cc-10-08-1970 , 210. I I i i phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment of decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the city council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. x. Executive Date. This Ordinance shall bec0me effective upon passage approval and publication in manner provide d" by law. Approved this 3d day of September, 1970. Isl Roy W. Richard Mayor ATTEST: IslRobert C. Bueker City Secretary Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. A'=)PROVED: ATTEST: $r~~ , . City Secretary ~~~ Mayor MINUl'ES OF THE MEETDrG OF THE CIT! OOUlClL, CIT! OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS' HEID Cfi OC'lOBER 8, 1970 !M replar _eting ot the City Council cOllvened at 8tOO P.M. at the directidll .r Mayer .,. w. ltichard. Aldermen in attendance weret Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. JiIml:le V. DunhaJl, JIr'. Leonard J~ Kazben, Mr. llaymond G. Keym and Mr. Edgar T. Marx. .l leselution reappointing Mr. Roland Elbel, Mr. Jesse Booker and Mr. Elgin Beck as JlBmers ef the Board or C01llllissiooers of the Urban Renewal Agency or the City was read, and appro'Yed a. toll_s: J. lrESOLUTION APPOINTING Mr.' Roland Elbel, Mr. Jesse Booker, Mr. Elgin Beck, as JlemDers ot the Board ot c..issiCllers ot the Urban Renewal Agency or the City of Schertz. lfBIIUS, Mr. Roland Elbel, Mr. Jesse Booker, Mr. Elgin Beck, are anbers ot the Board ot C..m.ssioners .f the Urban Renewal. Agency or the City of Scbertz with their present a".intJlent terminating October 20, 1970, now therefore, BB IT 1lI!3OLVED BY THE cm COUNCIL OF THE Crry OF SCHERTZ AS FOLLONS: 1Ir. RelaDd Elbel, Mr. Jesse Booker, Mr. Elgin Beck, are hereby aeawointed to serve on the Board or C.-issioners tor a tel"lll or two (2) years beginning October 21, 1970 through October 20, 1972. 211 PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of October 1970. Is/t/R. W. Richard, Mayor Ci ty of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: Isltl Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary Mr. KOY'M9motioned, Mr. Marx seconded and vote was unanimous for adoption. Discussion was held on the apprcwal of tiE subdivision plat for The Village 114. Con- troversy developed over inclusion of the commercial property ca1taining a projection of Gettysburg st into Live Oak. This projection does not align with either Exchange or Main sts. as required by the City Comprehensive Plan. Motion made by Mr. MarxJ seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to recommend to the Planning Commission that&J/.-'10 further deliberation be given this approval at a meeting in which bath Mr. Mok, City Planner, and Mr. Schaeffer, contractor, are present. t~.10 The purchase of new furniture for the City Hall was presented with bids from Soutwest Texas Printing and Paul Anderson companies. Th:! bid fran Paul Anderson was accepted 7 upon motion by Mr. Kazben, second by Mr. Koym. 25- 0 A letter froo the Citizens AdVisory Committee was read. Item on garbage collection was dismissed since a new ordinance was presented on this subject by Mr. Saegert. Mr. Dunham motioned, Mrs. Koch seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept Major Httkey, Mrs. Brickman and Mr. Brehm as new members of the cCJllmittee. 9~-7() Discussion was held on realignment of City positionsfrom the Utilities DepartllBnt to the City General Fund for payment purposes. Payment of city enp10yees (dollar- wise) will be more equi table and reflect an aCCUN te accounting. Mr. Koym motionedJ Mr., Dunham seconded and vote was unanimous to transfer the positions of Utilities 7 1() Clerk and two maintenance helpers. Payment for these people will be from Ue City ~ ~ General Fund. Discussion was held on approval of electrical license for Mr. Hingst. Mr. Hingst is not currently licensed in another municipality and does not possess a "Willie Wirehand" approval. Recommendation of the Council was to inform Mr. Hingst that the Willie Wire hand approval will be require d prior to acceptance. A letter from the 'Air Pollution Board reggrding tre O'Keefe milling plant on FM 78 was read aS,a matter of interest. Police Commissioner recommended an expense account of $50.00 monthly be given the g g~ 70 Chief of Police. Mrs. Koch motioned, Mr. Marx secooded and the vote was unanimous ' for approval of the a11C1W'ance commencing October 1, 1970. Discussion was held on a recoTlJTJendation by business persons for a share-the-cost hiring of a watchman. City Secretary was instructed to contact the Chamber of Commerce and have them pursue the matter with local business people. A new garbage control ordinance # 221 was read and approved with the following cha~ges to be reflected within the ordinance: Ordinance will become effective Jan 1, 1971; and licensing tees will be $100.00 initial and $2~.00 renewal per year. Motion for acceptance was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted upon unanimously. Ordinance 1221 follows: '19,10 212 AN 01IDINANCE UGuLATING THE COLIECTION OF TRASH AND GARBAGE IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ TEllS, PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF GARGAGE COILECTORS AND ESTABLISHING STANDARn5 FOR THE COLLECTION OF GARBAGE. ORDINANCE NO. 221 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: I Effective January 1, 1971, no person except a duly authorized agent or employees of the City shall empty garbage cans or trash receptacles or Calvey or transport garbage or trash ~ the streets, alleys and public thorough1'ares of tls City without a written permit granted and issued by the secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas upon approval of the city council of the City or Schertz, Texas. II. The application tor a permit required by Section I of this ordinance shall set torth the name and address of the applicant; the trade name under which the applicant does or proposes to do business; the number of vehicles the applicant desires to eperate; the class, size and design of each vehicle; whether or not the applicant has been convicted of the violation of any national, state cr municipal law;; whether or not the applicant or any persons with whom be has been associated or employed have a claim or judgment against him for damages resulting from the negligent operation ot a vehicle; the financial ability and responsibility of the applicant; his ability to respond tn damages in the event or damages to persons or damage to property by reason ot the negligent operation of a vehicle on the streets or public thoroughfares ot the City; the nature and charaeter of the service the applicant proposes to render; the exper- ience he has had in rendering such service; the patrons for whom he proposes to render' this service, and such other infor1'lll.tion as the City Council may require. III. Any person desiring a permit for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, trash and rubbish shall make application for such permit to the City Secretary, subject to the approval" of the city council. The city council shall make or cause to be made such investigation asit may consider necessary in order to determine whether or not the public convenience and necessity require the granting of such permit, and whether the applicant is a fit and proper person to conduct such b*siness. Each person, firm or corporation granted a permit by the said City of Schertz, Texas shall pay a fee of $100.00 for initial, licensing and $25.00 thereafter annually for each calendar year of operation. Such permits sha.ll be for a period of one year only. IV. All permits gra nted by the City of Schertz, Texas for the collection, removaJ.. and disposal of garbage, trash and. rubbish shall be non-transferable. Such permits may be rescinded by the city council at any time when in its judgment such ac~iQn is deemed to be t. the best interest of the public. v. In all cases where permits have been issU!d for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, trash and rubbish, such permit shall be in the posseSSion ot the person rendering such service and shall be subject to inspection at all times. ~j 213 VI. In addition to the usual enforcerrent agencies of the City, it is hereby made the duty of the City Sanitarian to make inspection trips at regular intervals to determine whether or not garbage, trash and rubbish is being properly collected, removed and disposed of as required by the provisions of this ordinance or any other applicable heal th ordinance. In the event it is found that this ordinance or any other applicable ordinance is being violated, appropriate and timely action shall be taken to insure a full compliance with its provisions. VII. The permittee shall carry tl':e type of insurance l':ereinafter set out and policies reflecting same shall be deposited with the City Secretary at the tins of the issuance ef the permit, to-wit: .. Workman's compensation insurance covering all employees of the permittee engaged in the execution of thi s contract. b. Public liability insurance shall be furnished covering injury to anyone person not in excess of $100,000 and to anyone accident a total of $300,000 and damages to property for not less than $100,000 fer any accident. Such insurace shall protect the pennittee and the City of SChertz, Texas to any extent of liability against said City under the terms of what is lrnown asthe Torts Claims Act, Article 6252-19 V.A.C.S. VITI. The said permittee shall enter into a contract in accordance with the terms of sample contract hereto attached and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8th day of October 1970. I stl Roy W. Ric hard, Mayor ATTEST: sltl Robert C. Bueke r, City Secretary ORDINANCE # 215, approved by the City Council on June 19, 1970 and inadvertently omitted from the minutes of the City of Schertz are inserted as follOW's: ORDINANCE # 215 LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1970 WHEREAS, THE City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, has not passed and adopted an ordinance levying annual taxes for the year 1970, and it now considers it necessar,y and desirable, at this time, to pass sch ordinance levying ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City of Schertz, far the year 1970, and WHEREAS, this City Council, after due consideration, finds and determines that to pay the operating expenses of the City which will accrue for the ensuing year, herein referred to as the tax levy for General Fund purposes, that a tax ot and at tl':e rate of seventy-five ($0.75) cents on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City should be levied for the year 1970; and that to pay the interest on and to create the necessary sinking fund on the $301,000 CITY OF SCHERTZ SEWER SYSTEM BONns, SERIES 1962, dated June 1, 1962, heretotore authorized by an ordinance passed and adopted on this day, that a tax of and at the rate of twenty-five ($0.25) on each one hundred ($100.00) dollars assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City should be levied for the year 1970, thereby making a 214 total adval.orem tax levied for the year 1970, of and at the rate of one dMlar ($1.00) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation .f all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas; NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: I I : That, for General Fund purposes of the City of Schertz, Texas, there. shall be, and there is hereby levied, a tax of and at the rate of seventy-five cents ($0.75) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City or Schertz, Texas, for the year 1970. II. That, to pay the interest on and to provide the necessary sinking fund on the issue of $301,000 CITY OF SCHERTZ SEWER SYSTEM BOODS, SERIES 1962, dated June 1, 1962, there shall be, and there is hereby levied on each Ule hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas, for the year 1970 a tax of and at the rate or twenty-tive cents ($0.25). III. That the total tax hereby levied ClI1 each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all taxable property in tb! City of Schertz, Texas, for the year 1970 shall be ot and at the rate ot one dollar ($1.00) of which a tax or and at the rate ot sevenj;,y-five cents ($0.75), aforesaid, shall be and is hereby levied for General Fund purposes ot said City, and of which, a tax of and at the rate of twenty-five cents ($0.25) as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby levied for interest and sinking fund purposes, and said taxes hereby levied shall be applied to the pwnrposes named. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS JUNE 19, 1970. IsltlRoy W. Richard, Mayor I I I I ATTEST: IsltlRobert C. Bueker, City Secretary ~~scussion was held on adoption ot a Resolution governing tratfic on Live Oak and Curtiss \.\~ Aves. Motion was made by Mr. MaI2, seconded bY' Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimcnslY' t. adopt the resolution as fol1ews: RESOLUTION "'. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTS, TEXAS: I. The intersection of Live Oak Street and Curtis Street, Schertz, Texas, is herewith designated as a stop intersection for all vehicles entering such intersection. II. The traffic engineer of the City of Schertz, Texas is herewith directed to erect the appropriate signs. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8th day of October, 1970. ATTEST: Is/tl Roy W. Richard, Mayor I i I I I , Is/t/Robert C. Bueker, Secretary 215" r-- The contract pending with Universal City on the regional sewerage system was discussed at length with council members with no dissention expressed on the actions being taken to daite. Mayor Richard and the City Secretary will meet with Universal City orricials to complete contract negotiations. The conpletion of Live Oak Road was discussed. Present holdup is acquisLtion of Right-of-Way. City Secretary was instructed to prepare a letter to the County Judge requesting field notes be forwarded. Council members requested current status or the Urban Renewal Prqsram. City Secretary was instructed to request attendance of tm Urban Renewal Director at the next cOlncil meeting Mayor Richard informed ttB council tha t a negotiated price has been establ istBd for the purchase of the Lazy Oaks water system, such price to be $1,000.00 annually far eight ccnsecutive years (interest free). Action to purchase will proceed. Mr. Kazber1 motioned, Mr. Marx seconded and vote was unanimous to acquire ttB system at this price. 9/_ 'tD Chief of Police Schoonover related problems existing at the dog pound. Gates have been jarred loose and animals freed repeatedly. Temporary maintenance can be accomplished for aJ:.PDXimately $50.00. New location is needed far the pound. Ci ty Secretary related that a central animal shelter system to serve five communi ties under the Community CouncD. is being explored by the Community Council. Action is pending. APP ROVED: ATTEST; /"/ /1:hc ~ City Secretary ~~ Ma~ MINUTES OF THE MEETlNG OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, HELD ON OCTOBER 15, 1970 A special session of the City Council was held under the direction of Mayor ProTem Raymond G. Koym. Aldernen in attendance were Mr.. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leonard J. Kazben, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham and Mr. Edgar T. Marx. Following discussion, Mr. .Dunham motioned and Mrs. Koch seconded to repeal City 92:7t> Ordinance II IB7. Vote was four in '1avor of adoption with Mr. Marx abstaining from vote. City Ordinance II 187 was repealed contingent upon the preparation by the City Attorney of a rew ordinance tha t will authorize tl'e construction and operation of self-service gasoline stations within the corporate limits of Schertz, Texas. Such ordinance will contain restrictive clauses to prevent a hazard to other structures andlor injury to persons engaged in the process of servicing vehicles or containers for volatile fuels. Omitted items from the regular session of the City Council held on October B, 1970 followB.a Discussion was held 00 the sale of excess property from the Stewart estate located between Live Oak Road and the McCuistion propertv. City Secretary was instructed to proceed with proper sale of said property consisting of approximately four (4) acres. APP'WVED: ATTEST: ~C4u~ City Secretary ~M/~~ Mayor 226, APPROVED : ATTEST : 4~ ~ MAYOR .[ ~ARY MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS FELD ON JANUARI 7, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council was convened at tl'e direction of Mayor Pro- Tern Raymond G. Koym. Aldennen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. JiDllllie V. Dunham, Mr. Edgar Marx and Mr. Leonard J. Kazben. ~The new plat for Village 14 lbich eliminates the projectioo of Gettysburg Ave. into ~ Live Oak Road was discussed. Motim was made by Mr. Kazben, Seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously" to approve Village 14 subdivision. Potential new member for the Citizens Advisory Committee, Mr. Guadalupe Sanchez, was placed on file on the advice of Mrs. Bennett, Chairman, Citizens Advisory CoJm.:l.ttee, who stated the authorized 15 positions were already tilled. City Financial Report and the Police Budget were deferred to the next council meeting. \ ::" . ~ Mr. Brewer appeared bef'ore the council and explained a Group Hospitalization policy. 0 No decisions 'Were rendered on purchasing such a policy until further study could be given the proposal and determinatioo made on the extent of municipal participation. ~Bidl!l for new constructioo in City Hall were discussed. Motioo was made by Mrs. Koch, ,seconded by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously" to award the contract to Mr. Andrew ~olle, low bidder. Councilman Marx asked Mr. Frobese to appear before the council and pre sent his claim for damages to tarm1and which occurred dtn"ing installatloo of water mains through their properties. Claims for damages, were: Mueller tarm: 1 acre of oats - 34 bus 0$1.00 . 1 acre milo replowing two acres Total $34.00 46.25 M6~0.OO 120.25 162.75 33.57 17.00 75.00 26.00 314.32 Total Browning tarm: 1 3/4 acre com .55 acre milo .50 acre oats replowing 3 3/4 reclosing ferice acre GRAND TOTAL $~ 434.57 Mr. Marx substantiated the claim after personal inspectioo of the property as did the ~CitY Engineer in relation to replowing costs. Moti. 00 was made by Mr. DunhaJl, seconded l by Mr. Marx and voted on:- Yea - 3 votes, Agamst - 1 vote. Motion carried to pay 0 ")the bill as presented. Total bill is to be paid Mr. Roman Frobese who in turn will . effect payments to Mr. Mueller and Mr. Broriing for their share of damages. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Threadgill, owners of Naomi's Beauty Shop appeared before the council for action to be taken on continued use or non-contorming 1 and. The beauty shop is located in R-l zoning. City council dis cussed the problem and agreed tha t with no )~ 22'7.,. objectims posed to oper.tion of the beauty parlor in its present location by adjoining property QWners, cCJltinued use would be allowed. SectiCJl 18-1 of the Zoning Ordinance provides sufficient recourse to rezone the property shoold future petitions against such a business operatioo come into being. City Secretary was advised to inform the Zoning and Planning Commission of the interpretation and ask that th3y expedite action and inform Mr and Mrs Threadgill. Contract offer submitted by Mite's Cement Co. to pour additiCJlal slab behind the firetfl station was discussed and accepted after motim by Mr. Marx, seconded by Mr. Dunham aJ-"" and voted on unanimously. Cost of contract is $1.01 per sq. ft. The Texas Municipal League conventiCJl was discussed. Council endorsed recoTmlendation that City shro1d have representation at the 1971 convention. Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of January b, 1971 were read and approved :r 11 after motion by Mr. Marx, second by Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimously. Approval was given for renovation of the Schertz Service Station on FM 78 to a self-service station . Motion lias made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Kazben and voted on unan imously to (p....'11 appoint Mr. Siskey, Mr. Brown and Mr. Trent to consecutive two (2) year terms of office on the Board of Commissioners, Housing Authority with subsequent replacement of Mr. Siskey with Mr. Albert L. Wile. Terns of office to be from December 1, 1970 to.December 1, 1972. Proposed lease to Scouting organizations fer use of land in the City Park ,was read and discussed. City Attorney will review the leasing agreement and return it to Mrs. Koch early next week. APProVED : ATTEST: . City !~ ~ h2.:.L- f~ Reybr';, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL,SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON JANUARY 11, 1971 A special session of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor ROJ' W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were: Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. LeCJlard J. Kazben and Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham. .. Discussion was held on Maintenance and Operations of the Schaefer Rural Road Water 1\ System by the City of Schertz. MotiCll was made by Mr. Kazeen, seconded by Mrs. ,..,.... Koch and voted on unanimously to perform neter reading and billing for a 9O-day period commencing February 1, 1971 at the. rate of $.50 per meter. Representatives of the building industry appeared before the council requesting a change be effected in city ordinances to allow the use of PVC-rwB plastic pipe folft./l' sewer waste and ven ting pupposes. Moti on for acceptance was nB de by Mrs. Koch, )S seconded by Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimously. Mr. Dunham motioned, Mrs. Koch secon red and vote was unanimous to accept the 11 resignation of Mr. Aaron Beck from the Planning and Zoning CClTImission. Further '1..... mot" on was made by Mr. Kazben, seconded by Mr. Dunham and voted CJl unanimously to appoint Mr. Robert Eugene Schwartz to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 228 ~ '. 'j'The 1970 City of Schertz financial statensnt was reviewed and reconmendatim made to ~ publish the statement in the Val1AY News. Motion was made by Mr. Dunham, secon dad by Mrs. ~och and voted on unanimously. The Police Budget was reviewed and consideratiC11 given to the hiring of an additional patrolman for the Police Department. Discussioo was tabled until the next full council meeting coovened. The City Secretary was instructed to call the election for three aldermen at the next general elections to be conducted en AprU 3, 1971 APPROVED: ATTEST: ~U./LA/ eft ecretary ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON JANUARY 18, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. Aldermen in attendance 'Were: Raymood G. KoYM, Jimmie V. Dunham and Edgar T. Marx. Members absent were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch and Mr. Leonard J. Kazben. ~ LJ A drafted reply to Universal City on a submitted engineering study for the proposed regional sewerage system was read and approved by council members. The Mayor and 0 City Secretary were authorized to prnceed with negotiations based on the drafted reply. ~A pending anti-trust suit against several pipe manufacturers by the State Attorney's l\ Office was read and approved far the Attorney General to represent the City ot Schertz ~ in the pending litigation. Motion made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously. ~ Request was made by Mr. Felipe Agado for a contract with the city to operate a garbage ~ pickup business within the city tar the calendar year 1971. Mr. Dunham motiooed, ~ Mr. Koym seconded and vote was unanimous to approve the license. ~ A draft of a leasing contract of land located in the City Park to be leased to the Alame Area of Scouts for conatruction of a scout hut was read. Recomnsndation was made that a copy of the leasing agreement be furnished the Scouting organization for their review, ATTEST; c~~ APPROVED: ~~ o 229. r- MINUTF.S OF T~ HSSTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS Hr;;LD ON ~BRUARY 4, 1971 ,j1\1~ 1~,J'J11 MINUTES 0,: MEETlrv6S OJ:: OE<.:. 3,/'17D, DE'('l:2_.,,~1"JJArJ 7"~7',JA,vI/,I'iII,,wE~ ;.eA,)AJlhJ JJL(€PiEOw.T..o~rc""'~ The re~ular meeting of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Ji~mie V. Dunham,d1r.,Raymond G. Koym and Mr. ~dgar T. l1arx. Mr. Plcuch, builder of a Texaco self-service station on FM 78 appeared to present his case for moving a trailer house onto the commercial property site. Such move was in violation of the zoning code. It was stated the city inspector had observed and approved the utilities to serve the trailer site prior to movement of the trail~r on the site. A specific request was made for a tempora~J variance of the city ordinance to a~low relocation of the trailer. Motion was made by Mrs "",'1) Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on(3-yeas, l_abstaintion (Mr. Dunham) 1/ to allow a 90-day variance. Mr. Rusch, City Fire Marshal, informed the council of a new statute now on the .sta~e books that provides for the handling and storage of flammable liquids. Mr. Rusch indicated he ~-Jill brief all service station operators. Mr. Toby Conner vAr~lly requested release from his appointment as a member of/~..71 the Zoning and Plonning Commission. Motion made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to accept the resignation. It was further motioned by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted unanimously to appoint Mr. nellborn Willbanks to the Zoning and Planning Commission, vice Mr. Conner. Mayor Richard indicated Mr. Monroe Witz, Carnal County Commissioner, had contacted him in reference to Guadalupe County extending FM 3009 north from IH 35 to the County line, providing incentive for Carnal County to further extend FM 3009 northward. It was recommended the City Secretary prepare a letter to Guadalupe County stating the request. Letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee was read asking for termination of appointment of a Mr. Joseph Vig$l as a member of the Citizen's Advisory Committee for undue absenteeism. Mr. Koym motion~d, Mrs. Koch seconded and vote ~as /5,71 unanimous for removal. It was further motioned by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously to have Mr. Guadalupe Sanchez appointed to the committee. Mr. Potter apreared before the council to present his petition for annexation of a 3-acre parcel of land on Live Oak Road. and motion by Mr$. Koch, seconded by ~~. Marx Potter W's informed that his acreage 1.J'ould be of land under consideration for annexation. Action was tabled after discussion I and voted on unanimo'),sly. Hr. /{,,1 considered with a larger parcel Appointment of F.lection Officials, Mr. Charles Sartain for Judge, Mr. Delos Durden for Alternate Judge, Mrs. Arthur Presley as Clerk, and Mrs. Luc~ Deen as ,Clerk was approved. City of Schertz and City of Universal City ~TJ realignment was discussed. A proposed realignment submitted by Universal City was acce0table. However, action was deferred until all ETJ's between the two cities can be discussed. City Secretary was instructed to pr~pare a letter to this effect. V A~nexation procedures for those areas encompassing the Lazy Oaks Water System 1\ was discussed. Motion was made by Y~s. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted \1' on unanimously to proceed with the annexation. 230 A letter was submitted by GVEC requesting city assistance is laying underground electric?l service to the City Park baseball diamonds. City Secretary was asked to confer with the City Utilities Superintendent and GVEC to find a solution. ~otion was made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to ~ have the City pay water bills for the Fire Station for the remainder of the 1971 ~ fiscal year. This item will be budgeted for subsequent years. o Welfare report from Mrs. Bennett, Welfare Director, was read and accepted without change. Representatives from Alamo Arpa of Scouting, Mr. Harms and Mr. Gloriosa, discussed leasing agreement previously furnished for land use in the City Park to be used for construction of pennanent scouting facilities. Final decision on lease was not consummated. Representatives were asked to confer with the City Secretary for finali- zation of agr~ements. ~RegiOnal Sewerage System w~ discussed once again and a resolution indorsing Schertz ~ participation in such a system was presented for signature. Mr. Koym motioned, Mr. \ Marx seconded and vote was unanimous to sign the resolution with minor amendments to be made by the City Secretary. Mayor Richard outlined some of the remaining points of discussion relating to the rngional system. These points consisted of: (1) Planning of future regional lines and a determination made as to when population density (or other yendstick of measurement) demands regional sewage treatment. (2) All regional lines should be gravity flow. Force mains and lift stations required to reach regional lines will be inter-city cost. (3) Accurate flow measurements must be taken on the U.C. plant. ~Revision of the Plumbing Code to allow use of plastic pipe for sewage lines and other ~ uses was presented by the City Attorney. Motion was made by }w. Dunham, seconded by N Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimonsly to have the matter referred to the Pluinbing Board "/ for review. o APPROVED: ATTEST: ~ Ci y Secretary ~iL Mayor MINUTES OF TH4.: MEETING OF 'rID: CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TI:XAS H~ID ON MARCH 4, 1971 The regular meeting of the city council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard. at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Aldermen in attendence were: Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr. ~dgar T. Marx. A proposal for a city ordinance designating Main st. for parallel parking only was discussed. General agreement was reached that such an ordinance may be required at this time; however, the City Secretary was instpucted to research previous ordinances to detennine if a new ordinance will be required or an existing ordinance amended. u An ordinance authorizing the city to assess property owners for the costs of paving and other improvements was discussed. The City Attorney related complications arising in ordinances of this nature. Action was deferred until further study is completed. 231 Request was made to purchase a postage metering machine for city use. Following ~,~1\ discussion, motion was made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. KOJ~ and voted on unanimously to approve the purchase. r- Petition for annexation was received from property owners in the area between Deer Haven subdivision and B1 3009 and the area lying directly to the north of the Deer ~~~, Haven subdivision. Notion was made by :!vlrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted ~ on unanimously to proceed with publication of notice and designating March 22, 1971 8:00 p.m. as the date and time of the public hearing. Petition for annexation was received from property owners in an area south of '11 the neer Haven subdivision and extending to the south property line of the Gesche ~; tract. Motion W2S made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously to proceed with publication and notice of public hearing to be held March 22, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. Petition for annexation of a two acre tract olmed by Nr. Messick was tabled until such time that adjoining acreage of larger size is considered ~or annexation. Motion wa~J;7/ made by Mrs. KOch, secondee by Mr. Marx and voted on unan1mously. ~T Applications for electrical licenses by Ditmar Electric and Mr. R. Taylor were presented. Ditmar ap81ication was approved following motion by Mr. Dunham, seconded I by:!vIr. Koym and voted on unanimously. Taylor application was approved following ).,5",1 motion by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously. , A letter dicltBi~~acoeptance to a position on the Citizens Advisory Committee submitted by Mr. Guadalupe Sanchez was tabled for further consideration. A member of the Ci tizens Advisory Committee will contact Mr. Sanchez. The annual report of Urban Renewal was deferred due to illness of the Urban Director~ A resolution for amendment to the traffic control code was presented by Chief Schoonover. The proposal was referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the amendment prior to passage. Ordinance number 226 establishing the Board of Equalization for 1971 was approved (p/l1 following motion by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously. ~ Authorization to alter composition of the Board was granted since ~~. Sartain, a Board member has filed for city office as Alderman. Ordinance I 226 follows: ORDINANCE NO. 226 AN ORDINA.NCE flPPOllITING THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR THE CITY OF SCHEi{TZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1970, PROVIDING FOR "'HEIR DtJTIG;S AND COHPENSATION, AND mHiE OF MRSTING. I \v.HER~AS, the time has now arrived for the work of the Board of Ecua~zation to begin qnd no such Board has yet been appointed for the year 1970, now therefore: BS IT ORDAINH:D BY 'T'HE CITY COUNCIL OF mHE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: Th\t, Mr. Delos R. Durden, Mr. Hugh G. Sandifer and Mr. Charles Sartain, are hereby) ap~inted to the Board of Equalization of the City of Schertz, Texas, as prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas; such Board shall receive all the assessment lists and books of the assessor of the City of Schertz, Texas, for examination, correction, equalization, appraisement, and approval for the City of Schertz, Texas; the members thereof shall receive for their compensation the sum of $50.00 (Fifty Dollars); and such shall be convened on the 12th day of April, 1971, in the City Hall at Schertz, Texas at 9:00 a.m. At each meeting of said board the City Secretary shall act as secretary therefor. PASS~D AND APPROVED THIS THE 4th day of March, 1971. A TTRST: /s/~/ Robert C. Bueker /s/t/ Roy W. Richard 2'32 Discussion was held on plat for Deer Haven Subdivision number J. This plat had been submitted to the City Planner and Planning Commission with recommendations made for correction. It W~5 recommended the plat be returned to the Planning Commission for further review. Complaints were issued about noxious odors coming from the H&B dump off FM 3009. City Secretary was instructed to write letters to the users. r-l LJ Additional complaint was registered about the O'Keefe Concrete Mising Plant on FM 78. This company had been issued a letter ofPwarning by the State Air Pollution Control Board a few months past. City Secretary was instructed to write another letter to the state board. Discussion was held on the collection of swill and slop from within the city. 'It was recommended the present garbage ordinance be reviewed for adequacy of laws regulating the movement of these products with a report of the. review submitted to the council. Prope~ty owners located north of the High School were present and asked for procedures to be followed for annexation of their land into the city. Mr. Cross was instructed to furnish field notes on the area. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ATT1'~ twte ~ City Secretary APPROVED: e::.,/1A/ CZ-~ I Mayor: M~UTES OF THE ~TING OF THE CITY mUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON MARC1I 15, 1971 o A special session of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr. Edgar T. Marx. ~ ~l C'Q Discussion was held on granting a quit claim deed to Johm. M. Schaefer for a water easement across his property located in Universal City. In return, Mr. Schaefer will grant a new easement around said property. Motion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously to grant the quit claim deed. Public hearing was held on two separate annexations of property located to the north, ;:'\ south and that portion of Deer Haven subdivision fronting on FM 3009. No citizens ~ were present at the public hearing. Mr. Koym motioned, Mrs. Koch seconded and vote ~ was unanimous to proceed with the annexation. Meeting adjourned at 9: 00 p.m. APPROVED: . Mazor ~~~4J ATTEST: ~~ Ci ty Secretary" o 233 r , I' I MINUTES OF THE ~TING OF THE cry ~OUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS H'SLD ON MARCH 22. 1971 A special session of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:~O p.m. at City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leonard J. Kazben and Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham. 1~11 Action was taken to revoke a previous public hearing held on March 15 on annexatio~ of land in the Deerhaven subdivision area. Motion was made by 11r. Dunham, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to revoke paragraph three (3) of the legal minutes of March 15. Public hearing on annexation of lands to the north of the city were held. A reading of the prepared public hearing notes were read with votes cast for the annexation by property owners. Attending the hearing were ~Y. Roman Frobose, Mr. Robert Brmming, Mrs. C. L. Bro~ming and Hr. George Gesche. All attending persons were given the opportunity to be heard and to sign the petition. Motion was made by Mr. Kazben. 11 seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to proceed Hith the annexations. 30' A'''f'':ST:~e ~v City Secretary APPROVSD: }~~ MINUTES OF THE M~TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TSXAS HELD ON APRIL 1, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 8:00 p.m. at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were Mr. Ji~~ie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and }tr. Leonard J. Kazben. Minutes of City Council meetings held on March 4, !'larch 15 and H.31'ch 22 were read and accepted. The annual report of the Urban Renewal Agency was read. Mr. Walter Schertz, Urban Dirpcted briefed the council on curTent programs and projections. A letter from the Arthritis Foundation requesting permission to solicit in Schertz on June 1, 1971 was read. Mr. Koym motion~d, }rr. Kazben seconded and vote was unanimous, to allow the arthritis foundation to conduct the march. 31,7 Heyor Richard read the minutes of the Citizens Advisory Committee dated Narch 22, 1971. Mayor Richard briefed council members on the current status of the Cibolo Municipal Authority proceedings. I I \ Authorization to execute a warranty deed to COmEl County on 0.471 acres of land from the City of Schertz water well site for road construction was presented to 7,he council. Motion WriS made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to proceed I with the transfer. ~~,'1 234, ~Ordinance number 227 was read for approval and adpption. Mr. A~seconded and vote way un~nimous to annex lands as outlined in ., follows: Dunham motioned, Mr. Kazben the ordinance. Ordinance 227 ORDTItANCE 227 ANIRXING 'T'HB HSRSINAFTER DESCRIBSD TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SCHER'T'Z,. BUADALUPE COUNTY, [I .~XIS. AND ~XT':NDING .Jl'i: BOUNDARY LH1lTS OF SnD CITY SO AS TO INCWDE SAID mR~INAFr~R _ DESCRIBED PROP4;RTY Wl!:THIN SAID CITY Ln1rrS, AND THE RIGHTS ~~ND PRIVIIEGES OF OTHER CITI~NS AND BINDING SAID INHI\BITINTS BY I,LL OF THE ACfS, ORDININCES, RESOIDTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY. ~~EREAS; a petition has been signed by a majority of the property owners who are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabitants of the following described territory, to-wit; BEGINNING at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the property line between the Rubin Beck 43.282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract; TH?NCE, N 600 E 303.8 feet with said property'line between the Ruoin 'Beck and Aaron Beck tracts to a point in the west R~f line of FM 3009; THSNCS, Southeasterly with the meanders of said west ROW line of FM 3009 across the front of the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract, the Aaron Beck 43.282 acre tract, the Elgin Beck 43.285 acre tract and the George Gesche tract 2493.4 feet, more or less to the corner of the '.-1ayne Kinzel Tract, which corner is a corner of the City Limits line of the City of Schertz; THSNCS, with the said City Lim-:ts line S 590 40' 30" E 718.0 feet and S 30022' E 490.57 feet to the south property line of the said George Gesche tract; THS~CS, S 600 W 1927.2 feet with the said property line of the George Gesche tr3ct to a point; u TH~N~, N 300 W 1051.0 feet more or less across the said George Gesche tract to a point in the north property line of said George Gesche tract, which point is in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz; THSN~, with the said City Limits line N 300 W 1962.4 feet to the point of beginning. TVHSR~AS, s~nn 'T'ERRITORY IS ADJOINING TI{4; CITY OF SCP.~TZ, and T:lpmE,^S, said petition, desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory of said City, has been presented to the City Council and has attached to it the affida_ vit of six (6) applicants to the effect that said petition is signed by a m8jority of the qualified voters within such property; NOW! Thrt;;R4;FOR, BE IT ORNAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THG:: CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: That the folloi~ng described property, to-wit: BSGINNING at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the property line between the Rubin Beck 43.282 aCre tract and the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract; THSNGS, N 600 S 303.8 feet with said property line between the Rubin Beck and Aaron U' Beck tracts to a point in the west Ra-l line of FH 3009; J .~~'A r I ! THSNCE, Southeasterly Hi th the meanders of said west ROif line of 1"1-1 3009 235: across the front of the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract, the Aaron Beck 4J.282 acre tract, the ~lgin Beck 43.285 acre tract and the George Gesche tract 2493.4 feet, more or less to the corner of the ~ayne Kinzel tract, which corner is a corner of the City Limits line of the City of Schertz; THr;;N~, l.Jith the said City Limits line S 590 40' JO" E 718.0 feet and S 300 22' ~ 490.57 feet to the south property line of the siad George Gesche tract; TH~NCE S 600 W 1927.2 feet with the said property line of the George Gesche tract to a point; THENCE, N 300 W 1051.0 feet more or less across the said George Gesche tract to a point in the north property line of said George Gesche tract, Hhich point is in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz; THENCE, with the said City Limits line N 300 W 1962.4 feet to the point of beginning. be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, and that the boundary lim1Tts of the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territory within the city limits of the City of Schertz, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Schertz and they shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said City. PASSED by an affirmative vote of a majority of members of the City Council, this the 1st day of April 1971. APPROVED: r--, I : ATTEST: Is/t/ ROY W. RICHARD Mayor / sit / ROB~RT C. BUH:KSE City Secretary Motion was made by Hr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. Kazben and voted on unanimously to adopt Brdinance number 228 and annex said land into the corporate city limit~:J,1/ Ordinance number 228 follows: ~~ ORDINANCE # 228 ANN~XING THE HSR~INAFTER DSSCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SCHSRTZ, GLJ"~D!\LUP~ COUNTY, TEX8S, AND EXTE!IDING THE BOUNDARY LUITTS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFT~R DESCRIBED "ROPERTY ~m'HIN SIIID CITY LIMITS, AND 'I'1{l<; RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF O'T'Hr,;R CITIZSNS A\rn BINDING SAID INHp,BIT"t,~TTS BY :~,LL OF THS ACTS, ORDINfNCES, RESOIJJTIONS MID R~GULA1'IONS OF SAID CITY. "rnEREAS, a petition has been signed by a majority of the property owners who are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabitants of the following described territory, to-wit: II I i I, BEGINNING at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the property line between the Rubin Beck h) .282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 4J.285 acre tract; THr;;NCE, N 600 E 30).8 feet with said property line between the Rubin Beck and Aaron Beck tracts to a point in the west ROI,! line of F}~ J009; 236 THSNC8, northwesterly with the meanders of said west ROW line of FM 3009 2640.0 feet to a point in said ROW line, which point is in the east line of the C.~. Browning Jr. tract; THENC~, S 600 W 2640.0 feet across said C.L. Bro~ming Jr. tract and the San Tone Inc. tract to a point; THSNC8, S 300 ~ 1986.0 feet across the said San Tone, Inc. tract and the C. L. Browning Jr. tract to a point in the City Limits of the City of Schertz; TH~N~, with said City Limits N 600 E 2337.9 feet and S 300 E 654.0 feet to the point of beginning. n Containing 125 acres; more or less. ':~RE.ns, said territory is adjoining the City of Schertz, and 'nRRE^S, said petition, desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory of said City, has been presented to the City Council and has attached to it the affidavit of ten (10) F.pplicants to the effect that said petition is signed by a majority of the qua~fied voters within such property; Nm'l THEREFOR, BE IT ORDAIN'lill BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S CH~TZ, Tl!:XAS: That the following described property, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Scherta, which point is in the property line between the Rubin Beck 43.282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 43.286 acre tract; TH~N~, N 600 E 303.8 feet with said property line between the Rubin Beck a~d Aaron Beck tracts to a point in the west ROW line of FM 3009; o THENC8, northhTesterly with the meanders of said west ROW line of FM 3009 2640.0 feet to a point in said R<YN Ene, which point is in the east Ene of the C. L. Bro~ming Br. tract; THENC8, S 600 W 2640.0 feet across said C. L. Browning Jr. tract and the San Tone, Inc. tract to a point; THENCE, S 300 E 1986.0 feet across the said San Tone, Inc. tract and the C. L. Browning Jr. tract to a point in the City Limits of the City of Scherta; ~HEN~, with said City Limits N 600 E 2337.9 feet and S 30~ E 654.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 125 acres, more or less. be ?nd the same is hereby annexed to the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, and that the boundary limits of the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territorial limits of said city, and the inhabitants therof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Schertz and they shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said City. PASSED by an affirmative vote of a majority of members of the City Council, this the 1st day of April, 1971. o APPROVB:D: 1S 1T1 ROY I;. RICHARD !1A YOR .' x Ii , I I' ~37,~' ATTFBT: Is It I ROBERT C. BUEKB:R CITY SECR~T!iRY A Reti tion received from the ma jori ty of property mmers in a 1/2 square mile area to the east of Deer Haven subdivision was read. Motion was made by }~. seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to accept the petition. Public has been set for April 19, 8:00 p.m. in the Schertz City Hall. ~ 5. '11 Dunham, hearing A bill for $48.10 was presented to the city council by Mr. Herbert E. Butler, representing the cost of refencing the south ROW line of his property removed by the city for the purpose of constructing the drainage canal around the High , School 'Jroperty. Motion was made by Mr. Ka zben, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted LP'1 on unanimously to accept the bill for payment. ~ A proposed ~mendment to Ordinance 81 was read, revising Section 8 to allow the use of utility deposits for payment of delinquent bills with subsequent reimbursement to the deposit by customers. Amendment was given over to the City Attorney for final preparation. Mr. Frobese called attention to a valve on the city ,.vater main that projects above ground level or near ground level at a location between IH 35 2nd the Bro"Jning tract. City Secretary was instructed to have utilities Dept. check the site and construct a marker on the spot if necessary. APPROIJ4:D: ATTEST: ~~:/~ ~retary ~M/~ -V Mayor MINUTES OF THE M:.T!;BTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCH~TZ, T~XAS HELD ON APRil, 3, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened at the City Fire Station at the direction of Mayor Richard for the purpose of canvassing returns of the City Election. Aldermen in attendance were Mr. Leonard J. Kazben, }lr. Jimmie V. Dunham and Mr. Raymond G. Koym. . Following results of the election were presented to the City Council by el~ction judge Mr. Fred Thomas: FOR THREE ALDERMAN POSITIONS --Mr. Charlie E. Sartain - 169; Mr. Raymond G. Koym - 170; Mr. Leon D. Chambless - 184; Mr. Leonard J. Kazben - 133; I Mr. Ronald.V. Gloriosa - 166; Mr. Robert E. Schwartz - 190; Mr. Jerone Mueller - 1;31,1 Mr. Ma1ford E. Brehm Jr. - 1; Mr. Mark Norwine - 1. Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Kazben seconded and vote was unanimous that the tal~ of votes cast be accepted without contest and that candidates Schwartz, Chambless and Koym be declared winners of such 'election. APPROVED: ATT~ST: ~...,. . /'. . ? {. L> '..- ! -0-; ~&"..o' city Secretary q.,w~k. ./l~ Hayor 238 MI},"UTES OF 1'HE }1~ETnJG OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TSXAS H'SLD ON APRIL 19, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was convened at the directDon of Mayor Roy W. n Richard. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Raymond G. Koym, Jimmie V. ' Dunham, Robert '14;.. Schwartz and Leon R. Chambless. ~ A public hearing was held on annexation of the Lazy Oaks subdivision. Mayor Richard ~read revised metes and bounds which eliminated the Eve~ Ripps property from annexa- ~tion. There being no objection to the proposed annexation, it was motioned to proceed ~ with annexation proceedings on Apri~ 30 with adoption of the city ordinance. A recommendation by the Board of Director8 of the Schertz Volunteer Fire Department ~for acceptance of Mr. F. H. Rusch as Fire Marshall, Mr. Ed Melton as Assistant Fire ~Marshall and Mr. Archie Woodward as Fire Chief was read before the council. Motion ~ was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and approved unanimously to accept the ~ recommendations as presented. ~Applic2tion for _~ and considered. ~ approval. an electrical license by Del's Electric Co. of San Antonio was read Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Koym seconded and the vote was unanimous for ~Letters of resignation as Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee and Chairman, ~Zoning and Planning Commission from }IT. Schwartz were read. Motion was made by Mr. ~ Dunham, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on four (4) to one (1) (Mr. Schwartz abstaining) for acceptance since Mr. Schwartz's election to the City Council precludes retention of the Chairman positions. ~Motion was made by }IT. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on unanimously to ':\. appoint Mr. Mark Norwine and Sgt. Harry Decker as members of the Zoning and Planning ~ Commission. II Discussion was held on amending the city ordinance designating membership of the Zoning and Planning Commission to allow the appointment of seven (7) members to the Commission instead of the present five (5). The City Secretary was instructed to prepare necessary changes. JDiscussion was held on providing water service to residents of Deer Haven and Lazy Oaks subdivisions. Agreement was rea ched that all Deer Haven residents who had previously ~paid fees for connecting to the city water main would be reimbursed in full and no I charge would be made other residents alroady being served by the Lazy Oaks water system. ~Motion ".>las made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to refund dap1'ges and proceed with installation. Mayor Richard requested appointments be considered for the City Council positions as Police ~and Parks Commissioners. Mayor.1Richard reaffirmed continuance of Councilman Koch as ~Commissioner for City Hall Operation, 11r. Dunham as utilities Commissioner. Motion was ~made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mrs Koch and approved by four (4) votes to none (0), Mr. ~ Koym 8bstaining. Motion was made by Mr. Dunham to appoint Mr. Schwartz as ParRs Commissioner and by Mr. Koym to appoint Mr. Chambless Parks Commissioner. A separate vote ensued ~in which Mr. Schwartz received the majority of votes cast. Motion was then made by Mr. ~ Koym, Seconded by Mrs. Kock and voted on unanimously to appoint Mr. Schwartz Parks 0 ~ Commissioner and Mr. Chambless Police Commission~r , .: " Ii I \ r-. I : Ii 2391 The City Secretary had attended previous meeting of the local Traffic Safety Council which organized the Randolnh Subregion Thoroughfare study Group. Selection of a member from Schertz to function on this Group was required. Hr. ~fRlter Schertz was nominated as the Schertz representative. Letters received from the Office of the Li~utenant Governor and from the City of Grand Prairie relating to an increaaed gasoline tax of 2~ was read. Decision was made to retain a neutral position. M"'yor Richard stated the Lion's Club has approached him on rece1v1ng a donation of $600.00 from the city for completion of the Little League Park concession stand prior to beginning of the current baseball season. Mrs. Koch motioned, Mr. Schwartz seconde3?1 and vote was unanimous to make the contribution. ~.. The Girls Softball Leagae requested a backstop be erected for practice use in the city part. It was recommended available fencing from the newly purchased Lazy Oaks Water System site be used and then determination made of additional requirements. ~- Police Chief Schoonover reminded the council that Patrolman Marin was due a $50.00 raise retroactive to Aoril 1, 1971, the fulfillment date of his probationary period. \ Mr. Chambless motioned, Mr. Koym seconded and vot~ was unanimous to award the raise.~1,1 on a retroactive basis. ~ Based on a letter received from the Chairman, Citizens Advisory Committee, Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Chambless seconded and vote was unanimous to appoint Mrs. Walter ~\ Deenas a ~mber of the Citizens Advisory Committee. ~8' Police Chief Schoonover introduced Mr. ~dgar J. Mosher to the council as a new patrolman who will assume duties on May 1, 1971. Mr. Mok, City Planner, presented a current review of work being done on the new city comprehensive plan. Meetin g was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. APPROVSD: A"'T":ST: ~/~ Rdtert C. Bueker, City Secretary ~~ Roy ~v. Richard, Mayor MllJUTES OF "'HE H~ETING OF T"rt'E CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON MAY 6, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council convened at 8:00 p.m. at the direction of Ma/or Roy W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Raymond G. Koym, JiFill1ie V. Dunham, Leon R. Chambless and Robert E. Schwartz. Minutes of the meetings of April,l, April J and A)ri1 19 were read and approved 't.ith the follo1>ling exceptions: l1inutes of April 19 (page 238) be amended to include confirmation of Raymond G. Koym as Mayor pro-tern following motion by Mr. Dunham, second by 11rs. Koch and voted on four votes to none against, Mr. Koym abstaining. }1inutes of April 19 (page 239, para 3) be changed to eliminate the word "contribution" and "donation" cmd read "allocation of funds." 240' Mrs. Thul~r~yer appeared before the Council to make a presentation of a portrait of her late husband, the first Mayor of Schertz, to be displayed in the City Council chambers. Pdrk dedication ceremonies renaming the city park in honor of the first Mayor was tentatively set for May 22. ~ A letter of resignation from l-iark L. NorHine from the Cit~zens Advisory Committee ~ was read and accepted follo~nng motion by }~. Schwartz, seconded by ltrs. Koch and ~ unanimous vote of the council. !~. Norwine has accepted a position on the Zoning and Planning Commission. ~Ordinance 227, amending ordinance 93 was read and approved following motion by Mr. ~ Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and uninamous vote of the council. Ordinance 227 follows: ORDINANCE I/: 22~ o AN ORDINf.NCE AM4:NDING ORDINANCE: 93, CW~ATING T':lO (2) ADDITIONAL POSITIONS ON THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND DESIGNlt'DJG AP?OINTHY;NT OF A CHAIRYu\N, VICE-CHAIRMAN" AND A SSCRETARY. Section 1: There is her~by created and established within the City of Schertz, Texas, a City Planning Commission which shall be SUbj8ct to the jurisdiction of the Schertz City Council, such City Plannine Commission shall be composed of seven (7) members whose offices are hereby created and established. The members of the City Planning COlnmission shall be resident citizens of the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, owners of real estate in the City of Schertz, taxpayers and qualified voters of the City of Schertz and shall be representative of separate . sections of the city dependent upon the availability of qualified personnel. The members of the City Pl:nning Conunission shall be appointed by the City Council. The term of office of said members shall be five (5) years. The City Council shall name one appointee as Chairman, one as Vice-Chairman, and one as Secretary. All vacan- 01 cies occurring on the City Planning Commission shall be filled by appointment of the City Council. c PASS~D,ADOPT~ AND APPROVED THIS }ffiY 6, 1971. ATTBST: /s/t/ Roy W. Richard Roy W. Richard, Mayor /s/t/ Robert C. Bueker Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary ~Ordinance I/: 228 was read. }lotion was made by:Hr. Chambless, seconded by Hr. Schwartz lS and voted on unanimously to annex Oak Forest subdivision and other lands contained in ~ s3id ordinance. Ordinance I/: 229 follows: ORDINANCE I/: 229 .u7'~-A\e.. ANNEXING THE HEREn~AFI'ER DES CRIB,!<;D TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUAPAWPE COUNTY. TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LD,it1TS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DES CRIBED PROPERTY TllTHIN SAID CITY Ln~TS, AND THE RIGHTS AND PRIVIlEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID TIJHABIT IN'I'S BY ALL OF THS ACTS, ORDINANCES, RESOIDTIONS AND REGULA- TIONS OF SAID CITY. WH~EAS, a petition has been signed by a majority of the property owners who are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabitants of the following described territory, to-wit; o " ~;J II i I II r 241 B~GIN~ING at a point in the city limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the west ROW line of fl1 3009 at the corner between the Rubin Beck 43.282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract; THENCE, northwesterly with the said ci~y limits line 2140.0 feet to a corner of said city limits line; THENCE, N 600 E, at 120.0 feet to a point in the east ROJ line of B1 3009; TWi-:NCE, southeasterly with said east RO'{ li:le of FH 3009, 14,30 feet more or less to the northwest corner of Lazy Oaks subdivision. THENm, N 600 E with the north line of said La zy Oaks subdivision and the north line of the G12dys K. Friesenhahn tract a total of 2520.0 feet to a point in said north line of the Gladys K. Friesenhahn tract; Th~NCF" S 300 E 1160 feet more or less to 3 point in the south mine of the said Gl,-dys K. Friesenhahn tract; THRNCS. S 600 l-J \n th said south line of the GLdys K. Friesenhahn tract and the south line of the Lazy Oaks subdivision, at 2520.0 feet past the east RO'if line of 1<11 3009, a tobl of 2640.0 feet to a point in the west RO'd line of Fl1 ](\09 'fJhich point is in the city limits line of the City of Schertz; THENCE, northvlesterly 1.n th the city limits line a distance of 500.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Containing 75 acres. more or less. ~VHEREAS, said territory is adjoining the City of Schertz, and \VH~REAS, said petition, desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory of said city has been presented to the City Council and has attached to it the affidavit of thirteen (13) apqlicants to the effect th;,t said petition is signed by a majority of the qualified voters within such property; NOii 'T1HSREFORS, B~ I'T1 ORDAINED BY "'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cry OF S C'"rIERTZ, TEXAS: That the follm-{ing described property, to-1,ri t: BEGINNING at a point in the city lim'ts line of the City of Schertz. '!Jhich point is in th8 ~~st RO~ line of Fl,1 3009 at the co~ner between the Rubin Beck 43.282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 4J.235 acre tract; THSNCE, northwesterly with the said city limits line 2140.0 feet to a corner of said city. limits line; THENCE, N 600 Bat. 120.0 feet to a point in the east of Fl1 3009; THEHCE. southeasterly !\lith said east ROi-J line of B-1 3009. l!.1-70 feet more or less to the northlrest corner of Lazy Oaks subdivision; THENCE, N 600 E with the north line of said Lazy Oaks subdivision and the north line of the Gladys K. Friesenhahn tract a total of 2520.0 feet to a point in said north line of the G12dys K. Friesenhahn tract; 'T1HENCE, S 300 E 1160 feet more or less to a point in the south line of the said Gladys K. Friesenhahn tract; 242 T~N~, S 600 W iuth saii south line of the Gladys K. Friesenhahn tract and the south line of the Lazy Oaks subdivision, at 2520.0 feet past the east ROW line of fl1 3009, 8 total of 2640.0 feet to a point in the west ROW line of n1 3009 with point is in the city limits line of the City of Schertz; TH~~,JCE, northwesterly i..ith the city limits line a distance of 500.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning; o Containing 75 acres, more or less. be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas and that the boundary limits of the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territory within the city limits of the City of Schertz, and the same shall hereafter be included. Hithin the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Schertz and they shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said City. Passed by an affirmative vote of all members of the City Council, this the 6th day of ~1ay, A. D. t 1971. APPROVED: ATTSST: /s/t/ Robert C. Bueker City Secretary /s/t/ Roy W. Richard Hayor ~ApDlication for electrical license from Foss Electrical Co. of San Antonio was read. ~ Motion was made by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on four to none for ~ approval, Mr. Dunham abstaining. o Letter from Mr. Westermann, asking for reinstatement as financial advisor was tabled pending review of the contract by councilment Schwartz and Chambless. A petition for annexation of lands contained in Parkland Village subdivision was tabled pending settlement of ETJ with Universal City over this territory. ~ ~ Amendment to ordinance 1 140 was r,"ad and approved following mot ion by Yil'. Koym, seconded ~ by Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimously. Ordinance 1229 follows: ORDINANCE 1 zj9 AN ORDINANCE AHENDING CITY OF SCHERTZ ORDINANCE 1 140 R~QUIRING SUBDIVIDERS TO SHOW THl<.: IOCA'T'ION OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND STRl<.:~ LIGHTING POLES ON PLOT PLANS AND S~TING DESIGN STANDARDS THER~OR. F.xhibit "A", Section B. Streets, Alleys, and Sidewalks, subparagraph 1. Plans, sub- paragraph (b) is amended to read, "Alignment of each street, alley, sidewalk and cross- walk-way sholung a beginning and ending station; each deflection angle of the centerline and the station of the point of intersection: the station of the point of curvature and the point of tangency of each curve; the station and angle of intersection of each intersection with another stree, alley or drainage easement; the station and radium of each curb return; the location of adjacent right-of-way lines; the location and limits of sidewalks and curbs of each street; the location of monuments; the location U of fire hydrants; and the location of street lighting poles. Subparagraph 2. Design Standards, subparagraph (e) is itdded:.~~Stl"e~t ligtl~U1g poles will be of metal construction, spaced to provide luminosity throughout the street thorough- fare for which intended and of design standard which meets the then current policy of the City of Schertz. ATTEST: 1./tl Robert C. Bueker (;1~1 ::tecretar APPROVED: 1./tl Roy W. Richard - Mayor .~:i;g ;,:ii L.:i' :,.L..L2:t, J..: r-, I I , I [I [! 243 A notice of sales tax delinquency received from the St2te Comptroller against Daniel B. Mertz was read. }'lotion was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted 7/ the C4ty, Attorney for act40n 54-~ unanimously to have the matter referred to ~ ~ Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of May S, 1971 were read and accepted ,dthout change follo1iJing motion by l',r~. Koch, seconded by Hr. Dunham and voted on unanimously. A letter from the Fire Department requested notification of future water shut-offs ,~thin the City and representation on the City Council by designating one of the councilmen as. Fire Commissioner. Councilman Chambless was renamed Police and Fire Commissioner follo\'ring motion by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Koym and vote 55' 71 of four to none against (Mr. Chambless abstaining). Concurrent with designation of Police and Fire Commissioner, motion was made by 1(r. Chambless, seconded by Mrs. Kock and voted upon four to none against (Ur. Sch,^"artz abstaining) having Councilman SchHartz designated Parks and Recreation Commissioner. 5 (p-7/ A mobile home parked at the Plouch Texaco station on ~1 78 under a variance of city ordinance authorized in legal minutes of February 4, 1971 was discussed. Owners of the mobile home were present at the me8ting. The City Inspector refuted testimony given at the meeting of Feb 4 by Mr. Plouch. It was determined the owners of the mobile home were not at fault in the action and should not be unjustly penalized. Action was tabled until the regular council meeting in June when final decision will be given. Action was taken after motion by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on ~I unanimously. 57- {, Representati ves for Mr. "Mil store were present at the meeting to request authorization for instal1C'tion of a self-service gas st3tion on 1-1ain st. in front of the :MJ'. "Hn store. A sketch plat was presented. This plat: did not adequately define available parking, effect on adjoining businesses or provide access to the Mr. 11M" store from new parking spaces indicated in the rear of the building. It was recommended Mr. Bell, company representative, make a detailed plat of the area and submit the physical layout for coun~il consideration. Discussion was held on Parks Development with reference to a complete building program. Recommended the City Engineer order a topographical map at the earliest po~sible time so proper consideration can be given to drainage and facilities 10ccJtion. Hayor Richard will try to make arrangements to have crushed rock placed around the concession stand area to curb dust. It was also mentioned that the entir0 park area must be considered for seeding and watering with the city footing the water bill. Motion was made by Mr. Chambl~ss, seconded by }1~. Koym and voted on un~nimously to give Councilman Schwartz 5,~" 71 authorlty to secure an alrcraft from Randolph Alr Force Base for use in the park as a piece of play equipment. City Secretary was instructed to ,<<ite a letter to the Base Reclamation Officer. P~ti~ion from Deerhaven residents was read and discussed. It was agreed to give these residents a hearing on May 13 at the Fire Station. ATTEST: L~<~ ~ City Secretary APPROVED: c:L.___../ .--:j ~~ L ~~ J Hayor 244 MINUTES OF THE MSSTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SClr!:RTZ, TEXAS H4;LD ON HAY 15, 1971 A special meeting of the city council was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy 0 W. Richard at 12:)0 p.m. Aldermen in attendance were Mr. Jim~ie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym, Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, ~x. Leon R. Chambless and Mr. Robert E. Schwartz. ~\ A petition from Mr. Paul John requesting City of Schertz extra territorial ~~juriSdiction be extended to include his property was read. Motion was made by ~~s. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to accept the petition. Ordinance number 2)0 follows: L, p.") ORDINANCE If 2)]) ~?' AN ORDINANCH; OF THE CITY OF SCHSlrI'Z, TEXAS EXTENDING THS 1<.:XTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICI'rON OF SUCH CITY AND D1<.:SIGNATDJG SUCH TRAOTS OF LAND INCLUDED WITHIN SUCH CITY TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. \~R~AS, those certain property owners as shown by copies of contracts received in the form of petition from Paul F. John, Lillie M. John, Nicholas A. Chronis, and Kathleen H. Chronis have requested th~t their tracts of land situated in Gu~dalupe County, partly in Comal County, and in Bexar County, more fully described in copies of such contracts attached and marked as Exhibit "A", he included within the territory over which the City of Schertz. Texas, exercises extra territorial jurisdiction for all purposes ~s set out in Article 970a V.A.T,S., of Texas: ~REAS, the said tracts of land fully described below are contiguous and does not conflict with the existing extra territorial jurisdiction of any other City; NO~'T, m HERE FORE , be it ordained by the eity Council of the City of Schertz, Texas that the 1] following tracts of land owned by the herein above mentioned parties and more adequately described below, requesting extra territorial jurisdiction hebeto attached, be included withi e territorial.~Qver. which the City of Schertz, Texas. exercises extra territorial jurisdiction for all purposes as set out in 970a V.A.T.S. of Texas. TRACT 1 (Paul F. John and Lillie M. John (40) acres): The property herein consists of all that certain tract and parcel of land situated in the counties of GUadalupe and Comal, Texas, and being more particularly described to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land consisting of forty (40) dcres, more or less, situated in said counties. about 14 miles south1rest of th~ City of New BMUnfels, Texas, being part of Original Survey #68. in the name of Torribio Herrera, and being the southwest part of the Conrad Friesenhahn tract and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a pile of rocks in the southwest line of Vicente Michel's league, the west corner of said Conrad Friesenhahn tract of land: Th~NC~ N 60 degrees E 171.84 varas to a stake for the northeast corner of this tract; TH-;;NCE S )0 degrees 1<.: 1)14 varas to the center of the New Braunfals_San Antonio Road, a point for the southeast corner of this tract; '1'fflmCE S 60 degrees W with the middle of said road of the tract thence a L. O. 24" in. dia. brs. S 32 degrees 1<.: 22 varas and another L. o. 15" in. dia. brs. N 4) )/4 degrees Er 21 varas: 'T'~NCE N )0 degrees W with the southl'!est line of said Conrad Friesenhahn tract IJ14 vsras to the place of beginning; and containing 40 acres of land, more or l?ss; AND being the same land conveyel by Leander Friesenhahn to Henry Fey by deed dated June 29, 1924 and recorded in Vol 76, pages 549-50 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. TRACT 2 (Paul F. John and Lillie M. John (75) acres): All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated partly in the County of Comal, and partly in the County of Guadalupe, Texas, being known 8S the northeast )/4 of a 100 acre tract out of the Torribio Herrerq Survey 1f68. Sixteen (16) acres of said 75 acre tract are lying in the County of Comal, the balance of 59 acres in the County of Guadalupe, Texas, being more particul,rly described to-wit: B8GINNING at aa stake an~ corner of a fence in the northwest line of Original Survey, ~he north corner of a 200 ~cre tract: o i [I 245 THENCE S 30 degrees E 660 varas to a corner of a fence, the ~ corner of said 200 acre tract; THENCE S 60 degrees 1'1 642 varas to a stake for the south corner; T;!""NCH: N 30 de7ees W rS60 varas to a stake in the north'i'lest line of the original survey!f68, Torribio Herrera for the west corner of this tract; TH~NC~ with the said northvrest line N 60 degrees ~ 642 varas to the place of beginninG' consisting of 75 acres of land, more or less, this being part of the same land sold 0 Walter Hoffman by Gustav Hoffman, by deed, dated November 14, 1911j-. TRJ,CT 3 (Nicho12s!l. Chronis and Kathleen H. Chronis (21.48) acres: 1\ certclin tract of land containing 2l.48 acres out of the north 'est part of ":. H. Rumpf 90.95 acres described in Deed as contclining 90.25 acres d ted January 28, 1950, from Tony Hillert, et ux, to '-[alter !I. Kochler, ;md recorded in Vo. 2975, paGes 320-1, Deed Records of Bexas County, Texas. The said 90.95 acres is out of M.S. Bennett Survey 75, Abstract 61, County Block 5057 and the said 21.1.J-8 3cres fronts on the south side of Sch3effer Road, about 15 miles in an easterly direction from the Court House in Dexar County, Texas, and being more particulaely describe] as follows, to-:i t: 37i;GINNIl\:G at nn iron :JO pipe on the south line of Schaeffer Road and be in:.; the north'ivest corner of the 1;;. H. Rumpf 90.95 acres, and being 2233.7 feet south 60 degrees 02 minutes ~ast (i09.10 feet to an iron pi,e, the northeast corner of this tract; THENC"<: south 46 decrees 59 minutes east, 1249.10 feet to an iron pipe, the southeast omrner of this tract; TH~Ncm with fence south 61 degrees 12 minutes west 974.52 feet to an iron pipe on the west line of said 90.95 acres tract, the south'ivest corner of this tract; TH1lli8S with fence along the west line of said 90.95 acres tract, north 29 dezrees 59 minutes west 1174.56 feet to the place of beginning. PASS~D AND APPROVSD THIS ~\Y 15, 1971. /sh/ Roy ~.{. Richard Roy TV. Richard, Hayor '--1 ATTBST: , /s/t/ Robert C. Bueker l Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary APPROVED: ( ATTEST: ;(c6J:/ Cify Secretary Ma~~ 1-lINUTES OF THB IDETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHSRTZ, TSXAS HSLD ON MAY 25, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened at the direction of Hayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. Aldermen in attendance were Hrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, }"'U'. Raymond G. KOY111 , Mr. Robert ~. Schwartz and Hr. Leon R. Chambless. Discussion was held on the 1972 fiscal budget for the city. Other items including bond issues, subdivision ordinance revision and violation of zoning regulation were not discussed due to time. Another special meeting was called for June 1 at 7:30 p.m. to continue the above agenda items. APPROVED: [! ATTEST: ~ City Secretary @:VU/~ l1ayor 246, MJNUTES OF THE }l~""l'ING OF THS CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCH4.:RTZ, 'RXAS HSID ON JU~ 1, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were Hrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Yll'. I..eOiFR~ Chambless, Mr. Robe>>t E. Schwartz, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham and Mr. Raymond G. Koym. o Discussion was held on the proposed fiscal year 1972 City Buiget. Mr. Dunham was asked to investigate the possible purchase of surplus equipment. City Secretar,y Was instructed to write a letter to southwestern bell telephone investigating the telephone rate for the fire department. Preliminary discussion was held on 1971 bond issues. Park Development was discussed and another meeting scheduled for June 10 to be attended by representatives of major swi~ing pool construction companies. Road improvement bond was also discussed briefly, encompassing the paving of Pfeil Ave between Curtiss and Brooks Aves; the widening and paYing of Live Oak Road from Curtiss Ave to the bend of Live Oak Road; the paving of Elbel Road from Live Oak Road to F}1 3009 and the construction of two bridges across the drainage canal on Live Oak Road and Elbel Road. Additional meetings will be held on bond proposals. ~ Mrs. Koch motioned, Mr. Schwartz seconded and the vote was unanimous that the city ~purchase approximately 12 acres of land for the city park. Such land lies in an area bounded by FM 1518, Oak st and Aero St. ~\ A petition for annexation of Parkland Village Subdivision was acce)ted following la motion by Hr. Chambless, seconded by 11r. Koym and voted on unanimously. Public ~ hearing for this proposed annexation was set for June 24, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. Discussion was held on a variation to the subdivision ordinance as requested by petition of Deer Haven subdivision residents. There was unanimous agreement that the existing subdivision ordinance should not be changed. It was further requested that it be recorded in these legal minutes that Mr. Wile', Hr. Lionberger and Mr. Brehm (all of Deer Haven subdivision), with a show of hands at a public hearing held in the Fire Station on May 13, 1971, requested sewer lines be provided the Deer Haven subdivision when practical. All other residents of the subdivision attending the meeting on the aforementioned date declined the proposal for installation of sewers in the area. o Discussion was held on the illegal parking of trailers at the Starlite Theater and the A.J. Plouch Texaco station. There was unanimous agreement that the present zoning law prohibiting parking of trailers except in authorized trailer parks be enforced and that trailers in question be requested to move from the premises ~.nthin 30 days after formal notification. APPROVED: ATT~ST~~ Clty Secretary ~~ Mayo o <lI n n n . 247 HINUTES OF THE liESTING OF THE CITY COUNCIl" t CITY OF S CHSRTZ t TEXAS, HELD ON JUNE J, 197ili The regular meeting of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W, Richard at 8:00 p.m. in City H211. Aldermen in attendance included Hrs. Bo')oie lL. Koch, Hr. Jiml'llie V. Dunham, Hr. Raymond G. l(oY111, Hr. Leon R. Chambless and Nr. Robert ~. SchvJartz. Hinutes of the meetings of the city council held on I>Tay 6, Nay 15, Nay 25 and June 1 were read and approved without change. Letter from the Citi~ens Advisory Conunittee requesting the appointment of Yu-. Melvin Krahm as a member was read and approved following motion by Mr. Schwartz, ~~'1' second~d by Hr. Dunham and voted on unanimously. The tax roll for 1971 \.Jas presented by the Board of Equalizat 'on with 3n assessed value of $7,877,766.00 and acc8Dted after motion by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by ltr. Koym 3,~1 and voted on fouI!ltonope (Hr. Dunham abstaining). LP In compliance with city ordinance227 enacted on May 6, 1971 authorizing the appointment of two additional members to the Zoning and PlanninE Comrrlission, the names of Charles L. Sharp, Johnny J. \voodward and Richard M. l1ansfield were nominated to fill the positions. By vote of the council mernbers, Hr. Sharp and Hr. Hansfield were appointed to the positions folloHing motion by I>tr. Dunham, seconded by }tr. Schwartz and voted 4'~' on unanimously. ~ In response to a request for contract renewal by Mr. Westermann, Texas Securities Corp. motion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimously u?11 to give a "vote of confidence" t'J the corporation and }:r. Westermann rather thim renew a contract that is based on a consulting fee. The questiQ~ of use of city water for the city park was discussed and a rate of I $ .JO per 1, noo gallons affixed as the charge rate following motion by Hr. Koym, f.., (; ') second by Hrs. Koch and voted on unanimously. A permanent contract for handling billing and 0&}1 for the Schaefer Rural Ro,:,d Water System was discussed and tabled following the recommendation that the President of the System and the city utilities Superintlendent be present for conference. City Secretary was instructed to write parties concerned and set the meeting for June 10. DiscussioV was held on the removal of trailers located at the A. J. Plouch Texaco Station on ~~ 78 and at the Starlite Theater as being in violation of the zoning , ordinance. Item Has tabled pending further investigation following motion by }Ir. /01,11 Dunham, second by I1r. Koym and voted on four to zero (Mr. Chambless abstaining). It was recommended that all new subdivision plats submitted for a8proval by the Zoning :md Planning Commission be revieltJed by the city utili ties depar'tment and the fire department prior to acceptance. ATTSST: , . yAle! ::s....~J ~~~;tary APPROV4:D: ~~.1 Nayor 248. MINUTES OF THlf.': :H~TING OF THB CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHBRTZ, TBXAS HELD ON JUNE 10, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym, Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leon R. Chambless and Mr. Robert ~. Schwartz. Discussion was held with representatives of the Schaefer Rural Water Company on a contract price for handling meter reading, billing and collections for said ~company. The initial three-month trial period price of $.50 per meter was agreed ~ upon for an additional nine-month period. Renegotiation of price 1i.Lll be accomplished ~ effective March 1, 1972. MOtion for agreement of acceptance of the $.50 per meter fee and renegotiation date was made by Mr. Dunham, sec8nded by Mr. Chambless and voted upon unanimously. Further work was accomplished on the City Utilities budget for FY 1972. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. AT~ST: &~t? ~~d ~ City Secretary , APPRCvrID: ~ -62- "fA 'C. ri .J Mayor MDJUTES OF rID; HE'ITTIJG OF 'PH": CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCI-~RTZ, TEXAS H~LD ON JU~ 17, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was held at the direction of Mayor Richard at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall. Aldermen in attendence were Mrs. Bo~bie L. Koch, Mr. Robert li.:. Schwartz, Mr. Leon R. Chambless, Hr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham. Mr. Adar~, contractor in Parkland Village subdivision presented a letter requesting a variance of the building code to allow construction of a sign 16' x 48' on Main St. advertising the subdivision development, with such variance not to exceed t~o years in duration. Motion was made by Mr. Chambless, sec8nded by Mr. Koym and voted ~pon four to one, Mr. Dunham objecting. Motio~ carried by majority vote. Mr. Walter Schertz, Urban Renewal Director, presented an Amended cooperation agree- ment in the form of an ordinance and resolution. Following reading, Mr. Schwartz ~ motioned, ~xs. Koch seconded and vote was unanimous to accept the amended agreement. <\~ OrdiDance number 232, inacted as part of this agreement follows: 1\\ ~' ~ AN ORill NANCE ALTTHORIZING THE HAYOR TO ~XSCUTE A FIRST ~~~lID~D OOOPSRATION AGR~~lENT TilTH THE URBAN RE1~AL AG4;NCY OF THH: CITY OF SCH!!:RTZ IN CON1~CTION j.JITH .l'.,N URBAN RE~'TAL PROJECT TITLED BrFFALO VAllEY NORTH PROJSGr, TEX. R.112. o o r,m~R~AS, the City desires to enter into an agreement with the Urban Renewal Ggency of the City of Schertz, for the purpose of expediting and assuring the completion of the Urban Renewal Project, Buffalo Valley North Project, Tex. R-112, located within 0 the city limHs of the City of Schertz, Texas; Hmo[, THSR'<;FORC;;. B'<; IT ORDU1\T4;D BY T!:~ CITY CCUN8IL OF TH~ CITY OF SCHERTZ: S~GTION 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a First Amended Cooperation fl n n 2~9" Agreement 1trith the Urban R'?Ylewal As;necy of the City of Schertz for the undertaking and completion of the Urban Rene't..ral Project, Buffalo Valley Forth Project, Tex. R-l12, Hi thin the City of Schertz, Texas S~crION 2. The First Amended Cooper<.ition A~reen'.ent is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PAS~4iD~rlD APPROVRD this 17th day of June, 1971. Isl Roy W. Richard Mayor ATT'SST: Isl Robert C. Bueker City Secretary Ordinance No. 232 FIRST .L'Ir:I4iNDr;;D mOPRRA'tION -.ltGRc:r.;I~NT THIS AGRr.;~}~~IT made. and entered into this 17th day of June, 1971, by and between the URBAN R'S~JSWAL AGr.;NCY OF THE CITY OF SCH~RTZ, T~XJ,S (iIereinafter referred to as the Agency), and the CIJ,'Y OF SCHERTZ, TSX.I\S, a municipal corporation (herc-;inafter referred to AS the("City"), li I 1:. li S. 9. ~ S. I 11: \rJHSRSJ~S, the Agency "Tith the aid and cooperation r1f the City proposes to undertake and carry out an urban rene"lal program in the City of Schertz, inclu:Eng but not lim'ted to, the so- called Buffalo Val.ley North Urban Reneual Project, Project No. Tex. R-ll2 (hereinafter called the "Projectt') in accordance '!iii th the Urban Renmval Plan therefor approved by the City Council, 2nd bearing date of 1'Iarch 31, 1969, and pursuant to the ?rovisions of the laws of the state of Texas as hereinabove referred to; and \ih'ERSf,S, the Agency p'oposes in carryj.ng out the Frban ReneHal Plan for said project to acquire certain properties 3nd improve:'lents thereon ,'iithin the project area, as provided for' in said Urban Renewal Plan; and WIfi:RSf,s, the Agency proposes to enter into a LObn and Grcmt Contract "lith the Department of Housing cmd Urban Development, an agency of the United States of America, providing for financial assistdnce purcuant to THle I of the Housing J\ct of 1949, as amended, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Urban R<meHal PaIn, as follovJs: (1) A loan in an amo'.mt sufficient to enable it to defray the gross cost of the Project, but not exceeding ($2,443,396.00) (2) A Project Ca')ital Grant in an amount, but not exceeding ($1,797,246.00) (3) A relocation grant in an amount, but not exceeding ($295,350.00) (4) A rehabHitaticm grant in an amount, but not exceeding ($JC7 ,500. 00) ~'1'HSRS"~S, the City desires to provide "local grants-in-aid" in connection "'lith said Project and has heretofore indicated its intention to do so in a r"soluti.'n a 'proving selid Urban Renewal Pl~n for sDid Project; Nmi. TIRR'~FOR'S, in consideration of the:utual covenants hereinafter set forth the AGency and City agree as follows: 1. AGSNCY (a) The Agency agrees to proceed diligently and fortb~ith \'Ji th all necessary actions, works and lmdertakings to carry out t.he proposed cmd ,"p~Jroved Buffalo Valley North Urban Renewal Project in the follo".ring described Project area, and other areas as may be designa- ted And approved, to carry out and fulfill the proposed Loan and Grant Contract s~ecifically between it and the United States of America, actin~ by and +hrough the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, said Project area being identified as the Buffalo Valley North Urban ReneHal Project, Project No. Tex. R_ll'~, 3i tuoted in Jhe City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, and such other projects as may be approved, this Project being specifically described in ~xhi8';t "N' attached hereto. 250 2" The City of Schertz agrees, pursuant to and l..Sthin the procedures required by all applica-" ble state laws, City Charter and Ordiannces, to provide local grants-in-aid and to cooperate I othen,yise in the undertaking, carrying out and completion of said Urban Renewal Project in accoriance with the approved Urban Renel-Jal Pl,m therefor, in all r"!spects including, but not Ij limited to, the follo"ling: -0 (a) The City obligates itself to take all necessary steps to a;'nropriate properly and to contribute to the Agency any moneys Hhich ffi2Y accrue or come into " its hands from any source Hhich shall be proposed by the City as a cash contribution to the Project, if any, such moneys to be deposited in the Project expenditures account maintained by t.he AgAncyin connection TNith the Project. (b) It is understood that the City of Schertz is obligated to the payment of one-fourth 0/4) of the net Project costs incurred in connection Hith the undertaking~' carrying out, and com~letion of siad Project. In this connection the City proposed non-cash local grant-in-aid credit to be allowed for the follwoing public utilities and facilities heretofore provided and constructed 1nthin the Project are~ or within its vicinity, to-wit: (the follor-ling are onlyex-'3mples): (1) Samuel Clemens High School_t provided by the Schertz-Cibolo- Universal City Independent School District at a cost of $1,812,913.00 and for a credit to the Project in the amount of $402,467.00, plus additions to Samuel Clemens High School of $275,355.00 for a credit to the Project in the amount of $61,129.00. (2) Additions to 08Henry Junior High School in the amount of 5138,883.00 for a credit to the Project in the amount of $30,832.00. (3) Additions to Schertz ~lementary School in the amount of $115,772.00 for ,-, credit to the 'Project of 857,886.00. (4) Remodeling and additions to City Hall in the amount of 16,902.00 for a credit to the Project of $1,725.00; and construction of a fire station in the amount of $15,161.00 for a credit to the Project of $3,790.00. (5) Construction of a water storage and distrib:tion system l.Jithin the Project area at thA total cost of $134,399.00 for a credit to the Project of ;1;48,006.00 o In addition to the above-itemized public and supporting facilities heretofore provided in connection with said Urban Renewal Project,it is understood and agreed that the City. of Schertz will timely provide the following non-cash gr?r.t-in_aid, to-ldt: (c) The City hereby sr:>ecifically obligates itself and agrees it will provide on~-fourth (1/4) of the net Project cost incurred in undertaking and carrying out the Project. If for any reason additi0nal local grant-in-aid are required for the provision of such on~-fourth (1/4) part of the net project cost, including a failure to provide or establish grant-in_aid credit to the sntisfaction of the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in connection with any ')f the aboVe-identified cqnstructed or proposed non-cash local grClnt-$n-aid items, the City her<=>by agrees to contribute to the Project in cash such additional amount as may be reqnired to cover the deficit in required local ~r;:mts-!n-aid 1-Then and if the SM!lle sh::;ll be required. (i) The City agrAes to accept dedication fro)"1 the Agency of Disposition ~- Parcels Nos" 17-2, 17-~, 13-1, 13-2, 18-3, 18_4, 18-5, 13-6, 13-7, 19-1, 19-2, 30-1, 30-2, 31-1, ll-2, 31-3, ;1-4, 32-1, 33-1, 33-2, 43-1, 44-1, 1;.4-2, 44-3, 44~4 and 54-6. (e) The Cit~T agre~s to Accept dedication of all streets, alleys and other rights_of_way to be co~str~cted and i~)roved in accordance Hith the Urban Ren~wal Plan. (f) The City agrees to enforce by pro:,er action the provisions of all !llunicip21 code~ and ordinances relating to the health, welfare, safety, good living con- ditions, and the prevention of slum or blighted areas in the City of Schertz, and par- ticularly in the above-described Urban R"lnevlal area and to contimue such e"nforcement in the interest of the continuing success of the Project. The City further agrees in this connection to zone and rezone as may be appropriate, the Urban ReneHal arga in conformity with the Urban Renewal Plan and not in conflict with said Plan. The City further agrees to vacate and close such streets, alleys, and other public rights-of_ way as are required to be closed by said Pl3n and to t8ke such other action as ropy be necessary to give full effect to 'the carrying out of said Urban Rene1-lal Plan. I I !" I intl i i , o .... .' 21 {\ ~./ MINUTES OF '!HE ~TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CTIY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS f HELD ON SEPTEMBER 9. 1971 The meeting was opened at 8:00 p.m. in the Schertz City Hall under the direction,of Mayor Roy W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr. Leon R. Chambless. Minutes of the meetings of the City Council held on August 5, August 12 and August 26 were read and approved without change. Mr. VonScheele presented a proposed plat for location of an apartment complex on Live Oak Road. Tacit approval was voiced by the council with the recommendation the plat be submitted to the Zoning and Planning Commission for their review and recommendations. Mr. Odo Riedel, President, Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the council to re- quest.city support for production of a'brochure. Recommendation was made that sub-dividers be considered for support of the project. City Secretary was asked to contact the major builders in the community and arrange a meeting between all parties. Parkland Village 12 plat was reviewed and approved for acceptance following..motion., by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on unanimously. ,\D-1 - , \ I Mr. Rowell, Utilities Superintendent, expressed the requirement for raising to grade level a total of 23 valve boxes in the Urban Renewal area. Tentative bid has been received.for,a.price of $37.50 per box setting. City Secretary was instructed to contact Mr. Graham and one of the Urban Renewal contractors for additional bids. Mrs; Bennett and representatives of the Citizens Advisory Committee appeared before the council to state a case for establishing a Community Welfare Fund for Schertz. It was stated the United Fund did not fulfill our city's needs in this respect. Rent subsidies, medical aid and shoes for school children were cited as immediate goals.' Tne project has already been approved by the Citizens Advisory Committee. The City Council-strongly endorsed the program and offered the services of City Hall in accomplishing goals. Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch was designated to represent the City ~~uncil in the program. Dis'cussion was held on securing right_of_way for the widening of Live Oak Road. .Mr. Chambless'motioned, Mrs. Koch seco~ed and council vote was unanimous to secure the Hilmer SAiler and Otto Seiler frontage (20-foot depth) at a price of $5.00 pey running foot. 1J1.7 The CitY-Secretary was instructed to arrange a joint Zoning and Planning Commission _ City' Council meeting at 7:30 p.m., September 16, 1971 to discuss Land Use, Thoroughfar~ Study, Apartment Construction and the forthcoming Bond Issues. .... ' . "".11 Ordinanc~ I 240, amending pro,visions of the sub-division ordinance was approved I ~ following motion by Mr. Chartbless, seconded by Mrs. Kochandt voted on unanimously. A proposed contract between the City and Schaefer Rural Road Water Supply Corp. was tabled pending review by the Utilities Superintendent. A proposed Community Development Statement prepared for forwarding to HUD and requesting appropriations for the Buffalo Valley South project was read and approved following motion by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously. 1J./1\ )1.:1 22 Mr. Dunham requested the Council review the need for providing health insurance to city employees this year instead of the proposal for inclusion of the package in the FY 1972 budget. City Secretary was instructed to ask Mr. Brewer to invite the insurance representative to the council meeting of Sept 2). o Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. following motion by Mr. Chambless, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously. APPROVED: ATT=:~ Secretary ~~~'-~ Mayor MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF mE CI'l'! COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TED.S, HELD ON SEPT. 23, 1971 A .pecial se.sion of the City Council convened at 7:30 PM September 23, 1971 i~ the City Hall at tbe direction of Mayor Roy Richard. Aldermen in attendance vere Mr. Raymond Koym, Mr.. Bobbie Koch, Mr. Ju-y'Duhham, Mr. Robert Schvart., & Mr. L.on Chaabl.... ~A\Notice of Go~.rnor. Conf.rence of Industrial Expan.ion to be held in the Austin Municipal ~ Auditoriua Octob.r 13 & 14 va. read by Mayor Richard. Motion va. made by'Mr. Schwart. and ..conded by Mr. Chambless and voted on unan~ou.ly that the City Secretary should .--at-f:ettt! the full confer.nc.. A l.tter from the T.xa. Highvay D.parbDent containing "Title III of Uniform Relocation A.si.tance and ...1 Property Acquisition Act, of 1970" va. read. No action vas taken. o Aletter from Municipal Code Corporation outlining the need for codification of City Ordinanc.s vas read to the Council. There va. agreement that consideration is to be given to completion of such a program at .ome future dat.. City Secretary va~ request.d to conf.r vith the Corporation to gain further insight. A courte.y copy of letter from the Taxa. Stat. DeparbDent of Health concerning the .anitary landfill operation conducted by Gutierr.. Sanitation eo.pany va. r~d. This l.tter containeel five elem.nt of non-coapliance for a "Cat.gory 1 Aroa". City Secretary vas in.tructed to requo.t a progre.s report from Gutierre. Sanitation Company. 11.\ I " I'~? I lurcha.e vouchers vere received from the Texas DeparbDent of Community Affairs. Signature vas required for payment of profe..ional services rendered by Kal'lllOn, Mok, & Greon for the neW Scbort. Comprehenlive Plan. Motion... ..de by Mr. Dunh_ and soconded by.Mr. Itoym and voted on unan~ou.ly to .ign all purchase voucheri and defect payment. A letter from Frank Booth outlining a course of action to b. taken for the October 18 . Public Hearing being held in reference to the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority petition to the Texas Water Quality Board .as read and discus.eel. No action vill be taken binding receipt of fhrther instruction. from Mr. Booth. - Ordinanc. 1241, amending Ordinance 1139, vas read and approve. following .otion by Mr. !\\ Chambles. seconded by Mr. Schvarta and vot.d on unanlaoualy,. Ordinance 1241 follows: ~" BE IT OIDAIIfED BT THE CITY COUlfCIL OF THI CITY or SCHIllTZ: JIl . 01 I I That Ordinance No. 139 i. hereby amended as follows: SECTION 2: Definition., Par. 2-26, is changed to read as follows: 2-26. Hoae Occupation: An occupation carried on entirely vithin a home that is 23 r- I not detriaental 4r injurious to adjaining property. These may include custom dressmaking, millinery, tailoring, sewing .or fabric for custom apparel and custom home furnishings, washing, ironing, an~ office in which chattels or goods, wares or goods, wares or merchan- dise are not commercially created, exchanged, or sold, provided that such uses are located in the dwelling used by such person as his or her private residence and provided that no assistant, not a member of the family residing on the premi.es, be employed. Said incidental use shall never be permitted as a principal use, and cannot involve the conduct of a retaiL busines.. The home occupation use .hall not utilize more than 254 of the gross floor area of the building. Home occupations shall not include, for example, barbershops, beauty shops, carpenter shops, electrician shops, plubmer shops, radio shops, tinner shops, auto repairing shops, auto painting, furniture repairing or sign painting. No s1gns identifying the home occupation shall be permitted but name plates, not exceeding one square foot in area, may be permitted, when attached flat to the main structure. Home Occupations where permitted must meet the following requirements: (a) . (b), (c), (4) <e) (f) ~'I) (h) (i) No retail business shall be permitted. No manufacturing business shall be allowed. No repair work shall be allowed. No.s~ock in trade shall be kept and sold the premises. No person not residing on the premises shall be employed. . No mechanical equipm.nt not customarily found in a home shall be employed. No interior or ext.rior alt.rations shall b. permitted and no construction featurea shall be p.rmitted which are not customarily found in a dw.1-l4Jat.... The entrance to the spac. d.voted to such occupation shall be within the dwelling. Th.re shall be no .xterior storage of equipment or materials used in the occupa~ tion. f' 1971. .~~JJ Mayo PASSED ~. APPROVED this the' 23rj day of S.ptember, ATTEST: ~e:~ City Secretary The monthly,GVEC meeting will be held in Schert. S.ptember 28. The Mayor, City Secretary, and all Council Members are invited to a luncheon that dat.. -City Secretary was instruct.d to inform GVEC of attendanc~. Electrical License applications from H~ T. Cearly, Jr. and from Morlandt Electric Company I w.re approv.d following a motion by Mr. Koym and seconded by Mr. Dunham, and voted on//1,1 unanimously. A. group hospitali.ation plan was presented by Mr. Brewer, Insurance Agent, for city employ- ee participation. Copi.s wer, provided to the members of the Council. The item was tabl.d for furth.r study. r-- I A propo.ed contract b.tw.en the city and the Scha.fer Road Rural Water Supply Corporation was read and approved following a motion by Mr. Dunham s.conded by Mr. Koym and voted 119-1/ I on unanimously. Contract proposal follows: TRIS A.GREEMENT, date this 23rd day of September, 1971, by and between the SCHAEFER. 24 ROAD RURAL WATn SUPPLY OORPOu'TION, .. corporation in the County of Bexar, State of Texa., hereinafter called, "Corporation", and the City of Schertz, a municipal corporation in the County of Guadalupe, State of Texa., hereinafter called, "Schertz". . WI TN ESSD'B : o WHERElS,the .aid Corporation has heretofore e.tablished a rural water supply .y.tem in Bexar County, Texas, and has contracted with Schertz to supply w'-ter for .uch water distribution .y.tem. WHEREAS, it would be mutually advantageous for the City of Schert~ t~ provide the nece- s.ary .ervice to Corporation for the reading of water meters and the billing of their collection of account from the cu.tomers of Corporation: IN OONSIDERA.TION OF THE MlJTUAL OOVEIWfTS, AGREEMENTS AIm UNDERTAIaNGS HEUIN S!'I' FORTH, the partie. agree and contract as follows: SECTION 1: During the term of this. agreement and under the terms and' conditions hereof Schertz agrees to assume full responsibility and provide the personnel for'reading' of all water meter. of the customer. of Corporation, to prepare the nece.sary bill. or 8tatement. of account to be rendered to such customers of Corporation and to rec.ive all coil.ctions of such accounts in the office of the utiliti.. d.partment of the City of SC:h.rta,'Texa.. SKCTIOK 2: It .hall b. the r..ponsibility of Corporation to ..tablish the rate.'to be chargea for the us. of .uch water and the p.nalties and tenH for rate of payaent. If any such penalti.s are provided and to furniah a copy of the same to furnish a currently effective .tatem.nt of .... to Schertz. ' .,' SECTION 3: Corporation will b. respon.ible for the disconnection of any.w. .ter meter. of 0 any customers by reason of unpaid bill.. SECTION 4: Upon the expiration. of 30 day. after the effective date of this contract, Schertz will deliver to Corporation an accounting ef all accounts collected by them tog.ther with a statem.nt of all pa.t due and delinqu.nt account. within each 30-day period aft.r the .xpiration of the initi.l 30 day. aforem.ntioned. SECTION 5: Unles. sooner cancel.d by mutual agr.ement of the parties, the term of this contract shall be from the effective date of this contract through May 1, 1972. SECTION 6: For each meter read and billed by the City of Schertz during any3p-day period Corporation will pay Schertz fifty (SO) cents for each .eterwhich';i. 'read by. Sebertz during such period. SECTION 7: The cu.tomers of Corporation shall be billed in accordanc. with the then currently effective rate schedule for water use. The said Corporation shall furnish Schertz the currently effective rate schedule promptly upon the commencement of this contract a" any chang.s which may have to be made in such schedul. shall be furnished Schertz p.ior to the date on whcih such rate changes become effective. . . SECTION 8: The effective date of thia contract is the 23rd day of Septemb.r 1971';' eXHuted this the 23rd day of S.ptember, 1971. .l TTEST: CITY OF SCHERTZ City Secretary . Roy W~ Richard ATTEST: SCllAEPI8. IlOAD \lIJI&L lllTB8. SUPPLY map. 0 Pre.id.nt Board of Directors Secretary Board of Director. 25 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CX>UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: r-: That the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, is hereby luthorized to enter into a contract with the Schaefer Road Rural Water Supply lCorporation, providing for the meter reading, billing, and collection of account of said Schaefer Road Rural Wa~er Supply Corporation, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, a true and correct copy of whichi. hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of September, 1971. Mayor ATTEST: Secretary Tke bond issues previously discussed were detailed and actual cost stated for each issue. Mayor Richard requested funds in the amount of $1,039.50 be approved for purchase for ROW on Live Oak Road from Mrs. Linda Loep. A mo~ion was, made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by. 7/ Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously. /19' A special Council Meeting formerly set for 7:30 on September 30 was rescheduled for 8:30 to allow action to be taken by the School Board on the school's participation in the street paving bond issue. Recommendation was made that the bond election be called at the September 30 Council Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 PM fo160wing a motion by Mr. Chambless seconded by Mr. Schwarts and voted on unan~ously. A TTESor. ' ~ ct ty'. ecretary ~~ APPROVED: ~M1~~ Mayor MINUTES OF THE MEEl'ING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL, Crry OF SCHERTZ TEXAS, HELD ON SEPT. 30, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened at 8:30 p.m. in City Hall at the direction of Mayor Ro~ W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were: Mr. Raymond G. Koym, Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leon R. Chambless and Mr. Robert E. Schwartz. Discussion was held on date to be selected for the forthcoming bond election. ~()''1 J Following the selection of October 30 as election date, Mr. Schwartz motioned ) an emergency session of the City Council be called at 7:00 a.m. October 1 to call the el~ction. Mr. Chambless seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. A request for variance ot the city Zoning Ordinance by the 1st Baptist Church to allow 11 paving of the city property located between curb line and property line was approved I~X following motion 'tIy Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on unanimously. A lette.r from Frank Booth, Attorney for the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, requesting a resolution by the City of Schertz on the intent to contract with said Authority should I said Authority be designated manager of their region was read and discussed. Motion was ~1 ! made by Mr. Schwartz to draft the resolution. Following second by Mr. Koym, vote was I~ ') (~ -' ) unanimous ~ft a re~~to the effect stated. ~L ATTEST: ".;;l;1? _ ./ APPROVED: ~A - ~ - MINUTES OF THE.. M::ETING OF THE . ., CITY COUNCIL. QITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS ImlD ON bcrdSER 1, 1971 .' An emergency meeting of the City Council was convened at City Hall at 7:00 a.JRe urder the di~ction. of Mayo,r RQYW. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were: Mrs. Bobqie L. Koch, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. RobertE. Schwartz, Mr. Raymond G. Koym a,nd Mr. Leon R. Chambless. o ~ Following a reading NOTI<E OF EIECI'ION and RESOLUI'ION, a bond election was called tor '!J!\. October 30 following motion by Mr. Schwartz, secorrled by Mrs. Koch and voted on una- I.,~ nimously. Notice of Election and Calling of election follow: NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTIES OF GUADALUPE & BEIAR I CITY OF SCHERTZ I TO THE llESID~ QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, INCLUDING THOSE WHO OWN TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY, AND WHO HAVE DULY RENDERED THE SAME FOR TAXATION:. o TAKE NOTICE that an eleetion will be held in the City of Sehertz, Taxa., on the 30th day of Oetober, 1971, in obedience to a resolution and order duly entered by the City Council whieh i. attaebed hereto and made a part of this Notiee for all intents and purpo.... WITNESS OUR BANDS AND THE SEAL OF SAID CIT~, this 1st day of October, 1971. ~- I\.t ~~ ~/ 1?tJ y W~ R I C-f.rk!U> Mayor, City of Sehertz, Texa. ATTEST: /~ /<.0 6~T~ C _ ~ ltEX.€R- City Seeretary, City of Sehertz, Texas (City Seal) , A RESOLUTION AND OlDER by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texa., calling a bond eleetion to be held within said city, making provision for the eonduct of the election and other provision. ineident and related to the purpose of this resolution and order. WHEREAS, this City Couneil deems it advisable to call a bond eleetion for the purposes hereinafter mentioned; therefore, n U BE IT RESOLVED AND OIDERED BY THE CITY OOURCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 'I