cc-06-03-1971 247 HINlFES OF '1'h"3 1~~TIHG OF Tr'IS CITY C01JNCIT. CITY OF SGHi;RTZ. TSXAS, IIS1,D ON JUNe<; J. 197:h The rt=>gul"'r meetin:.~ of the City C:ouncil conv~ned at the :hrection ai' !,:ayor Roy -.J. Richa.rd Vo -~ _ at G: 00 p.m. in City E211. Aldermen in atteniance included F1'~. 30 ,'.,ie IL. Koch. Hr. JirrL'nie V. Dunham. Hr. Raymond :]. Eoym. hr. Leon R. Chc,1:1iJ]ess and :':1'. n.obert ~. Sch'.Jartz. l'Iinutes of the meetings of the city council held on l':ay 6. I'lay 15. hay 25 ond June 1 were read and approved without change. Letter from the Citi~ens Advisory Cormnittee requesting the apoointment of l-:r. Helvin Krahm as a member i-TaS read and arv,roved follovring motion by Er. Sc:m;::,rtz. lP~l/1' seconded by Er. Dunham and voted on unanimously. The bx roll for 19711"8s presented by the Boer,), of Equ:dizat 'on with :m assessed 'falue of $7,377.766.00 and acc~':;t,?d, "liter motion by Ill'. Schwartz. seconded by 1-:1'. Koym LP3,'11 and voted on four:to nOpe (Mr. Dunham abstaining). In compli2nce with city ordinance227 enacted on K::y 6, 1971 au thorizir.g the 3P pointment of hio additional members to the Zoning and PlanninG Cormr,ission, the names of Charles L. Sh:,rp. Johnny J. ;,{oodward 2nd Richard H. l.:ansfield were nominated to fill the positions. By vote of the council ffi8T!bers, 1:1'. Shorp and Er. Hansfield were appointed to the positions fol101ving motion by Hr. Junham. seconded by l-lr. Schwartz and voted 4,'11 on uncmirnously. lD r I In r8s90nse to a request for contract rene,,Jal by Hr. ~;,Jesterrnann. Texas Secui'ities Corp. motion ,rJas made by }Irs. Koch. seconded by 1-11'. Dunham and voted on unanimously u5-'7f to give a "vote of c~m:t'idence" t:> the COrfJOrati::m imd 1,':1' _ r;Jestc:~rmann rather thun reneH a contract that is b~lsed on a consulting fee. The questio,n of use of city ~vater for the city park was discus:,ed and a rate of / $.JO per 1. ;()O gallons affixed as the charge rate following mo+~ion by Er. Koym, t.,(J0 sec~md by l'Irs. Koch and voted on unanimously. A permanent con4~ract for handling billins and O&H for the Schaefer Rural ROi d ':later System was discussed and tabled follor/linG the recomnendation that the President of the System 2nd the city utilities Superintendent be present for conference. City Secretary was instructed to vrrite parties concerned and set the meeting for June 10. Discussiop was held on the removal of trailers located at the A. J. Plouch Texaco Stution 0n F:( 7'"' cmd at the Starlite Theater as being in violation of the zoning or-:iinance. It<~m vias tabled p8njing furth8r investif~ation following motion by Er. /01,11 Dunham. second by Er. Koym and voted on four to zero (Hr. Char'rlbless abstaininG). It 1rJas r9corrul1end.ed thClt 211 new subdivision plats submit+,ed. for a ,'orovCil by the 20nin2; ';rd Planning Commission be revie,'Jed by the city utilities dP:J2 tr1'mt and the fir8-:e ;.lartwmt:>rior to a cce 'Jbmce. jlPFE1.cr\r~D : A rr~k;S T: '-j _,~t~ Cltyl S~e tary :;jlVL~J ~~ I'~