cc-10-15-1970 215" r-- The contract pending with Universal City on the regional sewerage system was discussed at length with council members with no dissention expressed on the actions being taken to daite. Mayor Richard and the City Secretary will meet with Universal City orricials to complete contract negotiations. The conpletion of Live Oak Road was discussed. Present holdup is acquisLtion of Right-of-Way. City Secretary was instructed to prepare a letter to the County Judge requesting field notes be forwarded. Council members requested current status of the Urban Renewal Prqsram. City Secretary was instructed to request attendance of tm Urban Renewal Director at the next ccnncil meeting Mayor Richard informed tte council tha t a negotiated price has been establ isted for the purchase or the Lazy Oaks water system, such price to be $1,000.00 annually far eight ccnsecutive years (interest free). Action to purchase will proceed. Mr. Kazber1 motioned, Mr. Marx seconded and vote was unanimous to acquire tte system at this price. 9/_ 'tD Chief of Police Schoonover related problems existing at the dog pound. Gates have been jarred loose and animals freed repeatedly. Temporary maintenance can be accomplished for ...~u"dmately $50.00. New location is needed far the pound. City Secretary :related that a central animal shelter system to serve five communi ties under the Community CouncD. is being explored by the Community Council. Action is pending. APP ROVED: ATTEST; /""/ /t:hc ~ City Secretary ~8~ Maf!f1 MINUTES OF THE MEETlNG OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, HELD ON OCTOBER 15, 1970 A special session of the City Council was held under the direction of Mayor ProTem Raymond G. Koym. Aldernen in attendance were Mr.. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leonard J. Kazben, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham and Mr. Edgar T. Marx. Following discussion, Mr. .Dunham motioned and Mrs. Koch seconded to repeal City 92:7t> Ordinance II IB7. Vote was four in '1avor of adoption with Mr. Marx abstaining from vote. City Ordinance II 187 was repealed contingent upon the preparation by the City Attorney of a rew ordinance tha t will authorize tl'e construction and operation or self-service gasoline stations within the corporate limits of Schertz, Texas. Such ordinance will contain restrictive clauses to prevent a hazard to other structures and/or injury to persons engaged in the process of servicing vehicles or containers for volatile fuels. Omitted items from the regular session of the City Council held on October B, 1970 followB.a Discussion was held 00 the sale of excess property from the Stewart estate located between Live Oak Road and the McCuistion propertv. City Secretary Was instructed to proceed with proper sale of said property consisting of approximately four (4) acres. APP'WVED: ATTEST: ~C~-../ GUy Secretary . .,L::2_. Vt/~~ M;;o;7/