cc-05-25-1971 245 TI-IENcP: S 30 degrees E 660 varas to cc; corner of a fcm.::-e, the ~ corn"r of s;::ii 200 acre tract; TH":NA S 60 'le~~rees H' 642 varas to a stake for the south corn~r; "'~"':tJGS N 30 de Tees 1i! 1';60 varas to a stake in the north\'Jest Ii n'? of the oric;inal sur'Jey'!68, Torribio Herrera for the "rest corner of this +,r;;ct; Tln:JC~ with the said northT,rest 1in") N 60 degrees ~ 642 varas to the r1d"'" of Op'r};irmin', consistine:; of' 75 acres of 13nd, more or less, this beinc; part of the S,"m(" len1 s811 0 Walter Hoffman hy Gustav Hoffman, by ieed dated ~,Jovember 14, 191'1-. TRf,CT '3 (Nichol,~s;\. Chronis cmd Kathleen :1. Chronis (21.43) acres: \ certiin tract of land' c()ntaining 21.48 acres out of thC'~ nc:,rth 'est 9;,rt of v;;. n. Rumpf 90.95 acres described in Deed as contc:ining GO.25 acC'es ~l'ej, Janl1ary 23, 1950, fronl Tony Hillert, et ux, to 'lal~er ['. Kochl",r, ,;nd recor'l~d in '.10. 2975, pa~es 32(;-1, Deer] Records of Bexas County, Texas. The Sc1id 90.95 acres is out of 11.S. Bennett C:urvey 75, Abstract (,1, County Block 5057 aryl the said 21.1.).8 ;_cres fronts on the south sU.e of' Scbeffer Road, ,bout 15 miles in an easterly direction fr0f<1 the Court House in T1exar Count;" Texas, and beini'; morp. po;rticulcwly des::-ribe 1 c;o; follm'Js, to- it: T<;GI?iXII,T:'; 'ltcn i!','n ~ pipe on t,he sout.h line of Schelefi'<o:r Ro(d an1 bein:; t.he north':i2st corner of the 7,. H. Rumpf CJO.95 acres, a;l,j bejn~ 2:~JJ.7 feet south 60j,c:;reo,s 02 rr,~:Jl)+es~ast/;09.10 feet to an iron pi ,e, the ncrtheast corner of this tract; TrRNC~ south 4S deErees 59 minutes east, 1'249.10 feet to an iron pipe, the ,southeccst ciDrner 0:' "',hie; trcv~t; 'T1HSN~ qjth fenc~e south f-il ie 3rees 12 minutes \-Jest 974.52 fe;t to an iron )ipe,nl-, h'" \-Jest line of Seli'i 90.95 acres tract, the southr;Jest corner of this tr~lct; '-::'InW;7, with fence alon:,,; t.he Hest line of said 90.95 acres tract, north 29 de? ..:r',es 59 minutes TNest 1171+.5h feet +,0 the pbce of becinnin~. f'ASSSD ,!\\TD APPROIRD 'T'ETS }'fj,Y 15, 1971. Is/t/ RQ_v -,~. Richard Roy -.J. Rich,lrd, r,!ayor '-1 ATT~ST: i I Js/t/ Robert C. Bueker , Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary APPROTID: ATT~ST: d6d~ / Ci fy' Se cretR,ry Ha~~ }IINlJTU;S OF THU; l,;--;;r;:TI?TG (IF TE3 CITY COUNr::IL, GI'iOY OF S CHC;;RTZ, TIXAS h~ID ON YillY 25, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council convened ;:;+, the direction of l'Iayor Roy ~'l. Richard at 8:00 p.m. Al:iermen in attendar;ce T,rere }Irs. Boubie 1. Ke'ch, Er. Jir:nnie V. Dunham, 1':1'. Raymond G. KO,ym, Er. Robert "":. Schwartz and 1:1'. Leon R. Ch,uil::1]ess. Discussion ,p!3S held on the 1972 fisc,:,l buiget for the city. Other items including bond issues, subdivision ordinance revision and violation of zoning re~ulJtion "rere not discuss8d due to time. j,nother special mee ti:lg was called for June 1 at 7:30 p.m. to continue the above i1;:,;c:mda items. A PPF:C'v"'ED : ATTEST: ~ Clty Secretary }~a'eou/~