cc-01-18-1971 228 ~The 1970 City of Schertz financial statenent was reviewed and recormnendatim made to ~ publish the statement in the Vallpy News. Motion was made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mrs. I'och and voted on unanimously. The Police Budget was reviewed and consideratiCl'l given to the hiring of an additional patrolman for the Police Department. DiscussiCl'l was tabled until the next full council meeting convene d. The City Secretary was instructed to call the election for three aldermen at the next general elections to be conducted en April 3, 1971 cl1t4~./~ APPROVED: ~~ ATTEST: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CI TY OJU NeIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON JANUARY 18, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. Aldermen in attendance were: Raymond G. Koym, Jimmie V. Dunham and Edgar T. Marx. Members absent wen! Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch and Mr. Leonard J. Kazben. A drafted reply to Universal City on a submitted engineering study for the proposed regional sewerage system was read and approved by council members. The Mayor and City Secretary were authorized to proceed with negotiations based on the drafted reply. ~A pending anti-trust suit against several pipe manufacturers by the State Attorney's l\ Office was read and approved far the Attorney General to represent the City of Schertz ~ in the pending litigation. Motion made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously. ~ Request was made by Mr. Felipe Agado for a contract with the city to operate a garbage ~ pickup business within the city for the calendar year 1971. Mr. Dunham motiooed, ~ Mr. Koym seconded and vote was unanimous to approve the license. ~ A draft of a leasing contract of land located in the City Park to be leased to the Alame Area of Scouts for conatruction of a scout hut was read. Recommendation was made that a copy of the leasing agreement be furnished the Scouting organization for their review. ATTEST; APPROVED: a_h~ M;;~' '~ C '[ty-1e'-;;e tary