cc-05-15-1971 2'44 :tJIJNUTSS OF 'J'h~ HS'STIXG OF THS CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCIISRTZ, T~XAS H4;LD m~ yJ',Y 15, 1971 A special me8ting of the city council was convened at th8 direction of Mayor Roy '/1. Richard at 12:30 p.m. Aldermen in attendance were Mr. JilTL'lie V. Dunham, }Ir. Raymond G. Koym, Mrs. Bo~bie L. Koch, Mr. Leon R. Char.mless and }tr. Robert E. Schwartz. ~\ A petition from 1':1'. Paul John requesting City of Schertz extra territorial ~~ jurisdiction be extended to indude his property was read. }1otion ~{as made by }Irs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to accept the petition. Ordin8nce number 2)0 follows: t, P-l ORDINANCE # 2J~ ~ '?' tIN ORDINANCH: OF THE CITY OF SCh..,n;TZ, TEXAS EXTSNDING THS 4;XTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICI'ION OF SUCH CITY AND D4;SIGNATI1:G SUCH TRACXI'S OF LJIND INCLUDED WITHllJ SUCH CITY TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. ~mER~~S, those certain property owners as shown by copies of contracts received in the form of petition from Paul F. John, Lillie M. John, Nicholas A. Chronis, and Kathleen H. Chronis have renuested th~t their tracts of land situated in Gu~da1upe County, partly in Comal County, and in Bexar County, more fully described in copies of such contracts attached and marked as Exhibit "A", he included Hithin the territory over which the City of Schertz, Texas, exercises extra territorial jurisdiction for all ~ur?oses ~s set out in Article 970a V.A.T,S., of Texas: ~REAS, the said tracts of land fully described below are contiguous and does not conflict with the existing extra terri~orial jurisdiction of any other City; Nry{, mHEREFORE, be it ordained by the eity Council of the City of Schertz, Texas that the followi~g tracts of land owned by the herein above mentioned parties and more adequ2tely ~escribed below, requesting eA~ra territorial jurisdiction hebeto attached, be included withirt ~vhe t~rritorial,~Qver. which the City of Schertz, TeY~s, exercises extra territorial jurisdiction for all ~urposes as set out in 970a V.A.T.S. of Texas. TRACT 1 (Paul F. John and Lillie M. John (40) acres): The property herein consists of all that certain tract and parcel of land situated in the counties of GUadalupe and Comal, Texas, and being more particularly described to-vIi t: That certain tract or parcel of lan0 consisting of forty (40) acres, more or less, situated in said cou~ties, about l!~ miles sou+'h~vest of th., City of Ne\-! Barunfels, Texas, being part of Original Survey 168, in the name of Torribio Herrera, and being the southwest part of the Conrad Fri8senhahn tract and described by metes and bounds as follows: ~GI~rrJING at a pile of rocks in th8 southwest line of Vicente Michel's leaGue, the west corner of said Conrad Friesenhahn tract of land; TTlSI';:-;"; NSO degrees S 171.84 varas to a stake for the northeast corner of this tract; TH~IJC~ S 30 degrees S 1314 varas to the center of the New Braunfals-San Antonio Road, a point for the southeast corner of this tract; "'H8NC4; S 60 degrees ':1 ~oJith the middle of said road of the tract thence a L. O. 24" in. dia. brs. SQ2 de[;rees H; 22 varas and another L. o. 15" in. did. brs. N 4) 3/4 degree~ E' 21 varas; 'T'H~N(E N )Oiecrees tv 'N'ith the south','est line of said Conrad Friesenhahn tract 1314 vS'ras to the place c;f beginning; and containing 40 acres of land, more or l~SSl AND being the same land conveye: by Leanier Friesenhahn to Henry Fey by rteed dated June 29, 1924 and recorded in Vol 76, pa~es 5Lr9-50 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. TRACT 2 (Paul F. John and Lillie E. John (75) acres): All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated ?artly in the County of Somal, and partly in the County of Guadalupe, Texas, beinG kno,m ",s the northc>ast J /4 of a 100 acre tract out of the Torribio Herrer~ Survey #68. Sixteen (16) acres of said 75 acre tract are lying in the County of Comal, the balance of 59 acres in the County of Guadalupe, Texas, being more particul rly described to-wit: ~GINNING at 3a stake and corner of a fence in the northHest line of Original Survey, 'he north corner of a 200 acre tract; I I , '-- 245 TI-IENcP: S 30 degrees E 660 varas to cc; corner of a fcm.::-e, the ~ corn"r of s;::ii 200 acre tract; TH":NA S 60 'le~~rees H' 642 varas to a stake for the south corn~r; "'~"':tJGS N 30 de Tees 1i! 1';60 varas to a stake in the north\'Jest Ii n'? of the oric;inal sur'Jey'!68, Torribio Herrera for the "rest corner of this +,r;;ct; Tln:JC~ with the said northT,rest 1in") N 60 degrees ~ 642 varas to the r1d"'" of Op'r};irmin', consistine:; of' 75 acres of 13nd, more or less, this beinc; part of the S,"m(" len1 s811 0 Walter Hoffman hy Gustav Hoffman, by ieed dated ~,Jovember 14, 191'1-. TRf,CT '3 (Nichol,~s;\. Chronis cmd Kathleen :1. Chronis (21.43) acres: \ certiin tract of land' c()ntaining 21.48 acres out of thC'~ nc:,rth 'est 9;,rt of v;;. n. Rumpf 90.95 acres described in Deed as contc:ining GO.25 acC'es ~l'ej, Janl1ary 23, 1950, fronl Tony Hillert, et ux, to 'lal~er ['. Kochl",r, ,;nd recor'l~d in '.10. 2975, pa~es 32(;-1, Deer] Records of Bexas County, Texas. The Sc1id 90.95 acres is out of 11.S. Bennett C:urvey 75, Abstract (,1, County Block 5057 aryl the said 21.1.).8 ;_cres fronts on the south sU.e of' Scbeffer Road, ,bout 15 miles in an easterly direction fr0f<1 the Court House in T1exar Count;" Texas, and beini'; morp. po;rticulcwly des::-ribe 1 c;o; follm'Js, to- it: T<;GI?iXII,T:'; 'ltcn i!','n ~ pipe on t,he sout.h line of Schelefi'<o:r Ro(d an1 bein:; t.he north':i2st corner of the 7,. H. Rumpf CJO.95 acres, a;l,j bejn~ 2:~JJ.7 feet south 60j,c:;reo,s 02 rr,~:Jl)+es~ast/;09.10 feet to an iron pi ,e, the ncrtheast corner of this tract; TrRNC~ south 4S deErees 59 minutes east, 1'249.10 feet to an iron pipe, the ,southeccst ciDrner 0:' "',hie; trcv~t; 'T1HSN~ qjth fenc~e south f-il ie 3rees 12 minutes \-Jest 974.52 fe;t to an iron )ipe,nl-, h'" \-Jest line of Seli'i 90.95 acres tract, the southr;Jest corner of this tr~lct; '-::'InW;7, with fence alon:,,; t.he Hest line of said 90.95 acres tract, north 29 de? ..:r',es 59 minutes TNest 1171+.5h feet +,0 the pbce of becinnin~. f'ASSSD ,!\\TD APPROIRD 'T'ETS }'fj,Y 15, 1971. Is/t/ RQ_v -,~. Richard Roy -.J. Rich,lrd, r,!ayor '-1 ATT~ST: i I Js/t/ Robert C. Bueker , Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary APPROTID: ATT~ST: d6d~ / Ci fy' Se cretR,ry Ha~~ }IINlJTU;S OF THU; l,;--;;r;:TI?TG (IF TE3 CITY COUNr::IL, GI'iOY OF S CHC;;RTZ, TIXAS h~ID ON YillY 25, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened ;:;+, the direction of l'Iayor Roy ~'l. Richard at 8:00 p.m. Al:iermen in attendar;ce T,rere }Irs. Boubie 1. Ke'ch, Er. Jir:nnie V. Dunham, 1':1'. Raymond G. KO,ym, Er. Robert "":. Schwartz and 1:1'. Leon R. Ch,uil::1]ess. Discussion ,p!3S held on the 1972 fisc,:,l buiget for the city. Other items including bond issues, subdivision ordinance revision and violation of zoning re~ulJtion "rere not discuss8d due to time. j,nother special mee ti:lg was called for June 1 at 7:30 p.m. to continue the above i1;:,;c:mda items. A PPF:C'v"'ED : ATTEST: ~ Clty Secretary }~a'eou/~