cc-03-22-1971 233 }lINUTES OF THS ~TING OF THS cry '::OUNCIL, cry OF SCHSRTZ, TEXAS HSLD ON MARCH 22, 1971 A special session of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:~O p.m. at City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leonard J. Kazben and Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham. 19'11 Action WaS tnken to revoke a previous public hearing held on March 15 0: annexatio~- of land in the Deerhaven subdivision ar'->.a. Motion was made by Hr. Dunham, seconded by Hrs. Koch ani voted on lmanimously to revoke paragraph three (J) of the legal minutes of l1arch 15. Public hearing on annexation of lanr!s to the north of the city were held. A reading of the prepared public hearing notes were read ~nth votes cast for the annexation by property Q1;,mers. Attending the hearing were I1r. Roman Fr:Jbose, Mr. Robert BrO'ming, Mrs. C. L. Brorming and lJ!r. George Gesche. All attending persons were given the oP0ortunity to be heard and to sign the petition. }lotion W3S made by Hr. Kazben, 11 seconded by 11rs. Koch :mr! voted on un:mimously to proceed "i th the annexations. ?l'/ APP::tO\,TP;D : A "'T~ST : KlJ-C ~v Ci ty Secretary ~~ H:::y Jr 11 MDJUTES OF THE H~TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, '1'SXAS HSLD ON APRIL 1, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 8: 00 p.m. at the direction of Nayor Roy "-I. Richard. Aldermen in aVendance Here }II'. Jirnrnie V. Dunham, Mr. Rayrrion:1 G. Koym 2nd }tr. Leonard J. Kazben. Minutes of City Council meetings held on March 4, I'larch 15 and, N31'ch 22 were read and accepted. The annual report of the Urban Renewal Agency was read. Hr. '.,Talter Schertz, Urban T)irpcted briefed the council on cU~Tent proGrams and projections. A letter from the Arthritis Foundation r~questing permission to solicit in Schertz on June 1, 1971 waS read. Mr. Koym motion~d, }Ir. Kazben seconded and vote was unanimous, to allow the arthritis foundation to conduct the march. 21~7 K yor Richard read the minutes of the Citizens Advisory Sorm:1ittee ::1ated l:arch 2?-, 1971. Hc;yor Richard briefed council members on the current status of the r:ibolo Hunicipal Authority proceedings. Authorization to execute a warranty deed to Corn.al 80unty on 0.471 acres of ldnd from the Cit,'T of Schertz water well SitA for road construction 'tvas presented to 7,he council. Motion w;:,s made by Hr. Dunham, seconded by Hr. Koym and voted on \manimousl,y to proceed I ~vi th the transfer. ~2...'1