cc-04-19-1971 23S MINUT~S OF 'T'HE ~IP:4;Tnm OF TH~ CITY CQl;NCIL. CITY OF SCHERTZ. TSXAS fRLD ON APRIL 19, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was convened at the directmon of Mayor Roy W. Richard. Aldermen in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Raymond G. Koym, Jimmie V. Dunham. Robert E. Schwartz and Leon R. Chambless. ~ A public hearing was held on annexation of the Lazy Oaks subdivision. Mayor Richard ~read revised metes and bounds which eliminated the Evelyn Ripps property from annexa- ~ tion. There being no objection to the proposed annexation, it was motioned to proceed ~ with annexation proceedings on April 30 with adoption of the city ordinance. ^ recommendation by the Board of Director8 of the Schertz Volunteer Fire Department ~for acceptance of Mr. F. H. Rusch as Fire Marshall. r1r. Ed Melton as Assistant Fire ~Marshall and Mr. Archie Woodward as Fire Chief was read before the council. Motion I ~ was made by Mrs. Koch. seconded by }~. Koym and approved unanimously to accept the ~ recommend8tions as presented. ~ ApplicC'tion for _~ and considered. ~ approval. an electrical license by Dells Electric Co. of San Antonio Was read Mr. Dunham motioned, Mr. Koym seconded and the vote was unanimous for ~ Letters of resign?tion as Chairman of the Citizens Advisory COl11mittee and Chairman. ~ Zoning and P12nning Comm}ssion from Hr. Schwartz were read. 110tion Has made by :t-1r. * Dunh?m, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on four (4) to one (1) (Mr. Schwartz abstaining) for acceptance since Mr. Schwartz's election to the City Council 9recludes retention of the Chairman positions. ~Motion was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on unanimously to ~appoint Mr. Mark Norwine and Sgt. Harry Decker as members of the Zoning and Planning ~ Commission. Discussion W2S held on amending the city ordinance designatin:j membership of the Zoning and Planning Commission to allow the apI)ointment of seven (7) members to the Conunission instead of the present five (5). The City Secretary was instructed to prepare necessary changes. jDiscussion was held on providing water service to residents of Deer Haven and Lazy Oaks subdivisions. Agreement was reached that all Deer Haven residents who had previously ~paid fees for connecting to the city water main would be reimbursed in full and' no I charge wo~lld be made other residents alrc.ady being served by the Lazy Oaks ,..;rater system. ~ Hation Has made by Hr. Schwartz, se~onded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to refund dhpTges and proceed with instalJRtion. M2yor Richard requested appointments be considered for the City Council positions as Police ~and Parks Commissioners. M&yor.'Richard reaffirmed continuance of Councilman Koch as ~Gommissioner for City Hall Operation. Mr. Dunham as utilities Commissioner. Motion was ~made by }jr. Dunham, seconded by Hrs Koch and approved by four (4) votes to none (0). Hr. ~ Koym c-bst3ining. Motion was made by Mr. Dunham to appoint Mr. Schwartz as ParRs C'-wu,':'ssioner and by Mr. Koym to appoint Mr. Chambless Parks Commissioner. A separate vote ensued ~in which Mr. Schwartz received the majority of votes Cdst. Motion was then made by }~. ~ Koym, Seconded by Mrs. Kock and voted on unanimously to appoint Mr. Schwartz Parks ~ Commissioner and Mr. Chambless Police Gommission~r 239, The City Secretary had attended previous meeting of the local Traffic Safety Council vrhich org::mized the RandolDh Subregion Thorow;hfare study Group. Selection of a member from Schertz to function on this Group w;:,s required. Hr. 'vMlter Schertz ,.vas nominated \ as the Schertz re>)resentative. LAtters received from the Office of the Li"'utenant Go'!crnor and from the City of Grand PrRirie relating to an increased gasoline tax of 2~ was read. Decision was made to retain a neutral position. H?vor Richard stated the Lion's Club has ap,Jroached him on rec8iving a ~lon8tion of $600.00 from the city for completion of the Little League Park concession stand prior to beginninG of the current baseball season. Hrs. Koch motioned, Mr. Sc~wartz seconded-t Clnd vote ,.v8S unanimous to make the contribution. tls/I The Girls Softball Lea~ae requested a backstop be erected for practice use in the city park. It was recommended available fencing from the neHly purcb,ased Lazy Oaks Hater System site be used and then determin<1tion rnade of additional requir~ments. Police Chief Schoonover reminded the council that Patrolman H?rin was due a $50.00 raise retroactive to A'Jril 1, 1971, the fulfillment date of his probationary period. \ Mr. Chambless motioned, Mr. Koym seconded and, vot4 was unanimous to avmrd the raise.L1/\ on a retroactive basis. ~ Based on a letter received from the Ch3irman, Citizens Advisory COl11'1littee, Hr. Dunham motioned, Hr. Chambless seconded and vote was unami::nous to 8ppoint Nrs. ',v81ter rt' Deen as a member of the Citizens Advisory Com.11littee. *8'" Police Chief Schoonover introduced }Ir. Sdgar J. Hosher to the council as a ne1>l ;Jatrolman Hho Hill assume duties on Hay 1, 1971. Hr. Mok, City Planner, presented a current revie"J of TNork being done on the nel/J city comprehensive plan. Heetin g was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. APPROTID: A'''T~S T: /'/ //d~ Rdbe'rt C. Bueker, Ci ty R~~ Secretary HIlWT'SS OF 'cns l-IS'STIHG 0F THE CITY COrNCIL, CITY OF SCHSRTZ, TSJG\S HELD ON rillY 6, 1971 The re[;ulcr meeting of the City Council convened at 8:00 p.in. 3t the direction of Ha.or Roy ~v. Richard. Aldermen in attenlance vrere Hrs. :gobbie I,. Koch, Raymond G. Roym, JiY'lmie V. ')unham, Leon R. 8hambless :md Robert "':. Schwartz. ,.- .' : I j I Hinl1tes of the meetings of ApriL 1; April J imd A .ril 19 vrere read and approved if'ith the follOl.ring exceptions: Hinutes of Apr~_l 19 Ct)a~e 238) be nmended to include confirmation of RaYTi10nd G. Koym as Eayor pro-tern follO\-Jing motion by I>'Ir. Junham, secc>no by }:rs. Koch and voted on four votes to none aGainst, Hr. KO,Y1n abstaining. EinuteG of Arril19 (pa3e 239, para 3) be chi.mged to elirtlinat8 the ,'TOrd "contribution" and "dond tion" emr'} read "allocation of funds."