cc-05-06-1971 239, The City Secretary had attended previous meeting of the local Traffic Safety Council vrhich org::mized the RandolDh Subregion Thorow;hfare study Group. Selection of a member from Schertz to function on this Group w;:,s required. Hr. 'vMlter Schertz ,.vas nominated \ as the Schertz re>)resentative. LAtters received from the Office of the Li"'utenant Go'!crnor and from the City of Grand PrRirie relating to an increased gasoline tax of 2~ was read. Decision was made to retain a neutral position. H?vor Richard stated the Lion's Club has ap,Jroached him on rec8iving a ~lon8tion of $600.00 from the city for completion of the Little League Park concession stand prior to beginninG of the current baseball season. Hrs. Koch motioned, Mr. Sc~wartz seconded-t Clnd vote ,.v8S unanimous to make the contribution. tls/I The Girls Softball Lea~ae requested a backstop be erected for practice use in the city park. It was recommended available fencing from the neHly purcb,ased Lazy Oaks Hater System site be used and then determin<1tion rnade of additional requir~ments. Police Chief Schoonover reminded the council that Patrolman H?rin was due a $50.00 raise retroactive to A'Jril 1, 1971, the fulfillment date of his probationary period. \ Mr. Chambless motioned, Mr. Koym seconded and, vot4 was unanimous to avmrd the raise.L1/\ on a retroactive basis. ~ Based on a letter received from the Ch3irman, Citizens Advisory COl11'1littee, Hr. Dunham motioned, Hr. Chambless seconded and vote was unami::nous to 8ppoint Nrs. ',v81ter rt' Deen as a member of the Citizens Advisory Com.11littee. *8'" Police Chief Schoonover introduced }Ir. Sdgar J. Hosher to the council as a ne1>l ;Jatrolman Hho Hill assume duties on Hay 1, 1971. Hr. Mok, City Planner, presented a current revie"J of TNork being done on the nel/J city comprehensive plan. Heetin g was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. APPROTID: A'''T~S T: /'/ //d~ Rdbe'rt C. Bueker, Ci ty R~~ Secretary HIlWT'SS OF 'cns l-IS'STIHG 0F THE CITY COrNCIL, CITY OF SCHSRTZ, TSJG\S HELD ON rillY 6, 1971 The re[;ulcr meeting of the City Council convened at 8:00 p.in. 3t the direction of Ha.or Roy ~v. Richard. Aldermen in attenlance vrere Hrs. :gobbie I,. Koch, Raymond G. Roym, JiY'lmie V. ')unham, Leon R. 8hambless :md Robert "':. Schwartz. ,.- .' : I j I Hinl1tes of the meetings of ApriL 1; April J imd A .ril 19 vrere read and approved if'ith the follOl.ring exceptions: Hinutes of Apr~_l 19 Ct)a~e 238) be nmended to include confirmation of RaYTi10nd G. Koym as Eayor pro-tern follO\-Jing motion by I>'Ir. Junham, secc>no by }:rs. Koch and voted on four votes to none aGainst, Hr. KO,Y1n abstaining. EinuteG of Arril19 (pa3e 239, para 3) be chi.mged to elirtlinat8 the ,'TOrd "contribution" and "dond tion" emr'} read "allocation of funds." ~ 4t tJ lIrs. Thul~m0yer aDDe2red before the Council to ITBke a presentation of a portrait of her l'lte husbcmd.. the first Hayor of Schertz, to be displ&yed in the City Council chambers. P0rk dedication ceremonies renaming the city park in honor of the first I'layor ,{as tentatively set for Hay 22. ~ 1'. letter of resignation from Eark L. Nor,,'ine from the Citizens Advisory Committee \:X ,vas ~ead 8n:i accepted follo:,ring :r;otion b.y I-ir. Schwartz. seccm::l:d. by }iI's., Koch ~nd ~ unan~m()us vote of the counc:ll. ",r. Nonnne has accepted a posltJ.on on tne Zom.ng 2nd Planning Commission. ~Ordinance 227, amending ordinance 93 was read and approved following motion by Mr. ~ Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and uninamous vote of the council. Ordinance 227 folmows: ORDINANCE # 22~ 1'.N ORDINl'NGR: MflliDUW OH.DI!U~:m 93, CR~:\Trm 1':JO (2) AJDITIONAL POSITIONS ON THE (;ITY PLfJJNnm COHl'-ITS3ION Aim DSSIGN,',"'I:'JG AP"OIN'T'l.:R!\}rf' OF A C}L~IRl'JJ\N. VlCE-CHAIID~AN - AND A S~CRSTARY. Section 1: There is her~by created and established ~ithin the City of Schertz, Texas, a City Planning Cornmission which sha1l be subject to the jurisdiction of the Schertz City Council, such City PlanninG Commission shall be composed of seven (7) n~mbers whose offices are hereby created and established. The members of the City PLmning Co!'u',ission shall be resident citizens of the corporate limits of the City of Schertz. Texas, owners of real estate in the City of Schertz, taxpayers and qualified voters of the City of Schertz and shRll be representative of separate sections of the city dependent upon the availability of qualified personnel. The members of the City Pl: nning COITu-nission shall be appointed by the City Council. The term of office of said members shall be five (5) years. The City Council shall name one apoointee as Chairman, one as Vice-Chairman, and one as Secretary. All vacan- cies occurring on the City Plannins Commission shall be filled by ap:)ointment of the City Council. PASS~D. ADOPTW:D _4~T') APPROIRD 'T'HIS EA Y 6, 1971. A TT";;ST: Is/tl RoY W. Richard Roy ~,\f. Richerd, Yayor Is/tl Robert C. Bueker Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary ~Ordinance # 228 was read. Motion was made by Mr. Chambless, seconded by Mr. Schwartz ;:j. and voted on \Jnanimously to annex Oak Forest subdivision and other lands contained in ~ s~id ordinance. Or3inance # 229 follovffl: ORDINAN CE 1f 229 \1 . l' ; \~ ANNEXING THS IEREmA~R DES CRIBBD TSRRITORY TO 'T'HS CITY OF S CHSRTZ. GUhDAWPE COUNTY, TEXP,S, j~ND B;XTStmrm 1'HS BOUNDARY LII1liTS OF SAID CITY SO _~S TO INCLUDE SAID HSRSINAFI'ER DES CRIBSD PROPB.:R'T'Y rH1'HIN SAID CITY LIFITS, AND THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILECES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BpTDING S.UD HJHABT")NTS BY ALL OF ~'HS ACTS. ORD]]~f.lNCB;S. R4',sOIlJTIONS AND REGULA- TIOT,IS OF SJUD CITY. ~VH~RSAS, a petition has been si~ed by a majority of the property o,mers who are citizens of the State of Texas and inhabitants of the following described territory, to-wi t; I I -,! 241 B~GnFING at a point in the city limits line of the City of Schertz, ,,!hich point is in the vJest ROH line of fl.: 3009 a t the corner betweerl tbe Rlhin Beck 43 .2S:~ Gicre tract and the Aa ron Be ck L~:3. 285 acre t.ra ct ; , THBNGS, north"resterly 'iJith the said ci! y limit:::; line 2140.0 feet to a corner of said city limits line; "'HSNCS, ':) 600 :;, at 120.0 fe8t to a point in the 8Ci2t RO'J line of Fl-: 3()()9; TH~~;cE, southeasterly wi+ h said east R.cY'J liie of Fl,; 3009, 14:20 feet more or Jess to the northTtlest corner of Lazy Oaks subdivi2ion. TH'SYGS, N 600 1<; with the w.rth line of saLl Lazy Oaks subdilfisi:m an:) the north line of the Ghiys K. Fri"'senhahn tract a tobl :'1' 2520.0 feet to a point in sCiid n:Jrth line of the Gladys K. Friesenhahn tract; TJ-r:;;pcs, S JOo S 1160 feet ,Hore or less to ,3 point in the south ihine of the sdid Glrdys K. Friesenhahn tract; "'HRNCS, S 600 1'J ili th said south line of the GL dys K. Friesenhahn tract 3nd the south line of the Lazy Oaks subdivision, at 2520.0 feet pC1st the e<:lst RO',J line of FN J009, a tot:'l of 26L~0.0 feet to a poirt in the H8St RC.v En,; of Hi J 00 ,/!hicl' point is in the city limits line of the City of Schertz; TH'SIiCS, north"J8sterly HUh the city lirr.'; ts line a distance of 500.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contc::ining 75 acres, more or less. ~vHSREASt said territory is adjoining the City of Schertz, and 'JEr.:RSt.S, said petition, desiring and requesting the annex3tion of said territory of said city has been presented to the City 80uncil and has attached to it the af=idavit of thirteen (lJ) cF)Jlicants to the effect~h t said petition is si~;ned by a majority of the qu;.llified voters wi thin such property; NO\f "'Hr:;;Rr;;FOR~, B~ I'" ORDUNSD BY "'HS '.::ITY :::01n.1CIIJ OF mrT" I .:-.:..~ CIf\1Y (""F SCl-I~RTZ, T~XAS: That the follO'c.fing describerl prC)perty, to-Hit: BSGINNING at a point in the ci\y lim' t~. line of the City of Schertz, L!rlj ch pOlnt. lS in th~ H8st RO'I line of HI JC'()9 at the co~ner betHe~n the Rubin Beck 4J.2R? acre tract and the Aaron Deck 43.2'35 acre tract; THSlJCE, north"resterly Hith the said city limits li'~e 21L!,0.0 feet to a corner of said city , limits li"s; THSPCS, N 600 'S at. 120.0 feet to ;) point in l~he east of F1j J009; 'T'E~"TCE, southeasterly ',ith s2id east RO'] line of Fl; 3009, 1)./-70 fe'"t more or less to the northwest corner of Lazy Oaks subdivision; THr.:NCS, N 600 S Hith th(~ north line of said Lazy Oa;-cs subii vision ani the north line of the Gladys K. Friesenhahn tr'lct a tot 1 of 25~n.0 feet to a point in scid north line of the Gl~d;ys K. Friesenhahn tract; ''''HENcP:, S JOo E 1160 feet more or less to a point in the south Une of ~he said Gladys K. Friesenhahn tract; 242 T~l:~, S 600 W Inth sail south line of th9 Gladys K. Friesenhahn tract and the south line of the Lazy Oaks subdivision, 2t 2520.0 feet past th.~ east ROH line of FH ?009, " total of 2040.0 feet to a point in the west RO.:l line of F1'I ;009 Hi th point is in the city limits line of the City of Schertz; I THSNCS, northwesterly I'lith the city limits line a distance of 500.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning; Containing 75 acres, more or less. be and the same is hereby 2nnexed to the City of Schertz. Guadalupe County. Texas and that the boundary liRits of the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territory Hithin the ci+y limits of the City of Schertz, 8nd the same shall hereafter be included Hithin the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants ther00f shall hereafter be entitled to 211 rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Schertz and they shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said City. Passed by an affirmative vote of all members of the City Council, this the 6th day of }'Iay, A. D.. 1971. APPROVSD: AT"'~ST : Isltl Robert C. Bueker City Secretary Is/t/ Roy ~. Richard Hay-or ~AP:,lication for electrical license from Foss ~lectrical Co. of San Antonio was read. r; Notion was made by Hr. Koym, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on four to none for ~ approval, }IT. Dunham abstaining. Letter from Mr. Westermann, asking for reinstatement as financial advisor was tabled pending revieH of the contract by councilment Schwartz and Chambless. A petition for annexation of lands contained in Parkland Village subdivision was tab18d pending settlement of STJ In th Universal Cit;}r over this territory. ~ ~Amendment to ordinance # 140 was r~ad and approved following motion by Mr. Koym, seconded ~ by Hr. Dunhrlm and voted on 11D2nimously. Ordinance #229 follows: ORDINANCE #: 230 AN ORDINANCE AHSNDJNG CITY OF SCHERTZ ORDINANCS #: 140 R'i;QUIRING SUBDIVill!:'.;RS TO SHOW THS lOCA'T'ION OF FIRE HYDRj\NTS AND STRS~ LIGHTING POL~S ON PlOT PUNS ArJD SSTTING DESIGN STANDARDS THSR~OR. ~xhibit "A", Section B. Streets. Allevs. and Sidewalks, subparagraph 1. Plans. sub- parpgraph (b) is amended to read, "Alignment of each street, alley, sidewalk and cross- \-Talk-way shoHing a be~~inning and ending station; e2ch deflection angle of the centerline and th0. station of the point of intersection; the station of the ~~int of curvbture 2nd the point of tangency of each curve; the station and an31e of intersection of each intersection 'iTi th ,mother stree, alley or drainage easement; the station and radium of each curb r8turn; the location of adjacent right-of-way lines; the location and II I limits of sidewalks and curbs of each street; the location of monuments; the location of fire hydrants; and the location of street lighting poles. U Subparagraph 2. DesiKn Standards, subparagraph (e) is added. "Street lighting poles will be of metal construction, spDced to provide luminosity throughout the street thorough- fare for Hhich intended ond of design standard i-rhich meets the then current policy of the City of Schertz. ATTEST: Isltl Robert C. Bueker ~1"ft ::>>ecretary APPROVED: la/tl Roy W. Richard - Mayor 243 A notice of sales tax delinquency received from the Stute Comptroller against B. Mertz was rend. 110tion Was made by }lr. Schwartz, sec'.:nded by Hr. Koym and unDnimously to have the matter referred to the Cit2i Attorney for action D:mie1 voted 7/ 5 tJ-- r-- I I Minutes of the Plcmning and Zoning Cormnission meetinf; of Hay .5, 1971 '\,ere read and accepted uithout change follo!.'Jin2 motion b:' }:rs. Koch, seconded by Er. Dunham and voted on unanimously. A le+~er from ~he Fire De?artment requested no~ification of future water shut-oEFs l..rithin the City and representation on the City Souncil by designatinG one of the councilmen as Fire Commissioner. CounciL~an Chambless was renamed Police and Fire Commissioner folloHing motion by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Hr. Koym and vote 55 - 7/ of four to none against (Mr. Chambless abstaining). Concurrent with desi~1ation of Police and Fire Commissioner, motion was made by hr. Cha~bless, seconded by }~s. Kock and voted upon four to none against (Nr. Sch,-vartz abstaining) having Councilman Schuartz designc:ted PClrks and Recreation Commissioner. 5 (p- 7/ A mobile hOP'.e nnrked at the Plouch Texaco station on FH 78 under a variance of city ordinance auth~rized in legal minutes of February 4, 1971 was discussed. O\-mers of the molJile home l-rere present at the me~ting. The City Inspector refc:ted testimony given at the meeting of Feb 4 by }tr. Plouch. It was detprmined the OTNTIers of the mobile home were not at fault in the action and should not be unjl~tly penalized. Action was tabled until the regular council meeting in June when final decision will be given. Action was taken after motion by YJr. Dunham, seconded by Hr. Chambless and voted on ""/ unanimously. 57- {, r- . I I Represent2ti ves for Mr. "w' store were present at the meeting to request authorization for instolhtion of a self-service gas st~~tion on I1ain st. in front of the Hr. "E" store. A sketch plat was presented. This plat did not adequately define available parking, effect on adjoining bu.sinesses or provide access to the Er. "Ell store from new p2rking spaces indicated in the rear of thee; building. It was recomlnended l',Ir. Bell, company representative, make a detailed plat of the area and submit the physical layout for coun~il considercltion. Discussion was held on Parks Development ,,nth reference to a complete buil'iing pro:~ram. Recommended the City Sngineer order a topogr.::.phical map at the earliest poc-sible time so proper consideration can be given to drainaGe and facilities loc;;tion. }Jayor Richard will try to make arrangements to have crushed rock placed around the concession stand area to curb dust. It was also nentioned that the entirr; park area must be considered for seeding and watering with the city footing the water bill. Motion was made by}Jr. Chambl~ss, seconded by :tel::. Koym and voted on Iln~nimo1JSly to ~i ve Councilman S chT,lart z 5?-11 authorlty to secure an alrcraft from R2ndolDh AlT Force Base for use in the Dark as a piece of Jlayequipment. City Secretary wa~ i~structed to ~rrite a letter to. the 3ase Reclamation Officer. P~tition from Deerhaven residents was read and discussed. It w~s agrepd to give these residents a hearing on May 13 at the Fire Station. A TTF:ST: /~/ City Secretary - APPRO'J4:D: