cc-04-01-1971 233 }lINUTES OF THS ~TING OF THS cry '::OUNCIL, cry OF SCHSRTZ, TEXAS HSLD ON MARCH 22, 1971 A special session of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:~O p.m. at City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leonard J. Kazben and Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham. 19'11 Action WaS tnken to revoke a previous public hearing held on March 15 0: annexatio~- of land in the Deerhaven subdivision ar'->.a. Motion was made by Hr. Dunham, seconded by Hrs. Koch ani voted on lmanimously to revoke paragraph three (J) of the legal minutes of l1arch 15. Public hearing on annexation of lanr!s to the north of the city were held. A reading of the prepared public hearing notes were read ~nth votes cast for the annexation by property Q1;,mers. Attending the hearing were I1r. Roman Fr:Jbose, Mr. Robert BrO'ming, Mrs. C. L. Brorming and lJ!r. George Gesche. All attending persons were given the oP0ortunity to be heard and to sign the petition. }lotion W3S made by Hr. Kazben, 11 seconded by 11rs. Koch :mr! voted on un:mimously to proceed "i th the annexations. ?l'/ APP::tO\,TP;D : A "'T~ST : KlJ-C ~v Ci ty Secretary ~~ H:::y Jr 11 MDJUTES OF THE H~TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ, '1'SXAS HSLD ON APRIL 1, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 8: 00 p.m. at the direction of Nayor Roy "-I. Richard. Aldermen in aVendance Here }II'. Jirnrnie V. Dunham, Mr. Rayrrion:1 G. Koym 2nd }tr. Leonard J. Kazben. Minutes of City Council meetings held on March 4, I'larch 15 and, N31'ch 22 were read and accepted. The annual report of the Urban Renewal Agency was read. Hr. '.,Talter Schertz, Urban T)irpcted briefed the council on cU~Tent proGrams and projections. A letter from the Arthritis Foundation r~questing permission to solicit in Schertz on June 1, 1971 waS read. Mr. Koym motion~d, }Ir. Kazben seconded and vote was unanimous, to allow the arthritis foundation to conduct the march. 21~7 K yor Richard read the minutes of the Citizens Advisory Sorm:1ittee ::1ated l:arch 2?-, 1971. Hc;yor Richard briefed council members on the current status of the r:ibolo Hunicipal Authority proceedings. Authorization to execute a warranty deed to Corn.al 80unty on 0.471 acres of ldnd from the Cit,'T of Schertz water well SitA for road construction 'tvas presented to 7,he council. Motion w;:,s made by Hr. Dunham, seconded by Hr. Koym and voted on \manimousl,y to proceed I ~vi th the transfer. ~2...'1 234 ~Ordinance number 2~7 was read for approval and .~ seconded and vote way un~,nimous to annex lands "f follows: adpption. Mr. Dunham motioned, v~. Kazben as outlined in the ordinance. Ordinance 227 ORDIN1~N C4:: 227 AwnXING 1'}R HSR~INAFTBR DESCRIB~D 'T'SRRITORY TO THB ~ITY OF SCHSR'T'Z, BUADALTJPE COUNTY, "'EXr,S, IND BX'RNDTNG 'T'HE ROU1TD/:RY LnrrTS OF Sf 18 CITY 80 P,8 TO I~JCU!DS Sf;ID E~R~INJ\FTr;;R DESCRIBE:) PROpr;;RTY ,:,m::THIN SAJ1) CITY lJ}:'!"'S, M;;D TIR RIGHTS ,~ND PRIVIlEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND EINDPJG SAID n.1HrcBIT!NTS BY t,LL OF THE AcrS, ORDININCES, RSSOLUTIONS Al'D RSGULt,TIONS OF SAr) CITY. ';~ERSAS; a petition has been signed by a majority of the property owners who are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabit~nts of the following described territory, to-wit; BEGINNING at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the property line between the Rubin Beck 43.282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract; TlF'NC4.:, N tyOo 4.: 303.8 feet with said property line between the Rubin Beck and Aaron Beck tracts to a point in ~he i~st R~1 line of FM 3009; TH'":KC'<:, Southeasterly with th'O! meanders of said west Rmf line of FM 3009 a cross the front of the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract, the Aaron Beck 43.282 acre tract, the Slgin Beck 43.285 acre tract and the George Gesche tract 2493.h feet, more or less to the corner of the T{Dyne Kinzel Tract, which corner is a corner of the City Limits line of the City of Schertz; 'T'E~N0':, with the said City Lim~ts line 8 590 4()' 30n 4.: 718.0 feet and 8 300 22' B 490.57 feet to the south property li~e of the said George Gesche tract; l'HS~JCS, S tyOo H 1927.2 feet Hith the said property line of the George Gesche trGct to a point; TH~N~, N 300 T,..[ 1051.0 feet more or less across the said George Gesche tract to a point in the north 9roperty line of said George Gesche tract, '-lhich point is in the CHy Limits line of the City of 8 chertz; THSN~, Tvi th the said Gi ty Limi t.s line N 300 TV 1962.4 feet to the point of beginning. T\lHSR~^S, S,,uTJ "''SRRITORY IS ,lDJOINING THr.: CITY OF SGE~TZ, and ~~'SRS~S, said petition, desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory of said City, has been presented to the City Council and has attached to it the affila- vit of six (6) applicants to the effect that said petition is signed by a majority of the qualified voters within such propArty; NOW Th~Rr.;FOR, BS IT ORDAMD BY 'rES CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF SCHERTZ, T8XAS: That the following described property, to-wit: B4.:GINNING at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the property line betl-Jeen the Rubin Beck 4-3.282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract; TIBN~, N 600 S 303.8 feet inth said property line between the Rubin Beck and Aaron Beck tracts to a point in the west ROT'T line of F1Jl 3009; TH~NGS, Southeasterly i<Ti th the meanders of said i,rest RC"J line of FH 3009 235. across the front of the Aaron Beck 43.285 acre tract, the AarQn Beck 43.232 acre tract, the ~lgin Beck 43.285 acre tract ::lr.d, the George C'Jā‚¬sche tract 2493.4 feet, more or less to the corner of c,he 'Jayne Kinzel tr,.ct, \'Jhich corner is a corner of the 8ity l,imits line of the City of Schertz; r-- TE""IT~, I.Tith t,he said Citv Limits line S 590 40' 30" 11; 718.0 feet c:md S JOo 22' 1<; 490.57 feet to the south property line of the si3d George Gesche tr2ct; TH1<;~TCS S 600 H 1927.2 fe8t with the said )rClperty line of tha George Gesche trrct to a point; Th~~G7" N JOo W 1051.0 feet more or less across the sai3 George Gesche tract to a ooint in the north orooerty line of saij George Gesche tract, Tlhich point is in" the City Limits li~e ~f the City of Schertz; THSNCE, with the said City Limits line N 300 ~rl 1962.4 feet to the point of beginning. be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Schertz, Gll;jdal~Jpe County, Texas, cmd that the boundary lir~..,ts 0: the City of Schertz be 2nd the same are hereby extended to include the above 'iescribed tec-ri tory within the city limits of the City of Schertz, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to 011 rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Schertz and they shall be bound by the acts, orrJin;:mces, resolutions ani regulnticms of s::,i::l City. PtSS'RD by an affirmc:tive vote of a majority of members 0: the City Council, this the 1st day of April 1971. APPROVSD: ATTH:ST: Isft/ ROY '-I. RICHARD Mayor / sit / ROBH:RT C. BU'RK7,'~ City Secretary Motion was made by l'1r. Dunham, SAconded by Hr. Kazben and voted on unanimously to adopt Brdinance number 228 and annex s~id land into the corporate city limit~:}~1/ Ordinance number 228 follows: ~~ ORDINANCE # 228 ANNEXING Th"4; HSR>;;;INAFI'SR D-;;SGRISH:D 'T'H:RRITORY TO THS C:rrY OF SCHSRTZ, Ge:\D[.WPH: COUNTY, mxrs, MID H:XTH:~mING THS BOUND!\RY Lll-'IITS OF S AID CITY SO AS TO lllCLl1DB SAID HSREINJlFI'ER DH:SCRIDSD !'ROP1<;RTY .'JT"HIN sun CITY 1n:1'1'S, A~JD ~ RIGHTS A~ID PRIVILSGSS OF C''T'~nR CJ:'T'IZSNS il'lm BP:DING SAID INHf,RIT);TTS BY :'LL OF rnm ACTS, ORDIN/NCES, RH:SOWTIrNS MID R~GrrxrIONS OF SAID CITY. "frJJi;RH:/\S, a petition has bAen signed by a ma jori ty of the :!roperty mmers Hho are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabitants of the following described territory, to-wit: B~GINNING at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the property line betwAen the Rubin Beck L~J .282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 4J.285 acre tract; TH~NC'R, N 600 'R JOJ.8 feRt ",rith said property line betqeen the Rubin Beck and Aaron Beck tr2cts to a point in the i.vest RO'I line of Pi: J009; 236 TH~~GS, northwesterly tnth the meanders of s~id west ROW line of FM 3009 2640.0 feet to a point in said ROW line, which point is in the east line of the C.L. Browning Jr. tract; TH~NC~, S 600 ~v 2640.0 fe~t across said C.L. Bro'?ning Jr. tract and the San Tone Inc. tract to a point; TrR~)C4;, S 300 ~ 1986.0 fe~t across the SAid San Tone, Inc. tract and the C. L. Brovming Jr. tract to a point in the City Limits of the City of Schertz; TH~N~, with said City Li~its N 600 ~ 2337.9 fe~t and S 300 ~ 654.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 125 acres; more or less. ~~R4;_^S, said territory is adjoining the City of Schertz, and 'nl~RS^S, said petition, desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory of said City, has been presented to the City Coe,ncil and has attached to it the affidavit of ten (10) ~pplicants to the effect that said petition is signed by a majority of the qua1j!fied voters "Ji thin such property; NO:{ T~REFOR, Bli.: IT ORDAIN4;D BY "'H~ CITY COUNCIL OF 'T'HE CITY OF SCHSRTZ, TSX.4S: That the follo,<ring described property, to-~]i t: Beginning at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the property line between the Rubin Beck 43.282 acre tract and the Aaron Beck 43.286 acre tract; , TH~l'JCl':, N (,00 y; 303.8 feet with said property line beb-Jeen the Rubin Beck ar;d Aaron Beck tracts to a point in the west ROT" line of FM 3009; T~~NCR, north~esterly with the meanders of said west ROW line of FM 3009 2640.0 feet to a point in said Rm>1 l'ne, which point is in the east Ene of the C. L. Brovming Ur. tract; THSNCS, S (,00 W 2640.0 feet across said C. IJ. Browning Jr. tract and the San Tone, Inc. tract to a point; THSNCE, S 300 R 1986.0 fe~t across the said San Tone, Inc. tract and the C. L. BroHning Jr. tract to a point in the City Limits of the City of Schertz; 'T'JENC4;, 1.J'ith said City Limits N 600 ~ 2337.9 feet and S 300 E 654.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 125 acres, more or less. be pnd the same is her~by annexed to the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, and that the boundary limits of the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territorial limits of said city, and the inhabitants therof sh811 hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Schertz and they shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said City. PASSSD by an affirmative vote of a majority of members of the City Council, this the 1st d2Y of April, 1971. APPROVSD: 1s1T1 ROY W. RICHARD HAYOR 237.. ATTSST: /s/t/ ROBSRT C. BUEKSR CITY SECR~T!\RY :- A petition received from the majority of property o:mers in a 1/2 square mile area to the east of Deer Haven subdivision was read. Motion was made by }~. seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to accept the petition. Public has been set for April 19, 8: 00 p.m. in the Schertz City Hal1. ~ 5' t-1I Dunham, hearing A bill for $48.10 WAS presented to the city council by Mr. Herbert 'E. Butler, representing the cost of refencing the south RO;f line of his property removed hy the city for the purpose of constructing the drainage canal around the High J School :roperty. Hotion was m2de by 'Hr. K2 zben, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted 3lP1 on unanimously to accept the bill for p3j~ent. A proposed amendment to Ordinance 81 waS read, revlslng Section 8 to allow the use of utility deDosits for payment of delinquent bills with subsequent reimbursement to the deposit by customers. Amendment was given over to the City Attorney for final preparCltion. Mr. Frobese called attent.ion to a valve on the city ,..ater main that projects above ground level or ne"lr ground level at a location bebveen III )5 :mi the Brcyming tract. City Secretary W8S instructed to have utilities Dept. check the site an~ construct a marker on the spot if necessary. APPRoV7,D: ATTEST: /'/? ~ ffP~/~~ c{ty Secretary' Ma~;M/~, ~ :Iv1nmTBS OF THE MSSTING OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHSRTZ, TSXAS HSLD ON APRIL ), 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened at the City Fire Station at the direction of Mayor Richard for the purpose of canvassing returns of the City Blection. f,lcJermem in a ttendance were Hr. V'}onard J. Ka zben, Nr. Jimmie V. Dunham and 111'. Raymond G. Koym. Follo\~ng results of the election were presented to the City Council by election judge Mr. Fred Thomas: FOR THRES ALDSm.~N POSITIONS --Mr. Charlie E. Sartain - 169; Mr. Reymond G. Koym _ 170; Hr. Leon D. Chambless - 184; Mr. Leonard J. Kazben - 1)); 1 Hr. RonaldV. Gloriosa _ 166; I1r. Robert E. SchHartz - 190; Mr. Jerone Mueller - 1;2r1,,1 Hr. Halford E. Brehm Jr. _ 1; Hr. Hark NorHine - 1. Mr. Dunham motioned, Hr. Kazben seconded and vote was unanimous that the tal~ of votes cast be accepted without contest and thdt candidates Schwartz, Chambless and Koym be declared winners of such 'election. AP PRO'V'ED : ATTSST: "'/ ,(~~~ city Secretary }iayq~---Z. o.