cc-03-04-1971 230 A letter was submitted by GVBC requesting city assistance is laying underground electric"l service to 4-he City p;:;rk baseball diamonds. City Secretary was asked to confer with the City utilities Superintendent and GVEC to find a solution. ~Motion was mC'de by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Hr. Koym and voted on unanimously to ~ have the City pay water bills for the Fire Station for the remainder of the 1971 ~ fiscal year. This item will be budgeted for subsequent years. I~elfare report from Mrs. Bennett, Welfare Director, was read and accepted without ch;mge. R8pre~entatives from A12mo Aroa of Scouting, Mr. Harms and Mr. Gloriosa, discussed leasing agreement previously furnished for land use in the City Park to be used for construction of permanent scouting facilities. Final decision on lease was not consummated. Representatives were asked to confer with the City Secretary for finali- za~ion of agr~ements. ~RegiOn81 Sewerage System w~ discussed once again and a resolution indorsing Schertz ~ participRtion in such a system was presented for signature. Mr. Koym motioned, Mr. \ Marx seconded and vote was unanimous to sign the resolution with minor amendments to be made by the City Secretary. }layor Richard outlined some of the remaining points of discussion relating to the r~gional system. These points consisted of: (1) Planning of future regional lines and a determination made as to when population density (or other yandstick of measurement) demands regional sewage treatment. (2) All regionRl lines should be gravity flow. Force mains and lift stations required to reach regional lines will be inter-city cost. (3) Accurate flow measurements must be taken on the D.C. plant. ~Revision of the Plumbing Code to allow use of plastic pipe for sewage lines and other ~ uses was presented by the City Attorney. Motion was m3de by Mr. Dunham, seconded by ~ Mrs. Koch anri voted on llnanimolls1y to have the matter referred to the Pluinbing Board -l for revie..r. APPROVBD: AT'rnST: ~~~ Mayor' MINUT~S OF TH~ M3STING OF THS CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, 'RXAS H4;LD ON MARCH 4, 1971 The regular meeting of the city council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard. at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Aldermen in a~tendence were: Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr. ~dgar T. Marx. A proposal for a city ordinance designating Main st. for parallel parking only was discussed. General agreement was reached that such an ordinance may be required at this time; however, the City Secr~tary was instnucted to research previous orjinances to determine if a new ordinonce will be required or an existing ordinance amended. An ordinance authorizing the city to assess property owners for the costs of paving and other improvements was discussed. The City Attorney related complications arising in ordinances of this nature. Action was deferred until further study is completed. 231 Request was made to purchase a postage metering machine for city use. Following ~,/1\ discussion, motion was made by }~. Dunham, seconded by Mr. KOJ~ and voted on unanimously to approve the purchase. Petition for annexation was received from pr:)~erty. owners in the area between Deer r , Haven subdivision and ~1 J009 and the area lYlng dlrectly to the north of the Deer ~j 1 Haven subdivision. Motion was made by }~s. Koch, seconded by Mr. Karx and voted ~ on unanimously to proceed with publication of notice and designating March 22, 1971 8:00 p.m. as the date and time of the public hearing. Petition for annexation was received from property owners in an area south of I the ~eer Haven subdivision and extending to the south property line of the Gesche ;L3'? tract. Hotion w"s made by Mrs. Koch, seccmded by Hr. Harx and voted on unanimously to proceed with publication and notice of public hearing to be held March 22, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. Petition for annexation of a two acre tract mmed by Mr. Hessick was tabled until such time that adjoining acreage of larger size is considered for annexation. Motion wa~J'1/ made by Mrs. KOch, secondeEl by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously. J.- 'f' Applications for electrical licenses by Ditnar Slectric and Hr. R. Taylor were presented. Ditm2.r apllication was approved follo\.ring motion by }1r. Dunham, se~onded I by Hr. Koym ani voted on unanimously. Taylor application was approved follo'l-Jing ).,5...1 motion by Hr. Koym, seconded by }1rs. Koch and voted on unanimously. A. letter declinin:g::-acoeptance to a position on the Citizens Advisory Committee submitted by l'~. Guadalupe Sanchez was tabled for further considerEltion. A member of the r,ir,izens Advisory Committee will contact }1r. Sanchez. The ~nnual report of Urban Renewal was deferred due to illness of the Urban Director. A resolution for amendment to the traffic control code was presented by Chief Schoonover. The proposal was referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the amendment prior to passage. Ordinance number 226 establishing the 30ard of Squalization for 1971 was approved ~j11 following motion by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously. ~ Authorization to alter composition of the Board was granted since }IT. Sartain, a Board member has filed for city office as Alderman. Ordinance /f 226 follows: ORDINANCE NO. 226 AN OHDIN,~NC4; j\P?OIN"'ING THS BOARD OF EQGALIZA'l'ION FDR 'T'Ht<; CITY OF SCHE~TZ, TSXAS, FOR THS YSAR 1970, PROVI1ING FOR "'H4;IR DUT:RS AND COHPTi;~JSATIO~J, 'cND mn1E OF W<:STING. I TVJISR-';AS, th8 time has now arrived for the work of the 30ard of B'~ual:iization to hegin qnd no such Board has yet been ap~ointed for the year 1970, now therefore: B'S IT ORDJI.llrsD BY 'T'RS CITY COUNCIL OF mHS Cry OF SCHSRTZ, 'RXAS: That, Mr. Delos R. Durden, Mr. Hugh G. Sandifer and Mr. Charles Sartain, are herebpappointed to the Board of Equalization of the City of Schertz, Texas, as prescribed by the Constitution and La,'1s of the State of Texas, and ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas; such Board shall receive all the assessment lists and books of the assessor of the City of Schertz, Texas, for eX2mination, correction, equalization, appraisement, and approval for the City of Schertz, Texas; the mernbers thereof shall receive for their compensation the sum of $50.00 (Fifty Dollars); and such shall be convened on the 12th day of April, 1971, in the City Hall at Schertz, Texas at 9:00 a.m. At each meeting of said board the City Secretary shall act as secretary therefor. PASS4;D AND APPROVSD TdIS TH7, 4th day of March, 1971. A TTSST : /s/~/ Robert C. Bueker /s/t/ Roy W. Richard 2'3'2 Discussion was held on plat for Deer Haven Subdivision number 3. This plat had been submitted to the City Planner and Planning Commission with recommendations made for correction. It w~s recommended the plat be returned to the Planning Commission for further review. Complaints were issued about noxious odors coming from the H&B dump off ~1 3009. City Secretary was instructed to write letters to the users. Additional complaint was registered about the O'Keefe Concrete Mising Plant on FM 78. This company had been issued a letter of "'warning by the state Air Pollution Control ~oard a few months past. City Secretary was instructed to write Rnother letter to the state board. Discussion was held on the collection of swill and slop from within the city. , It was recommended the present garbage ordinance be reviewed for adequacy of laws regulating the movement of these products with a report of the review submitted to the council. Prope~ty owners located north of the High School were present and asked for procedures to be follo~~d for annexation of their land into the city. }~. Cross was instructed to furnish field notes on the area. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ATTW~~~ City Secretary APPROVED: M~M/C2-..L. -I MINUT~S OF THE }ffiTING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS HELD ON MARCH 15, 1971 A special session of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Raymond G. Koym and Mr. Edgar T. Marx. ~ ~' ~ Discussion was held on granting a quit claim deed to Johm M. Schaefer for a water easement across his property located in Universal City. In return, Mr. Schaefer 1rill grant a new easement around said property. Motion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Marx and voted on unanimously to grant the quit claim deed. Public hearing was held on two separate annexations of property located to the north, ~ south and that portion of Deer Haven subdivision fronting on fl1 3009. No citizens ~ were present at the public hearing. Mr. Koym motioned, Mrs. Koch seconded and vote ~ was unanimous to proceed with the annexation. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. APPROVED: AT'RST: ~ L? ./ CJ-ty Secretary~Gd./~ I Hayor