cc-12-22-1970 225 THENCE N &Jo E along the north line of said 7.0 acre tract, a distance of 1478.76 feet to an iron pin set for the northeast comer of said 7.0 acre tract and the northeast corner of this tract; THENCE S 290 45' E along tre east line of said 7.0 acre tract, a distance of 138.~9 feet to an iron pin set for the southeast corner of said 7.0 acre tract and the southeast Co(f't)lr~ of this tract; THENCE S 600 W along the south lire of said 7.0 acre tract, a distance of 1478.50 feet to the point of BEGINNING and containing 4.70 acres of land. The City Council hereby authorizes the payment of all expenses incurred by reason of the premises. PASSED AND APProVED this tre 3d day of December, 1970. /st Roy W. Richard, Mayor ATTEST: /5/ Rob ert C. Bue ker, Ci ty Secretary A letter was received from Mr. Odo Rie~e1 outlining high voltage output of 126 volts recorded by GVEC and observed by Mr. Riedel and Ira Hecox. , AUl!UT: f~~ City Secretary APPROVED : r::>__-'A~ ~JV~;;or MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON DECEMBER 22, 1970 A special meeting of the City Ccunci1 was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard. Alderme n in attendance were Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mrs. Bobbie L. K:Ch, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr-. Leonard J. Kazben. .nn Application for a city electrical license by Harris Electric Co. of San Antonio ),4- w,s read. Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Koym seconded and vote was unanimcus for aoproval. A letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee recommending reappointment of all ~,10 current members for another year of office was read. Mrs. Koch motioned, Mr. I' Dunham sec onded and vote was unanimous to accept the reappointments as pre sented. Contracts for Refuse ,Collection and Gargage Disposal were presented by Moore Inc., ...'10 and Gutierrez Sanitation Co. Mr. Dunaam motioned, Mrs. Koch seconded and vote \ \ \.P was unanimous to grant contracts to both companies for the year 1971. Motion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted en unanimously to \\t\4<"\~ make payment on a bill received from Mr. Frank Booth, laJrYer retained in disp.lte with Water Quality Board, for services rendered. Bids from Tv."....f Crouch Con struction, Andrew Tolle and Dick's Cabinet Shop were opened. Bid was for renovation of the City Hall. Item was teTlp orarily tabled with request that City Secretary secure a cost figure (]') Item 1112 from Tommy Crouch Cons tructi on . 226, APPROVED: ATTEST: #~ARY ~~~ ~ MAYOR MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS lELD ON JANUARY 7, 1971 The regular meeting of tl'e City Council was convened at th9 direction of Mayor Pro- Tem Raymond G. Koym. Aldennen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Kod1, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Edgar Marx and Mr. Leonard J. Kazben. ~The new plat for Village 14 ltlich eliminates the projection of Gettysburg Ave. into ~ Live Oak Road was discussed. Motim was made by Mr. Kazben, Seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to approve Village 14 subdivision. Potential new member for the Citizens Advisory Committee, Mr. Guadalupe Sanchez, was placed on file on the advice of Mrs. Bennett, Chairman, Citizens Advisory Colll1lEittee, who stated the authorized 15 positions were already filled. City Financial Report and the Police Budget were deferred to the next council nseting. Mr. Brewer appeared before the council and explained a Group Hospitalization poliCY. No decisions -were rendered on purchasing such a policy until further study could be given the proposal and determinatioo made on the extent of municipal participation. ~Bids for new constructioo in City Hall were discussed. Motion was made by Mrs. KoCh, ,seconded by Mr. Marx: and voted on unanimously to award the contract to Mr. Andrew ~Tolle, low bidder. Councilman Marx asked Mr. Frobese to appear before the council and present his claim for damages to farmland which occurred during irista11a ti. CIl of vater mains through their properties. Claims for damages vere: Mueller farm: Total $34.00 46.25 6666Ji0.oo l~U.~~ 162.75 33.57 17.00 75.00 26.00 314.32 1 acre of oats - 34 bus @$I.OO . 1 acre Milo replowing two acres Total Browning farm: 1 3/4 acre corn .55 acre milo .50 acre oats replowing 3 3/4 reclosing ferice acre GRAND TOTAL $ 434.57 Mr. Marx substantiated the claim after personal inspectiCll of the property as did the ~City Engineer in relation to replawing Costs. Moti. en was made by Mr. Dunham, seconded ,by Mr. Marx and voted on:- Yea - 3 votes, AgaiDst - 1 vote. Motion carried to pay ~the bill as presented. Total bill is to be paid Mr. Roman Frobese who in turn will effect payments to Mr. Mueller and Mr. Browiing for their share of damages. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Threadgill, owners of Naomi's Beauty Shop appeared before the council for action to be taken on continued use of non-conforming 1 and. The beauty shop is located in R-l zoning. City council discussed the problem and agreed that with no