cc-01-07-1971 226, APPROVED: ATTEST: #~ARY ~~~ ~ MAYOR MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS lELD ON JANUARY 7, 1971 The regular meeting of tl'e City Council was convened at th9 direction of Mayor Pro- Tem Raymond G. Koym. Aldennen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Kod1, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Edgar Marx and Mr. Leonard J. Kazben. ~The new plat for Village 14 ltlich eliminates the projection of Gettysburg Ave. into ~ Live Oak Road was discussed. Motim was made by Mr. Kazben, Seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to approve Village 14 subdivision. Potential new member for the Citizens Advisory Committee, Mr. Guadalupe Sanchez, was placed on file on the advice of Mrs. Bennett, Chairman, Citizens Advisory Colll1lEittee, who stated the authorized 15 positions were already filled. City Financial Report and the Police Budget were deferred to the next council nseting. Mr. Brewer appeared before the council and explained a Group Hospitalization poliCY. No decisions -were rendered on purchasing such a policy until further study could be given the proposal and determinatioo made on the extent of municipal participation. ~Bids for new constructioo in City Hall were discussed. Motion was made by Mrs. KoCh, ,seconded by Mr. Marx: and voted on unanimously to award the contract to Mr. Andrew ~Tolle, low bidder. Councilman Marx asked Mr. Frobese to appear before the council and present his claim for damages to farmland which occurred during irista11a ti. CIl of vater mains through their properties. Claims for damages vere: Mueller farm: Total $34.00 46.25 6666Ji0.oo l~U.~~ 162.75 33.57 17.00 75.00 26.00 314.32 1 acre of oats - 34 bus @$I.OO . 1 acre Milo replowing two acres Total Browning farm: 1 3/4 acre corn .55 acre milo .50 acre oats replowing 3 3/4 reclosing ferice acre GRAND TOTAL $ 434.57 Mr. Marx substantiated the claim after personal inspectiCll of the property as did the ~City Engineer in relation to replawing Costs. Moti. en was made by Mr. Dunham, seconded ,by Mr. Marx and voted on:- Yea - 3 votes, AgaiDst - 1 vote. Motion carried to pay ~the bill as presented. Total bill is to be paid Mr. Roman Frobese who in turn will effect payments to Mr. Mueller and Mr. Browiing for their share of damages. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Threadgill, owners of Naomi's Beauty Shop appeared before the council for action to be taken on continued use of non-conforming 1 and. The beauty shop is located in R-l zoning. City council discussed the problem and agreed that with no 227" objections posed to operation of the beauty parlor in its present location by adjoining property owners, cootinued use would be allowed. Secticn 18-1 of the Zoning Ordinance provides sufficient recourse to rezone the property should fUture petitions against such a business operatioo come into being. City Secretary was advised to inform the Zoning and Planning Commission of the interpretation and ask that trey expedite action and inform Mr and Mrs Threadgill. Contract offer submitted by Mfte I s Cement Co. to pour additicnal slab behind the fire ti) station was discussed and accepted after mati cn by Mr. Marx:, seconded by Mr. Dunham f'I and voted on unanimously. Cost of contract is $1.01 per sq. ft. The Texas Municipal League conventioo was discussed. Council endorsed recommendation that City should have representation at the 1971 convention. Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of January 4, 1971 were read and approved :r 11 after motion by Mr. Marx, second by Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimously. Approval was given for renovation of the Schertz Service Station on FM 78 to a self-service sta tion . Motion 1i{as made by Mrs. KoCh, seconded by Mr. Kazben and voted on unan imously to 1.9)1' appoint Mr. Siskey, Mr. Brown and Mr. Trent to consecutive two (2) year terms of office on the Board of Comm1ss~oners, Housing Authority with subsequent replacement of Mr. Siskey with Mr. Albert L. Wile. Terms of office to be from December 1, 1970 tO,December 1,1972. Proposed lease to Scouting organizatioos f.or use of land in the City Park was read and discussed. City Attorney will review the leasing agreement and return it to Mrs. Koch early next week. APProVED: ATTEST:~/// " 1 , J City Sa retary' f(fl:1~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL,SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON JANUARY 11, 1971 A special session of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor ROJ' W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were: Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leooard J. Kazben and Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham. .. Discussion was held on Maintenance and Operations of the Schaefer Rural Road Water rll System by the City of Schertz. Motioo was made by Mr. Kazeen, seconded by Mrs. 1/ I Koch and voted on unanimously to perform meter reading and billing for a 90-day period commencing February 1, 1971 at the. rate of $.~O per meter. Representatives of the building industry appeared before the council requesting a change be effected in city ordinances to allow the use of PVC-IWB plastic pipe folft'1\ sewer waste and ven ting pupposes. Moti on for acceptance was na de by Mrs. Koch, '6' seconded by Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimously. Mr. Dunham motioned, Mrs. Koch second3d and vote was unanimous to accept the resignation of Mr. Aaron Beck from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Further mot; on was made by Mr. Kazben, seconded by Mr. Dunham and voted cn unanimously to appoint Mr. Robert Eugene Schwartz to the Planning and Zoning Commission. q/11