cc-02-04-1971 229, MINU'!'~S OF THS HS~TING OF TH~ CI'!'Y COUNCIL, CITY OF'SCHERTZ TEXAS H~LD ON ~BRUARY 4, 1971 ,Jlw-lIV,1/ M IN U TE S 0,= MEETlf,J6S 0,:: OE'- 3, Ie, 7&, DEL 2-'2-, ,eI1~, JAtJ 7, 1<,7', j~t\i /1, ,<; 1 I" WC~ Uili) AN,) ,kl tcPitO W.TU o~:- e#414tJ1C,t::: The regular meeting of the City Council convened at the ~irection of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8: no D.m. Aldermen in attend:mce were Hrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Hr. Jimrrie V. Dunham, Mt.Raymond G. Koym and Mr. 4;dgar T. l1arx. lCr. Plouch, builder of a Texaco self-service station on F}~ 78 appe2red to present his case for moving a trailer house onto the commercial property site. Such move was in violation of the zoning code. It was stated the city inspector had observed and approved the utilities to serve the tr8iler site ~rior to movement of the trail~r on the site. A specific request was made for a temporary variance of the city ordin2nce to a~low relocation of the trailer. Motion was made by Mrs~;~l Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on(3-yeas, l-abstaintion (Mr. Dunham) 1/ to allow a 90-day variance. Hr. Rusch, City Fire Harshal, informed the council of a ne~.v statute now on the ,st~te books that provides for the handling and storage of flammable liquids. Mr. Rusch indicated he ~,'Jill brief all service st,gtion operators. Mr. Toby Sonner ver~lly requested release from his appointment as a member of/~;11 the Zoning ~nd Pl,mning Commj ssion. Motion made by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mrs. Koch ~nd voted on un~nimously to accept the resignation. It was further motioned by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted unanimously to apooint Mr. Nellborn Willbanks to the Zoning and Planning COI~~is~ion, vice Mr. Conner. Mayor Richard indicated Mr. M~nroe ~vitz, Gomal County Commissioner, had contacted him in reference to Guadalupe County extending FM 3009 north from IH 35 to the County line, providing incentive for Comal County to further extend n1 3009 northward. It was recommended the City Secr8tary prepare a let-ter to GU2d"lllpe County stating the request. Letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee W2S r3ad asking for termination of ap90intment of a Mr. Joseph Vig~l as a member of the Citizen's Advisory Committee for undue absenteeism. Mr. Koym motion~d, tIrs. Koch seconded and vote ~as 15~71 unanimous for removal. It waS further motioned by ~~. Dunham, seconded by Hr. Marx and voted on unanimously to have Hr. Guadalupe Sanchez appointed to +:.he comnittee. Mr. Potter apoeared before the council to present his peti titm for annexation of 8 3-Rcre parcel of l;:md on Live Oak Road. Action v.J~s tabled after discussion I and motion by Mrs. Koch, seconded by }f..r. H;:?rx anc:l voted on unbnimo'Jsly. Hr. 1{;~1 Potter ~.v s informed th2t his acre3ge ~.vo\)ld be considered with a larger parcel of land under consideration for annexation. Ap90intment of ~lection Officials, Mr. Charles Sartain for Judge, }rr. Delos DurrJen for Plternate Juige, Mrs. Arthur Presley as 81erk, and Nrs. Lucit Deen as Clerk was approved. City of Schertz and Gity of Univers:,l City 4;TJ realignnent v.Jas discussed. [\ proilosed re;:Jlignment submitted by T1niversal City IoTas acce'Jtable. How~ver, action WaS deferred until all ~TJ's between the two cities can be discussed. City Secret2ry IoTaS instructed to pr~pare a le+ ter to this effect. Al!nexation procedures for those areas encompassing/he Lazy Oaks 'Jater System v 1 \ w~s discussed. Hotion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted ,1' on unrmimously to proceed with the annexation. 230 A letter was submitted by GVBC requesting city assistance is laying underground electric"l service to 4-he City p;:;rk baseball diamonds. City Secretary was asked to confer with the City utilities Superintendent and GVEC to find a solution. ~Motion was mC'de by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Hr. Koym and voted on unanimously to ~ have the City pay water bills for the Fire Station for the remainder of the 1971 ~ fiscal year. This item will be budgeted for subsequent years. I~elfare report from Mrs. Bennett, Welfare Director, was read and accepted without ch;mge. R8pre~entatives from A12mo Aroa of Scouting, Mr. Harms and Mr. Gloriosa, discussed leasing agreement previously furnished for land use in the City Park to be used for construction of permanent scouting facilities. Final decision on lease was not consummated. Representatives were asked to confer with the City Secretary for finali- za~ion of agr~ements. ~RegiOn81 Sewerage System w~ discussed once again and a resolution indorsing Schertz ~ participRtion in such a system was presented for signature. Mr. Koym motioned, Mr. \ Marx seconded and vote was unanimous to sign the resolution with minor amendments to be made by the City Secretary. }layor Richard outlined some of the remaining points of discussion relating to the r~gional system. These points consisted of: (1) Planning of future regional lines and a determination made as to when population density (or other yandstick of measurement) demands regional sewage treatment. (2) All regionRl lines should be gravity flow. Force mains and lift stations required to reach regional lines will be inter-city cost. (3) Accurate flow measurements must be taken on the D.C. plant. ~Revision of the Plumbing Code to allow use of plastic pipe for sewage lines and other ~ uses was presented by the City Attorney. Motion was m3de by Mr. Dunham, seconded by ~ Mrs. Koch anri voted on llnanimolls1y to have the matter referred to the Pluinbing Board -l for revie..r. APPROVBD: AT'rnST: ~~~ Mayor' MINUT~S OF TH~ M3STING OF THS CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, 'RXAS H4;LD ON MARCH 4, 1971 The regular meeting of the city council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard. at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Aldermen in a~tendence were: Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr. ~dgar T. Marx. A proposal for a city ordinance designating Main st. for parallel parking only was discussed. General agreement was reached that such an ordinance may be required at this time; however, the City Secr~tary was instnucted to research previous orjinances to determine if a new ordinonce will be required or an existing ordinance amended. An ordinance authorizing the city to assess property owners for the costs of paving and other improvements was discussed. The City Attorney related complications arising in ordinances of this nature. Action was deferred until further study is completed.