mr. Clark of 912 Colony Dr. also appeared to second the re- marks of Mr. Harris. Col. Malcolm Ryan gave an AICUZ presentation on Aircraft Noise Zones and their impact on Schertz and surrounding areas. the sealed insurance bids had been the City Secretary and Tax Assessor Koebig Insurance $9,719.00 Fred Blair Ins. $9,420.00 Tri City Ins. $7,965.00 There was some question from the first two companies as whether or not the Texas Insurance Checking Office would allow the ex- ~'tremely low bid from Tri City Insurance Agency on Fire and Extended ~~I Coverage pmrtion of their bid. Mr. Schwartz moved to accept the \~ Tri City Ins. Co. bid contingent upon written verification of the Fire and Extended Coverage bid portion from the Texas Insurance Checking Office; ,and if found to be invalid, Tri City bid is void and Fred Blair Insurance Agency bid will be accepted. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Arnold explained opened in the presence of and tabulated as follows: Mr. William Walker addressed the Council concerning the damage being done to the oak tree in Lone Oak Park. It is his opinion the park should be for decorative purposes only, as originally designed. Mr. Walker said he received permission from the owners of the property between Highway 78 and Lone Oak and with help from .\,~~the kids have marked off baseball and football fields, which they ~~ maintain. Mr. Schwartz moved to pass an Ordinance designating \' Lone Oak Park as a restricted decorative park only. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Gaddis, City Engineer, gave a cost estimate of from $25,000 to $30,000 for the South Drainage Ditch. He stated there is nothing the City can do in lesser amounts that would really solve the problems although there is only $5,000 allocated in 1~ Bond monies for this project. Mr. Schwartz moved to transfer '~6' $30,000 from the Water & Sewer Fund to General Fund to pay for this \' south drainage ditch project; with Mr. Gaddis to advertise for bids as soon as possible. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with four members voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Tom Koole abstained. 1. Mayor Bueker read a l~tter from Mayor Prater of Universal City, which was delivered at the beginning of this meeting, Stating Universal City was going to build a pedestrian bridge across the Cibolo Creek south of the low water crossing and requesting per- mission from the City of Schertz to attach to our side of the creek. As there were no specifications given, it was the unani- mous opinion of the Council to request engineering specifications before making a final decision. The Council asked Mr. Arnold to release to the newspaper for its' next edition, their position on the pedestrian traffic across the Cibolo Creek. Mr. Odo Riedel was not present to present his petition of annexation for the property his furniture store is on. Ht;, Mr. Sandifer moved to appoint Mr. Roe Yochum, 500 Winburn I)&'- - Avenue, to the Planning & Zoning Commission to replace Mr. A.L. Harris. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mr. Schwartz moved to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Special Meeting of September 12, 1973, with the exception of Item 3 (b) where there is a question of why the adoption of a Revised Zoning Ordinance should be voted on at the next general election. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on being approached by Mr. Rumpf, president of the Schaefer Road Rural Water Supply District. He stated they would be willing to sell their system to the City of Schertz as they have almost outgrown their ability to handle it themselves. Mayor Bueker reported on the September 13, 1973 meeting of the Cummunity Council which he attended concerning the differences be- tween the EPA and Water Quality Board. The $1.8 million grant approved by EPA provides Utiiversal City and Cibolo with all the outfall lines required; however, Schertz will get no outfall lines under this grant. Mayor Bueker said he would like to call the Cummunity Council and say we do not want to send them a letter approving the $1.8 million grant. Mr. Schwartz moved to stand,}' in agreement with Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. After some discussion on the National Flood Insurance Program, it was decided to hold off on a decision until the next meeting when Mr. Gary Rose, Administrative Intern, will bring an up to date report to the Council. Mr. Arnold requested and received permission from the Council for Chief Schoonover to give the unclaimed bicycles he has at the Police Department to the Community Fund. Attorney Harris said this is standard procedure. Mr. Sandifer asked if any additional information has been re- ceived on ambulance service for Schertz. Mr. Arnold informed the Council he and Mr. Rose were going to a meeting on this subject in Dallas and would present a report at the next meeting. It was reported Dr. Mays said four interested people want to build a hospital on Universal City donated land which would be of great help. , s..__~_._ ~~ ~.." -" ~._- -~"~".~-,---,.~._---~--,_.,._.._._~--... 2 There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, on a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M. ATTEST: ~A~ _, 2f- f~ ~ecretary 5Une G. Krause ~-' (}. ~L~ Mayor Robert C. Bueker SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 25, 1973 The City Council convened in Special Session in the City Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 25, 1973 at 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Robert C. Bueker, presiding; Mrs. Funk, Mrs. Koch, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Sandifer and Mr. Koole. " Mayor Bueker read the procloma tion des igna ting the week be- ~,19X,ginning October 7, 1973, as Fire Prevention Week. Mr. Sandifer / moved the proclomation be accepted as read. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. After lengthy discussion by the Council and insurance agents, Mr. Schwartz agreed to stand with his original motion of the regu- lar meeting of September 18, 1973, whereby the Fred Blair Insurance Company bid is accepted since the Tri City Insurance Agency bid was in error. Mrs. Koch agreed to stand with her second. Mayor Bueker explained the a nnexation procedure and asked Mr. Arnold to give the schedule for the annexation of the property owned by Mr. Odo Riedel located between Milton Burow's property on the west and the farm on the east side of Riedel's Furniture Store, extending to the rear of Mr. Riedel's property only. Public Hearing to be held October 15, 1973 at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers; Passage of Ordinance October 25, 1973 at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Mr. Schwartz moved to accept Ordinance No. . 7}-A-17: 5 \'; \..{~ SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF ONE CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 1.77LACRES BY THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AND AUTHORI- ING AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO PUB- LISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING. Mrs. Koch seconded the motion with all members voting aye. ,', . , I ,! After presentation, Mr. Schwartz moved for acceptance of an (/ \ order setting October 27, 1973 as election day for a Charter Election. Mrs. Funk seconded the motion with all members voting aye. o Mayor Bueker presented Ordinance No. 73-G-18 creating a ,Police Reserve Force. After discussion, Mr. Koole moved to accept \\\'Ordinance No. 73-G-18: (/ 3 I AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICE RESERVE FORCE AND ADOPTING THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 998aA VERNON'S ANNOTATED TEXAS STATUTES, AND SETTING FuRTH THE CONDITIONS CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHING OF SUCH POLICE RESERVE FORCE AND ITS ACTIVITIES. Mr. Sandifer seconded the motion with all members voting aye. Mayor Bueker briefed the Council on the necessity of expediting annexation in the Selma area especially. Mayor Bueker and Mr. Arnold stated they have both been getting phone calls from people recently annexed by Selma without prior notice, who had originally signed ETJ's with Schertz~ Mr. Arnold was instructed to have Mr. Harris, attorney for the City, to check the recent Validation Act. The Council said it was their desire to have Mr. Harris proceed post haste with this and if any large amounts of money are involved, he will notify the Council. Mrs. Funk requested weed letters be sent to the owners of several lots, especially those behind Mrs. Thulemeyer's house and Ace Plumbing Company, and the corner of Exchange and Randolph. Mr. Schwartz stated he is to be interviewed by (~VEC for the job of office manager in Seguin. He said if he was hired and the job would in any way be in conflict with his being a councilman, he would resign from the Council as his family had to come first. Council agreed they could see no conflict of interest involved. With regard to the drainage ditch behind the Cox property on Live Oak Road, Mr. Patterson has permission to use Ray Brown's grader and plans to start work on this ditch immediately. Mrs. Funk suggested the City pay any employee overtime for work done on the drainage ditch problems, done on their offduty time, with all Council members in concurrance. Mayor Bueker asked the status of the sewer line problem on Meadow Lane. Mr. Patterson is working on the problem and since you cannot run a water line within 9 feet of a~sewer line, he will probably have to cut the street to alleviate their problem. Mayor Bueker suggested notifying the property owners involved if there is to be a delay. Mr. Arnold explained to the Council he and Chief Schoonover had advertised for a Patrolman, instead of the Investigator as called for in the budget, since the Chief wants to promote a man from within his department, which met with Council approval. After reviewing the 19 applications received for this position, the Council agreed to the City Manager's and Chief of Police's re- commendations of hiring Mr. Advine Ray Powell to this position. On a motion by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Koole, the meeting adjourned at 9:53 P.M. ATTEST: ~~ ~ j(;\a~ ~ ::>ecretary June G. Krause 4/~. 4~~L Mayor Robert C. Bueker