cc-12-03-1970 221. Mayor Richard made the propesal for four points, presently unresolved with Universal City, to be presented to Universal City by letter regarding the regional sewerage system contract. These issues are to be resolved prior t. contract signing. Discussion followad and full endorsement was given by the Council .for adherence to these issuesl (1) Settlement of ETJ lines as previously discussed. (2) Effluent line -- as stated in Minute sof Understanding #1 -- tG be acquired at cost of construction when Ii regional authority other than this one (U.C. - Schertz) is established. (3) Sewerage Treatment Plants (existing) value must be determined at this time (prior to entering into any contract). Suggest each plant be valued equally and each city receive the same ameunt of money te retire their outstanding bonds each year. This value must be established at this time to aveid problems at the time another entity takes over. (4) U. C. must vote at least $~OO,OOO excessive bonds to cover future require me nta for main extensions. This amount will match available Schertz funds for perpetuation of the system. Mayor Richard read a letter from County Judge Billy Schraub regarding participaticm in constructicm of a grade-level bridge en Elbel Road. City Secretary has discussed this problem with parties concerned am a second request, by letter, has been fOIWarded. Certification of Mr. Cecil Threadgill and Mr. Clyde Ford as Commissioners of the ,10 Heusing Authority of the City of Schertz until December 1, 1971 was made by the 'O~ Mayor. Mr. Koym motioned, Mr. Marx seconded and vote was unanimous to approve the certification. Meeting adjeurned at 11:00 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: A:@k~ City Se cretary M~AC~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON DECEMBER 3, 1970 The regular meeting of the City Council was h31d at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. in City Hall. A1derl'l'en in attendance were: Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leonard J,. Kazben, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham and Mr. Edgar T. Marx. Minutes of the meetings of Novenber 5, 1970 and November 12, 1970 were read and approved without change. Mr. Charle s C. Cross, City Engineer presented the Project Improvements Construction Plans for Urban Renewal proje ct (Tex - R 112). Full explanation of proje cted improvements and related costs was given and accepted by the City Council. ~,10 Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Kazben seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept \0 the Construction Plans as submitted. - , Discussion was h31d on violation of setback requirement at 303 Westchester, Village #4. The home is offset 24" short on the Curtiss (sidestreet) side of the property but is not of such consequence to be visibly detected. Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Marx seconded and vote was unanimous to allow the home to ,10 rem.tn on its present location and for a letter to be written to FHA waiving 105 any future City action as a result of the violation. 222 Discussion was held on the installation of a sidewalk on the south side of Aero st. in the Village #2 section. Mr. Schaefer, contractor for Village #2, was present at the meeting and agreed to such construction. City Secretary was instructed to send a letter to The Schaefer Companies requesting action and to additional send a letter to the First Baptist Church, stating sidewalk requirement must be added to their construction plans for the new church on Aero st. -,oThe Village 14 plat was discussed in reference to the extension of Gettysburg St. ~\into Live Oak Road. Mrs. Koch motioned, Mr. Dunham seconded and the vote was ~ unanimous that the street extension should be abandoned and the plat reworked to ~ reflect same. City Secretary was instructed to notify Shipman Engineering of this action. The Sale of' City Land to Tre Schaef'er Companies was discussed. The bid of $1),640.00 Ofor the 4.70 acre tract presented by The Schaefer Compan:ie s was the highest bid and "sale of the land to this company will reflect the best land use of the area. Mr. ~ Kazben motioned, Mr. Marx seconded and the vote was unanimous to sell the land for ~ the bid price. Recommendations were presented to the council for appointrrent of three new members , ~ to the Citizens A.dvisory Committee. New members to be appointed were: Mr. Joseph 1 Vigil, Mr. Elroy Fey and Mrs. Jean Kvapil. Mrs. Koch motioned, Mr. Marx seconded ~ and vote was unanimm.s te accept the recommendatioos. Citg Secretary" was instructed '\ to forward appropriate letters. The previously discussed anti-trust suit being initiated against Ford, General Motors >,.oand Chrysler by the State of Texas was discussed and a letter f'rom the Attorney General ','read outlining that municipalities would not be involved litigation, as such. Motion ~ was made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mrs. Koch and vote was unanimous to indorse the ~ anti-trust suit. ~Motion was made by Mr. Marx, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to ad~t ~ Ordinance number 223 which amends Ordinance number 21. Ordinance f'ollows: '\ ORDINANCE NUMBER 23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF SCHERTZ ORDINANCE NUMBER 2l, DATED 4 MAY 19,9 PROVIDING JiOR REGULATING THE HOURS OF OPERATION FaYR SOLICITING OF MERCHANDISE OR OTHm GDOrs. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: S~TION,. The hours of operation for door-to-door peddling within~the City it Schertx, TexaS shall be f'rom 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily except Sunday, on which day soliciting is prohibited. SECTION 6. Any portion or portions, sections, clauses or phrases of Ordinance number 21 of the City of SChertz, Texas in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. APPRVl/J!.u: /s/ Roy W. Richard, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary ~ Proposed new construction for rehabilitation of City Hall was discussed. Plans were , ;:::. approved. Mr. Kazben motioned, Mrs. Koch seconded and vote was unanimous to advertise '" for bids and proceed with construction. 1\,~Discussion was held on adoption of Ordinance number 224 which a~nds Ordinance 81. 'I'Motion was made by Mr. Marx, seconded by Mr. Kazben and voted on unanimously to ~ adopt the ordinance. Ordinance fo11ews: " ORDINANCE NO. 224 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 81, SECTION 8 OF THE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS ~ 223 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNC IL 0 F THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, , TEXAS: That Section 8 of Ordinance 81 of the City of Sc~rtz, Texas does and shall hereafter read as follows: Section 8. Each water consumer upon making application for service shall place a ten dollar ($10.00) water deposit with the City of Schertz, Texas which may be applied to paYment of any unpaid or past due bills for water service and, when so used, such consurrer shall restore the deposit to its original amount. Any unused porti on of such deposit shall be refunded to such consuner upon discontinuance of such customer service. After such water deposit has been on deposit with the City of Schertz for a period of five (~) years, and provided such con sumer has not been in default in the payment of any bill for water service during such period of tine, alch deposit shall be refunded to such water consumer. Refunds made on deposits held for five (5) jears or longer will be made annually as of January 1. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3d day of December, 1970. APPROVED /s/ Roy W. Richard, Mayor ATTEST: Robert C. Boo ker, City Se cretary Mayor Richard read a letter dated November 27 from the State Dept. of Health in which they cited the need for two licensed water operators. City Secretar,y was instructed to prepare a rremo to the Utilities Dept. stating the requirement for schooling of employees and to prepare a schedule of attendance. Curb-cut ordinance was read and discussed. Ordinance was given to the City Engineer for review and presentation at a later date. JJ 3" 7D Ci ty investment funds were read to the council. Motion was made by Mr. Marx:, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to have $25,000 of Waterworks General Funds being held by Frost National Bank returned for investrrent through the Schertz State Bank. It was generally agreed to conduct the maj ori ty of banking services locally providing service and interest rates are compatible. Discussion was held on City financial support for the Chamber of Commerce as discussed during the November meeting. A letter from the City Attorney pointed out a referendum vote was required for such support and the amount could not exceed $.05 per $100 assessed valuation. This subject was dismissed in light of the recently proposed merger of Chambers of Comrrerce throughout the local area. A proposed leasing agreement between the City and Scouting Headquarters was discussed. A copy of the proposed lease agreement was furnished each member and the item tabled until the next session. Letter from Housing Authority pointing out expiration of terms of office for sorne members was read by Mayor Richard. City Secretary was instructed to issue letters of reappointment to members. Settlement of claim by Mr. Frobese against the City fer ROW of water line crossing was discussed. Mr. Frobese claims crop loss damage and replawing costs. The City Council did not support the claim for crop loss. Mr. Marx was asked to talk with Mr. Frobese on this subject. Mr. Mazian explained that Deer Haven residents presently on city water were to suffer increases in insurance rates for lack of fire protection. Legally, the city cannot use fire hydrants be10ngtng to Lazy Oaks Water Company. City Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Groos National Bank asking for use of the hydrants until such time as negotiations are completed for city purchase of the Lazy Oaks Water System. 224 Mr. Mazian inquired why postal service in the form of home delivery was not available to Deer Haven residents. Mr. Mazian was informed that postal regulations were not within the purview or city managenent; hClllever, details will be obtained from the Postmaster and forwarded. I, Mr. Mazian complained about water pressure in Deer Haven. Details or negotiations with Lazy Oaks ware explained. Discussion was held on placing another patrolman on duty atter the 1st of the year. Cost is the problem. Present size of the police force does not allw sufficient coverage. Police Chief Schoonover stated $4000 would be :required to Slpport the additional patrolman for a 10-month period. City Secretary was instructed to review the city budget and municipal court budget and present a rinancial report at the next meeting. A$'reement was made to sell 4.7 acres of city property to Johlt M. Schaeferas highest b1dder. Ordinance I 225 tollows: ,\0 1\(}l' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND CONFIRMING THE SALE \\ OF REAL ]!STATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, all members of the Council being present and said Council meeting havin g been convned in the manner and at the tine provided bylaw, th!!re came on to be considered the IIIltter or the sale of the hereinafter described land belonging to said City: and It appearing to the Council that such sale was ra1rly held and was in conformity with the law and upon notice as required by law and is provided by a previous resolution of this Council and that said land has brought a fair price and that the bidder accepted therefore was the highest and best bidder for the said tract of land; 4 1\ . I I w Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, that the bid of John M. Schaefer of $5',640.00 for the hereinafter described tract of land be accepted as being the highest and best bid for tre said tract of land' hereinatter described and that the Mayor of said City shall execute and deliver to said purchaser, John M. SChaefer, upon his paying in cash the amount of $5',640.00 the amount of his bid to said City, a deed cooveying to the said purchaser the . said tract of land tE reinafter described, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land being a 4.70 acre tract cnt of a 7 acre tract of land in the G. Malpaz Survey, Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, conveyed by otto Stewart et al to the City of Schertz, by deed dated June 4, 1970, recorded in Vol. 431, page 168 of the deed of records of Guadalupe County, Texas, and th9 said tract of land being described by metes and bounds as rollows: BEGINNING at the point of intersectial of the south line of said 7.0 acre tract and the west line of Westchester Drive; THENCE N 290 51' W along the extensioo of the west line of Westchester Drive, a distance of 138.50 feet to an iron pin set for the northwest corner of this tract; L 225 THENCE N &Jo E along the north line of said 7.0 acre tract, a distance of 1478.76 feet to an iron pin set for the northeast comer of said 7.0 acre tract and the northeast corner of this tract; THENCE S 290 45' E along tre east line of said 7.0 acre tract, a distance of 138.~9 feet to an iron pin set for the southeast corner of said 7.0 acre tract and the southeast Co(f't)lr~ of this tract; THENCE S 600 W along the south lire of said 7.0 acre tract, a distance of 1478.50 feet to the point of BEGINNING and containing 4.70 acres of land. The City Council hereby authorizes the payment of all expenses incurred by reason of the premises. PASSED AND APProVED this tre 3d day of December, 1970. /st Roy W. Richard, Mayor ATTEST: /5/ Rob ert C. Bue ker, Ci ty Secretary A letter was received from Mr. Odo Rie~e1 outlining high voltage output of 126 volts recorded by GVEC and observed by Mr. Riedel and Ira Hecox. , AUl!UT: f~~ City Secretary APPROVED : r::>__-'A~ ~JV~;;or MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON DECEMBER 22, 1970 A special meeting of the City Ccunci1 was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard. Alderme n in attendance were Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mrs. Bobbie L. K:Ch, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr-. Leonard J. Kazben. .nn Application for a city electrical license by Harris Electric Co. of San Antonio ),4- w,s read. Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Koym seconded and vote was unanimcus for aoproval. A letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee recommending reappointment of all ~,10 current members for another year of office was read. Mrs. Koch motioned, Mr. I' Dunham sec onded and vote was unanimous to accept the reappointments as pre sented. Contracts for Refuse ,Collection and Gargage Disposal were presented by Moore Inc., ...'10 and Gutierrez Sanitation Co. Mr. Dunaam motioned, Mrs. Koch seconded and vote \ \ \.P was unanimous to grant contracts to both companies for the year 1971. Motion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted en unanimously to \\t\4<"\~ make payment on a bill received from Mr. Frank Booth, laJrYer retained in disp.lte with Water Quality Board, for services rendered. Bids from Tv."....f Crouch Con struction, Andrew Tolle and Dick's Cabinet Shop were opened. Bid was for renovation of the City Hall. Item was teTlp orarily tabled with request that City Secretary secure a cost figure (]') Item 1112 from Tommy Crouch Cons tructi on .