cc-04-03-1971 237.. ATTSST: /s/t/ ROBSRT C. BUEKSR CITY SECR~T!\RY :- A petition received from the majority of property o:mers in a 1/2 square mile area to the east of Deer Haven subdivision was read. Motion was made by }~. seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to accept the petition. Public has been set for April 19, 8: 00 p.m. in the Schertz City Hal1. ~ 5' t-1I Dunham, hearing A bill for $48.10 WAS presented to the city council by Mr. Herbert 'E. Butler, representing the cost of refencing the south RO;f line of his property removed hy the city for the purpose of constructing the drainage canal around the High J School :roperty. Hotion was m2de by 'Hr. K2 zben, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted 3lP1 on unanimously to accept the bill for p3j~ent. A proposed amendment to Ordinance 81 waS read, revlslng Section 8 to allow the use of utility deDosits for payment of delinquent bills with subsequent reimbursement to the deposit by customers. Amendment was given over to the City Attorney for final preparCltion. Mr. Frobese called attent.ion to a valve on the city ,..ater main that projects above ground level or ne"lr ground level at a location bebveen III )5 :mi the Brcyming tract. City Secretary W8S instructed to have utilities Dept. check the site an~ construct a marker on the spot if necessary. APPRoV7,D: ATTEST: /'/? ~ ffP~/~~ c{ty Secretary' Ma~;M/~, ~ :Iv1nmTBS OF THE MSSTING OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHSRTZ, TSXAS HSLD ON APRIL ), 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened at the City Fire Station at the direction of Mayor Richard for the purpose of canvassing returns of the City Blection. f,lcJermem in a ttendance were Hr. V'}onard J. Ka zben, Nr. Jimmie V. Dunham and 111'. Raymond G. Koym. Follo\~ng results of the election were presented to the City Council by election judge Mr. Fred Thomas: FOR THRES ALDSm.~N POSITIONS --Mr. Charlie E. Sartain - 169; Mr. Reymond G. Koym _ 170; Hr. Leon D. Chambless - 184; Mr. Leonard J. Kazben - 1)); 1 Hr. RonaldV. Gloriosa _ 166; I1r. Robert E. SchHartz - 190; Mr. Jerone Mueller - 1;2r1,,1 Hr. Halford E. Brehm Jr. _ 1; Hr. Hark NorHine - 1. Mr. Dunham motioned, Hr. Kazben seconded and vote was unanimous that the tal~ of votes cast be accepted without contest and thdt candidates Schwartz, Chambless and Koym be declared winners of such 'election. AP PRO'V'ED : ATTSST: "'/ ,(~~~ city Secretary }iayq~---Z. o.